7W7 1th use 18 tr hion My man wan Brothers 11 lingb three Roblllard 723 Illigh Single Ed Lewis 33 VI 50 SHOPHNG nouns Monday to Friday 910 555 Cmqu 519an we have like weanday 910 2an lt 3E1$iiiiiffl$451 satudcy II II 88$88L iToronto Telegram and Chicks have Ia chance of another as they still thvc game to play with Landry pMolors The HEPC boys are in IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIU and so are and gives Chicks point lead over out of the playoffs as well the running Londly Motors have as bud lot of tough breaks and are III erv Auto Parts and 13X have cn OIIIIII IIIIIrgm hm may cant be caught by any of the other teams Fashioned and Monmmerys have narrow margin of point to hold the lead II BokarsI mymaums hopes 1m PLUG 5901 add away as the and gang defeated ihen 52 Plv moumb LIIde mm buy II II gt0 In the Second divisionMonmom 42 Gauge 30 Banner om 13X so next week Wm ten who finishes in first place Fin Bright New Season Smarlly T0 COJIPLEMENT your Easter Outfit choose first quality fullfashioned Nylons ln fashionright shades Sun Breeze and quncsse Pick up pair or two at this pennywise price and be in the fashionright picture LADIES PANTIES lays saw their chances fade away as l3X walked over them 70 The Barrie Examiner have put on splurge at the last but too latcThcy bye 20 points behind the second place team andwlth only one week to go leaves them just too law be fliind lhc Chryslcrs first year tcam put up good showing this iycar and maybe next year will do in little better The Barbers have lhad lot of fun and bunch of lgood sports even if they were at the bottom of the league showed up mail Pt 24 15 lChwks Mm Wu 54 iloronto Telegram l9 every night and put up good ght sucdc Three lovely stylcs to choose from with Ny lonlacc inserts and dainty lzrcc trimmings White SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Good quality Ccla tcalosc icobluc nImizc lA 20 22 50 HEPC 22 20 49 cums 18 24 42 ym Londry Mow 15 24 33 Second Division TEEYRE SPRING CLASSICS Silorlic Coats tlidi go 30 12 69 IlVIloxnlgICIim01IIIIIIIIIIII 63 everywhere with almost everyt ng in your mrdrobc Sizes 32 to do 23 and cups in Ithc group lyinm lead the Spring Parade Come to chlcrs for yours and be white meie Examiner in style Here are lwo beauties from our lovely collection Chryslers of wmpcord and eece lovely shades of natural pink ngh three 26 blue gold and dark colors Sizes 1220 mgh Smgle Cluck Sandlcr qu IIeckrs who have been in BOYSL SUNDAY BEST IIIII lead or the IasI couple 01 weeks LL vIL LLLL LLLL LL LL LL LawL LL LLL LLLLL LL calne down to hands of Smiths Gohccns and the Wreckers tied for 81258 T0 in Goonlooking in II II rst place so they win thve to roll LL LL next week to break the t1e1n GO Rayon Gabardine Sport Slacks in RAYON SATINS NYLONS Rayon Satin Laslcx or Not Lastcx inserts Adjustable shoulder straps GROUP Baoiwlm1Zikupiclgln lsicilflsupirlled out of theirgt slump 115 70 and Demimon idteit Far GAY BONNETS FOR EASTER styled and trimmed for flattery and veiled for soft nessl That is the Easter Hal story at chlers now being told in lovely new styles with exciting new accents bollnd to make your Spring outfit just right SeIc them tomorrow Theyre so smart and sovinexpensive too 700 braCkeL and Lhek oleher 3250 the 600s Lastrwee 055 Led to 379 Egggrntgg Goliccns ro LII th iogmgr 1in sing II Floats ill front Six drop belt IbtIdIhlII seizond DIVISIOII Spareboys 100p Thwe pocmtb CLLHCd 3were tied with RCAF forI Sewnd bottoms Slidefastener closin but than hopes OR THAT SPRING IOUCll lace in the dwisron Grand Buy II sum 12 To 20 Son ol Valbtllnc in your hair the Union Carpcnters walked away lacetrimmed for best Sim ILAbIICbl RAYON BbNGA Carnations ROSCSI Lily of the camisoms So pretty with sbeIer Blouses Choose from mnwith them 70 In the playoils are to 167Rayon8zWool Covert White Grand Value Do men ppealrng styles bound to fit ers in Clusters and Sinale mas aghcm House weaves In brownI blueI blue VOIII OIMIIIII Flowers lFaT II 1ch lace on net ounce an Ium nn $495 Whit Bi nowlat this val rihid 12 mm Bo tmmed First Division hcens fivcpla0r5 two were turn rolled 369 but on recoun Brown bluc lcal grey Double 10 01 ROY Fair new CrepeI beautiful on your Jacket at Your lim playoff spot disappeared as 591s 5P0 LACKS 5W5 1111th Pea bum from LINES CORDES Dozens of Valley Daisres and many oth overILace styles Elasticized at waist Small medium large LGoheens Billiards CNR TeleZYaPhS No Auto Wreckers Baffle Tannmg greyI IIIIIII IALF SLIPS small medium large Good quality Crepe wrth LPls 17 65 gt Auto wrgclers Lg 11 65 II Goheens Billiards to wear witltL his best Sull lOObyGO count Cotton Farinas 25 20 59 mm Broadcloth Attached fusedcollar style Pocket LL 45 Smlths Dally 45 Choosefrom white paleblue tan and stripes Sizes 115 17 28 to Valueright CNR Telegrap lI II II SWIM DIVER II IBII eTaEninr NOI 3x 14 25 98 0L TwoWAY STRETCan Union Carpente retting domiow Mad gnngIIIEmttn FourinHanngLLand fJtchkleL1ypeLs ina col orlul assortment of lively patterns including Bold Prints and some painted designs Rayon tie fabrics elasticized frill Four Igarters LL nah Three Arnby buy now and be figureright SinglLLe Ed Green for Spring White LADIES Annmoox LEAGUE SlZESSmnll ThBQRed HMS defeated the medium and large cue 52Lt9 had the leadL Ladies Aemn L35 Ethel Marshall Paced 193951 rm LL their victory With 556 1919 Thelma ded was besl the 193 ers with 548 The Aces 99 be Lucky Strikes 52 totakI Vs $S Wlpnd place in the standing 99333 II II III1m MyrtlLScottwashighn Lucky Strikes with 545 Th2 stIIIIIIIIII II Igggggggggggi Ieuc Wimmue easrnubbn soles Flat heels Exceptionalbr 1115113 rloongIoonropIrg ilrese aretheShoesyouuivamrirbue Webb bf 39W LL Ewiliimmw Red Hots Pu overs mm 100 II II LADIES Herey thv II OI IIe loyelyINylon Pullqver onuYeI1Ieen wantmgII at theprIlIggyou want Ito his neaItfittlng fancyfsutch panelsnrpnt II II II Choose it ill pearl llreYIwine pink klly greenivpalcjblue white or navy Sizes 16 loI20 Chooc it tomorrow gt Li LL ARDIGANS ill Spllllgrliglit colors of pearl greywiueLijIink kellyLgreenwhiIte navy Mntch if With Pullover shown chow and youbave aLSImartilwinStISizcsIltoLL20 LL LL if ConnieHestonwan pron JEQIATQR scoring COUNTRYdome misting Hoppynediumsmth LL mammewmstai LL LL ff 39956191183 Ccmeseet amt gt on nwdtillng on iraislitcutstylwitliaiwo buttonitibn II RayllGamdief imaliliiililesms