innsme AY APKH 1952 have duties according to better of the Royal Bank of andtlle summing up of what the believes these are makes thought invoking reading He says Besidesrlghts the newspaper has duties It must be independent It cannot serve the public which supports it if it is the tail to anyones kite To be independent it must stand on its own feet earning profit with out subsidies It should be regarded as major trartsgressionoi ethics andrgood taste to communicate with the editorial depart ment through the business department The nervspaper needs to take long view policy which gains circulation this year by means which tend to weaken the newspaper as an institution is bad policy The newspaper mus be fair Perhaps absolute fairness is too much to expect of ordinarymortals doing their days work but thenewspaper can avoid intentional parti aiity The newspaper must be decent not only in the language and pictures it uses but in the way it goes about obtaining its news There are situations occurring in human life into which no neWSpaper can decently justify intrusion Current pessimism about the press should not be overestimated There has been similar pessimism in the past If re forms are needed they will notbe shaped by legislation except with the destruction of values civilization needs lhey can be brought about by public opinion which sup ports the right kind of newspaper and makes its wishes known to publishers and editors Beware of Imposiers New radio licenses were due on April and all radio owners are warned to purchase their licenses from bona fide sales outlets established by the federal government and not from unauthorized doortodoor pediars In Western Ontario town resident Was gypped by selfstyled radio llcenseinspect or According to the report young business man received frantic call from his wife there wasa man at the door asking about ra dio mangeggjpngortnnatgly that matter had been no ugf To savealfine the bogus inspector suggest ed paying him $250 and the license would be mailed On her husbands urgent advice the wife did so thankfully Checking later the young manfound that number of his friends had followed the same unprofitable couse They are still waiting for their little slip of paper in the mail or call from bona fide radio inspector Beforepaying any money to any canvasser who isa stranger regardless of the cause make him present his credentialsand if in doubt of their being authentic communicate with the police The Mighty Mile Erinthe business world new maximlhas evolved lathe somewhat skeptical minds of personnel managers and others It is Never underestimate the power of the office boys Nature it would seem has provided for the fffceboymhei handcrailthings The apparently defenceless being who regards everyone as his bosshas attained curious position of independence and power you askhow and why one is able Only to as to speculate one fact loops to the mind the office boy at nobody else wants to do Even one but the office boy forgets cvdo these jdbs and he becomes indis dis usable again the Ofce boy is in chargeOff isold in this country There is no similar tax payable if incarnations one little things thatmean ferencebetween smoothoperation and find the bosss hat the big shot is liable to lose control of himself for hours This is taking only one view of the office boy Actually theres no end to the influence he may wield As matter of fact he will like as not wind up running the business Take the case of the tycoon who retiring recently was asked the inevitable question about the reasons for his success The tycoon Confessed he hadnt made serious decision for years He had left all that to the experts But he added wrth sly grin have personally hired every office boy to come into this organization for the last 25 years Editorial Notes Dont forget to buy Easter Seals and help the Ontario Society for Crippled Children yawn may be bad manners but it is born est opinion notes contemporary Some people who yawn however do not even have an opinion Parking meters continue to provide much municipal controversy in Ontario towns and it wouldSeem there is more opposition than support Recently Exeter and Bowmanville councilsrejected them What alternative for handling their parking problems has not been revealed In 1941 801 persons were killed in Ontario motor vehicle accidents Ten years later045 people lost their lives in traffic accidents although 22000 suffered nonfatal injuries Totab motor Vehicle travel was estimated at over 10 billion miles last year which was al most double the travel mileage of 1941 Collegiate studentsare into Easter exams then haVe 10 days vacation number of local people are planning Easter trips south of the border and many have been north bound from Florida in recent days Per capita it Would appear Canadian tourists are more plentiful in the United States now than the annual summer Yankee invasion of our vacation lands Most respondents to question by The Fin ancial Post dont take too seriously reports of lobbying activities at Ottawa The feeling is that members of the Obvernment arenot in fluenced to any great extent by lobbyists in mltifie theirdecp19nsvelsofh is there are nopcwerhil lobby shutoffmbi overall the type understood to eidst in WaShlngton Some respondentscommented that lobbying has definite place in democracy as an indioa tion of the desires of sections of the country or industries OPlNlONS OFOTHERS unfair Competition St Marys JournalArgus The weekly netvspapcrs jof Clmado collectchly are big businets the biggest singlelnuence on opln ion in the Dominion There are more than 700 of them Individually hDWever they are small businesses own ed and operatbd in the mainby small businessmen They live by advertisingand consider publications financed by private advertising the surest safeguards of the freedom of the pleas Yet with their relatively small circulations they are faced with very Strong competition for the ad vertislngdollar The governments own child the CBChothafres portionot the weeklies former revanue and is expandihg on funds deriVed from tax receipts1 Magazinespor general or farm content regularlngundErcutWown and village subscription prices in the hope of building giant circulatlons and thus attractingadvertising dollars Which might find their way to the rural press Weekend newspapers not few of whom feedon sensation in their drive for masscirculations also boasttoadvertisetsthat they cover rural Canada and that there is noaneed to use the weeklles The weekly press do not afraid of thin type of com petition Weekly newspapers play vital role in the life of thesmullr communities The are better read than their bigciiy competitors and the adver tiscments whichthey carry are alsobetter read But weekly newspaper publishers do objectto payment of taxes which theiICBC nor the magazines nor the weekend newspaper have to pay On every ton of paper used bytheWeekly papersot Canada there is 10 saics tax poydble to the federal government There is no similar tax hullEvenoharged onipapel naedain Comedian magazines or American magazines used in the production most weekend papers There is no similzir tax payable on paper used in comlcbooks or pulp fiction magazines Yet all these media are adyrtising competitors of Canadas week 13 heWspapers the situatloh doesnt makesmse labiallousy itiis equally obvious that the members of canadas federal legislature should realize the need for equity in fishes tax application ovnumul VACANT cesslon wagons LOT has become mys country for children young and old Along this midway be tween the world cnngress of freaks and the ticket and con 2000000 persons annually pass The huge menagerle tent modern Noahs ark is littlemore than half as large as the big top outside the picture at the left The main canvas weights ll tons dry three times as much wct There are 30 separate units in the white city and all the cloth is new each year that left from the preceding season being carried by emergency use only treyg Fred Grant Reminisce WHEN CIRCUS CAME TO TOW ATTRACTED WHOLE DISTRICT Continued from Wednesday Everybody used to go to the circus then and it is more than likely that any show in Barrie nowadayspwvcn with the towns very much larger population has not half as large on attendance as in those old times principally be cause thcn entertainments were neither as frequent nor as diver sified as now and therefore were more generally taken advantage of when they were available From the very rst announce ment of the coming of the circus through thevmcdium of immense billboards hurriedly erected and covered with streaming pictures of gaudilydrcssccipeiformers and of thc hpge unknown and vicious animals and reptiles the ordinary Barrie boy of those times gave up most of his thoughts by day and his dreams by night to the coming couple of weeks later of that most wonderful of attractionstile circus Those lavishly illustrated rcp resentallons of fearful antedll uvlan dinosaurs and their sev eral relations must have been of the same family as those depleted in the present moving picture The Lost World which note is showing in Barrie picturehollse this week so fairly good idea may eas ily be gained of the terrible ncss of those oldlime circus billboards And every old boy will well re member how his hair stood on end as he viewed those lurid pic such ferocious animals tures of and wondered if it wasnt really one of those terrible creatures which had escaped from some for merly visiting menagerie that was lreally the sea serpent which was so frequently Seen in Kempenfelt Bay back tomhe wondered how they could get plank strong enough to hold lthat massive teetering elephant or if the girl in the gauzy skirt really jumped through hoop of flame or if she did how she managed to keep from catching on fire Those billboards which were the most prominently located at least so for asvthe writer was concerned were erected at the gore wherejlizabcth streeLturncd into Allandale road and covered the ram shackle old wooden buildings which atom aloe stood there radioinlnggthe corner of Eliza both and Mary Streets both sidosiyuiid all around the Mar ket Square where thei Public Library nowstands TV And during the couple or so weeks gach season they Were in use they held aminterested gog gleeyed widemoutheduaudience of schoolboys iorimost lot the time and mighty little attention was given to lessons either1 at Pub lid School orfSundayx School so long ass boy had to pass them severaltimes each day leaving lingering impression us he dream ed away the slovv1ypassingcon fined hours It will be rememberedtoo that gaudy show bills Were not as common themes now for every kit intram Prediction Subunit op movie announcement fromMliton Sills Thor Sea Hawk or Doug Fairbanksbe Three Muaketeers down to the lesasimportant attrac tions hats displaysthat would have been of the greatest interest to those oldstimers when halfsheet auction sale or horse route bill was the limit Therefore the gen lune picitemeht among 01d and young whenj those flaring bills ivere pasted all rfoverri wn In Ftho one weyyhavemthc Guitar country ilcityl oridu the old in those days Then When roughandrcady lad they printed on the bill And often wondered what they meant Im ignorant of that still Thc gaudy colored pictures though would ll me with delight And with joyous expectation couldnt sleep at night So at the rst gray streak of dawn ld hurry from my bed And run to feast my eyes upon the showbills on the shed For weeks before the show Id be so awful kind and good Id keep the garden free from weeds and split the kindling wood stort littlcprivate bank and nance it with care And had practised it till now be millionaire often wish some guiding star had lured me on ahead With hopeful expectations as those showbills on the shed Id saddle up the old black mare and striveto learn the knack Of turning somersaults and such lived on my grandads farm All auction sale the district fair the dance and ploughing bee In boyhooddays were great events and all attracted me But the event of all events which served to turn my head Was when thecircus bills were pasted on the roadside shed never could pronounce the words while standing on her back One day she ran iiaway with me and nearly broke my neck She jumped thebars and fell off bruised and bleeding wreck tom TRU jliigll Street Ij terious UESUNEDAYMORNING SEllvlCEs ll 00 lam picture on the shed bank of all its boarded tin And bright and early reach the Id dissipate in lemonade and pea nuts crisp and sweet And watch the grand prooession as it passed along the street With golden vans and playing bands and steeds with sprighl ly tread To me indeed twas far grander thap the posters on the shed Though from the show way have strayed and chosen another track Yet in mymusings oft find my self go winding back And though too big and proud perhaps to tag the circus band Yet memories of that happy time are still at my command childish joy possesses me though youthful days have fled Im happy when see the show bills on the wayside shed Continued Monday SACRED BIRD Ancient Egyptians venerated the ibis storklikc bird found in lakes and swamps in warm clim ates people need not be extravagant when making funeral arf reingcmenfs with us They can secure service of Alleaufy and distinction xf without overspending Our wide choice of prices lnecls the needs or wishes of every family WNE h3McfA FUNERAL HOM 1151 wow Nutrition mm 555 lenCef BLUE HALL Barrie Sunday School 100 cm ALLARE WELCOME mutual globular toVisitBarrie St Iianiei isarukoltvlfs mi especial Musical Program pvlhe pastoral Salvation Army allocations and ducky if root natural mountings now on sale at 50c icHollrless Meeting pmerestlvol of Music hafnium This dampened my ambitions but nursed my wounds and said Some day Ill be rider have my When show day came Id rob my field to see the shew come in Barrll RR On April 1952 To The Editor The BarrieExamlner Dear Sir On behalf of the ofttimes mal igned foxhunting fraternity of England would like to point out to ROS some errors In recem column innisdl Notes Wednes day April 1952 lat At hunt meets in England fox is not let loose info the midst of group of hunters as he suggests fox has to be found and on many days burn my find has been conspicuous by its absence bl The chase is taken up by liounds please RGfzrlever oh never dogs And cl sport which not onlv requires betterthawaverage horse manship but carries with it the risk of anything from total im rncrsion in dlicll water to bro ken neck while taking jump can hardly be called tonic Nevertheless to those to whom the term good seat can only mean that of an automobile hunt ing from the comparative comfort of snowmobile must have much to commend it Yours sincerely LUCILLE WILSON Mrs T= Central United Church Collier St United Church Minister REV LEWIS MA BD REV BEWELL BA Minister Organist and Chdirmaster Lloyd Tufford WARREN MacLEAN Organist and Choirmaster Come to Gods House on His Day discriminating REV AC GMUIR ABA SUNDAY APRIL 1952 SUNDAY APRIL 1952 11 ramCommunion service and re 11 amMOBNING SERVICE ccpiion of new members commuNloN pm1hc Last Supper The Heart Beat of the Church da Vinci Recorded comment by local VOiCCS THE CHURCH SCHOOL Missionary Sunday 945 nanalunior Intermediate and Senior Depts ll amNursery Beginners Primary Departments pinsAdult Bible Class pmEVENING SERVICE The Mcanlng of Worship Gods Answer To The Unhappy Conscience Maxi St Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister ALAN WINSLADE Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY APRIL 1952 ll amPALM SUNDAY SERVICE Broadcast Over CKBB IFpmTHE APOSTLES CREE believe in the Holy Catholic Church The Minister at both services CHURCH SCHOOL 11 amBcginners and Primary pmSenior School 230 pmJunior 12 Interm Dcpts and Collier St Baptist Church independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY APRIL T952 MISSIONARY SUNDAY Guest Speaker Rev Gunn Worldwide Evangelization Crusade 11 am pm pmBlbleSchool Open Session Rev Gunn Land of Tibet Colored Film lt shown at pm Mon pmYouth Haven Mon pmSen YP Society Wed pmMidweek Fellowship April SinQuarterly Church Meet ing Visitors Cordially Welcome cannon scnoon and Intermediate Departments SA NT GEORGES 1215TeenAgcrs Bible Class Church of England ALLANDADE RECTOR Rev NewtonSmith 830 amHoly Communion ll nanHoly Communion pmRev dePencier Wright FULLoosPEL TABERNACLE A13 MULCASTER sr pmEv Affiliated with the Pentecostal Subjeci mm Wm Assemblies ofCanlida If any man be in Chris Rev Warriner MiniSter New Creature 15 SUNDAY SERVICES Holly SundaySchool proof Sunday School for all ages 10 aim Holly Communion Service pm Morning Worship 11 an Evangelistic Service 730 pm cordial welcome awaits you here gt when AVEqu UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE tBEIZClLUBJX 11118 El sunmy APRIL 1952 10 an1Sunday Schobi and Membership Class Ii am+Beglnners Dept and Mom ing worship Rbceptidn of New Members and EREE METHODIST My r200 BayfieldSt SUNDAY pro and 7pm grace and Presbyt rich crutch llmlltilr Mi FRANK porches Organist than sultan SlushChurch School ll amu=smnsezrrocession and Strangellbigf 11 amNulsery Primary Junior Organist MR HARQLD DEMPSEY Sacramental the Lords75uleP1 ultv ammonia