Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1952, p. 10

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Specialized Service KOREA standing even iricd to buy her which in the mull portion Sh the Village By nightfall nearly all 192 food 15 min the Candi had ea Hello Homemokerss The barn for Always look for the imprint it miikd but IMJMW Easlrdinr bismuth ipailhf on the wrapper his or the lism mp over were put carefully aside log zhis icxiivc occasion as hot cross itself be dolcd out to tho hungry babies ups and candied eggs Gone are you can mekme bone ag mm at as long as the supply lasts dys when the meal has to he in Quiz The Village ofth Pouch Trees brined and pickled since the cured var er pm or bean saw Expert Workmanship Specral Equrpmeni Wmhmum in surng got scclor Somc 100 years ago the on when you buy smoked ham wilh Genuine replacement parts Reasonable charges Prompt attention Ph one er of ihem inward the end oil as liglnal iiong wandering lumen inanein you have choice of twp baking ime remove me mm from built his house in this beautiful lypcs cooked readyioeai or rcg Wu through 11 oven lake of ihe ohm More mutuho villa igismmlm me vane phmfmg nuinber Ofi 91 Naked How are 5mm ihe fat and stud it with whole Son Gin Hung will Cludians mm ms hm harml 3913981711309 and We lob cloves Arrange sliced doles ori there were no wordsio express tlxclml ame The mull 39 der mm QUWS 503m plumped raisins in scored slits of appreciation of his home for the emm MS mm hvmgi hm bu 00de ham fat Combine mop sugar 14 cup hcrc amid surroundings ihrii haVCl qulres healing for 15 minutes ill vinegar and tsp dry mugmm me gm the mama Ch ichnrigcd llliic during the past ccn 325 dcgtces lo bogal iis best wliilc use mg mg sauce Spoon over liiry it T981113 ham WWI l0 the lop of ham ihen return to ihuj FM we ow he Hood Man Song Cl 18 mid immums Der Pound oven at temperature 01350 Tcn Engyem g$e the three Canadians lhise bill To enjoy more frcciom from th minutes before the end of the house xhardcsl times he could rcmcm er ikilchcn you may or er comic baking period add the rcmninln The two pins gnawing 65 Not cvcn during famine did they iham which will cst about the samc sauce Eyed mwdjeemesmiptgt 33 an as hgngryfh my am 3w fas ihc cookcdh slicedd 28139 11 An interesting Easier dinner mi food wm swimmiade we The Vinilglh exist from crvcr $039 er pr mom may be Jgumd Cr 39 are omtr Captain Dan My day on food dug up from Ann it at we ean accrue urge 50me Baked Glazed Ham wnhi dump and garbage pits They aim iham for Easier Cured meat keeps Omuge sauce Mashed pommes Dunm Iatmdcr clolhing in return for lonser than 05 meal 50 the 191 Asparagus with Egg Sauce iiolis Today With iwo ioi erv Hi muons cm the soldiers over need not be served for con Maple Cusmm part3 Come mfm LCpl xm an 93 Most the young men are sexV Sseculive meals and it gives you Tea Milk HM and Armand Boummer ing with 1110 South Korean Army Egood emergency food for refrig 564 Gladone 1111 Capt PM Last year Wmthirds the eriiior raids or lunch box sand the fwd out evenly to the villagc was destroyed by artillery WWMS mage Bowen shells but now some 20 new houses one mmmasan mlsunder have been rcbuill by the hard working industrious pcopic Unable to plant their ricc pnddics lost your bccziusc their lands were in disputed territory the villagers arc making preparations for on curly seeding and harvest which will give them food Unlil then the food sent by the Guide troop supplemented furlhcr by what can ommen be scroungcd will have to be suffi of people we have served mm On our profession campe fence and business dime add lo ihe publics confi dance in our service Typical lcflovcr ham casserole dishes may be Creamed Ham and olives ovcr browned rice CubcdF Ham and Pineapple in Gingcralcl St sauce with egg noodles Ham and Cream Potato soup Casserole of Kidney buns with molasses saucel and Ham Cream Celery soup wiih shrimp and cubed Harm Tosscd 7le new ll SELTITE Salad Greens and Ham shreds with TO KEEP TOBACCO orange sections Also sandwiches omeicllcs meal loaf and split pcu Baked Ham soup 10 Always skim the fat from lhe jcliicd juice in which ham was children She decided to liquidate cooked If this is not done the the estate The farm was sold to George Rogers son of Edwin Rogers and firs cousm of the lute owner The new owner is Place ham wiped with damp Hollows W1 DRIVER JACK DOHERTY The ontario axially 01 Crlp namesake and grandson of the ori cloth on rack in an open roast APRIL 7ln spite of bad weu pied Childmn Ambulance Service delivers two patients to the email ownerd owns inuadigin inc pan Bakfhml prelltwmetit elec th and made an enjoyable cvcn Town lng farm on as some oys me even W1 ou sa va or or infirst spent at the Hollows school to mum League cerebral Palsy Nursery 8611001 Le is in his family who are prospective cover on the pan at 325 dogs with six tables of cuchre in play oanne OHanley aged and right Caml Grahamvaged farmers Incidently his father allowing 14 mins per lb About on Friday April Prize winners Edwin Rogers suffered stroke 3f minutes before end ofkbakingj were Ladies 131 Mrs Reid that Miss Jameson has undertaken two weeks ago and passed away lime remove from oven in an 2nd Mrs Siderght consolation with her many talents them win early Saturday April it Mrs add glaze Takc the rack out of Seek Op ep counse as Mrs Bowdcn gems 151 Roy be few idle moments for her In Pattons nursing home on Highway the pan rmsc oven temperature to freely as if is oilered smith 2nd William Patched con APRIL 7Ml and Mrs Me the few years of residence among 26 350 and return meal to the oven soiaiion Wright The WI booth Iniosh Wayne and Larry of 30 us she has endeared herself to us Bwd AYPA Bab or at ll Nichol sale made profit ginn were visitors with Mrs Mis by her kindness and willingness to Belhel AYPA held their meeting Note Ham may be cooked to the of over $17 Campbell and Sloan Satur helpouz wherever needed Our at the heme of Burnfield and Elira glazing stage on the day previous day FclthAL HOME Allin 155le Take Tip From hot baked ham you should get slices from lbs From the cold ham you can slice slices from lb You can buy shrink and butt cnd cuisfor lower price per pound than the full half Like all pork canned hams shouldblways be kept in the elec tric refrigerator fill may become rancid Our repuiaiion ads as sale guide for ihose inexperi enced in funeral mailers This lid hose special resilient sealing device around its imid rimhisusealnennd keeps foboccb fresh by forming an oirfighi seal which retains nofurol wish is that she will be blessed in beih Wines on March 31 The meet providing ham is removed from Great Bear Lake covers an area Mr and Mrs ivan Burke and Lois her work Miss Jamicson thanked lng Opened With the D0X108Ygl9b limping and kept in 9100 of 12200 square miles while Great spent the weekend in Halibuiion her friends for the gmmnd ex lowed by Scripture by Glen Gilpm frigcizllor mm mire paper news for 1952 See them at our shop Slave Lake is 11170squnre miles Miss Elizabeth Sturgeon Barrie was the guest of her brother Sturgeon over the weekend The Churchill curlers enjoyed night on the artificial ice at Brad ford Saturday Mr and Mrs Sloan Joan Ted and Mary Ellen spent sunday wilh Mr and Mrs Sloan Mr and Mrs Clutc Beverley and Joan spent Sunday at ll Sloans Churchill Womens institute will meet in thcCommunity Hall Tues day evening April 15 Special speaker Mrs Barbara Wheeler from CKBB St Peters The WA of St Peters met on Thursday afternoon at Mrs Lorne Maichcits with an attendance of 20 An Easter worship service was conducted under the leadership of the president One item of busi ncss was the donation of $25 to wards expenses on rectory quilt was put in the frames and completed Miss Jamieson who is going to Bishop Harden Memorial School at Moose Factory Was pie pressed her happiness while living at Churchill and joining in the life of St Peters and hoped when she was in the north cOuntry the people here would write to hei Lunch was served by the ladies 0m NEW LOWELL YPU at Mumhersons APRIL 7The YPU met atMr and Mrs Mumbersons Mono day evening Devotional was tak en by Don Goo Prayer by Rev Cook Poem by Herb Coe Read ing by Frank Orser Next meet ingin church basement in the form of social Ken Gilpin is homefrom OAC Guelph where he has sppni have years and is now taking up farm ing Death of Edwin Rogers Mrs EdwinRogers rind family have the sympathy of the commun ity in the passing of husband and father Mr Rogers passed to the Great Beyond Saturday mornihg Funeral Tuesday afternoon Aprii Remains in Family and prayer by Burnficld Wines The business part included roll call and minutes Next meeting at And rey and Glen Gilpins There was reminder of the Rally in Creemorc on May and Crokinoie Party was discussed with possible dale ofApiil 21 Gladys Arnold read poem very interesting topic The Christian and his Reading Was given by Mrs Norris The pre niation ofa gift from the Young Peoples to Mrs ARogers who is oving frpm the community for her many services in the AYPA was made by Mrs Nevils Mrs Rogers voiced her appreciation of the gift Following the benediction lunch was served NB Opens Schoo Far Farm Studenis SHED1ACNB March 31 cpl The first rsident folk school in New Brunswick opened an 11day term here with 28 rural residents Albert and Kent counties Ham with Pineapple cups cubed ham cups sliced cooked potatoes slices cooked pineappln whole cloves ll cup pineapple juice ibsps brown sugar tsp cinnamon Dash of nutmeg Arrange ham and potatoes alter nately in layers in cassegoie Cut slices of pineapple into halves and place on top Pour juice over all sprinkle with sugar cinnamon and nutmeg Stick cloves into afew pieces of ham Bake in eicciric oven at 350 degs for 25 mins Maple Custard Parfait cup hot maple syrup eggs separated 13 tsp salt pint heavy cream whipped Pour maple syrup slowly over beaten egg yolks add salt cook until thick and then chill Whip cream until thick enough to hold peak Fold into chilled mix Then fold in beaten egg whites and unit Makes about quarts moisiure and flavour in attendance from Westmoriand freeze rm in electric Miami BEST ClGARElTE iOBACCO Me my fggftcginbistgiesglfstmxxho The 01d Rogers homestead in Courses aimed at qualification re he he Sunnjdale has changedownefship for leadershi in Community affairs $12 piaymrand bstwighf but it will contlmie to be in rn were marine for the men and wo iPattcrns for eVeryroom to enhance every decOr designed to make your looklarger Bythe roll and double roll comeiiil gigrvusigmrsr Surplus MIRRORS Phone 3270 as are with her in this new field of work fer the Master Legvihg foil Moose Factory The members of St Peters Church gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs William Akers Ion Friday evening to honor MiSS Juanita Jamieson who is leaving for Moose Factory where she has accepted position in the Indian residential boarding school The first part of the evening wasvspent in games then presentationof leather writing case was made Rev Rowe gavedishort his tory of the Bishop Harden Memorr ial Missiori Schools and iheywork Rogers name The property lei ferred to is the original homestead of the late George Rogersponeof lhepioneer rscttlers inithe town shipjwho acquired the Crown deed over 100 years ago The farm silt uated on the Sunnldale Rondfat Beihel Corners is conSideredAne of thebestinltlie township F01 lowingthededih or the planter owner it=passjed to his son ihelate Reuben Rogers and on his death th ownerShip passed to his son Alfred Foilovving the laiierfs sud den death afe1w weeks raga his younglzividow decided the burden ffarming Wastpoimuchzfor box to fatiempt withfhcr familyof smau who gooslhom men students aged from 18 to 50 The curriculum included lectures on farming topics dramiics group recreation and the organization and conduct of meetings Thezschml was sponsored by Dis trictho4 of the New Brunswick Earniers Association with Thomas Austin 01 the CojgperativeiFarm Services at Monoton as principal Ciroperative units agricultural so cietls womens institutes farm forums service clubs and boards of trade supported the project Batterith rams are believed to have been used in rfare by the ancient Assyr ans 011m Producers of faulty TheJMOntario Farm Products Marketing Board has received petition for the approvalof proposed marketing scheme for eggs under the provisions of the Ont aridfirm Products Marketing Act vote by ballot has been arranged so thatf Board canidetcrmine the opin ion of producers on this proposal If you are 21 years of age or over and have pro duced and sold eggs during 1951 andor are producing and Selling eggs in 1952 you are eligible to vote Anymember of alimony engaged in the production Saleof ggs is eligible if 31 years of age or over but only one member of suchra family is entitled to vote Each producer of eggo and poultry who wishes vote will required t3 declare his yeligibllity and toroglster with thercturning officer at his polling station beforeire cerving ballot Your Agricultural chleSantdtive is the Chief Returning Officer for your County or District Votingwin rake place on April 17 is and 19 1952 bobwconiic hoursBib agiiifimd gt Money 15 deposit loans are made pm In the Countyof Slmcoe polling stations will belocarted as follows idraftsdndinohgyoiddnoold Bins Loanouch pOLLINGVwmHs 65on fhrdrpaymlls rue Office thesimoo county Federation orAgucuituie 75 Qu95n9adkgg ri 15 53rColller Streetlhrrie 11 NQRTH stuccort mgff omniv Attherorlllia Minors coop Pia Guthrie Th4 ii sofMrs comnmiit immdgro lchrist Mrsnavelllkie and Thutayhy hcmicphrmgkofmg downswiqu nmyou to souvl SIMCOE iefhem 10th Mrs saw4 on Newtonomnson Home Steers Jap3Pearsani jEaftiyailgdyallwnyStation Mrsqupu giinisto Bethoi moment Normanzliovilsi vli9fl will Home 02501133 Benny hallmarksname ofinupert Median Orossland inomcuursvsuaiu gt Connoranonomits Man edict line7 Homeome alum WWWmmeiiclemenmuiaiio odourirme ormrmaumo we 313 WW aNotllAWb 01116 Wilde if if gt Churphlli Homeoerd Rout

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