Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1952, p. 11

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detective disguised Pattern 7120 11 um EXAMINER FRIDAY WK 1352 ll Playby SI Marys Badminton Club Those who had the privilege of attending the threeexcl comedy Irish Eyes put on by the Badminton Club of St Marys Church enjoyed Qne of the most entertaining amazcur performances presented in Barrie in many years It was given on two nights Sutur day March l5 With 300 present and Monday St Patricks Day wnh capacity house of 330 Plot Verges Dumb The entire ilCllOIl with piol verging on drama takes place in the country home of Mrs Della Oberon Miss Marie Burkel wealthy widow whose duughtcr1 Morguorifc Miss Josie DAmbrosl ioi much against her mothers wishes in in love with neer do well young Harry Ryan Pat Gny riiyl who turns out to be the vii lain son Myron Oberon Put Mc Grath plans io be composer and Is to have on opcrctin presented with the assistance of haughty young prime donnn Dolores Duwnl Miss Margaret McKinnunl Danny McGuire the chauffeur Michael Murphyl loaves Mrs Obf crons service at the some time that Annie Rooney maid Miss Elaine McBridcl also gives notice unexpectedly Tanglcs Unravclled The housekeeper jolly Maggie Shannon Mrs Wull1ccl stays on the job Meantime MurE phy and Miss Rooney send along Tom McFadden Terry OBrien as chauffeur and on the trail of Ryan and Molly Shannon Mists Anne Murphle sweetheart oi Iichuddcn who works with him on such cases lllLli they sccurc the vacant positions Molly howovcr assumes ihc name of St Clair in order that her moth er Maggie Shannon may not be in volved cd effectively just what Molly is singer and when she and Myron meet the plot begins fol thicken but Is eventually unravcl led by the sweethearts after many doubts and hcuitachcs have been dispelled All Performers Good All performers were stars in their own right but the role of the wcal thy matron was perhaps themore Home Fashion that character was decidedly humi Iciont in composiiion EIlCh was blooms for stage setting crying and was well sustained by Miss Burke Mrs Wallacc actually rived her purl as the cheery optim ist Molly Shannon and the text for orous iii keeping Willi many other comcdy lunches from the cast throughout the play The song com prising by Molly and Myron was al lelcmr and sincere bit of acting To be Married in Collier United Church large Indicate Iwo Nights Enjoy Much credit is due to Mrs Sheppard who dnccicd the prescw lotion and at file close on behalf of file club Frank Murphy present ed her with some beautiful roses Mrs Frank Murphy Ilci assistant was also called to the platform to share the honors Prompicrs wurc Mrs Torry OBrien and Miss Hazel Wright John Riccl Violinist Guest artist was Ioluf0 lticci promising young violinisl numbers were indeed an trout His first group between acts was well choscn and included three numbers Serenade by Haydn Hot Canary novelty number giving scope for dcxtcrous fingering and surprising bird notes and in conclusion the old favorite Lon iondcrry Air all three widcly dif added marked by clarity of tonc delicacy of touch and shading and sense of tune values remarkable in such young player who is still mend ing Barrie Collegiate and studying in Toronto bciuccn times Following the finale he gave two more selections LAmour Tou jours and Gounods Ave Maria He received excellent support by the piano accompnnlmcnis of Father Caloy an accomplished music mn Jack Cameron extended the thanks of the club for the splcndid patronage received and demonstrat convcycd in message good Scotchman with an Irish acv cont acquired fdr the occosion He also commented that Dean Clair working Loni on uSc of furniture arranged and pro furs for some of the cast by Better Dress Shoppe and Goldenson Furs and for Fendleys Flowers with srenes bonuses Mrs EASY to MAKE TIE beautiful bedset All the embroidery is done in simplest stitchesthen you add readymade eyelet ruffling Nicelon buleau scarfs too For sheets piliowslips or scarf transfer one motif 5x19tWo 314 inches Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins cums pattern stamps can not be accepted to The Barrie Examiner Household ArtsDepL 60 Front St West Toronto Ont PlincLlplainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEWIhe 1952 edition of our Alice Brooks Needlecriat Book Brimful of new ideas itsonly ITwentyilve cents nmorvfoun illustrations of patterns of your avorite needlecraftzldesigns plus SIX easytodo patterns aprinted right in the book Whenfvafamily jnecds to make funeral mrrangcmeniv That evbryi inn beyond the criticism of Hrclaiivcswand iii MARCH i7We are pleased to welcome Mr and Mrs Harry Spar ling and baby son to our commun ity Edwin Kneeshaw held gvely successful sale on Saturday Party For Nicol Famlly pleasant evening was spent Friday in Gilfordeall when friends land neighbors of Mr and Mrs Herb Nicol and Norman gathered beautiful lamp and Norman an electric clock The evening was spent in euchre and dancing Thor address was read by Doug Knee shaw and the presentations by Lorne Reid and Mbrris Moriarityg Prize winners at euchre were Mrs Harold Matthews Mrs Ross Bell Cronan and Willie Carr Mr and Mrs Nicol and Norman are leaving this community to take up residence in Tollendalu Mr and Mrs A1 Liberty and chil dren returned to Capreol lastri day after an extended visit here dcner heme were Mr and Mrs Harvey Bedford and son Thornton and Mr and Mrs Mose West and Saturday company Ht the Goff MISS STELLA GRACE McCORD laughter of Mr and Mrs McCord Barrie wi Wulton Stanley son of Mr Cyril Stanley and the lute MlSlr1cricpowerplum vzll lnnccdvtl April 12 Miss McCord is or graduate ution University of Toronto Her fiance graduated from the Jud up mung mud uculty of Medicine Universil iBuild New Iownl South of Yukon In Norih Bl IliflJAMII CREEK Mixixll =i new lawn with initial pupil llr1l licilvtlll 3m and no1 mil by bull soon 13 Elm xlllulc tilKd oil 1riiiuin ilxitizli Cuiuzubln aboull ox null2 south of Iliv lilllilci ll Mil he rm Illlflrfn with trill zmr uric of quhurlhs IlrWrtl and lilluolglilrlu ilsiiesius lupubllb on LitDunno Cfrlk about 730 JH 1111 lllll 2f Vulnonwr Corporation of gtln Asbestos uniflu gums to build prcicsign rl nun Willi lamb nmzs and Illlllllill for lnnius and Illizllitbs Lillllbliflltfll imimpurluiion lino illv arm will lli in be vastly lmpmwd rand pill ll be married to Dr Arthur Anthonth um ha and cosy This is new plum of Ithlull glilllll for IlllllllCillllul BLT which up to now has been populated mum ilv lgt IllifliIS prospectors unl trup of Pllyszcul and Health Educ OI lOIOllIO l1l broil liliiully cm oil md hHStunlcy Toronto in Collier St United Church Barrie on BAXTER MARCH Iwar illld Mrs MIS key Comp Bordon cnlcriuinvd number of their Baxter friends on Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Henderson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs lil lison number of children and parents from hch enjoyed skating party gt in Allision rink on Tuesday cvciillllldudl WWII ing Misses Marilyn Dcnncy Gauloy and Marjorie Black spent gt in lillmpls to break through drifts the weekend with he luitcrs pur inging up 12 cgL The cw in cuts in Grnvcnhurst Miss Marie Henderson 55m lin Two Snpilllc mills to turn out if Invstos for world murkcls nc plun 21I by Cusslur fl subsidiary of Con umf Exploration Company Oldlimer Makes First Mill llllll is xpccicd to handle Trip When 330 tons of raw material day from lupin1 gludc and surface dcl CLIFTON Nil Mulch l7 CPI poms This mill is expected to bc Calvinichpl dumng in mg operation this full or by Dcccmn IKingsion Peninsula villznzc near illl ill llll lilliSL 81 John couldnt believe his eyes The second in be finishcd lillil when Edward Lung lllliliil to buy plznmcd to handle from 400 IU Rim lln pumnsuln was sumvbund nil Th asbwum mm Im mm mm Md bmkln down lunch lo the While lnss and Yukon Railway and shipped in Skagwuy Alaska vhvrc flcighicrs will folio to markets High grade ldividunls who vcnlurcd out used horscs snowshoes and horses asbestos with long weekend Willi Ml Mill 1301111035 genwuly Olmd lllc going i00 din fibres suitable for spinning is in may be land Doris Bell Frank Steele Lewl Herbert and Mrs Lawson Bond Head andllke any business in Dry Cleaning you have to have lh Know How Cleaned enurrivcxeu fresh Nelson results olwoys low vacuum mickyour my Cleaner Youdf LOBA Social Evening The court whisi and dance putfrnvellcd through woods and along had minted Wt that the ellb was on in the Orange hail here Mon bonowed 194 day evening by members of Maryl Cullum Lodge LOBA was suel Several local firms contributed cess There was good crowd and well 10 the Smiling 0f the Play by 22 tables played curds Prizes vcrc1Mr5 Turnbull conducted the pop mam bum at the site and 30m given to Mrs McCann and Ll Vlded by Smilh dresses and Mantel for high score low Patsy McKnight and Edgar lucky number Mrs Edgar and Miller spot dance Mr and Mrs McAfcc quilt was auctioned off byW Clcnry There was lively bidding by thevmenfolk The high cst by McKnight was $25 which was given for donation to the ladies and then auctioned off again which ended with Truax getting llhe quilt for $10 dainty lunch Dancing ded very enjoyable EVCH social hour was spent Next moct ing The Worthy Mistress Mrs Dorothy Reid thanked all those who helped to make the party was served by the ladies SUCCCS Baxter Ludies Aid Baxter LA held their rhowlplus using latest Scien fifio methods is why cotfys oxtro cents is wolf spout when Owing to the storm on Sunday from therc was no church service regular to present Mr and Mrs Nicol with meeting at Mrs Mooncys on March 12 with 17 members and two iCllll great demand and Czlssuir officials L0 who ig Nam 01d livcsisuy ihorc is good supply at Mc HH mo than 10 miles the p1lll1llic ICI ill surfch ccumulu plaincd that he had irons broken off from the monniam nude veins and deposich it the foul lof thomounllin miis on snowshoes ct modfcme The doposris are on mountain for smk nulghbm gtbclvccn the 5000 and 6000fooi lcvul Preliminary buildings have been visitors present The president Slllp SCWICQ The Bible StUdy manconstruciion tcznn is to start on GULSUODS prepared by MIS M0 the mill and the main mining camp Knightuure answered on the three by curly May All 36ch road is mimic fabrics modeling with from mnl il has llllll ll lum CHILDS sinnipul Ii Ill 2359 Childs Ensemble LlllLIi GIRLS DRESSES la illillii and can Hitch from lifllllill of pzciiy This cci lullc Miss lli now bululo suit mulching luff Ii lb mznlc profit blue and plaid gingham you would Ilki lo Illllril fur hulking IIICI ENSEMBLE send HIfflllfllcx ill envelope Needlework Dvpl of llml vqnmilng Luzrflvl No EI are he curllmslzni pupcr ncznly lllllhlllil mining road runs width from the Alaska Highway to within few influx of lin properly The human heart wolclliln about Infill ions of normal asbestos li Iwium mums plan hm 300 Iuns of blood through the body cv Lly lily BECAUSEBirkaclie is alien due Io un mrv irriialion and bllddcr discomfort and for liver lull Conlury Dodds Kidney Pills have helped bring valid from backache by stimulating ilic kidneys Get Dodd Kidney Pills ll my drug counter You too can depend on Dodds lo Chapters of Titus The roll call was answered with verse from the Bible containing the word Saved After the business period Mrs Dan Edgar and Mrs Ken Ellison guvc interesting readings Plans were made to have the play An OldE Fashioned Mothbr from Cooks mum at Baxter at some dutein Mny lovely lunch was servedi by the committee and an enjoyable ing at Mrs Walkoms on April When corld was scarce fishermen on the Great Lakes used to use the Ithick outer bark of the base of old balsam poplars as floats for their Rlecl CCross Spring Fashions VDisplay Spring is in the air and Springfash ions re foremost at Simmons the Coal Store All the frivored belted and boxy styles brightly detailed with jumbo pockets upshootlng collarsj drop shoulders Featherweightwool lens in pastels and navy come choose your Easterpdrader Today OrPractical signs sure Shortie coals 33 messy FullLongtli Coats Wholoveriyou fancy will buy if for less at giro thryrkrs isnrrgsnro for Spring you Radio Service Guaranteed Mp main in makes of atrial Radios Wiring Authorized Repair Service for WISHng Hoovor Phillips Philco Home Appliance Shop 24 Elizabeth St Phone 55 COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR THE no WALKER STORES Headquarters For ATTRACTIVE CURTAINS Now is the time to buy your Spring curtains while the selection is at its best Smart styl es in both frilled and tailored curtains RUFFLED AS FEATURED SPECIAL 239 OTHERS 398 to 825

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