7m micron mam 281951 FARMS son SALE 11111 Speak iul Hundreds Answeriiem Each Da mm mw lltl Dunlop Street BARmhl Ontario Fort Stanton onmrio WVVwmmm mm obligationVVFV might VIARGE BRIGHT SOIL 629 Huronmno SLV Conmg Omekeqmg vood phone 318M 393011 ELECTRIC BROODERS Bowen Motor Sales room VVQf cemralV com letel pig Broader Each $1493 furnished Suitable for gouplg NEW 1951 Ferguson Tractor weighl FARM srocu up ME QUPMEVT UHCk Broader EM $159 RCURY NCOIN METEORIANMML lmmcdmtd Phonelowiflld ted me5 and hgms new an Smell Victoria St Alust0nm sewmg machine hydraulic hit The undersigned has received ELECTRIC WASHERS lLARGE Comfortable furnished will Wk mi 13 Instructions from feet long With stock racks We also Good Used Models to sell at $2000 Used Car Specnols WI ml down HERB HANDY $4000 1nd $6000 lown Suitable for business lady cm OOd length HomoV4 west 119 Conmlon 736 1940 Cheviolct Sedan Towomnuo Townshl $0 gentleman AbitahwR phone 186 Blake St Phone 2244 3936 1948 Pontiac Coach Elm 15353I 1950 FERGUSON Tractor in ex T0 SCllby Public Auction on we vULCANIZING RETREADING 1911 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Ford Coach TIRE SERVICE lipurtmcnt downtown phone hot THE All Graves Bros Ferguson Farm FOLLOWING sZes true ractor an 1937 Ford 11T0n pickup willci cvely facility Box 6ft Bar Equipment D9810 305 Bwnold HORSES Rom Maw 12 WSV Examine 193535 St North Barrio Phone 353 lold Sorrel Gelding yrs 018 GARTSHOREiS wam BUSINESS LOcalion for rent 31135 57133331 155f0r13iuiiili3cfvs wwf FIRESTONE STORE YOU Gel 11033 $3133 llllASSEY HARRIS Clipper 6ft Iyrs 116M calf foot Hereford COVEI Sielcs scower clean tank 0W ylS cut at fool BARBIE 3195 000d BUY al all Wig PiCkUP mammal Durham C0 Old calf at 05 any bUIIdCrt the rice List wnh motor condmon 800d as new IOOI Durham Com yrs old calf ings Ofany kind invite JV will sell Toasonablc George White at foot Hereford Heifers yrs PIECE Chestereld Sllile and BonkeV Broken game Phone Thresher 24x44 161t elevator on old due time of sale Heifers ERlIGISTERED Clydesdale Marc Irising Registered Clydesdale Stallion rising Gcorgc Wrighlt RR Einivule Phone 181 936 WWW WW FOR SALE AUTOMOIILES 17301151117 ma RENT ocean r011 SALE none TO CREDITORS WMW Wwmw an SVRAIN sing Phastfiilrerarm ghosts lponiilisugp 33310051 egg11 Rooneo Bungalow with mudiilvg5hq=mby it 3093 U5 OWUlS tea on one 7cm kit If or Cw R0 150 Hal Ware 77 7777 cum rainwater 13 m1 33 RlChBIdSGn MI FURNISHEDROOMSACIUIIS mingmbg Possession is immediate and Towmm 310 zeacu 846 Apply 213 Bayflcld St 15 Ea 3mm down payment bandit of 5mm Farm Laborer MIRIMW 75 We msruur FARM Lot 16 Con IN MINUTES FURNISHED ROOM kitchen 52m Qoygsgmllgyjsgllgased who died $1 lifeboat gig um Shicdengv 25 ficres zmprovw as bu YOU 153637jgtw rszflmivumIwighih dd UtV fienimr so 11 lb 811 Hire cquesied 13 cnd particulars 33m omen $21 bujfrflugfn mwf we Enmmme Rang mm mm Emitciyistu tyre Veg lib c1111 clverunmsnen BEDROOM euuiggm fgifkffngogdiur 11m oilqu 13 undersigned Nihimum Immd Allll Hi Joncsv RR Bea Qua com used mm SEE 9735 105 wow St or phCrmlllon Wilmn bkch 01 Ill bwbl with on 940m 73m HONEST JOE NEW OFFICE Accommodation lip33M Marmall Reprrwntaftmme he 7g 010W 133mi W3 33 PM 039 Livesrocx Fox SALE POULTRY BROODER or Iowan Building 53 Collier Still 717 Come Rval memos suntan the um maxim replica directed to this office also extra momma iilliomeal as r055 Town Motel85PM 452 WISH $79k owe Sire i333 Wm have I8 Wm Dealer Brdyord phone Thw ice and no be reponsxble to mam LOCALS 4c 3mm mmlmm $100 Com NOV mmwleV 936 134440 IinggigaagigfncmirpshpgggISELECTION OWF mm gag Mm tailoring Consecutive Insertions ace word minimum 750 LNUMBER 01 was dmmm ages ELECTRIC RANGE To WIND UP ESTATE 111113511 and 313 s11s3ai31ubiziimgmbeEluidigzchgg bmtglVl 01V 8111ng his cmnon Cm 993 WSW Dull Range burntr used runnzsucn ROOM ii 11 illuu low AllillUlt McLEAN mom CARD THANKS IN APPRE 93536le00 in lg r0115 le Vl pdynllcnt inflame on illness gr pretrrccln101i erms owcr on rent minimum 750 ENAGEMENT NOTICES 09 1th DURHAM COW vears oldlzgglf my Range 5m 13 lowan St Phon 5118 1541536 For further information sec A3391 mldlsnl 133 P110 Coutls Real Estate Broker Imed muygefgamlner udvcyrtglnl $113511 259151 AP Door Sedan Rplilrdclo PM 77 33 an mm PIGS WEEKS OLD Applyl VACUUM CLEANERS Big MM 2500 Series iml 57 BMW Emlm path Manor mufn331 iglvmiul Pliclpslon Pgiogggid ELEVng Wllh althmemv Custom radio air condition underI lllctkdngsgft Evadeosmivmifg ll l3HL1 v5iGE Upright less attachments used 353 26660 00 Lgang$393016 0ng MAdsscv HARle 14 Tractor 19501 mlief gown Vur Slingslnglmcmtm on issue llOLSTElN COW years ueg mo lEmO e1 ell =sac ZIImSOCnII 1rnpemen Mmniiy553o If Wedggsyday issue IAIN Apply Jim MilCLOlm Mld ow SW0 39000201240 TRADEINS Apply 12 Simpson St Phone 3627Eglow Sigziighttgncomliign 111533incluuigngmuluf and lViIlltti eqiiip ill sl lol 80115 9438 57cilin be m0m 39 at 117111 crms emu Thund 530 pm for Friday we WMWPTWMPM Diglchecr Braggfdlt rm SIP01 Alltlllmttli 3240 HOLSFEIN HEIFER vaccinatedn TSMML Flmllshel healed artl77wwm Wednesday April Edgur tum EL WANTED WANTED Im mm mm Apr 20 9cm mmdw washlid CONTACT Law Igosgoxsml AWE STEEL POSTS for stable ft Archer milcs north miles Whom 43 smde 936 onlymun an iome ui er Law Seed Commny one 84 or apply 01 Bradford double cow 5m stanchion Nth west of Ellnvale sale of farm 81 ACK RSF over wqu Bedon phonl blwa7v 77M4 head and ushed end 31500ck hay gram imd mlwhmery Borne Metal Solvoge 60 GE RR l330 SMALL UMmVhed Ammem 13V Tooh Cultivator Massey liar35f Im Tfjm 00 Dmleh gum mn MW mm lVi uhV 0111cx 121 3V in new home No Objectioh to one George Frpdprlckl RR NR From Auctionur 33 39b for Summer 1012119 accommodatinitlhidesffcathcrs live oultry cchlECIEPIEL mul child Apply 24 Alfred $1 Tmmlon 3981314709 County Shorthom Club approximately 75 guests GoorlESpeciaI price paid dclvercd OurTEAM Ol HORSES 3100 lbs Allandalc 1536NEW6 doume Ham dBllIl Stile Barrie PaliGlounds wages Apply Itrucks will call anywhere within and years Holt C011 111 Power7 Point Sprayer new less mn 0m to tf blfl pm ruesday April in Offering ithe county on request Phone 298311115111 off Highway 27 Phone motor $2500 POWER GLIDE VGROUND Floor office space 735 Bum Elstoin all 13 Bulls inspected and approved MIS EFHESI SIOnIOH lor 820r31 residence 5306 Stayncrlnrgl 1oy $438 Leland Motor l37hp $7500 Air conditioned hauler 951re fem CXIV Chow Imam 1d whim $79 bonus 10 PWCINSVR by BAYVIEW LODGE I983 01 9313 M111 Range Boilers NO 30 2281111011 Very low mileage lingo 727Vlgoom furnished nous oldemOrgcr tosiiiibitllgodoonpigxigmseiimmif Int onllario Lile 10 YORKSHIRE PINS VeekSO ca acify 495 0N 153837 Ith rune or catalogue app wwnvdV 510 each sows due 19 pftmmn limm 20 each $995 JISI k0 7Mv7 mimor 3231 39136110 Wm NtVw Stroud Secretary Phone 515 sewn ming Illjzzillitland mm Tlmn vfflrlow in Am and NEROFilly lHiglggfggolllatIllegpzltlgwggxcan ATER WELL Drillers 25 yearslAmmnwr Spmlm 3538 mm Slmml 13 36Market Squnio Barrio willy liocalid Adiilts BOX 36 axpmimce in r1Barrie and Dismet notations rm advice on request $600 pm dayV Boliic Examinci 15311 Scrap Iron Horsthair llidcs MUSKRATS Local firm has Opening for Tr1 elling Salesman mechanically in GOO0 ham 5le 10 Holstein 31123113lliwsliu$lg$3533irgiirriiiilknilliYlitglwibreifcr TB leafy andI vfccigateg fresh heifer Cil at 00 essemml Willon Anvlls phone 831112 SALARY COMMISSION 133 Comer SVV Phone 2301 93637 TRANSPORTATION SUPPLIEDI Collect phone calls 1cccpteii ILWqmwmwgiw YOUR CHOICE Of Clydesdale IIOSPIIALIZATION AND 1Nl witnout obligation VhorSOSV quiet and reliable also SURANCE BENEFITS 1334 Igood breeding elves due May Mnch Cookstown PERMANENT POSITION FOR App VVV p36 THE RIGHT MAN phone 10122 gSPITENDID Opportunity for two mum clndilionf 1995 Ford 17 business girls to share spacious guson Olwm 70 Foldson le her Hay Rake used seasons Wm Apply Bring your scrap iron tin car had pgcisIERED English Yorkshire scll direct We prepare the sameomm also young boars and bred pf 32 iggemmgrbrtwmmreIand open gills Hudgln RR CLEANING WOMAN for several dilli 930 We PM 2893 1361King West 813 Phone 42610rillial2 POLLED distilled WWI 132502 lBiills Mischief breeding 13 and 11 130115 for Globe and Mali paper routcsTgood prots and com CEDAR CANOE Canvas cm missions Phone 2233 ng and service call 135 36 930 FRANCOZ No Moonstonc 11 months old miles west of Coulsous Hill on Highway 11 Ap ply llilrold Andrews Bradford 93336F furniture vans Cooke Carl1K0 and BUFFET 011 China Cabinet 11152 ABERDEEN ANGUS Bull calves l3637crod 11 ft Phone 202w Alliston DRIVERS AND Helpers wanted 4530401 rising yr old Steers rising SMALL Greenhouse 5x20 Apply STANDOUT BARGAINS 5387 1536 Lela Moreau or phone 533 1331 16w oiclV1 Registered Hereford bull 1950 Chevrolet Sedan Radio Metl mom Old 01 Bmdfold St Phone 4306 one awe Blue pROpERT FOR SALE sme AND Fowr 11 Chunks of Pigs SowL due time of sale PARK STREET LIVESTOCK WANTED 131illiirllliluclii111NTs ETC John Storagt Phil 5575 Ilmrgood condition Apply BOX 6215 months old eligible for regis wcw 13536 Barrie Examiner EXPERIENCED Single farm hand Must be good with livestock Ap 16 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Blue BENDIX HOME Laundry washilig Beautiful condition machine like new Bargain Phone 1950 Chevrolet Coach two to 335311traiion also Berkshire boar one ycar old Apply William Furlong MORTGAGE wanted for $1200 uanholpslon phone Elmvnle 216 Ice Box Phone 4027 74637 rubber in gOod condition Apply ly Sproule Stroud phonei 3111 13537 WANTED Immediately tuneup and ignition specialist magnclos carburetors etc Apply Harris Auto Electric 141336 YOUNG MAN 14 to 17 to work on farm for summer Good wages No heavy vork Frank Coughliln Anton Mills Phone Elmvalc 53122 YOUNG LADY for office position Good lypist shorthand preferiedi but not necessary Group insurance to Boxn xamincr 13336l benefitsApEply in writing 51 Home WOMAN WANTED for housework part time out of town Also roomsl to rent artly fuinishedVcookirlg accommo ation good location near village Box 63 BarrieExaminer SERVICEMEN to sell beautiful bandpainted military crests made on glassScll like hot cakes and pays 100 commission For com plate information and sample please write Paragon Picture Co 1270 Howe Street Vancouycrag ulred to operate own parlor at BEAUTY PARLOR Operator re house and lot miles west of Home 011 No 90 Highway Write Kelinelll Gougll RR Utopia Quiet family Phone 4470 or 2952 373236 MISCELLANEOUS BUTTON BUCKLE COVERING Overnight Service on all popular sizes Barrie Tent Awning CO 34 Bayeld St Phone 4314 53340 CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED FOR WRECKING 13536lIor good used parts tires heaters and glass at reasonable prices see WEST END WRECKERS Ferndale Phone 81111 5133 FLOOR SANDERS FORRENT Do woul own oOrs Its easy CA Station Camp Bowen Dc Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander sitable to have own equipment Parlor to operate in May Send applicationwith reference to Com manding Officer ECAF Camp me t7140C AL Sporting organization wants man on parttime basis dur ingisummer months Duties to consist mainly of publicity work fon weekly sporting events Re tlon on commissmn basis 05 Bar lBSI plans for in ease earnings good Rowlelgli business is hard to beatbig line twell established good prots No experierice required Write today 80 foru information on how to started Rayleighs Dept MLC 128225 Montreal 130 TED Fulltime salesman with car or nearby Watkins ruralilov cality Neither ca ital nor exper iericc hecusargst 1911 are he ween and and want ii per manent comicctlon with good future write today for full par ticular to Tth in Watkins Com pany 7350 St Roch ill Montreal 130 ESL IES wanted wto intro liuiand new 111131 ottnlaregla rm Mei ea 117 elbvts makeuthis product andco of the bestselling articles on mantel May This is 11 Teal unity for girls orl nause lo make extra money In pasta or full time Box 53 miner 174 estimates wotlldgtoke are of one Ilildlelgwwhilealmffg 01 with your Vsecratar all work hull rssoy Ina DuOIOp St doe excenrnt work Low rates Complete lute of floor nishing materials paints varnishes shell aca tillers brushes etc We sell everythinrneededo m8lenEW doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton St Phone 5206 Hutu gt BUY SELL TRADE We buy sell or trade anyarticlc specializing in used household furniture We also have record book and gun exchanges Free estimates given upon request Better Used Furniture BARRIE 52165 FILL FOR SALE Dennis Moran 11 9997 777sonabie7phone 5627 113111 EAVESTROUGHING To It or country work Phone 3275 57371 FOUNDATIONS Sidewalks Stoops Drivewu 11 Try my prices Davis OIIIIBCIOI phone 4739 53547 CINDERS FORZSALE also all kinds of 1111 gravel and Crushed stone Phone 4350 or 5087 lifter p111 54536 PA TING AND Decorating con utijac interior or exterior We spec 111121 In pa or hanging Free ctoriins ccora tors 5117 133461 MIMEOGRAPHING and public Itenogra by Let Mrs Jane nailoi Alvin Thom son 1131 polio 1024 51537 HERA ALL makes of Sew inirMac Inna Free demonstration many new or used sewing man chines Singer Sewln Machine IIIVIIG phone 43115 thtb Three la mug 13y airless you will ten ilter ueen Clagier no hair drier lice cy 31an Phone 3032 93237 ilUREBRED Shorthoin Bulls near ing serviceable age sired by lScotsdulc Bonus by OAC Mayflow le1s Ransom Herd accredited lMurruy Paris phone 46111 Brad 10rd 93537 scorcu SHORTHORN Bull 801 lviccabic age deep low set dark red roan Sire vscotsdalc Bonus 1A breeders bull at commercial buli price Accredited Percy Cars cadden Bradford 93637 ===z SEED FEED BEAVER SEED Oats for sale Ap ply Thomas Lyons phone 2rl3 Ivy 103437MF 25 TONS MIXED Hay baled well saved $20 and $15pchton Apply Bill Gibbins Painswmk phone Stroud 19123 1034438 AJAX OATS and Nobarb Barley for sale Good clean seed Wm Warnica RR Bantu phone Slroud 20r101 1035736 CONTRACT Malling Barley Free use of seed and premium For particulars write or phone Ivy Seed Mlll Ivy 103639F 15 TONS OF choice Alfalfa and Timothy Hay in square bales for sale also quantity of mixed grain and rubber tired wagon in ektrn good condition Apply Knowles Bros Stroud hone 2412 mAlfkaEss REGISTERED and Commercial Ajax Beaver Clinton Cartier Erban and Loraine Oats Montcalm and Galore Barle also mixture 5050 by weight alore and Car tlei Contract Maltlng Barleyull types of clovers grassesandgmbca lures at competitlvoprices Bruins treated with Ceresun and 31111111 seed with Artisan Ivy seederu 1w Accommodation Wantnd WANTED TOPNENT roomed round floor apartment bungalow or small house Phone 0002 1136 UNFURNISHED roOmed apart merit orhous urgently required by hydro employee Must be rea PURNISHED Apartment or flat wanted by couple with one child GOod rent paid Write Box 68 Barrie Examiner 1141867 UNFURNISIIED House or room ed npaitment wanted In Home or surrounding district for carpenter wife and one child Phtme 25271 11736739 ARMY COUPLEwith one child age desire or unfurnished rooms or hallo house it possible In Barrie Phone GL3720 Toronto collect 711535117 01M HOOMED aparlmenl seii contained separate entrance and unfurnished preferred wanted by yo ng cou lc immediute No ch ldrcn lease write 03 40 Barrie Examiner lllt32tt MY NAME is Donna and rm seven My brother is four and wed like to thida utbeddr ourudai family Our Daddy san Airman and hes looked audlooked7but no one wants us kids We both promise well try to be goodaq please wont surgeon phone kl my 2370 and ask or Mrs 11 provan ape us at No3Wh to TWllliMutelvg 1146 2893 736 SINGER Patcher Machine in good condition Breedon Newton Robinson 73538 DOZEN N0 Muskrat Traps Ernest Gardner RR Barrie Phone 841m 726 4v CONVERTIBLE Bab Carrie maroon in good con ition Appy 68 Cumberland St 7416 JOHNSON Outboard iiitor 10 hp Apply Mrs Hopkins House No 12 13X Angus 73536 SET OF Open Stairs complete with railing and spindles Reasons able 170 Dunlop Si Barrie 7211 CRESSWART Remover NEE does it Your Drugglst sells Cross CornSalvc for sure relief 73 SIXIUBE Emmcrson mantel 110 hot plate 3way switch also bottle capper Phonei4083 730 CHOICE 1032 used Washers both in good condition also mans bicy cle one year old Apply 58 Eccles St 7436 CUSTOM MADE Venetian Blinds Flexlum slats and plastic tapes Fourteen colors to choose from Free estimates Phone Roy Tracy 3482 736 ADDING Machines and Typewrlt ers new and used sales arid rent als Royal Typewriter ent for Simodspiintyfimcor smells Machines 662 Toronto St Barrie phone 4824 24537 TXPEWRITEBS office machlneli variables odding machines cash registers almond Nice it guano 17 Frolic St hone 41153301 87 Split 160mm 1ilpleseiitatlve1 801be AK dining 9an extension table buffet wlth bevel lass mirror six chairs with leg her 1111 steals Queen Anne style Ap ly17 Frances St or phone 4115 after 630 pm 736 TYPEWRITERS and Adding Mal chines new and fuctory reconcll tloned Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remin on Rand Lim lied 90 Dunlop Barrle7Phone 2756 724tfll 8u OIL CAKEavailable again Com lete line of Master Feeds Frost encegv Fertilizer Pent Moss and Poultry Supplies Authorized deal BOX Barrie Examiner lles Franc Ollma adilBozlrs born Aug 1950 imported assenger tires Tractor tire fill 1336 service phone Craig Vunter Stroud 535 272337 LUMBER amoo recto dry split and spruce 218110 11312 2x4x10 214116 inxu 214113 234x10 2114118 Quantity of one inch Quantity of cedar postsand poles all sizes andlengths Bouncy 186 Blake St Phone 2244 7730 TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE received by the undersl ed on the followi 11 30113010 or and alfouse rooms with aura eyfaoodr well situatedain the gull clouds ch beln Lo on the South of M1 Street Farm containing one hundred acres be big part of Lot 54300110653th in the township of Medonte goo reek lunnln much this farm con lmcne hundred acres ogwhl b1 arduloodbus oinllt the Towuali er foriiGiahum Chisel Plows the answer to hibisturc groblelhSLFCIflww METEOR Idoor sedan com xLAKESHQRE Puorilinms In the Gebrgian Bapbalieslmeue choose fom 1949 Plymou Coach 1940 Pontiac Sedan 1949 Dodge Sedan Radio fully equipped 1947 Chevrolet Club Coupe real bargain from 1940 Ford Convertible automatic lop 1910 Buick Sedan 1938 Dodge Sedan 1941 1gTon Chevrolet 1941 lTon Express Many more to choose from We buy for cash and sell on terms Crosstown Motors 920 Bradford St Phone 5430 133638 1950 PLYMOUTH Deluxe in Al sha low mileage Apply 38 For side Drive 1336 1946 CHEVROLET Sedan bargain $900 Cash trade or terms Apply 112 Cook St Phone 4852 1336 1947 PONTIAC Sedanette good Condition body tires AI Nice clean black finish Phone 4837 133536 1947 MERCURY Truck ton steel box wth shield over cab good condition Gordon Drury RR No Alliston 13416 INTERNKNONAL Motor 361 cubic inch displacement in good condition Write Box 52 ar rie Examiner 133 36 1947 FARGO lTON Truck open box low mileage Value $1000 sell for $800 Also used tires 20 Tom Starr RR Guthrie phone 824 oro 1341439 35 CHEV COACH good condition real good tires3 Spares Rea son for selling leaving for Eng land Best offer Phone 303Bratter pm 1336 1950 cl TON DODGE Truck 111 first class condition This truck has to be sold due to financial difficulties Apply Box 54 Barrie Examiner 133436 WW 1950 laTON PICKUP Studebaker truck helper springs Shock ab sorbers first class shape 9000 miles Can be nanced privately Apply Lot 27 C011 Adjala Town ship VElIc plidnam 134536 mm grey low mileage nice condition throughout Trice $1575 This car is privately owned and terms may behrranged if desired Call at 13 Burton Ave or phone 5759 13416 moraiuvwmraou SUMMER PROPERTIES HWe invite liStings Tou Lake Couchicbln and Muskok distr cls WANIEDZATONCE We have $3th yr for immed rlate pure asexof 71 400FOOTERONTAGE out Lake Slmcoe North of Borne I6 room brick with sunroom Strict ly modern with bath on first floor Inot water heating Garage Ever ithing just like new 71 JOHN STREET 1041 Chevrolet three to chooseic room brick with sunroOm and lgaragc Oil heating Immaculate in ievery way Extra good value DONALD STREET IBrick Bungalow one year old 1011 heating Must be seen to be appreciated OWEN STREET Six Room Bungalow ready for occupancy One of the better con structed new homes OTHER STREETS We have homes for saloon many of the finest residential streets in Barrie 1636 EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS For other town properties busi nesses farms Or anything in real estate we invite you to contact our representatives Frank Bant TO WHOM ing and Ted Colbert HARVEY 1CO LIMITED CBEALESTATEBROKERS 91 DUNLOP ST BARBIE PHONE 3926 3990 4708 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 1636 WFORISALEI BUILDING LOTS 6WEEKOLD Registered swine gills young calves any breed Also straw and grain wantch Apply Box 24 Barrio ExaminelyDeerc Tractor Cultivator Interna 41639 Steel Land Roller MasseyHarris Hoe Drill 16 bull Drag Harlow No 21 Ficury Plows MasseyHal Vris Manure Sprgagemlnterngiionpl uuk TAKE NOTICE that the Department of Highways 01 Ontario has registered 11 plan as Number 35876 in the Resists Office for the County of Simone under date of March 12th1952 in accordance with RSO 1950 chapter 323 Sec iv and Chapter 166 Section 72 which gives its ownership of the land required for the purposes of our highway as described beow ALL THAT PORTION 0FIIgtIE WEST HALF 01 LOT 23 CONCESSION of the Township of Vespra now in the Town of Barrie in the County of Sinicoe in the Province of Ontario rhuvini an area of 0656 acre more or less shown marked red on hlchwoy plan of survey P4847 29 and more particularly described as follows Premisan that all bearings herein are Astronomlc and are referred to the mer idian through the southeast corner of lot 25 Concession in the Township of Vesprs in longitude 79 42 west Conimcnclnu at helm of the intersection of the division line between the east half and the west half of lot 23 with the southerly limit of Bunnidole Road and which said point of intersection may be located by starth at the point of inter section of the northerly limit of lot 23 with the southerly limit of Sunblock Roadtbonce south 69 35 40 east airing the southerly limit Sunnidale Road 9751 feet thence south 60 52 10 east continuan sinner therxoutlrerly unlitor Bunhidale Road 2182 feet to the point of commencement thence south 319 33 20 east along the division line between the cast half and the west half pIlot 23 distance oi 83939mo ojmonument in the north erlylimit of elllmwlu Street thongssouth 1513vest alone the porter1y limit of We lncton Street to monument distant 331eet meltsured southWesterly tom and at 113th nucleic toithe dtv clans lie bntweeu theeust half and west altolub 23 thence north 31 5320 West parallel to the sold dlvuilon line 88740 feet to 11 11110111 in the southerly llmit of sunnldale ca Deere Tractor BR Robt Bell Threshing Machine 24x40 Chaff Blower and 100 foot Belt John tional Tractor Plow 2furrow DoubleDisc Disc Harrow disc International Mowerl Masseyar ris Binder 611 MasseyHarris lSillky Rake 24footLadder Rub MAY CONCERN her tiled Wagon and Hay Rack Wagon and Stock Rack Pig Crate 1000 lbs Scales 3000 lbs Stock Scales Scuffler Cutter Cutter Pole Buzz Saw Vise Forge Anvil Sugar Kettles Barn Jack Grain Grader Klein Fanning M111 and Bagger Sickle Grinder 40 feet new inch Pipe Woven Wire Stretcher Cross Cut Saws Single Wire Stretcher Wheel Barrow Blower Cutting Box 13 feet Pipes Quan tity Clover Seed 3000 feetvPine Lumber bunches Shingles Quan tity Hemlock Plank Set Dehorners Steel Barrels Burdizzos Set Masculutors Cyclone Seeder Ren remCream Separator and motor HARNESS Set Double Harness Set Single Harness Robe Pair Woollen Horse Blankets HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Cook Stoves Buffet Small Cider Press Round Table and Chairs Clipboard Couch Beds and Springs and Mattresses Dress eltrs Wash Stand Small Refriger or Tciimscssiiflrraicurr51miTiisi lllg Machine half cash Balance in six months on appro ed joint notes acceptable at Ban of Tor ontoCreemore with interest at six per cent per annum Howard Handy and George Dodsworlh Clerks 3674 Chas Foster Auctioneer PPIione 3693 162637b CHOICE LOTSPuget 51$ Sewers and wpter Phone 4805 167135315 BUILDING 2131572 Amuoof Would make good drivingslied Best offer Bertwlviulhollzind Phone stiud 3912 1673566 ROOMED Cottage on Tollendal Road unfurnished heavy ering lot 60x300 Apply Bursey Barrie yollendal bud 183 38 LOT Appibiimaily 32 300 be tween Gollimzwood un Pelleiv Sts Good vviewwof boy Apply Lloyd Smith 114131511112 St 434333 tabooo noon Brick house in Tottenham on main stliect Large 0t7Etls sseVs1 door dilly for city Box 60 time Examiner uoussp in village of tuition excellent location Stro H6 SMALL6 MED House 111 Elm Mala 1100 an l01d watei Small bathcelltlr small Arden good garage immediatemp 2551011 gly bangman 36 Joel arrie cehtrully lo new It 11 txtir 1636439F sc oodbulldlng lots thence 35 WW muslin southerly ill of Sunnidale Road 3666 feet thence south 6052 10 east cori tinuum along the southerly limit of Sun nidalc Road3182 feet to the point of commencement Every person 1151111113 any claim to compensation mustflle some in the of fice of the Minister of Highways within six months sftrvthe reglstmtionof the plan or in the case of land lngurlouslv affected within six months it let the inow cmnlainedrrofror in the case of it continued inlurv within one year from thetlme the utility cosine known See Chapter 323 380 950 Yours=truly cum all an VALUATOR If Richnrdsoo 09 of isthmus Iiifl 11mm indium 11011331101711 unusrrocu um 311m 2577 null EXIENSIVEAUTIGNiSALE 07 skiCONDITIONED POWER AND for Funkcomlsr Sales as gruiullelu at flMlle Wilt crummy 011 WEDNESDAYAPRIL ZAT pm $11 Thin sale includesapprommately 15 tractors whiten tires wrestlers combine bidders ulmltsiseed drills mauur mg on plawV tillers spring toothharrows tandem discs tractor at nblutylapter row potato diggers rubber tired Wagonr ervicof boileoftmd filtrate Arr2 nearly allequippeqwitlr forage harvesters grain and cox11V Spreaders and stonewtroctor Elitivali communiiysuesluensv