iCtmeut Events Mrs Smith Agri iculwre and Canadian Industries Audiwrs Mrs Lough and Mrs Clarke anmrd Hawkcstunc Wt immmxmm mmhf camp mum Km nrgmmmm have had good year The meet iiCPi Alberta rst civil Mexico on to the ings have all been well aiundedI yr jschool dealing specically with re completed in in down through the years were of The 36 meeting at Mr Harry control mimug was held here APRIL 3Thur3dav March duo interest The charter meniaxendws Pugh Shanty Maren 22 mm gm mend Innis Chapter OBS 16 held an be surviving include Mrs MinnlegBay will be ihe Inlifeslmg speaker lance aylhk mummy Dari Will Pasi Lounard Mix Addie Black MrsoM Gray mm mad mmener m4 mm and p35 pawn mung Lama BMW Margaretiserved delicious rcirushments sxm The snakekilling socretary bird Am PM the 621m There were to Past ichb Mrs ldzi Peacock Mrs Emw 113 Ems and daughter Mariz Momma and id Past Fatrons oi the dy Neelandi Mm Sadie Greenfof Orillia were recent guests cl inm its Wings as shield and mpglprfenl lm lung Mrs Della Green Mrs Cora Young Ml md MT 593m Emis club oi the some time Often it willl and Oilg pfebllgd In tho Mrs Lma Webb Mrs lda Cum Mr and Mrs Prank bandch audx soar into the air then dmp its preyl 51f MisoV Marion Vvtbh stable Mrs Flora Banting Rson Max of Orillia Spent Sunday Ion the hard ground ending lhei mush hes Am Wm 35 black RUgt5KTM Webb Herbcrikwith her Sister Mrs Heiwaxd Pro battle the dimmer 0f the first Worthy Bitick Lcnriox Black Ted Webb pm and Bill Matron at 25 years ago The pre Mccwkeyv wim me 255 Lark was given ourpnsc siding Worthy Matron and Worthy menihgrg biting Mm Doris SewenIuaSt week when ends gamerw Patron Mm Grace mac and K0 ilill Young Henry Prmgle Russelliat Mrs IrwinMcMahons and pre Motfat took charge of the business of the Chaplcr Guests present in cluded Don Galbraith Oiilliu member of the Bcucvoicnt Society of the Grand Chapler of Ontario also Pail District Deputy Grand Matron and Past Malimu and Patrons from Orillia Barrie and lnnlstil chapters During the cvcn jug Mrs Lottie McConkcy and Mrs Estrella Webb presented und pin charter members of lltc chaplcr also three 25year members not have the plcnsurc of celebrating or the work inconvmticnccs and perseverance of the charter mcm bers and that we owed much to1 them After all business was con ducted 3nd guests welcomed the Past Matrons closed the meeting All guests and members sat down lo sumptuous banquet adorned with beautiful threestorey birthday cake All past matrons and patrons vas sung accompanied by organist Mrs Muriel Webster After the enjoyable banqucixtoasts were pro posed with the Patron Ken Mot fat acting as tonstmastcr to The Queen To Grand Chapter was proposed by Mrs Minnie Leonard responded to by Don Galbraith To the Charter Members was prophscd by Helen Mulholland responded to by Mrs Laura Sharing and Russell Constable To the Past Matrons and Patrons by Mrs Lottie Mc Conkey responded to by Mrs Mar garet Webb and Russell Webb Jack Webster proposed the toast to the guests responded to by Mr Ellis of Barrie and Mac McCuish of Cookstown and the guests sang For They Are Jolly Good Fellows och Worthy Matron and Patron gave the highlights of their year and candle was snuffed except in the case of either being dcccascd Constable After singing Auldgscntcd be with little gilt Shc Lang Sync all went home with will be greatly minscd in the vit gzcuzcr knowlcdcc of the post silage 5W Mrs Sealon Ellis spent the wack cnd in Toronto Mrs Rumor of Orillia spent the day with her daughter Mrs Earij Davis APRIL lMrs Andrews Pct MrsI 5mer and daughmr Mar crborough is visiting her daughlcrfgmet have returned home afici Mrs Haws the winter in Dcimli nod charter member pins on 2i mnd Mr and Mn Johnson and Wcwww John Johnson visited in Hamilton on Sunday number of appreciative rcmnrlcy ere spoken to llic Challll nich by the Worthy Matron anclI Patron Mrs Black said we bmuld gvcnlion Wc call it human nomrcfl farewell may in their hum at at thisbirthday party were it not an Apr has boo mmde their mm up rcsidcncc at Wasaga b3 03 LBcaclt About 50 friends aticndcd Mrs Slcksor spcnt few days mt Mr Mrs Small loromo recently AP IL lIhe nel hbors 01 Mr Tm ER swam Dmmt WI um and Sits Morris Smgll arranged that was in be in the Community their Mme SMUMMI prim RAY WALTON has liven sowing lli aubxciibcrs on route ill or tilt pzist your This post in gilayul lmckcy for tl lmtcll 2n ilii tlltlgcll inuznc Ho yuunucr biollnr of Hushr Wziiion Brlll Kimlt Scout who illcndcd the Boy Scout Juniboim in Europe lost your lluys mulc mm is Maple AWE Mary and ports of Toronto Sophia liosyond Buylicld Sts Ilc liws iii 60 Cllllillll Sl md itimttls leiinuiun School Right now the 2i Examiner roulc sulcsmm zirc engaged in subscription contest own MARSHALL llmidlis lUUll izi lnc must end of town mu 15 Briggs Stroller Air Cooled Engines PALL MacDONALI is compuri Examiner curi up in mu Nam Th Examnwr llll salesman having bccn on tho mcv lll 11nd llllb built rc Olll of Ullll ltirvili ills IOlilc um mi Kcnipnicll Blukc Dun dunuld ind ulhit imcrincdititc SilClitl lli iucniis Codrinulon School imi lll 37 Si Vinccnl 51 job only tho post hrcc chion lcuguc inc all intcrmcdiuto strccts llllllllih Princo of Walls School and big homo l5 74 Sanford St Business Meeting the WI will be at Mrs Johnsons Wednesday April at pm Mot to Springtime mints its gold in daffodils Roll call Exchange of bule and flowers and paying cos HAWKESTONE Womens Institute APRIL tThe monthly meeting of the Womens Institute was at Mrs Roy Grays on Wednesday evening March 26 There were 25 present Mrs OBrien opened the meeting Roll call was answered by payment of ices The financial re port was given for the pagt year Mrs Shannon took the chair for election of officers Mrs OBrien was rcclcctcd president Mrs Har ry Kendall viccupresidem Mrs Roy Gray 2nd VicePresident Mrs Jack Pugslcy SecretaryTreasurer Mrs Propliet Assistant Mrs Edwards district director Mrs Scott Jr Home Economics and Health MrsHarry Slessor Social Activities and Public Relations Mrs Leigh Citizenship and Edu Tlic annual business meeting oil fund the evening was spent in play ing cards and croliinolc McCuguc in fcw well chosen words expressed the appreciation of the people of Burns to Mr and Mrs Small and family for the con Lribution lltcy home made to church were presemcd with an electric kettle and clock and qun and Patsy with necklaces The presen tations were made by Mrs Allen Corrigan Fred Fife Harold Hon derson and Miss Dawn Butchers Mr and Mrsu Small speaking in behalf of thc family thanked their friends and neighbors of Burns for their kindness during the yours they hive liVed in the community as well as for the kind words and the gifts presented The group joined in singing For they Iarc jolly good fellows Rel slimcnls were slerved and the snging of Blcst Be The Tie and God Save the QueenTbrought the evening to se dig Wood Peter Schep Allcn Corrigan and Mrs Wood were in Blcnhelm recently Mrs Wood re maining in Simcoe for few days Weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Morris Small were Mr and Mrs The carrier getting lhcmost new six month subscriptions on his route will be the winner of brand new streamlined bicycle Second prize is mantel radio third prize lest finishes Saturday April 19 NEW MOTORS FOR SALE 11 wrist watch Thcrc are several other prizcs The con MINESING HOLLY she will show slcndy improvement Tyndale will be hostess eekend SHOT ill Hillly FOYSiOIIS gcizil music or ihc Easier service Mr and Mrs Stan Fralick are April 13 at pm havmg sole of farm slock Illld im plemem Apr mld M13 or oitii with his aunt Mrs Fralick and Frank will then move 31052 11 muum to the house they have purchasch II in the village formerly occupicd by ML md Mm RCIFYBI1I3YT the Handel family Gilbert Knight moved lo their ncu homc in llllL has bought their hm We wish them much hoppincgs We our new ncithbors Mr Mrs James Muir has rclurncdek0m FLOAT CARS BUSES lo ferry automobiles and doubch docked buses across ihc English scngors complete with Don Foysion Hamilton was 0m chuir louder is preparing spe lcquipmcnt garage DESTRESULTSFROM EXAMINER 89 Ehzabeth Sb Glcn Slcssor has rclurncd home ADSPHONE 2414 from very enjoyable trip to Flow and Mrs Brown to the Rcdlcrn jda home and our community Mumps are making life miserable or lot of folks in the community these days Friends on the south 10th sur prised Mr and Mrs leick with geMogethcr on Monday night at their home After an enjoyable so cial time they prcsontcd them with trilight lamp and hassock Mr and Mrs Hamp leick and Donnie were Sunday visitors atI Sunday April Holy C0mmun ion will be observed in connection with the regular church service at pm Everyone welcome SCHOOL STRIKE ENDED ANTIGONISH NS CP An iigonisli rural teachers ended their salary strike that began Feb 19 The 94 teachers accepted $100 lni crease for single teachers and $200 21 vivacumiwrhsliauwu months During lltc Willlll hu puriormcd in hockcy Jilin ircu starts 11 lllXl Lind cxl Suihu f0 Wars Bafn lcndx over to John sirch lilCllld mm milkiog machines cream sopuofon etc Available in Our Stock lIlF Complolefline of Parts For Repairs ond Service LIMITED Phone 2437 rutgwoza With the candle remaining lighted cation Mrs Ellis Leigh Historical Morley Small and Keith Small and The many and different happenings Research Mrs Morris Shelswcll for married They had asked and Stan Fralicks Thcv returned rc Miss Betty Brunnmg Toronto iat $300 yearly salary increase Mrvyn Small Bill Atkins and cenlly from trip to Florida Ray Atkinson Sarnia in 11 Headlines Mr and Mrs Pinglc Oshawa Minesing made the headlines in and Mr and Mrs Ron Pingle and the paper 1am week and congratui children Whitby spent the week 1am are in Order to Carma end with Mr andrMcs BSwenson Downeyy who Tame Deputy and Cpl and Mrs Spicer Reeve by acclimation and to Mr and Mrs Thornton Grills an Crawford who continues to lead in mm Fergus and the world of Sports His latest no Why rum your back in Grills Guelph visited Mr and Mrs IIumph was as member of Sully the garden Reach for communil life while residing gt carried lighted candle and placed Cmwqers pm wm bl gwe Em and extegded good sthes for MAIICH 31 MW HHIVO ML MAllcll IllTllc Wumuns Asso hmnei mum 103mm gman Lunch commmee Mrs Land L03 15 3b 10 b0 home after luiclatlull wdl mud in the churcnn by 13in them on the banquct table Grocc the future Mr and Mrs Small In con ill nu and MV5 Codfbur days In the RV 059ml we hopc bnscmcnt chncsdziy April Mrs lm carry 120 vehicles and 700 my Every Form finial lulled the mosaic 505 muc Grills on Sunday Merdiths curling rink who haveI Master Billy Milne Weston Spat been making name for themselves pen nOt Shovel your arge pkg sunbme 3202 the wekend with Mr and MrS at the bonspicls lately garden made ready for contemrmed JWood ri now for AW Little Darlene ScheiyI daughter of Cpl and Mrs PGordon Spicer seedmgI te JohnsonsI Pmr smnd each underwent tonsillectomy in Stevl free estimate N0 galden gt enson Memorial Hospital Allistone an 200 53 In Toda last Friday too each Sgt and Mrs Berry and children gt Jimmy and Barbara Who had Mo gt Paim Job rooms in the Morris Small home at left On Monday to take up temper1 RR No Thornton On IONIC ary residence at Wasaga Beach Phone Ivy 122 MIS Berry and children plan to LAN08CAPE leave in iil for visit in En II pm WI am glam jg ifl SPORTS Will 7111 is hccondihaefieoo hee AVIDK IIIi is Canada 18884893 became so intriguedwith the speed and colour was 337 OfCmdlan hockoy that in burst of enthusiasm he offered the II cup which now bears his name SliCED 24wozooll in game was academic and ammo no domid gt 5mm mm mudwhich mm much mm mm to mu DEtlIXEILOAF CAKE Much as we regrot loIshatter illusiOn such was incl gt mbdfWl$$fllbln$ 1b lam publisher who layedfor MoGiIL all their beohhcy rmThe Stanley Cup was donated in 1892 At aban net on If gt liar 189 that ygar ctelbrating the tnesass of the OtmgatGM Here is Real Money Saver iI era respon ing toast tow GovernedGeneral Lord yl II Kllcoursm read letter om His Excllency whichsaid have orsome time been1hiIIngtltat it Wouldbe good thing if try thong were aIcltallcnge cup which should Ibetheld fromzyear to w1bplg 76 gt yerby the champion hockeyteam in the Dominion There does II not appear to be any such outwardandavisible sign ofchampiOm shipat present and considecing thegeneraliinterest which the moieties now elicit and the importanc nalizing the iame played burly gind Linden rules generally recogn ed am wil ug to give cup which shall bofheld from year toyear by the winning team Lord not can Golville jwhmwao in may boonoommissioned the GovernorGenorolto 1d bathe trustees until the end or the osondtothe weotlondrotgiomwa mum on RE