mm me rune Home Al gamed Raul trim wen 5m Prwm Church Imon March was largely ll by Mmmnd con mm Georg Chum landed Rev if Kev Utopia and Wmn Inna Dlm gt Wilson in Wilson Ernest M0 for can 9e son George Purchase Eigin Blake El 0d Dunn um One Of Old Raulan than no bits II with them There just isnt any of Add ark in their liueorfocrt much lOf Alllon Passes 3AA Andrew Tumbull 87 2m weekunmade of the main needed lings One of Milton oldest dihedral We of discussion was teen Thou too Miss Jackson felt that Friends and relatives were cm from Tillmnburg lilcks Many beauflful floral IributeslSIraIford Barfi 313mm Pm spoke of the high esteem of the de rose Utopia Baxter and Allist xxrxufnc Jan 23 CPI Mrs Andrew Turnbull passed away Kiss Darth Jackmn superinten dent of the CA5 in Battle Midland and Oriilln attributed portage pebblems mainly to lack of Suitable housing accommodation and proper Mmalinml facilich for teen agers throughout flue country Look into any leakage probl lent she said and youll find ml the majorin of cases that the youngsters live in crowded amm modation sometimcs as many as eight people in two rooms How can thosechlldren do their home work properly or how can they bring any of their fricnds homo slinmuuo All MY PiflENDS Ascur SAN nous on l1 in EVER SEEM Wright Cleaners Ltd for better kind of dry cleaning PHONE 5531 Guaranteed 11mstme EDIFoRpgijpgf Ed TRUST FUNDS were found to be caused by dif tbere was lack in communltles as whole of places where teenagar can spend their leisure time con slructlvely The Barrie superintendent did not feel that money was one of the major causes of teenage trouble Rather she maintained that chil dren today generally speaking were not taught how to spend thclr money or how to live on an allowance and stick to that allow Rnce But at the same lime she Stated that teenagers today were no wor5c than lccnagers of five 10 or 15 years ago Today they just have more ways by which to draw nttcnliun to themselves she add cd and lhcy travel around more today in cars than they cvcr did before Another major cause of teenage problems in her opinion was World War II which resulted in parents bolh mothers and fathers in many cases being separated from their children for as long as five or six years That in itsolf caused irreparable damage she said Present at the conferench from Barrie in addition to Miss Jackson wcrc Torry OBrien Mrs MacPhcrson Mrs Scott and Mrs Jeanne Fry Miss Jacksons address was given at the teenago workshop on Fri day which she chaired Master Sleds Track Gremlins In Merchandise MONTREAL March 24 CP Thlrly chemists 20 technicians and 30 helpers and administrators re the master sleuth of an organiza tion hcre tracking down such of fenders as rings in nylon stock ings paint blisters and limp col lon to the front The Week in Ottawa Speclally Written For The Barrie Examiner by KEN KELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA April c155 The opposition parties in parliament won their hearts desire last week chance to show their views on foreign policy and in the process by to show up the government The big foreign policy debate might be said to have begun dur ing the throne debate earlier this session But External Affairs Min islcr Pearson launched it serious ly March 21 In launching the debate Mr Pearson clearly outlined Canadas military commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty He also look the opportunity to deny the Atlantic pact has fallen under mil itary conlrol allhdugh be admit ted its progress on nonmilitary cooperation was disappointing Mr Pearson listed Comidas mil They are the exports operating the Canadian Industries Ltd cen tral research laboratory at Beloeil Qua and they are gamblers too The direclor Harris re gards Lhc labs work as gamble of cash agalnst time Sometimes re search projch will take years and end in blank and other times it will pay off in articles and pro cesses that contribute to graceful living Currently there are 150 projects under experiment in more than dozen laboratories and Mr Harris says he will be happy if one out of 10 is successful One project super enamel has just passed four years of tests and paid off in finish for stoves and other household appliances which have ceramiclike surfaces Cotton ReSearch Another gamble that paidoff was treatment lo keep cotton fabrics from going limp on the first laun dering Research took several years but the result isa filler pro cess which keep cottons at 50 per cent of original crispness after 20 launderings The rings in nylon stockings ference of fabric now isolated Blisterless paint is in sight with another series of studies new use for cellulose sponges is being found by one of the railroads Thls year the sponges are bemg used in the journal boxes oI coach running between Montreal TEN YEARS Jpliann Gutenberg in 1456 ltary commitments as $324000000 in arms and air training for Eur ope for the yearstarting April $27500000 to be spent on mllilary costs in Europe itself In that year 12 fighter squadrons three ycar contribulibn instead 10 the 11 previously agreed 10 and one army brigade Generally the criticism lacked the rancor that marked the ex changes belugeen MrPedrsoxisond the members of the CCF ringgthe throne speech debategd yvas whenlhe CCE saldNTvaas dominated by the military and MrgPearson replied that the CCF were giving comfort to the Gom munisls with such talk Formosa Wagdings Gordon Graydon Progressive Conservative member for Peel clashed with the External Affairs minister on the question of Can adas posillon with regard For mosa That is the Island off the Chinese mainland ndwoccupied by the Chinese Nationalist govern ment In addition ColdWell CCF Leader criticized Mr Pearson as chalrmanof the NATO council for and Sherbrookeh Que They are Working out finecnd may replace the cotton wool waslcused to pack the bones While these projecls are keeping the scientists buSytheIe is anolher chore which lssomething of labor of love This is pilotplam miniature of the factory width may eventually spraw1 overdoiens of acres In it chemists andtengmeemco operate in studying and testingrfhe materials that will go into 113com structlon and meeting in advance difficulties that might not other3 wise appear until the plant itself was started Among the matiersunder study are the remoyal of fumes from smokein the proposed plant and the type oflsleel which Willstand up best in chemical plant BIG= COUNCIL QUEBEC cer Nearlyezw young Canadian WOrkars belong to the Roman Catho organization which celebrating its 20th anniversary netifSeptem ber Arally will be held at Cap de la Madeleine to mark theannls versary PRINTEDBIBL WITH TYPE The first Blble printed from movable type wiISconIpletcd by lions Labor Youth is as no cuuu Si mun CHURCH out by mimcograph in this $550000 000 Aluminum Company of Canada project by James Ross of Sas katoon field accountant for the con structlon firm The paper contains lwo or three pages and is called Casey Says When reduced to two pages editor explains that the company needed paper for directives Typical item Occupants of Abunkhouse on Wharf Road decldcd smith shop sr cunrsmornsns CHAPEL is the Romain Calliope Church at Camp Borden Interior view lookinglfrom the back Opposition Parties Give Views on Government Foreign Policy being tardy in clearing up the fact that many of the 50 divisions for Europe would be reserve units The 50 divisions dor General Els cnhowers NADO army were glv on considerable publicity at the conclusion of the pact council meet ing in Lisbon recently Mr Caldwell said the only longrange way to win peace is by feeding the hungry of the world Mr Pearson said the Progress ive Conservatives look the stand that Formosa should not be re turned to Red China at any time He called this an unwise position The government stand was that it should NOT be returned while China waged aggressive war In Korea but that once the war was over then Formosas future should be discussed as part of thesetlle ment Mr Grayddn relorled that Mr Pearsons statement made him wonder whether the government does not intend that Formosa should go to Red China once Korean truce comes If so that was dangerous policy Maigfc Phrase But the words that worked more magic with the farmer 1th any ofthose in the foreign policy de bate concerned price support for po and beef here were indications here that the government will suggest plappf price support for beef thighweek The plan liker will come out during meetingA of provincial agriculture minlsters here in connection with lnler provincial livestock trade restric The government aheady has heard request from the Prairie Farmers Union for floor price of 28 cents apound on top grade beef wifb proportionate price for other grades Tbe group also took up the price of wheat asking that under any new Internalllonal Wheat Agreement first is egotiated they receive ceiling of $235 bushel plus carrying charges and floor of $180 bushel Present prices are $180 basis No northern at the lakehead with floor of $130 8nd $120 forjthe next crop year beginning Aug The Farm union also suggested that the domestic tprlcc be sep araled frothat of the Interna tional wheat agreement$215 bushel lnsled of the present$180 That suggestion didnt meet with much favor from Trude Minister Howe who will send delegation to the April 17 meetlng InVLOndon 01fl Vthe Inletpational Wheat Coun leqtock Restrictions Meanwhile Alberta and Brftish Columbia continued to sine back and forth about the Pacic coast provinces ban on livestock and meals from scuthem Albertaim posed because or footandrmouth dlSease iii southern Saskatchewaln Relaxation of such embargoes like ly will be on cpndltlon the federal government makes if it brings in best price support plan Some measure of support for pork came as result of governs menl offer to buy cannedpork at approximately 038 cents abound The offer was an attempt to direct Canadas meal surplus info can ning factories jIhe aubplus which continuum growwas cabled by the disruption of marketing aiga rosult of the Uni ted States embargo on Canadian livestock and meal and the inter provlnelalembsrgoes You Nanzfo Fix Sludy Amulfuvgwmjg lo bar four and slxleller words in their abode between and 10 ipm Utter silence ensued and the experiment has bccn abandoned Describing makeshift black The nrchltccts In lune with its rustic sctting formed lhls elegant structure from native woods lnnalural finlslIunSpollcd unplanned and unsawh Concclvcd in delirium erected in desperation Slicclcd in cloudbursis and extend cd in righteous rage this edifice may be founrfslanling drunkenly at our busiest intersection About the mythical Casey More than little livcrisli friendly as cornered rattlesnake Wears his string hair pasted to his pointed head chdy mouslaclic and Ihcumy eyes are striking features of his face if one is to ignore the complexion which has improved to the point where it now may be de scribcd as only ghastly WiIIibPPblice Say Bullalo Coal Heavy and Bulky WINNIPEG March CPWin nipcgs fashionconscious cops are objecting to winlcr styles enforced by the department Their main trouble is the skin off the back of the buffaloweighing anywhere from 1520 pounds If the loud gels heavy enough to drop into the laps of police commission members it might mean theend of familiar sight on Winnipeg streets Winnipegs police say they dont want something more sharp or eye catching Complaining officers just want coat that is lighter and cas icr to wear The temperature here this win ter had much to do with the prob lem Blasts of air swirling down wide Portage Ave were more spring breezes to residents Dlsgrunfld policemen claim the buffalo coals hav these disadvan tages Besides being too heavy thehide stiffcns when cold making the coat uncomfortable andawkward No Good in Chase To chase criminal an officer must first takeoff the coal or he daughter Mrs lhomas Roxburgb ESL Pauls Om after an illness of only 10 days She was recovering when thrombosis developed caus ing her sudden passing Mrs Turnbull the former Agnes lYool daughter of the late Robert lland Isabella Hendcrson Yool was lborn in March 1385 on lot 12 con iccS3lonf Essnxlownship the farm Inow owned by the Blanchard fam lily few years later with her gparcnls She moved to Mulmur lTownship where She attended Primrose School On March 31 1887 she was mar riedto Andrew Turnbull of Essa ilnwnship They took up farming on the fourth line of Essa on the ifarm now owned by Sid Holland and continued forming until the time of their retirement to Allislon lin 1921 Mrs Turnbull had been an active member of Baxter Presbyterian Church and life member of the WMS and continued in her church activities in the Presbyterian Church in Allislon lfer dicdon March 10 1936 Surviving are three sons Ormic Robcrl and Hector of Risa Town ship and four daughters Mrs Thomas Roxburgb Isabella St Pauls Mrs John Roxburgh Vio lct St Pauls Station Mrs Herald Irwin Beatrice Shclburnc and Mrs Gordon King Jean Hickson Ont yTherc are 12 grandchildren and fivc greatgrandchildren Mrs Turnbull was the last mem bcr of family of six Two bro thers Pctcr of Primrose and Rob ert of MonoCcnlrc and three sis tors Mrs William Agnew Isabel Portage La Prairie Mrs David Holt Janet Alberta and Mrs James Irwin Jane Mono Centre prcdcccascd her The funeral which was held doesnt stand chance The coats are so bulky that cruisercur police have to wear lighter clolh coals Otherwise two men couldnt get into the front seat However officers are quick to admit that the buffalo coat has an oulslanding psychological effect The lowering sight of policeman in the coat is enough to freeze criminal in his tracks Complainants suggest substitution of coonskin coats long leather coats with fur collars or coat of the station wagon type The present buffalo robe comes from herds at Wainwright Alto and is bought through aWlnnipcg department slqre Winnipegsfincsl until the win for of 1924 were pounding beats dressedin soft coon coals Some were later issued goal skin coats fondly described as Chinese plucked beaver In 1950 Winnipeg police got rid of the tall Peeler helmet named after the first London bobbies re lcruiled by Sir Robert Peel It was replaced by peaked cap BARRII DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION it $2M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLAPPIIRTON WORSLEY 81s Rm=SpeCIal Speakel fIRrv GORDON HOLMES my Bph of Stayner Baptist Church Members of tile Barrie and DIStrlct MllilSterialAssocl atloiiwlll takepart In Iheservlce This service brosdcastthrough the courtesy of radio station CKBB CHURCH nevi dePENCIER WRIGHT Rebtor EASIER DAY IIOLYCOMMUNIoN sumqu amI Morning Subjeol on 11 am THE RISER CHRIST Wsnicer fir Childish manning RISIng WSubltct After Mall What RSI BAPTISICHURCHK husband Organ Minister REV LEWIS MA 51 isl md Chums coon TUFFOBD EASTER SERVICES Preludes Piano and Organ lnlroitl By Early Morning Light Anilicm llcard Great Offertory Anthem Christ Scrmou Sunday April 13 1952 Morning Servite mm Miss Edna Theodore ATOM at he piano ITraditional 1675 Voice Cobb he Lord is Given Again Tlllmall The Glory Of Easter In Spiritual Stone Age The Church School 945 uniJunior Intermediates Senior Dcpts Scrmon Out Of The Darkness by 1100 aidNursery Beginners Primary Dcpts 300 pmlhc Adult Bible Class Evening Service pm Inlroil This Joyful Easlcrlidc Dutch 1686 Pdrlion of Paris II and III of The Messiah including The Hallelujah Chorus Handel Soloisls Mrs Taylor Mr Alfred Shepherd Mr Victor Knox CENTRAL mum CHURCH EASTER SERVICES Mrs Bishop and SoloThe Holy Hour CHURCH ll amBcginncrs and Primary pmScnior School omMoming Worship The Way the Master went His Resurrection Music Anthems If aiman Die All in an April Evening Ladies ChorusJoyous Easter Tide DuctI Walk 10day when Jesus Walked Mr Robert Pu rkcr pmEvening Worship Personalities of the Passion Joseph of Arimathea Music Anthems By Early Morning Light In Josephs Lovely Garden Ladies ChorusAn Easter Carol Mrs Bishop SCHOOL 230 pmJunior and IntermedialeDeparlments COME TO GODS HOUSE ON HIS DAY I2====R CollierSf Baptist Church Independenu REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY APRIL 13 1952 EASTER SERVICES 11 am MORNING WORSHIP The Lords Supper pmBIBLE SCHOOL pmEVENING WGISHIP The Resurrection of The Lord Jesus Special Easier Music Visilors Cordially Welcome SAINT GEORGES Church of England ALLANDALE RECTOR Rev Newlon78mith Good Friday Service pm EASTER DAY 830 amHoly Communion 1100 mumHoly Communion and Sunday School pmlloly Baptism v7 pm Easter Carol Service FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 18 MULCASTER ST Affiliated With the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev Warriner Minlsler SUNDAY SEBvIcEs Special East Service Sunday Seltoob 1915 All ms 10 um morning Worship11 In Evangelistic SOWEQ Roman gt1 Acordlal welcome awaits you here FREEMETHODI cuuRcu 200 Bayfleld St SUNDAY pm and pm WELCOME St AndreWs Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON EA Minister ALLAN WINSLADE Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY APRIL 13 1952 EASTER SERVICES HahnEASTER SIGNPOST no pinsHIRE APOSTLES CREED believe in the Life Everlasting The Minister at both services THE CHURCH SCHOOL ll amNursery Primary Junior and Intermediate Deparlments 1215TeenAgers Bible Class of BURTON AVENUE UNITEDCHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister Organic MR mom DEMPSEY EASTER SUNDAY SUNDAY APRIL 13 1952 10 amSunduy School 11 amBelnnors Dopt II aimMum Worship Because He Lives Too Shall Live rimAbe Life of Christ in Story and Song Glorious Easter Music at both ser vices 2DmrSunduy SchooI MEaSMrSetvlc Enter into His Courtskwith praise cHRIerAuTSCIERcE SFW5 114m The Salmon Arm oucomnnsr 5r Major hMLierif snie 32 SUNDAYAPRIIL 13 1952 umHOLIISESSfMEEIING Anselm Lamnob 230 pmrsunpAv pmcArvAnou mm