Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1952, p. 13

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MY FUND IRMA jQMAITHt 1510mm we KlTYEN YOU save ME LAST YEAR asbaosv1vhmuohsoatusnogosco1 NEWS or INTEREST TO JUNIOR mama ma Hi CLUBS at avvvv 04 WMJall0W4J004W9 vWWenfg BY ALLEN FRANCIS Rituitiett ltlll Biiltitlll Max Boa ic lil bitula hilirttm Junior iatnier 515 in eXtuutae acid iieeting at the It II IMHL II buII OI IdI I0 Agrieuitttzal Other in Allhlil if of or and announce that all Eat Lear president II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII xlidliglkllln hate been made Junior Farmers in booth sitar0e lrllll to altetil an obtain Lek or mgr went soREIBut now 81 Chm eis lhrough their local club II II II II II W11 HEWON Apougmeuavmom f3t123i2liJififii$f3 ls HERE 10 VY m0 armers it Netthan of the Ontario llttl tztis Wit present and outlined III II NOIBINE PAIVIIIN ilie lltltflli dens ltl Sillng to Cl me WI ill eiuiies for the county Thy Nelsons one at the members and plenty Of Wimp my hm mkmg ml Alter the usual lll$llltgt Cleve IN IN MI Uh mksmum Uf latzon introduced the lltIlllCl Spors and Stems James MtDermott local farmer llth bloat tlinits hath yQUrself look It will lulnnswu mm lUI who had lost returned from tiil ilt more information on thei 311 hum Uimi ll mll Mmlnblli In Ii 11 wing back lltllllt alter years lull Allllwgh ll cmnmim in Canada lni found consider llll ml em 6mm dim heable changes not oiil With pe0 elzziie klil lie held around the last pm mum had kmmn hm Ilf MM the development lie said the Irish werent lto fa nin with IIIWIWf IIWIITIIl uE IImI behind our ways as we think lie ea 5e Vice II Hm lm IMMMHH 1L stated that farming methods are ATOM BLAST KILLED 30000 John Paylor Trophy Mr Tay on your emuch the same onlv the farms lift ll Lx olfieially estimated that lor one of Allistons lewellcrs ller and the equipment is Clothes foo 80000 WON klllttl tn the atomic nalt donated trophy to be award in bomb explosion at lliroshima in II ed to the player voted the most fluLI mHu rm ioflm Im limb illl and Mrs wllhnm and lot of the small tUlllnlltal 1945 valuable player lll the Jumor II II III oll lhlltti trends in loronto FI II IkII III III cais are used for tiattl Jas otcr there costs about $1 gallon After his most desuiptive talk ing in tip top shape by depending on our excellent dry retl GORDON LINDbAY brim tracts vtstlors just as much as the 41ml manuizrz of each team will gt Wool Growers Organization Flowers Among Vegetables lfl0WL plots so if Vlnwllm make 13mm Hum 11h Silent submit their chotee as tlte most= il kin icttire and ClltlSi IFQW vegetables look well monglit really dressy we can select froml Hlmd hm hm valuable player and also lllcllIILIIIw tilt 130 mp The flowers but there are lotlthe seed catalogue some of thei 11 RUdWID and Llllml CHOW Olll 0f ll Playerlt4 llreltitid Jim was thanked by of flowers that not only decommltaller and bushler annual uworwfillltlltll Joanne and Bryan To must be from team other than hilf taw vegetable garden but are beslrand use these as hedges belrwnronto spent Sunday with the lat their own The rst choice vtlllsmikv Mtvmd puKUp DELIVERY DIAL 2885 IJunioi Farmers SHIP COLLECFTO grown there ltlie main dwrstons ol Vegetablesllw Pillllm MI imtl MIS JON THY 901 ml FUNNY Wm lctlclllon wulldrd our Regmtued warehouse Gladiolus eel peas and othl great many experienced gardlwulkr1 up one point lhe plaItcr wmnmltlI very enjoyable evuunlg 5570 WWW ich now 10 ll 11 in the most ioints wrll lll the Tav rs that art rd for cutting or HI illMIN Mllli Mr Jack ltL lotonto mvmnc Reliable Grading ibouquets be grown most 70115 their gladiolus in rows in the egslieit the weekend with their liar rll The M9 lemme For Prmnng Needs The Borne Examn Direct Settlement ily and in quantity among the ame mmen The NY YOURE Urli mm me mm more gt itlv cultivated and dusted doubleheader before the semi Show or It lcgtablw Plmls Willi many mom CN Lalbra tli mt at trillion iilargsicrsroand Nmwonderful blooms but plain 101 and in most parts of Canada it lb km sun llllllS AS 110 ltiltlllc SlimdS 11W AIRIL 11 Rmmd lm iitlhiv SPENCER Thornton liage should go there more my 9mm 130 mdliuli lino1 Mild Br Uh him iiiimiii of mm mos nowunv strand lpleasing picture will result where tlei Cold TCVG mm cm or it it min Robertson lthcsc flowers are grown along the mm one doesnt read mud vi Wim fourth mm Ivy mm The 11 Mill ll oriay writini direct to cdge of the Vegetable plot orjust about italdenim or listen to many Mcmn WNW had Winning ltilm Will ILCtin lltltTlm0 li CANADIAN COOPERATIVE fl talks before One iswudviwd use misfortune to fill from chair on Chuck CamS lmpllyI 510 MlllSlltd battlldl llh W001 GROWERS LIMITED elm aloInfguiltZ bitikveflhcgiL well rotted manure lt sotiiidsjrldiw ml hmk mm MI and hirs Walter MCMIIijmL 217 Bay Street Toronto Canada wlauy prize vegetable garden at line but the trick for the city Mr and Mrs McLean are Annual At Home IVEin MCMICS and suburban gardener is to gCliSlOtlllllg week with friends in Tickms for the annual Scum XIII 13IdIVIIIl$IIgmdiqug ImnI $35103 3312ianciell latNimmbmg ISiineoe Junior Farmer At Home Blfidet 3mm day willlhltll mull lo bl ll ll um lsllsLPCS Er Finis to Euchre MK 5311 The Mrs Walter McMaekon LS no no dance this 53 i5 md Min Mr and Mrs Norman Klinck aiidl mullzer we have gt911 $00 md Ml HHJV Rm 0mm time Melody and the setting isal Vlanpl vad substitute in humus This 15 slmpllilllltd Ithc Mixed lattehrc Club on IIII 13 mm ly the rened and garden name chlhtirsday last The host took mm 5Pm Sunday llh mil give to well rotted vegetable mat CllttlC of entertainment in his 115 melt WlKn Vimtt comes MrV DlCkVOlh ter such as leaves grass clippingsual good manner All had manyilllilill Baseball Executive weeds and even clean garbage like jolly moments lone hands and of ProEaster Scrvlecs llgls baseball Cm held FCC orange rinds potato peclings car course cuchres too Its all in that Joint lireEaster week services mg Monday mght March Cm Wth endomnwmuhme SWIMW rot tops corn husks etc The cx game These last rounds with the will be held Wednesday and Thurs new II eiecullve Was pmemed Cash onyoursignatum only perlenced gardener never throws men taking over have caused aday evenings in the Anglican and Savige presdem Fight Call with upto24 monthsto repay these in the garbage pail or iiigood deal of fun and merriment anleresbyterinn churches at pm Ve9rcsdemi RIOlmfon phone ormpmmdayl cincrator He piles these in proved that good sports never grow and on Good Friday morning at 11 nd vcepresldemi WIDDL 59 heap at the back of the garden beold Mrs Hammond and Ain the Unith Church The pas mmtleasum hind Isome IsIhrubbcryI over each Freeman were prize winners forltors Rev James Dorrian rRev Tasltjclhgggitsrciurggf STEIN new aye sprca some fine the evening This bein the fintB Cooke Beeton and Rev l1 soil Once in while he will ish of the season we all hope toDukel will have Charge seating on Easter caittata1LEver fork the pile over to mix thorough alastmg Life on Sunday night Apr iv and he will wet thoroughlv 13 at oclock gt Tl etabi tt Drama Monday NightN meitsvggd rot arrilda 11$ walla mtgl Churchill TYPU areprcscntingff mm no phgn5529 ture becomes line rich loam which ldrama Simon the cher which is wonderful Imaterial to dig ltook first prize in Simcoc Presby IAIN ONT into any type of soil and especial ltery on Monday April in the chum BRANCN55 MiniuogoSirunmoundohm 2394 13 healy Clay 01 gm sand If Church at The E83 mumwmmm mmmmmmm mm there is no place for humus itcrIcantata Will be repeated by the pile one can Simply bury all thisII United Church choir refuse directly in me galdell The Lasallc Red Clover has beerpa cross tVelvet Olli OAC 21 thing away that will lotI varieties of the foundation stocks was made in 1933 and selection Cultivation Destroying weeds of similar characteristics from this cross was further cross is only one Of the 350115 for CUI Ottawa doublecut red clover and ed Willi OAC 21 in 1937 It iS kes Blg tivation The big gain is the im old gardener will not throw any licensed in order to avoid too many The original cross of Velvet Olli eria Woman 7l Dollard red clover were physically 610W9di semielect Spiked type 0f orentitlirerrit on carat if Error mixture was licensed for sale inlWlt DUTPE Inge 90 ma 111 lg lYDneieal0 151 Ipteheopcelgy sprigslhrgaleciietlhse 8531 Canada as LasalleI ity It has midseason maturity Flasher inspired perhaps by Quee Ta mull that is far above ordinary in accumfy mg The descr ton of the lov datei it is 35mm to 10050 smut Marys Carpet has in complete emancc Tlicn ask our ewellcr to Show an R0 ex an mifibigbd iglgu$01Loglgliig asiOIlows lgllEarlv or dgublilctist and Odmlexy CSismm to 5mm huge 001 rug begun 18 0th VTudorpPOvster sristwatchzs Tiev are completeylywatcrproof 23d will dry out muhmore Slow type lb Blossom heads range my 3g dustprool and of course supremely accuratehbcautihll in dr weather from White through pink to dark It 150 mdmely SStant to T1 huge 1g hked ll dcsimed by Swisseraftsmento aive voualilctimc ofriglit tinie yChemigal minus with mm in color We Seed cowimIcommori rootrot However it is wool yarn on special canvas manure scarce gardeners have somEWhat more dark purple color susceptible to covered Smut and three sections each three by 12 false loose smut also powdch mil feet In her vounael years Mm turned more and more to chgml than usual With commerCial red eat fertilizers These are clean clover Some resistance to dew and leaf FleShel made many hOOREd rugs Fort has been tested at the anticquilts out this was herfirsIt Sisymigleui gdthggg 3513 aigtnfseorgfrafg Branch Experimental Stations in attempt at large scalc work eats nitrogen phosphoric acid and and comparative high yielding Easmm Canada SF 1947 and Rolex Watch Company of Canada MM potash with the proportions of both for forage seed This weStgm canada the WWW The Irmwagdv River Emma 80 Richmond Street West Toronto Ontario each expressed in formulae of variety Should Be regarded as bi tests la 1949 and 1950 Three to five flows 1100 miles from Tibet to thel three figures thus 484 The rst ennlalln habit of growth though years results In Eastern CIanazu Bay of Bengal of these boosts the green growth under some conditions it behaves indicate that Fort is high yieldi above the ground and is especially as sllomlived perennial and strongstrawed while two in valuable fdl lawns lettuce cab Adapted to all regions in Canada yItIiar tavetrIzngeIin WesItern IlaIrggda huge and other leafy vegetabIES where doublecut types of red owe at it was ow yie mg The phosphoric acid encourages clover are grown and unsuitable fOlIjvesteln condi the growth of starch and sugar trons flowers and seeds Potash balanI Fort Barley Fort does not do well under dry ces the other two and helps main Fort is feed barley developed conditions The best yields and itY When vegetablesI are Stunt by the Cereal Division of the 0311 behaviour occur under more moist Nancy no longer uses this oldfashioned system In fact ed or Imishapen it is usually mall Experimental Farm Ottawa conditions and where fertility is nowadays her husband calls ltera nancial whiz Thats because Sure Sign that the 5011 15 dement and in tests was known as 302A highvand would be likely to cause she followed the advice of friends by opening Et in D0t35h amuletcm fawn This barley was licensed for sale in lodging Fort possesses good resist RING AN ARM to an audience 0f medic momdswoum Show be used carefully according Canada on March I1952jbut as once to lodging strength of straw current Account at The commerce Today have been beyondtheiwndest dreamsofambmbhsyong sing to directly and worked into the yet there is no commercial seed and for this reason is particularly Nancy writes 199 and keel trad few Yalst 330 NOW View SMdaY nixhtrth mdio Pobtgm vFlose bl OtI many available It was developed from required in Eastern Candda Of 917 Penny fwd mm Elle rCIL Singing Stars of Tomorrow otters this thrilling experience mgfgxfk gauging gzicom guinea hgiven byIIheI in to two youngroman Iandratlbwithcnicocompete for 11 horric 31nd ht foot CII musiCal awards worth over 335600 GLOBULAR ENGRAVINGS SI II Examples of the first engraving toobyreadmg ItsSimpleWheo Ia 1bular surface done in IYouIKIBQw the gilt gore terrestrial globe made II purse size booklctvgmng helpful lg 1811Iand celestial globe made tips on day to daybanking and the iollowing Ye Tfese were =r Prepared especialldetfwomen handmadeby Jameswmmmad byLheCom meme ford Vt wholaterestablished the first globe factory in the United II State can corrun The famous Burmese teal trees sometimes attain height 013120 teet from theground lathe 19west gt mMiiWu IIc1vi loseIIpoog obeauty forsoI many Iwand wonderfully Isoftandloogdastinggtootrtvails cablenowinamuctivecolours lv

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