Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1952, p. 1

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rumour mm Slbg THE TOWN 3mm AND COUNTY 07 00 Silica 1864 MONDAY WWW and FRIDAY Uhrillarrit lithiumEr Mametsun uraniumsummon BARRlE ourunion CANADA Hmmwvwwv WHWM il PagesTwo WW Imam Cu mum of an CAINA and Lads Wu CW 88th YeahNo 33 iGdrge Wilsons Orchestra of Loyal Orahg nuexBlucOrph Christmas Belles in FILM COUNCIL CRITICIZES SHORTAGE or INTEREST BY LOCAL GROUPS Bill Porter chairman of the Barrie and District Film Councill has appealed to local organizations affiliated to the Council to realize it is not sufficient just to keep subscriptions up to date but that they should be represented at Council meetings Speaking Wednesday night ml the Community House to meetl ing attended by representatives ofl various organizations the chairi man outlined the working of thel Council procuring films oil an educational and documentary riall tire for the use of local groups The payment of subscriptions he pointed out did not end the re sponsibility of local organizationsl however and it was imperative Simcoe Junior Red Cross Give $500 Equipment to RVH Wing For Treatment of Children Simcoe Centre of the Junior Red Cross have been authorized by the Provincial Headquarters In Toronto to supply worth of metlical equipment for children in the Barrie and District Unit of the Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Clancie Herbington prov incial director of the Junior Red Crossffiaswinformed Simcoe Cen trc that their request to supply the equipment has been approved by headquarters and that they may proceed with the purchase of the equipment In addition Mrscerbington hasl pointed out that if the total cost exceeds $500 the provincial headi quarters are willing to donate the extra sum gt McCarroll chairman theTWs and Means Committee has infdrmed Mrs Herbingtoxi that orders have been placed for the Daincing Oddfellows Tcmplet evety Saturday night musing Dancing Monday chdnesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Admission ladies 50c gentle men75c 18th Come one comeall gto Bingo Stroud Community Hall Saturday March 22 830prnshi1rp 15 games 25c extragarnes andjackpot 25c extra Lunch counter Inaid anage 33 Coqkstown 3act play An 9101 Fashioned mowers Utopia SChbol Tuesday Mar h25 MIL aus pices Utopia lulled Church Ad mission 50c and 25c 3334 womens Canadian Club meets his Library HaILTuesday March 72577830apmKSpeaker Dr Sowby Principal Gilliam Canada College Toronto Subject Traini lug For thefWorlcl for Tombrrow Home Th RAgreat deal of credit for this hi iHappenings Along gBarrie Waterfront iln the Past Month With the advent of milder weath jcr the ice in the bay has made for the successful operation of this considerable expansion before work that they assist in the run thaw set in mg 0f the Councl This winter it formed very grai It has now been decided that dually and with few extremes of mSlead 0f Wailing lhemSlWS 0f temperature thickened steadily the use of 11 llllough the National Film Board ed thicknes of 12 inches on the the local organization are to raise average about $600 to purchase light portable machine of their own CHAIRMAN In the past week lfrom near zero to well above In the nancial report whichncezing caused decidcd expam was approved IGCEIDIS ICIlledtsion unrelievcd by the usual $28655 While expendllure llmOUniopen cracks and gave consider Ied to $19102 nble trouble toboathousc owners Office bearers were reclectedlo both Sides 0f the bay while new appointment was Ice Causes Pressure gigflmflhaf littleJtmginuczlgs At Delaney Boat Lines although ance committee lprotected by the Bayeld St gwharfit was found necessary to lcut channel to take pressure from the plant Mulcaster St wharf which took fand they came off fairly well unless high water follows the following equipment at an ap thaw proximate cost of $500 two oxy gen tents one suctionmachine one Experience it Iceboat oxygen and suction machine for In the blizzard on Sunday Mr the case room and one electric and Mrs Fred Princehad the bay vaporizer for the croup tent to themselves with their iceboat which they were bringing from donation lies with Mrs Vera Wild Station to Bafe Some in teresting experiences resulted man member of the teaching staff in Hillcrest school who orig inally sug ested the idea Joyce Kornacher ORILLIA BUYS POWER Current issue of Ontario Gazette contains notice that at next ses sion of Ontario Legislature the lTown of Orillia will seek legisla tion euthmizing it to enter into agreement with Ontario HEPCV for purchase of electric power Al pesent Orillia produces its own power but its power plants are proving inadequate to meet the demand Play fDeacon Dubbs will be presented in Sunnidale Township Hall on Tbtirsday March27 at 82 purlSponsored by Zion Presby teriau YPSE Admissionfte 50c Adults 25c children 33 Bingo Orange Hall Allandale March 22 830 pru Lady Traixmien 15 games 259 Special games Rampage sale in dominion Hall Saturday March 29 auspices or the Wodfenfslospital Startsaam lBprrie llorticultural Society monthly Intingin the Library Hair pm Wednesday March Earl Cox orist radio any bouncer and writer for various gardeningslperiodicalsi will speak on Community Horticulture nuns promises to be meeting Silver comedian to help defray expenses Everyone we hired projectorlwnhout much cracking and attaini the change most of the brunt from his large lboathouse storage and workshop ncl Bill deNnnce Line for Ice Carnival Fantasy Poultry dealers in Simeoc Counlt Soum Sinictn agricultural officelshow has been planned 13 nu the ty will probably make their vote lhr meeting on whether or not they favor thezbla llull was attended by 10 prolilhytc Lovely costumes have been cggmurkctmg taming April 17 Ill andISthc datcs which have been provisiomi proposed of Agriculture Wednesday Simcoc agricultural office inas lally arranged between the lilinisterl for Ontario the Federation of Agriculture afternoon by Kellierington vicepresident of the Provincial Poultry Producers obipcoplc within certain industries or gzniization when he addressed ainrgumzations to the point whcrclot the Mint Club and JuTWO mccting sponsoged by the North atTurn to page two please schetnclduccrs from the dlgtlllcl when the producers gtCllkll0 was drawn up Toronto and ginultry soeiation with the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture and the With the northwest wind at long ltack was possible but when run ncr jumped over bulge in one of the few cracks the underbody Cliff Carley Barrles veteran oigbegan to sag in the liglittdrifts ithc waterfront was protected byland they were slowed down he rein orcc por ion of the oldi Towed into Shanty Bay 19 were made Vand the craft brought to Barrie where if was sold to lBarric man Move Boathouse Monday Year On March 20 This Leap Year Mild weather prevailed since fIaddys Day prophesized Because of Leap the first day of spring fell on March 10 this year so March Lion please take note held in the Eastern club Ir Herberington said two years nnrl elapsed since the meeting in draft of the murkctingi In its in This was announced in Burrieiuinl application new technique1 Siwns used Farming organizations the past frequently aggravated as and fall in line because the sun crossed the line on Thurs day at 11 am The heavy ice also made it pos jsible for Mrs Harry Loveto have la large boathouse containing two moved month by ordgr of Town Council at the and across the bay to site near the CNR roundhouse outboard launches from the property bridge Tempemtures were last nunch 16 25 March 18 36 March 19 36 March 20 39 Skate at Car iron Jr March 17 27 HIGH LOW 11 14 29 32 39 ncld tire costurrtcs ire ready If be reported in Mondays edit Vespra Will Hold Nominations Midhursl Monday Nominations for thc oIIlctx ut chvc Deputy Herve and one Councillor for West will be held next Monday Murch 11 at the township ball Mid hurxt between 13 noon And one oclork public meeting it is txpcctrd will follow The situation Ntlllrfti IoIlv owing the death of the town ship clerktreasurer Youth and the appointment of chvc Earl Richardson to tlut position That left the Rccvc ship amt Deputy Reeve Roy Hie ling Ls resigning and has announced he will seek the office of Reeve while Coun cillor Caruuui Ilowncy will allow his mime to stand for Deputy If an elcctluu is ucccsxiry it will be held on Monday March 31 Polling paces am announced in notice elnc where in this issue once lnrry Dr The distixt this Eclltlrytl to l3 mile rndz out of IIAIILr tnkiiiu Ln Beilr Ewart to Limp Borden the townships of ilrn Vesprn and Innisfil to give Zhe pupils of rural ltchool chnncc competi The incl that they did compete Ln lmpl drown by the list of prrze nincrs from that ureii ye ex The display well arranged tnxcd the cnpncrty of the Librniy Hall as tlltl the lLlclldutht and the assist icc of the Air Cadets as gttiiitlr was both welcome and neces sr Sonm departments lizid iriuny en trio particularly in scrap book of urezit ariely including the lloynl Family postcards etc also AI weed seeds stamp collections some complete and valuable coin collec Ihc let rehearsals lllt rm lions ilso valuable museum col mcnt in case by vinner Yvonne Wood consisting of rare shells fossils animal skulls turtle skele ion African jewellery and other novelties Shell Craft was very dainty With entries Wood carving mar HAHN and properties are set all Ullllllyl remains now but to pucr Bzirric Arena tonight for the Illil mnuzil skating carnival of the loci club There are lilU Iocul skaters in ie show plus nine featured perform mum ers from the Toronto Skating Club sewing knitting pillow and cush tops had many amazing ex amples by young pupils luper gtwork was outstanding Willi dainty artisric dolls flowers and strik ing model of giraffe perfectly formed and colored Knitted sweaters mittens models in plnsticine of many designs leu llicrcraft birds eggs thatch box lllll bottle top collections were all interesting Snclgrove will be commentator In nddition to the feature acts comedy numbers and figure skatin groups brillinn fantasy IZie= Four Seasons will highlight the instruclrcss Illrs Muriel illlilCIC by mothers of the young sknh ch and Mrs Stewart is lsponsible for those worn by the local feature performers In wood work Yesterday the father and mother models were shown of Mrs Whyte Major and Mn Norman had very some Winner Bob complete lDouglns Nelles arrived from Ot tnwa to take in the SllOd Major 1Nelles is 11 former Canadian chann pion one of the original 10 directors for the Canadian Figure Skating tksslociation for the past sowems FalsePrelencies Givmg judgment on Thursday at 19 am Magistrate Fusttn im iposcd term of two months upon Cahmn convep lHarry Bock formerly of Edmon Pmm Lton on conviction for false pre er Angus Mrs Arkle Mine tenc Po Re eslntin Aug Wol pl Bock had consulted William mans Amociation were Mrs chwis Mrs Hodgins Mrs ELBOW Feb 19 regardmg the pur IWillson 11nd hrs Wilkinson Image Of house bl Withheld his on behalf of the Angus Canadian Tdecision until later In the mean time he asked Mr Howe to cash ichion branch was the Rev Kaiam lGuergis Mrs It Robertson and Cheque for 691111 091 mm presbyerian Ladies Auxiliary until he could transfer his account ldd b1 Ok here The realtor held the cheque for WINNER ATV IJOG SHOW considerably over the four days re LLCol Lapoint commandNuCSleg by 300k Wild that it 35 ling officer RCASC School Campinot covered and laid the charge lBorden exhibited his Golden Rei His Worship had remanded the itriever Rance of Chestermere in accused in custody for week to ithe dog classes this week at Na secure information from the West ANGUS RED CROSS The following ladies were among ithe canvassers who took part in the Red Cross blitz fundraising cam tional Sportsmens Showr winning in was ascertained that no fundsl junior puppy and novice were available at lmvale Hall oveii thechairand called on Mr Annual Meeting By Following the turkey dinner atl Newland one of the United Co the Coop annual meeting in Elmloperatives firm of auditors to dis vale community hall on Wednesicuss thenancial report in place day the tables werecleared andiof Mr Croswell who had madel chairs arranged in front of the the audit but was not present Mr platform when reports were readl Newlands went into detail of the from the secretary who had the5 various parts of the audit calling minutes of the previous meeting attention to the increased business accepted which had reduced the margin of PreSidentRay Lougheed thankedi difference betweenassets and lia the Community of Elmvale for the bilities but felt that there was use of their new ball He feltstill safety margin that the competition among the women who catered to these din Managers Report nets in various parts of the come Manager Emerson Swahi gave ty gave me members the bestldetailed report of the variousbusi available in meal mess developments and changes jtaking place since the last annual Kingsley Bro editor of meeting He told the members The Rural Coollelmf weele that now new showroom was farm journal gave an Excellent address at the dinner It will 31 items displayed whim previ tion of TheoExamlnerf along th Mr gfrainedfrom glvingtlie Compara Wl townsp no Etive thefrancbise on It is only by cooperation thati IF 0tnee$al 10 those acommunity can lian thepublic be today to support their 0W9 buildings that are available bere lbusmlSS but you members can do in Elmvalehe added Mr L0ugl1m0h 10 19Crase our bustness eed nientioneddhe passing of iDir mm 1ve Clients he said We ector Bruce COtvan during the the slim haveto Work under the year Your attendanceindicateslboard direcms We Want your interestin your organization Our business has hemmed while that success is needed for prot promote efficiency and we agree others may have found slacking land economy Mi off he concluded lshow WedevelopmentpL the as Development Since 1942 sets of the Corny during the list lections with an outstanding assoqu weaving rug hooking Crocheting Counly Poultry Dealers lo Vole on lProposed Egg Marketing Scheme excellent fatVailable there would be gddition iously themanufacturers Iliad rel Good Idlent Display LiOns Hobby Show The fourth unnuui Hobby Show sponsored by the Lions Club thtllt is indeed bigger and better than ever with an estimated 1000 entries and consequent heavy attendance Under the direction of Chairman Thomas Tattersall the members of this years very busy committee are George Holl owny Herbert Peterson flnrold Durcll Jinnes Morley Lani Gerald Woodger and MacAuley hunch with propeller etc Alb other nnnrt little model launch was nude horn scetnin taken from much Ilill Others were battle ship Various models included an thlclctll liliUD bird houses cot Err4e zi Bninlii some beautiful fret work at hand inzidc picture frame curved pimples lathetimed bowl by Jack Graham was perfect in art the judges wen rather nonplusscd by the Very many eit trzes with limited number of liltgt offered rind this complica tion niuee in several other classes of exhibit Prizes went in urine oil paintings Kinny thN in crayon etc Wtlt also out of merit wnlei color standing In photography there were fewer entries but with high quality par ticularly the study by Ronald Ga ble Students were limited toa maximum of three entries daclt in different class Collections which hurl won in previous Hobby Show lwete not eligible Prizes will be presented tonight starting at run All entries must be out of the ball by noon on Sat urday number of morioncttes were noelly ilso 2t highly inth display of aquariums nefbss the east endmf the hall with many novelties in tropical fish shellfish plants etc displayed by the mem bers of Simcoe County Aquarium Society located in Barrie Club plilL winners will be reported in the Club writeup Prize Winners Hobby Show winners were Kindergarten open class 15 Gail Harrison Cumberland SLVZNI Barbara Munro Burton Ave Grades and open c1359 1st Intrick Woods 22 Henry St 2nd Bobby Chappcl 33 Grove St Grades 345 Woodwork ISI Ronald Decaric 105 Mulcaster St and John Parker 124 St Giades 345 Art lsf Mary Sm clair l6 Blake St 2nd Sandra iBukogeorge Turn to page two please lIfl0l The Last Column WHATS THIS By SCOTTY TAYLOR Lacking the originality of our lcollcague who in Cburchillian fphrascology gives his blood sweat land tears to turn out his column once week can only leave if to the reader to decide why this should be called The Last Coi umn From what some people here tell me after seeing it the title could me Since 000 REDOfIS Progress or Ill let you info secret4t was too difcult to think of another IriStead of being the First this is =the Last Actually the whole thing is quite simple but then it suits my mentality According to the movies news lpapermen seem to fall into three groups They areextreme Bo lhemians who respect nothing weird characters with magnificently articulated elbow bend from Bath chanalian revels or extremely 1011 gable but brokendOWn hoboes Be out as it may one thing lwhich We do not seem to pomess is the tidy mindthat Wonderful thing which emanates through the ibusiness circles of our colleagues Our own particular environment isccms tube oneof confusion and chaos Ocuerally it is of ourovrn lmaking but is blaxned upon every withln the they what Ii Mr Swain produced charts fol We have got our new building year to sh 313m into use and we musthive our which me new

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