Carnival Attracts Over 3000 Thrillecl By Clever Perlormgncg Barrie first annual skating carruvul at the Arena last Fri day evening was terrific succ e35 according to popular opin ion of those attending Over 3100 paid admissions were re ceived and along with the numerous performers and assist ants the trend capacity was just about full Only Barbara Ann Scott three years ago has attracted greater crowd for other than hockey playoff ill for one night The Show llSclI as excellent After Her WulSlllt Moyor Mn jurie Hamilton math the opening remarks Of CILUIIIC mti upprcclzl tion Collullentgltor Ralph Soci grovc gzivv the explanation of lllc first numbers All l30 of the local and distrlct childrcu took part II the hint Revue Millflll which StlVttl to In llodtlcc llu ptllolllrullCL Illcy Well in regular skating tugs llul Special costumes To indicate lllc prugrms of their instruction of lllc Scum Stilllt for four months others for as llttlc 15 five wcclcx Group Ihc bcglll nch took fltc ice for several chu memory figures THIS Wit follow by Groups and II who IrI more advanced I11 their Skullllg and showed their ability In lllutc difficult figulcs First of tho skulllug lllllllbth with Show style come with dclllon stlations of the Dutch Waltz and Swing Waltz by Barrie Skating Club members The younger skat ers were augmented by Mr and Mrs RIIIIISZI along with Orville Watson of Camp Borden and MINE Muriel Whylc the club profcsI Slonal instructrcss and show pro duccr which was lltl only flpplilri ztncc on the ice OtllIr than that she dilcclctl things behind the cur Iain while her husband Billi Whytc was CUUIdlllilltll of music with Percy Drake of the arcnzll stuff handling fllc sound syslcul Toronto Skating Club stars who appeared were Patty Lou Monk gomcry 5010 Ronald Smith dllncc pail George Montgomery 5010 Joyce Kern3 achcr and Bill dLNallCC JI runl ncrsIlp Canadian dance chantl Barrie Arerlas 18yearhlstory 10 Local Skaters Pass CFSA Tests Teri out of 12 recommended vRurric people passed the pre liminary tests of the Canadian Iigurc Skating Association Sat urday at the Arena George Montgomery Ian Campbell and Mary Kenna of the Toronto Skating Club 311 authorized judges of the CESA remained over from the cumi val of the night before to offi Iklfc Those who passed thc texts were Margaret Stewart far ilyn Smith Sheila Ann Living ston Wvndy Baum Judy linker Elmvale Sheila Ann More Beth Pogue Joan Total Donna Smith and Robert Ram say The Grand March and FIILIIC cndcd delightful show Tho czlrllivnl committcc of thc Barrie Skating Club were specially grateful for the assistance of the following who hclpcd with make up and lining up the children dur ing the rehearsals and clforlll zillcc Mrs Leo Lalldrcvilc con vcllcr Mrs Jack Richardson Mrs Kcn McKenzie Mrs Mc Veigh Mrs Sum Tcrry Mrs Frank Dimluan Mary Armstrong Mrs Ted Jones Mrs Bczi Lockllart Mrs Dave Odishaw Mrs Marguerite Bulchart and Mrs Vera Hawkins The mcmbcrs of the skating club LOVELY CARNIVAL We asked Mrs XVI Badg Icy to give us her imprmlom of Battles tint umual skating cnlval at the arena Shcv said It 33 splendid Everything ran ailing no smoothly and Im quite sure thr people who put the hard work into teaching the Wing of the beautiful cusiumcs light lug decorating and all the must feel very proud and wrll repaid for their wonderful cff arts Further to that Mrs Badglcy former member bud shater at the MAAA In Moth trcal wrote down some notes which follow By MRS ALMA BADGLIIY hope the rest of tile people who wcrc at Bilillt Alcrlal Ilullly Illglll culllc may with lIlI sulfur ICtllIll 1lllzlt did thoroughly ILLltbllltl Such beautiful Fairyland oll Icc ouch skillvr enjoying to the ifllll the part plilyttl was trying to ducluc thin Illorll lug which season llkcd the bcgtl Ebut just couldnt choose it Sllclill one they were all so lovely The costumes wurc so fresh and gtly typical of youth in lel 1L5 glory only wish Mr Rubin could have stayed with us longer but ICilllltl lIlIIf rubins zlrc pretty busy ln llltfl Spring ilfld Illllybc Barrio was Still II wee bit cold after the south llcE ccrttlinly hlld plenty of energy IsE hc hopped about so gully in hi5 brown and red Spring Sllll The Flower Fairy was so grace ful ill her dllillty movements and Dilys Thomas and mm Mrs Earl Smith Mrs Cliffiskatlllg hcr program so well as would ligltllyl her magic wand touch each flower and bring it 10 life cuch pusy II beauty ill itself and together making It bouquet ofl pious 1951 Patty Lou and CCUIgCSwhO formed the various ensemblcsicolor the Spring sprite adding Montgomery brother 1950 Canadian junior pllir chunk pious Jacquelyn Oldhzlm solo gold medalist lzln Campbell 5010 Mary Kcnncr solo DUTCH WALTZJoan Crutaz and Virginia Stubbings MuryLouv Johns and Lois Kcast Dolglas and SiSltl land groups during the Show were lthc exact touch of rich green and lightly skating hcr pictlsing proll grant The Summer with all its beauty Cold Weekend Spring Elusive The IcekIud produced bIcnII of March and April with snow starting Saturday after rloon and first dcgrcc bliz zard following Ilhis turnctl to mixture of rain and snow but tightcned up again last night Days are longer Sunset is 610 tonight Bay fisltcrmcn arc sifting tight with only few deposed pcrkons but crcck flooding will wcnkcn tltc icc at the outlets Sllantics totalled about IIlc truck gtllILIl and four lul Ulllt llltll llnlc buck to help pull SNOWFLAKE BALLET IffonlIIlIIIl from page our the new highway lllIi DmISIln tried to sllitlpc the truck but Hum1 lie llltll swclwll into the Iilfch the car out The lllll lmt Duv lelll got out if the car but will Illtl yulltll cullcczlllll his gun in lht olp5 lhc Mull you IIATII bust Driver Ditches Yukon Ericand Days Luger jAulolo Escape ISlIangleIWagner Youllls Threat RCAC Wrestling Ime The Camp Bunion Cltlzcul lllulktitly the 37th 11 the cur IIIl mouth will ll II filling 111Zl1l for Illlllflfl or llllllfltlwllS llltcllt ill lnulll ring of the Allrlollleti School SllllllS SIIIIIIIIIII Bub Sllnllglvl WIIgIIIr will and lilllllLSS tlltll pit his strength zlguillst your old Illclltl from the CN Operating Dept Lists Promotions SItvml lpptulllllliIlls IIIII plullmr hour 111 the Ilpcrullllg Iiupaltlllclll cntlal litgum IInuIIiuIl Nutlunzli lllllltvlvlt I1L lllIlIIlIIlIcII lftCllll If lidhull stlpclllllclldcllt Si Iholllzls division vl lllllllttl super InlcndIIlt Bollwillc llllhlull lit sllccccds llllr lLILl IlClll vllo SIIVIII thI company more lllilll ll yours lillptll furlllczly supcllll ltlltltlll London division ls pro moted to superintendent St Thom dlviston Lunch tlzlitl lllllslcl Si Lawrence division Montreal succeeds Mr Rupert while EilSlOll HS Gross Heaved As KITC ener Junlor PI of Kllchrlwl tirctllslltlls IIA Jun lur lullkcy club have notified couch Lloyd Irosx that he is not ltlll1 rclallllId us couch for the 193233 SIUSOII Nu SllffLtSFtll has been appoint rd but it is expecch that some out from the Montreal Canadicns lilllll systvlll will assume the job bltolc wry long The mm discharging Gross LtllllLS lllcr weeks of rumors and llltlllS reports of trouble in the 200 on the buy alone IlliS Iluckcl covering him tlt only mill Cllltl Temperatures were 21 llgtl1111CL of three fcct Davison HIGII LOW could say nothing to indicate his 10 25 ll pmilloll 17 21 II Ill 36 19 I9 36 32 30 20 39 in warm rose hues sister loscbudsi II hear They too surprisch us with their case and grace as pair Tile lovely nimble black and golden bumblebee looking as though she could easily fly away at any mo ment and as busy as any bee Thc shy butterflies were so colorful and North Yukon Eric Yukon thc biggest draw lll lIlv wrestling rlllg today in the North AlllcrlrllllCon llwllt has to suffer dufan ill Camp Borden and tho bllttlc bc Ellborg previously super twccn thcsc two should be hum jintcndcnt Toronto Terminals Roll dillgcr Ihcy battle to one full or way Company has been appointed me hour SkyliiLm whose lust zlcting superintendent Stratford Iclub during most of the season It is rcportcd that at dirctors meeting last October motion to change coaches was passed and then rescinded Despite outward upprzlrnllccs of harmony it won well known to many that there was trouble under the surface Mr and Mrs Bob Ramsay dciliiV and Beth POEUC Donna lighted the audience with clever Smilh and Marilyn Smith Judy pair which ended with acrobatics Baker hd Shirley MCKE Mar on skates garct Stewart and Sheila More One of the most interesting Ilum Mly Silldail and JUdY Clig bors wds the graceful Formation Nancy Clig 30d J03 MCVtighi 14 Step performed by three pairs Gloria Watson and Marilyn Wat of the Toronto Skating Club the lson Wendy Bezzant and Joan Mit liSplllCllLl St Lawrence division is promoted to tILlinmzlslcr of thc Sillnt division March March March March March As one of the men started In ipuil down the hood of the car lilt lyulllh lllrncd slightly to watch lDszison took advantage of the 11et Montgomclys Joyce Kornacher and Bill chancc Jr Diiys Thom as and Ronald Smith Citation was the first comcdy number noble steed with Bctl Tillman as trainer The quadrtlpcd proved somewhat difficult to han dlc but Bet finally got Citation under control Dave Odishaw and Bob Ramsay had the difficult job of performing in the dark for this number Four Seasons Fantasy The audience were hardly pre pared for the feature number the beautiful Four Seasons Fantasy by members of the Barrie Skating Club The costumes were quite the equal of professional show Local mothers made the cnscmblc costumes while Mrs Stewart was responsible for the solo cos fumes The Fantasy depicted the four seasons of the year starting with Spring In the first part the fedt lure skaters were Flower Fairy Margaret Stewart Baby Robin Freddie Ramsay Spring Sprite Marilyn Smith with lovely per formance on skates In Summer there was Sheilal Ann Livingston tiny delight on skates as Bumblebee and the sis ters Gloria and Marilyn Watsonl of Camp Borden as Red Rosebuds In Autumn the Squirrels werel Gloria Meredith and Lyn SneIl grove Northwind was Mary Mor rcn and Peter Cottontail was Don na Smith In Wlhter Wendy Bzznnt was drum majorette for the dashing Christmas Belles while Beth Pogue as Snow Princess and Douglas Relve as Jack VFrostfweretuted with the charming Snowflake Ba drcville Bonnie Urquhart RENT mom on raucx branAcu mural 69CollichL Phone M30217 tum hum but oilh Coming Soon IKing chcll Mr and Mrs Robert Ramw say Mrs Muriel Whyte and Ors viilc Watson SWING DANCEGloria Watson and Marilyn Watson Donna Smith and Marilyn Smith Maragret Stew art and Sheila More Mr and Mrs Robert Ramsay Mrs Muriel Whyte and Orville Watson MDAFFODILS7Diane Amos Juno Barr Carol Ballantyrlc Mary Lan Barbara Lee Elaine Muisc Gail Petitick Joan Trew Elaine Withers Dayle Young TULIPSNorma Black Betty Bowman Jean Chown Shirley Du mont Margaret Glgg Patsy Hurst Barbara Ann Jenkins Bonnie Rat cliffe Anita Smith Vickie Tendin son Charlotte Wright VIOLETS Sandra Bakogeorge Sharon Bellinger Christina Cam crort Beth Currie Janet Dingman Judy Dingman Catherine Hart Diane Law Patricia Healy Sherry Richardson FORGETMENOTSPatsy Dug gzm Suzanne Shannon Mary Jane Garner Sharon Latimer Darlene Law Janet Lockhart Heather Lo gan Judy Saljeant Karen Wilson Kay Wilson BUTTERFLIESLois Batstone Peggy Bowman Marilyn Burdette Anne Butler Marilyn CaldwelL Elspeth Cameron Lillias deLom Nancy Ford Diane Holloway Norah Jenben Diane MacRiner Heather McNabb Karen Robertson iBetty Stafford Mary Stewart Syl via Synrfott Ann Wales Audrey WalesHelen Walt Diane William son AUTUMN LEAVESJoanne An derson Kay Archer MarionApple tort Frances Foster Margaret Has lett Jennifer Hawkins Gloria Bonnie Langbord Cynthia Lloyd Mary Lowes Bonnie Mac Auley Jean MacLennan Jeanne McKenzie Shirley Mallion Joanne Murphy Patsy Salter Stephanie Shaw lone Tillmam Bet Tillman Lynne Walls Betty Jane W913i Barbara Woods Joan Woods Shir ley Young CHRISTMAS BELLESWendy Bezzant Judy Craig llVIarylyn Dy Inent Mary Lou Johns Sally Jones Keast Joan Miller Sheila More Terry Paterson Mar gOLVSeymour Barbara Ann Terry Jotin McVeigh SNOWFLAKE BALLET IJudyf eithcr entrance was justbcautiful light Wcll along came Autumn The two branches of golden lcuvcs atI arid the chorus of red and gold leaves with the pretty mittens lovely The northwind grey ondl graceful but yet strong The sound effects were splendid and whenl those beautiful grey squirrels came Icy Roads Iringl out with hedafnty pinkahd white Peter CottontailI decided Au tumn too is happy season Winter with its crispness yes the smart routine and gay Cltrist mzfs belles was everything It should be The bright red the icyl 21 43 23 37 24 cariyl 30 24 24 24 March March March March Car Actidenls Weekend Storm Late Saturday night one car bc gliSten the baton and Silvetkame total wreck and another SWISS as they 35th it the prelty was damaged in an accident south llghtmg The Snow Princess WIth of Thornton on her soft dark hair and spankingl twhitc satin costume gliding grace fully as we would expect of prin cess Jack Frost escorting his lady so ably and looking cold and glist ening all over The starlike snow flakes twisting and turning with all the beauty of Winter wonder land one of those snowflakes was particularly active such wee snowflake she was but with all the sparkle of diamond The blocks of prettinighled ice made such an effective decoration and the soft draperies were lovely The dancing on ice is always so graceful and last night was noifortunately resulted in little dam exception The Barrie skaters and thevisitors from Toronto all wercl lovely to watch We were so glad off the various roadways on which to see four of thelyoung people who were here for the Summer Skating School and interested in seeing the improvement they have made after years of hard work To thinkwe have comedians too right here have seen many shows but cant recall any more hearty laughs than heard around me last night when Messrs 0dishaw and Ramsay made us all get into happy mood couple who were sitting dir ectly behindus spoke in language other than English They were most eniiusiastic about the whole show While Mr and Mrs Bob Ramsay were skating their pair the young lady said to the gentleman Now you see what Barriencando they liverighthere in Banlei It came outwith such warm and genuine enthusiasm and Seemed to express so well exactly what was thinlb Baked Nancy LCraig John Crotaz Wendy Fehrenbach Hazel Freed man Shirley McKay Sheila Ann Livingston Joan Mitchell Sinclair BY SI II flirtation Marilynrsrnith Virginia Stubbings Margaret Stewart Glor is Watson Marilyn WitsorfYvon ne Woods NATIVE mt The diStrict of Gowanda in Timiskaming northern Ontario derived its name from an Indian word meaning fporcupine home WE ghway 27 1931 Oldsmobildrivcn by Leo Walsh Alliston sustained the morc serious damage when the driver attempted to overtake Muriel Sltrubbi 240 Druric street Toronto tvho wasdriving 1950 Meteor Walsh clipped the other car as he was passing and damage tomthe Meteor was about $250 Walsh whose car was not insur ed will be charged as result Neither driver was injured Minor Mishaps Thrce outoftown carsrwere in volved in individu mishaps which age Icy road conditions wereIol blame and the cars merely skidded they were travelling Reports by incoming drivers to Barrie indicat ed that from Toronto quite num ber of carsrhad ended up in the ditch as El resultof the road condi tions following Saturday nights freezeup lug lltomcntuty offguard of tho oth eBoyds arrest was not surprist 5surprised Bradford friends of the or lived and brought him to the ground The other men wondered what was happening until DLIVISUII shouu cd warning that the youth had gun Illc youth was overpow ered Ind placed in the back of the truck He ivtls driven to Brad ford and handed over to Cpl Da vid Adair of the OPP The four men in the truck vcrc Douglas Matthews John Mitchell Illncs van Nostland and Tcd Rushby of Toronto VB Manhunt Climax Of Special Interest will BradfordMRelsidents Bradford Wilnessl The hullt for the alleged bank bandits and their captures thcf rm Italian lad from Milan light helc llgzlillst Hulls Hcrmzlllll the mud Gtllllflll was voted one of the best sccn around lllLSC parts will meet Zorro the Tarzan Zorro the man with the superb physique and lightning speed is possibly the bust liked wrestler in Camp Boldcll and his clczm tactics always bring the house down with chccrs Skylif Italy will make his debut In our camp Lot Pitoscizl 24 lbs Mrc ltlpltolchcr ill his own right has never given dull fight here and good bout is in the making and muscles will meet the old master of the grulllalldgrodn business Pat Flanagan These two 30minute go SMART PRELIMS Two smart 20minute plCIllllllh orics have been arrangem These prelims bringing local Army lads into the ring are becoming top success with the crowd new news of which has provided head yelling and demanding more and lines for the city newspapers duri more of the locals in future cards ing the past week has aroused con These young lads wrestling mas sidelable local interest because of bars in their own rights and all the holdUp of the Bradford bank former amateur champions last summer and the possible asbcelr giving with the finest wrest captured men with that robbery The climax to this interest came on Saturday with the arrest of Ed win Alonzo Boyd The police hunt Was such determined one thatl but the place of his arrest certainly owner of the building and apartl merit which he was caught Mrand Mrs George Stoddartl of Telbum and Bradford left TorI onto last Friday on trip to Mex3 ico planning to be away for al month According to Toronto newsl paper reports they rented theil ftxrnishd apartment for the month Lsociation of at least one of thcling arid have hundreds of fans who are just as interested in see4 ing the soldier lads in action as the big fellows Ralph Blanchard the RCAC School grapplcr former amateur wrestler from Montreal has beenv rematched with the Air ForceI Clouston These two had humdingct the champ AC Killer have been splendid hideout for the much wanted Boyd but the fact that Toronto detectives had been trailing his wife and brother knew their cars and when car for sale advertisement attracted their attention they followed it up with Mrs Whytes Showmg Friday during which they would be away results which finally led them tovi night Of What She has 30001119115th Cirom kernel to couple said to the Heath street apartment in such Short While was mostihave been introduced as aMr and Inrrentingrfrom Mr and Mrs ers Hall the former writer iStoddart Boydsbrother aind wife lFrom newspaper reports it Would are reported to have sublet the remarkable After seeing such fine bright young people enjoying this healthy exercise am all the more coni vinced that our new generation isi one thatiwe can all be very proudi 0f MOST MODERN HOME FORT FRANCES Ont CPI AWcrowd of more than 1500 froml mound far visited the Rainy Riv er districtis new Home for the Aged when the $500000buildiugll most modern of its type in Ontario wascpened for public inspectionS Fireproof throughEuE it is of one storey design which may easily be lb expanded oLnTuumts GATHEB BENTLEY Alta or Six Bentley couples got together Tori tea party recently All the cou ples had been married for at least 50 years seem that this couple were the wife and brother of the wanted man Mr and Mrs Stoddart left for theirholidby in Mexico on Friday of last week and theBoyd trio moved into the Stoddart apartment Friday night From newspaper re ports itwould seem that this would ooke Viblqpac blocks and answer your need for Ibmdcliom exterior and interior walls Bleak and bricks are pro ducndintllree materialsconcrete Nomad cinder Bricksareavarl plain or incolonsredbulf Cooke Contrte Products 8an Iqu 1511 BAN III roIIICKLY ECONOMICALLY suasrANmIttlr COOKEMrerr mariner apartment in the guise of mission arywriters quiet couple who would cause no disturbance Detectives are said to have been watching the Heath street property for two and half daysbefore they forced the door to thoapartment Saturday morning and made the arrests give yll tile oddities you desire iii strength insulation sound prooiindfiroproolingond qppear anc onfur home can be completed quickly to your permanent sutisidetion FlLllCll of brawn have Illi division villlc Warren pros cntly assistant supcrintcndcnt lStrzltfold division becomes assist ant superintendent London dIVI gtlilll Lomns tlzlinmastcr at Bruntfold promoted to assistant Superintendent Stlatford division land Carey conductor London griivision is appointcd trainmastcr at Branlford to succeed hint lust time out with all the bust of wrestling and lot more addcd Thclr fist fight outside the ring on ihcir way out after the fight was enjoyed by all They will go for 20 minute or one full The usual 15min opener was dropped for this coming show and alt1 for 20 mimics or one fall Theg one will bring together the Fight lug Medic Judo Scrammfroml lhe RCAMC School and Pte Alky Alkcrton the crowd plcosing lightning fast wrestler from the lSchool of Infantry These two iprclims should be tops and along with the Big Boys Show very pleasant evening is in store for all The show will start at 2000 hrs I8 pm Remember that seatsl may be reserved for the show byl phoning 342J or by contacting the llfollowing ticket sellers 643535555 FRIENDLY CANS 53353335 to kes only 20minutes Friendly loans are the problem exampleu pqymenfsoI Theres wide choice If you have and toms sis FRIENDLY toms FRIENDLY LOAN mam HI lt as lt Iluntltlfllutllltn whiIe you wait Heres loan service so fast that if sometimesl Youcan get up iox$l000ond Icons tare like Insuredrfor yourxfumilys protectioijutnd extra Cost to you And terms ore reasonablegt=for $75000 Icon caub repaid by only$3825 Ilth dissatisfaction on both sides The club officials did not com Incllt aside from making the bare announcement of the move while Gross said that he did not prefer lo continent of this time Gross Kitchener resident slaw red in pro hockey for many TillS He got his Coaching start in the minor series llLIc moved later in to DNA Junior ranks where he always had contender and won the championship on one oc casion CONlISING HOLIDAYS It has been odcqutltcly demon strated that declaration of holidays marking memorial occasions should be made either by the federal or the provincial government in clear concise manner Leaving the final interpretationl of the emer gency civic holidays to civic gov ernments results in misunderstand ings and hardships Drumhellel Alta Mail IRON SOURCE Nearly 70 per cent of the US supply of iron orchas long been provided from topenpit mines in Minnesota Lake Superioris the deepest of the Great Lakes mmvtonsvsssss 38383388 355 may toms to complete loan unswerto many budget ofplqns with Ifme ond terms to meetyour needy RmRenoir