Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1952, p. 8

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from nag to DoWith The r45c Profit Dollar The the dollar is what business making profit over $10000 per year might expect to retain out of every $1 of profits after paying all taxes and license fees federal provincial and municipal The question arises What to do with the lie profit dollar Circumstances differ from one business to another but there is com mon need however in the retention of pres ent sales outlets and in development of new and larger markets McKlm Advertising Limited have dechd comprehensively into the subject and on all counts report that authorities consulted on the question of what to do with the 45c profit dollar havezadvised Avoid all unnecessary capital expenditures If working capital and reserves need to be strengthened by all means add to them Broaden sales to mect population shifts but avoid panicking the public into another ane of scam buying The survey notes the great population shift from rural to urban points is apt to continue but there Will also be population shift in the opposite direction to frontier districts where the most important resources development projects have been undertaken Sales broadening should therefore be in tWO directions and each opposite to the other McKlms concludes In one direction would be the growing industrial force for armament to be concentrated in the large congesned urban centres Far removed would be the frontier markets These require different me thods of approach salesmanship and service Business can use to advantage what it has left from its earnings after all governments have taken their cut Yet in spite of this big cut it is almost certain that tomorrows mar kets will be bigger markets than todays and perhaps spectacularly big for the canadian business man who capitolIZes on todays great opportunities by employing bold thinking and enterprising action in advertising as well as in other sales efforts and so to make most effective use of the 45c dollar Newspaper Advertising Requisiie of Sales Campaign Newspaper advertising is one of the prime requisites of any successful sales campaign Robert Lamb managing secretary of the Ontario Retail Hardware Association said attheannual convention in Toronto recent 1y Mr advised delegates that Itxhas been proyfcdtime and time again that con sistent newspaper advertising by all retailers helpsnotjohly to maintain and improve your position in the community but also provides the perfect medium in which to bring to the consumers attentioa the many services avail able at their local hardwaredealefs lhcpatdwale industryhas returned to rlsellers market he said and this means that vie will hive place an entra emphasis 0n sound consumer relations in 1952 It is now generallyngtecd Mr Lamb continued that hardware prices will remain fairly steady if demand fer merchandise stays ngfevei Mr flaunt Mid thehardwaremen that there on those engagpd 1n the in this province to safe mand ris maintained by oil bone and by telling the fro or what retailers jd distributorrin thehard hymns to give me average nteed product at the lowasr Editorial Notes Sound loves to revel in summer night Edgar Allan Poe Remember no parking motors in Till sonburg is slogan advertised in the Till sonburg News Canadas Minister for External Affairs the Hon Lester Bowles Pearson is always very much in the news but has been copeclalr ly so in the past week with his radio address on NATO It is recalled that his grandfather the Rev Isaac Bowles Pearson was minist er of Barries Collier St Methodist Church some years ago and his father attcnded school here as boy As matter of fact loo has twu first cousins who are citizens of Bar rie Marmaduke Pearson and Mrs William Snazcl OPINIONS OF OTHERS More inexcusable Oshawa TimesGazelle lie comcs from good family So often this state mcnt is offered in dcfoncc of lawbrcakcr as though the fact that his parents are honest goodliving folk and his brothers and sisters good living people has any bcnrihg upon the defendants culpability or the severity of the penalty he must pay if anything the fact that man comes from good family makes his offence the more inex CliSZlle He has been brought up in good home free from the unsavory influences that affect the character of less fortunate boys llc has been instructed properly tonccrnlug moral matters and has the famllys ex ample before him lie must realize that if he gets into trouble his guilt will cause milch unhappiness to oth ers Too often the youth of our better families are thoroughly spoiled Oblrilnlng through their wellio doparenis all the luxuries that other boys must work for or do without they clinic to believe that they are entitled to do anything they happen to desire Selfish ness becomes foremost trait chcr taught to con sider others they how no consideration even for members of their family Such persons never let the possible effect on others influence their decision or break thclow The desire is the only factor Thoroughly instilled with selfishness and disregard for the rights of Others they make the worst crlml inals Petty theft soon graduates to armed robbery Murder is but step further along the same path The only cure for the extreme egoilst with crim inal inclinations is to makethe penalty 50 sure and unattractive that his very selfishness and halo of per sonal discomfort will cause him not to risk the con sequences Youre Right Mr Abbott Financial Post The Federal Government is to be commended for sticking to its guns and its promise tocharge cpenly for its new old agepensions it would have been easy especially fbr anadmlnlstratlon criticized for having surplus to have sought favor with the thoughtless by giving the pensions and pretending they cost nothing As Mr Abbott said The establishment ofa special fund isolaicsclearly and definitely the cost to the country of providingold age security and with the supporting taxes invited in the Statute under which the pensions are paid it becomes abundantly clezir to everybody that the govcrnlneht has no incbme of its own but can only payout with one hand such money as it takes in with th oiherhond by taxation it is made very obviohs that the contributory principle is being followedff tAs the Fingncc Minister ptovibusly said There is no magic in government finance dollar paid out to one person must first of all be taken away from another Unfortunately the logic ofthls simple pro position has never been successfully refuted but we might add it is freQiicntly forgotten NewsN01 Editorials Harrow Nous Ii seemssirangetp find lulbcsq enlightened days there is stilla fairly large number people whofall to distinguish between thcrfuncilons of the nevis and editorialicolumnsoilsnewspaperl As esuit lbccause We carry news story in whichsomc person ororganizatlon 13ch stand eith cr forfor against somcfkproicoi it is often assumed the paper shares timetable policy This is far from lbclng c0rrccl The news columns of tho paper are reserved for reports of interest to people offthe district in theslr columhsevcry effort is rtiade to confine reports to chronicle of faculpr ihappdrdngs regardless of the policyofthe newspaper opinions of the person writlhg theslew tufsauor or the publisher People who have something they wish publicized Which is notregard by the edltOras news are The policyof nowspsperonun tiondpesnot of Mediocrityrelied thc ofielther the publl herthc editoriir premium staff lbl ll diaftd by rci nu Severaloeo 19 this community dof coincide with flips who chart 3vhdutb quot no one shlrkc Cir Fred Grant Romlnluu of wife darn At Opposlle Poles wrsr WARD SCHOOL OPENED FIRST CLASSES 1816 THE BLUE JUANlTA Wild rovcd an Indian girl bright Alfarata Whore sweep the waters of the blue Juanita Swift as an antelope through the forest going Loose were her jetty wavy tresscs flowing Gay Was themountain song of bright Alfarala Where sWeep the waters of the blue Juanita Strong and true my arrows are in their palnlcd quiver Swift goes my light canoe adown the rapid river Bold is my warrior good the love of Alfarala Proud waves locks in his along the Juanita Soft and low he speaks to me and then his warcry sounding Rings his voice in thunder loud from height to height resounding snowy plume The writer feels safe in saying there isnt upil of the West Ward School aSses of 1878 still living to whomihc abova words wont bring mentor happy mem ories of the exercises which were held lust previous to the school closing each midsummer and Christmas have often wondered whatwas the rcason for the songs general popularity at each of those suc cecdfngsch001 events unless it was their simplicity romance and the rhythmicminder the muSlc wltich suited our Juvenile accom plishlnent and taste Some of the yongs on those programs were iThe Last Rose of Summer Ju anita iFlow Gently chet Af tom Three Blind Mice and The Happy Days we Spend at School too Quickly Pass AWayLi the lm ft of glwhich guess none us fully appreciateduntil years later The last day of sohool before Christmhs wds railways memor able Occasion Therc wcrc recita lions and dialogues also fillingcn on the Rhinex The Boy Stoodon the Burning Deck The PrairiesTheWrbck of the lies perus culd get away lwlth it as are ter but you had to have the goods if you kubicd to be solo And as soloists mostof in boys noro cacti epitome or shinny players or skipplb weird cached duty and vlnginimlnd athoulong hollddys and every voich joined in that of praise lcan been even ringing chorus of pooh of infsongs when those loyearolds roar trawler my light canoe down the rapid P1V6rl0r And or vacation welrnl hell with fool logs of deliclitln tilldse oldlune using concerts at the blast Ward oolln thedays of 1878 To most birds at sometime has some your nadir mild be cblldren in how much millilitlllllll child like and the eyerpopulair alliast uttlrlrcmb and anyone amount impound ctxuuuucr fixamincr Feature Article WotanOur National Treasure WW 04a Realm Practical Men Experts vs Theorists Shanty Bay March 17 1952 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir It is wondered whetheror not there is aword more often turned into an instrument of the fallacy of ambiguity than Theory It does seem that there is class in most communities of narrow observa nmn GRANT bobbedhair painted cheeks and lips play golf smoke clgareties maybe ill and flirt and perhaps sweat little and deceive and marry the wrong man and gener ulyhuve lots of troublewell you cdnt help asking Whats the use 92 all ma ARE THE om TIMES the old school exhibitions WlllV they never come again With the good oldfashioned speak ing from girls and boys so plain Will We ever hear old Isa with its rapid roll and sweep And Pllot tis fearful night theres danger in tho deep Sweet wMary doesnt raise her lambs like she did of old Thelrflecec is not as White as snow theyve wandered from till fold lg 3Th boy stood on the burning dbckis not onefhalf so fine He doesnt know At Bingen at Ridden on Tihclthine Th fills dont spook in calico the its in cottonjeans lvc changed the oldtime gases longVwith the oldtime eats They smile and speak in ancient Stock in broadcloth and in lace Andlybu cantse half the caliper Milocollar round this ace YJav gon for evsanore ld schoolhouch is desertcd lid thegrass has choked the Ari ithe wind sweeps round the bloc with 310w and mournful the old sellout cshlbiiionslf lion etc who because they have mingled in the world and even dealt with affairs claim to pre eminently practical men and rid icule the opinions of others as the speculations ofmerc theorists In their estimation all theorizing is synonymous with visionary specu lation while that which they call practlcal knowledge and which they fancy to be wholly devaid of supposition or guesswork but which is nothing else than heap of hasty deductions fromscanty and often inaccurately observed phenomena they deem more prac tical or trustworthy than the dis coveries of science yes and the conclusions of reason Yet when correctly Ldefincd thls very prac tical knowledge so boastfully op posed to theory in reality pre Supposes it Is it not fact that true practical knowledge is Simply ready discernment of thoupropcr modesand seasons of applyingio thycpmmon affairs of life thoscr general truths and principles which are dcduced from coextensiveand most accurate observation of facts by minds stored ywlth various knowledge accustomed to the re search of investigation and thor oughly trained in or to the art of reasoning or in other words by theorists Thus itpfollows tha every man who aiicmpfs irate the causes or effects ofan occur rence that falls under his obser vationtheorlzes The only essch tial difference or distinction more prefls inmost cas practical birch and those whom denounce as visionary not at me latterralonc indulge in ecfvlttlop but that tho mantles the former are hoped he idols of their own bullshit loose that happen tor hays unw cd wilhma narrp here ahclln singsegg 3uabcys lasagna at crouch innumer carcinoma vi liFE in make us or their escapism crops the best manures for soils yet if another farm avalllnghimseif his By MEN gt gdcsiructivc l0 agriculture is hardly 90m lo fish in streams Most life on thisS that without water earth would be nonexistent Water is the lifeblood of the earth andi iwilhout it the richest soil would belamoum ram 1mm Water dissolves theism lmincral contents of the soil that are absorbcd by the roots of planing but dostrt and great amount of wow is ineeded to grow and sustain fling gearihs vegetation Wafer that falls as rain or snow iruns off evaporates or sinks into llhe ground and eventually rclurnsl ilo the lakes or the Sea and in due icoursc is evaporated into the air land again returned to tho carih Floods and erosion are not only but also fish re culrc clean cold water in which to thrive in spring much of the vast the winter ws is swept away in great floods imtead of scoping into the ground and many streams that once ran all the year round shrink up to more trickles in midsummer The wa ter in those shrunken streams is al so much warmer than it once was partly because there is less of ii and also because it llfl$ been robbed of the shade of the wards that grew along its banks The decrease in volume and high lconllmrous IOllllllO known in lllt Ipynpxralun diglslrous Such water cycle fish as from also ihcscdimcnfs unless propcrly conirollul waicrilrom the fields sills up the stream which runs off the earth carrieslbed killing many of the smaller with it hundreds of ionsof valuable animals which 0ich svrvcd as food topsoil so vital for agriculturcnnd for fish and also making the sauces disastrous floods stream unsuitable for spawning Causes of Floods places for game fish The principal cause of floods Thu pouring of sewage and var cmsion and drought is the unwise lous wasfc matcriaLs chemicals use of the land One can travel to many parts of Ontario and find large tracts of land that have been deforested nucleus for agriculture that should have been left in for est The removal of trees from light sandy soil on hillsides espec lully exposes the soil to the ele ments wind and water and we find as much 13 three or four feel some limes of earth blown and carried away leaving little but useless sub soil That there is definite connec lion between trees and water is unquestionable The removal of wood along and at the sources of streams has resulted in those streams all but drying up While the draining of some wcl lands swamps and marshes has added to many acres of good agri cultural land the result has in many cases lowered the water table in the surrounding country Marsh es and swamps act as reservoirs In the spring they fill with water and if left as nature intended thcm id be these reservoirs slowly through out the year add io the under ground storc of water whose springs become the headwaters of the creeks and rivers When marsh is drained this supply is cut off lical men conduct the details of ordinary business with masterly hand they do admirably well so long as things move on in the acl custode channel and new trOu bled scene is not opened but they iarenot fitted to contend success fully with ihc difficulties of an un tried and hazardous situation When th high roads are broken up and the waters are out when new state of things is presented and the line affords no pre cedent then it is that they ShOW mind trained in subordinate sphere formed for servile imita tion and destined to borrow its lights of another Bacon it was who said Expert men can execute and perhaps judge of particulars one by one but the general counsels and the plots and marshalling of affairs come best agd only from those that are learn Humny submitted lA KENNEDY accouunurs warpsnews 00 Collin in Barrie 61ng5 Toronto nner Han31 Il tum mam Wnicov two pm means TAX5331 n33 00M led guwdm Telephone 3391 mudmtumner synonym Muss3 calm slrggt gaining are vast sons to certain neighbors ouncricuce only con us for oximatllf tingpara lids than growirup person meilmes lock in variance b0 up and no also and moduliis that inconsistency who bureau is the suit31ibdokconululgae digested train lonlo H0 01 Whommnkv ulc from factories into sircams has made many of them impossible as homes for fish Sawmill operators who build their mills on rivcr banks use the river as coxivcnicnl means of disposing of the sawdust dumping it info the river it is swept away and grads uully settled in tho rivcr bed Fish working their way upstream on counlcr the sawdust which collccls Turn to page ten please Borrow from Household Finance on your signature No endorsers or bankable security needed We specialize in prompt cash loans for any good purposer3 out of prefer Household Finance for fast friendly service Phone or stop in today mkslagcstdmlmounnddr umer limo Occulttie Phone write or visit IIOIISEIIOID JINANCI 26 likaboth Stun can oor Plun 5529 WI ONT Olin DIANE ll Mum mwwm2m ham to or or unpaidcol hu nd my of why Mn Willi IN Hill ml ml PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL BOYS SEAGBAM ROWE mm scllcilon Nomi Iublle onvovauun In BOA min 0m Sh Ianh arms omen Kimmie 09ml BOYSJQJLlw now sudm rFNMAl RCOWAN Consultin noursvfo Tm lotus nods to Friday 3v7inmuiutbilr3 53 coup si Barrio on omnsrom cumin Qc humor and Solicitor Iowan mam non Muhamoc Bartram solicitor Ito M01101 Lou um ulldinou um mlimnn sulfur gt successor um Limp pmnhrmaammreulnmon dontimqui In

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