Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1952, p. 1

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Al Hm Serving run 10er or Uihrllarrir Examiner 88th YeormNo 39 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY APRIL mar 56 lingh on Milo um QUJA and Mr Ilaow 16 PagesTwo 5615111f ammoniamum ArenaHa All Swing Out as BDCI Night School Closes Dovvn Until Fall Royal Victoria SWING YOUR PARTNER at the final night of the BDCI night class es in folk and square dancing Miss Louise Colley right director of re creation for Simcoe County who conducted fall and winter months and Mrs Stewart Page at the piano her musical accompanist put the stu dents through their Heltl each Tuesday nightinthe the course during the last paces school gymnasium lhmughout the night school terms the classes were preceded by instruction for would be teachers of the intricate dance steps Other night classes at thecollng iate held their elosing last evening with display of art sewing 1631 themraft and other handicrafts in the gymnasium Battered Manager WesAllsopp took time lug ice from the arena floor to disclose that public skating atracted approximately 2500 than in 195051 This was probably helped by the earliest opening of public skating in Barrie the first session recorded September Approximately 21000 aSt Years Figures Packed Sessions ut from his duties of clean team to disband as their more customers this season was formed and met with suchi success thatin five nightsan av erage of 250 pernigbtabsocbed thei fun started late Then too the Town and district Hockey League opened in midNov lember and ended in late January and the Armoured Corps of Cmp Borden practised from 24 Wednes days periodically through the win ter Public Skatin8 Shows Intrease April3 Hospital Sets New Recor Alter Years working Al Peak Capac HoleinWall Overnight Robbery Found substantial haul of cigarette and tobacco the total which nught not be Assessed for some time va removed in the cuursc of daring and apparently robbery by bandits imfcssmnni Jvho broke hole through the Con crcteblock wall at the rear of iSlUVJillli Wholesale Company pro miscs on Hayfield St in get into the Tile in lhc around Huck gaping ill by 14 their hole 8inch wall was discovered llnruid Ferguson carpenter with lthc Bull Pinning Mill CO Limited who occupy the ground to the rear of Stewarts store as lumber yard The tools uscd to break the wall gire understood to have been stol on from the CNR section workshop and cohsxsted of Cliltkltlf lin in bar and spiking hummer They iwcrc found lying on the ground zu the roar of the store In addition to the cigarettes whiclr were put into chocolatebar boxes cigarette lighters razor blades and aspirin tables were also removed The thieves probably used car to remove the loot lane from Baytlcld between the Ball iBradfoal VltlleSSl Arthur Knccshaw began his new fdutios April as Deputy Registrar lfor Simcoe County at the Registry Office in Barrie Mr Kneeshaw resigned his positions 15 Clerk gTreasurer of West Gwillimbury Township and as SecretaryTreas urer of West Gwillimbury School Area over week ago in anticipa tion of assuming his new position but The Witness withheld publi vulth of 715 Thursday morning by lUIlS JEEP OVERTURNS 51 OUTSIDE BARRIE SOLDIERS HURT Camp Borden soldier was taken to Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto with injuries while another sumred shock when the jeep in which they were travelling went out of control on Highway 90 eight miles from Barrie Wednesday pr Ikuvy Slater 30 siLv taintd back injuries while pl Furlong 38 was shuken up Police said the jeep was mov ing totbc front of an Urillim bound convoy when it went out of control 1111 the soft shoulder and overturned in ditch The jeep was wrecked Plnning properly Lind Stcwnzls Behind the cementblock all thc thieves had also to break through illtllcS of cornch and luth and then livciuch rinicllf Ewall Mr Ferguson who found breakdn hole said went into the yard around 713 WES looking around for scaffolding saw the hole flools were lying urund on ground Harold told the yard fortmun Ralph Kennington who put call through to Mr Stewart The case is being investigated by PC Webb fill out 15 gtlll The the My Kneeshaw Becomes County Dep Registrar cation of his county appointment upon his personal request The office of Deputy Registrar iwus made vacant by the sudden For First Time Springbas been very coy and has notiput in mu ap pearance yet Nights have been cool Rain came Monday and Tuesday some snow on Thursday but the phoebe was heard on Wednesday and the mourning dove has been mean in low for the past week Temperatures were High Low 4t 18 60 32 51 32 52 28 42 30 March so March 31 April April Frozen in Again PartiCiPaIed ill the Winter Famine 3Thareriu was abusy placstmsi The Boston Bruiramateurmpi arena with ice operation on Septem mermaids 300 perskctins session withOut thrice being inuse Hoc ber2 and carrying through to Sept Frank Moose Moores fam lnyreviewingthevarious activit Ikey germs and practice sessions ies accommodatedibythearena this took up considerable amount of 18 St Louis Flyersvof the American $111131 Midland figure in sports died winter Mr Allsopp felt success time with the youngsters ofBarIHockey League oqcupied vedaxslreceutblat St Andrews Hospital ful year was had Public skating rie and district recivingsn chin the fall iae two years 311mg healthr ms bi art in the communit gt ivig mus am Specialties in the arena were the $1101 gasnda like $121233 es recrclahrgif serenityqu tthe gmeem inor leoguqsaloperatedlfirst annual 5mm gagmvallwhicmmd basebau scorer an item ginliens ill Qslglgzlea agg this yeah jheBagle Church music gaggtwop1egse 10 the district it at etpu HockeyLeague tileordest System 9313 en in Barrie opened in November and am 331 31391181iig party carried Jim The Legion eted oversee prawns and sponsored midget NHL system pick ed up wherethe Church loopfleft gt imcoe Counin Young Peoples U115 onhe1dewonights withtover 300 are and Operated upii11midMarch leagues cecupieclg the arena lien eacbnight oyerzso our dedthe Essa Township pub ea wsamday morning from 842 Beth loops climaxed their seson fishers ooleveuing ever theaciaults verbally got with hockey nights igwar is sea he1lyecsminorisystemagaiu asere3kafing Cite bacterium providedlhockeyltog newxtes weihnglm Shim5b largelumnbef EbpynTwo div isions formed through seven the will Re Faust OWKayv Mondaiypgenmgsifmm to 1030 the latest Bar Fmrglmliioi and on per scaitemtionsto store shuber13mllif 71 boume St Town Aitchi lemeds 35101811le mmhr Pepi son 2SLGMtee 1A eL staimrayto attic builders Laklngglasrssa Road Prysdns Grill Miiieast Sit 11 Altm 29min snugenu repairshop Taylor Epoch Sher death of Charles Sullivan about three weeks ago veteran of World War II who jserved forsevcral years in the RCAF and experienced long per iod of active service including fMalta Mr Knecshaw returned to ABradford and instead of assuming teaching position for which he Ewas qualied before goingover seas he accepted the position just being vacated at that time by his father the late Stetheam Kneeshaw as ClerkTreasurer of the town Frogs shfp He also opened an insurance business and when school area was formed in West Gwillimbury he became the Areas Secretary Treasurer In his position as West Gwillr To Gravenhurst for an average attendance QB virinter and seldom did hours go by opened the winter schedule in the mm knownBarrie boy who has been 58185111311sz both new and used lcaiswith Harris Motors Limited 1937 except for short time during they new opera Gmens Motors inravenhurst He has been appointed General motors dealer there on thecopu puny frqncbise for Chevrolet iind Oldsmdbile andds well located in garage with complete scr vicedvepartmeut and four employ on fulltirpe staff Better knowin Barrie as he waSbom here in 1915 son of Mrs Lottie Green and the late 3211mm Green II was edit 1936 he married Vaidee Bell of Barrie They hava four children three boys and one girl Green is member otCoL liter St United Church Corinthian AF and AM and Barrie nslglb is an ardentsherman wsan the trout streamsin this Wich 11 others and is like Sm em withdwckey his favorite Thefqu home has Rehab ARTHUR KNEESHAW imburys ClerkTreasurer Arthur Kneeshaw gave the townships pro gressive Reeve and Council en thusiastic support in the building of the ne Township Municipal Buildinga venture which led the way for other Ontario townships in such buildings interested and trained in educational affairs he has given line service with the School Area Board sports enthusiast Arr as he is known to everyone has been leader in local sport clubs with very special interest in softball He has been active in Lions Club affairs being past president of the Bradford Club and at present holding the office of Deputy Dis ltrict Gover Possessing ne lbaritone voi Art has been in demand in church choir and local lmusical events Turn to page two please up twofold lilszorlc situation marked the annual meeting 21 Royal Victoria Hospital in the Community House lhursdny night due to the fire that it was the last time such meeting would be held before the opening of the new Barrie and District Memorial ng later this year and be cause of the announcement that the RVH had set up new combined patients and births tit1113s tic zccurd Atic mnmiucd cpur of Super licicn Sllzmuiinn tud by Cum mou clinnzixuzi of the budding cmu rulin lrz 71c lcgluit 14ch lil llli lri iuzmg 12131 was 215112 vliill lc number of blllflri was 7110 The Hllllllllillillll of the two was new rccmd The number of Xruy tuillml mi 15 11611 vtnlc 71713 operations vcrc pciluruud The total num her of patient days was 28016 llll1ltllf from Barrio lotullcc 13215 while the Simcoc County 11 rue nus 13113 Other admissrons numbered HIS loznuug out that ill the trum 121 school icii leliMLS graduateLi in June 1931 Viiss Shunhans rc pur explained that the September class of fourteen was not so large as in the previous your due to the luck of residence accommoda tion 11 the present time they find 11 students comprising sen ior 16 intermediate and 14 junior that llilk rvitilclil fl 11gt Mus Shunuhnr number of p1 mouncing the students Women of Note Final Concert Saturday Night Women of Note the third and final concert in the Canadian Art ists Series sponsored by the Barrie Collegiate Band will be presented in the collegiate auditorium Sat urday evening April The three female concert artists on the program will be Mary Symc pianist Beauna Somcrvillc violinist and MargarctStilwell coniralto Minnie McCurdy will be accompanist The program will be divided record Aclt dltlfllllg experience in pub lic liculth through going on ub c1iillti1 Htit llvalth purses and the Victorian Outca or Ntllllg the Superintend um cxprwcti iicr appreciation of the help givcu by Miss MacLach lazi uui her staff and Miss Som mmllc ul ht VON Thanks were ulw extended in the instructors hi Oiivc Chile and Miss Lily Altltdllt and the ciinicul instruc 2111 311 lcxsup for the keenln cicl they had shown in the students Clldll was also given to the Womcirs Hospital Aid for the assistance they gave and with out which it would be difficult for any umpual to function adequate 1y The Superintemicnt also ex pressed her appreciation of the equipment and help given by the following organizations Lions Club Trinity Junior Guild C011 icr Street United Church Presby dcrinn Ladies Womens Hospital Aid Beta Sigma Phi The Hospital Club and the Ladies Kiwanis Auxiliary Donations during the year Miss Shanzrhan pointh bub had not been so large as in some previous years but it bud to be remember ed that town and country urganiz anions were beingaskrd to furn ish the new unit Presidents Report Submitting his report the Pres ident the Rev James Ferguson said it was interesting to note that the RVH had operated at peak capacity throughoutth year rind or review There had been no letup in the demand for beds and no decrease in this demand could be foreseen in the immediate futa urc People today were more 1105 pitalconsciuus and were more res dy to enter hospitals for treatment Crowded conditions however are constant source of worry to the Superintendent and 511m Board be added It does make for happy situation when beds have to be placed in the corridors and when the av $611th use thieiarri1sm vecmn es mam with each of them appearing once on the first half and again during the second half of the program Miss Syme who is known to Barrie audiences through her previous appearance here in the Canadian Artists Series will play Chopin group andsclections by Brahms Gluck Faure and the con temporary composer Poulenc 311$ Stilwells program will in clude selections by Bizet Saint Sachs and Richard Strauss as well las arrangements of folk ballads The main work on Miss Somer villes program will be the Con certo in Minor for violin by Mendelmohn Hejre by Hubay will be one of the popular favorites on her varied program Royce little LOnMining Tour Of Inspection Royce Little BSc formerly with the Eldona Mines and Nor anda Mines Limited and now sup erintendent for the JohnsManville Asbestos Corporation at Vimy Ridge Mine Thetford Quebec has lbeen selected by his company to visitand report on improved safety Iapnliances of ll their BEESWEY Newfoundland to British Columbia land including the Missasabi Asbes tos Rangein the USA He left March 26 and the inspec Dancing Monday Wednesday lion duties will take him aboutsix Friday and Saturday nights at Club weeks 79 Admission ladies 50c gentlej Bud Littleis the third son of men 75c 43m John little former mayor of Old tyme and modern danciuggBanie and the late MFS Lime5 in Allandale Orange Hall every and attended King Edward SchooLf Friday night starting 17111 AdugAllandale and later the BDCIJ mission Site 39 when the family residence was on Rummage sale Trinity Parish lWilliarh St He then cgntinued his Han Sammy April Vauspicesl education at Pickering College Trinity WA Doors open amiNewmarket and Queens Unmet 3339FisityKingston where he gragpat in Essa Road 311215 pulling engineer in 19721 Rummage Sale PreSbyterian Church under LtbeEnhSngg1th the Royce lauspices of me Evening iAuxmaryiwas on active service until 1945 at am 39 ant Prince of Wales School Bradi Miss VernaCain of Torontog ford StvAuspices Prince ofWalesi Kaine andSehool Association Doors open am 3f39MF Bingo 1Come one come ami Shroud Coimuuniw Hall Saturday Apr 831 pm AuspicesrLOLc Siren in aid of Orphanage 39 Dance in Ivy Orange Hall Wed nesday April Paxton3 orches SI build at King Edward public tfa Lunch mun Miss Barrie Collegiate Institute In tor Easter dance at Pine Crest Did ltyme and mod1 cm dancing 101 mm Ad mission ore 19 Tun vices titan 33111 Shbniiheywm mov 3601 viii on Saturday prril Doors open attaining the rank or ight neuter MSRoc fasnmlski Rummage 331e Saturday April lme lo the ormegibeablew KW consistently passing day Crowded conditions always have serious effect on every departs menl of the hospital It means Turn to page two please oov 000 The Last Column LOST COLUMN By SCOITE TAYLOR 00 00 High time seminar was com plaining about the injustices being perpetrated around this office Al though no one has come right out in the Open and attributed it dir ectly lo the fact that it happens 16 be the same day The Last arrQ pears it is with certain amount of justifiable suspicion that columnist views the recently aequired information that them will be no Examiner neprt Friday Breathing fire and calling on the malignant powers for vengeance at this sabotaging of my usual run tine was not impreSed by suggestion that might try an UpsideDown hesdays sports page The idea may add did not come from our sports editor Speaking of sport had most intcresting evening recenthr be coming acquainted with the art of bowling use the word art aid visedly Its quite game pen plexing at times to the uninitiated but interesting neverthelem The dress or lack of it of the players however could only amsure evoke scream of sartorial anguish from the fashion expegt mentioning The Examiner but as it wasat theinlin lionI went along feel Islieuld pay them tting 1451 though the finer points igqu umpires the Public column on Wed

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