and the others wrll lCtOtfillllkt wssr WARD SCHOOL OPENED ITS FIRST CLASSES IN 1876 eContinucd from agg gm What tales the Scarred might relate Of triumphs gained wztn buck and slate What lore possess Of feats at desks the clapbIrItlt lilil noontzme and rvlcsj When re destroyed the Cen tral School about 1880 or 1831 some of the classes were trans ferred to the vacant worm in the West Ward llflil itairallgmg of the classes thew had be til in the block at the corner of Dun lop and Mulcastt Streets where Sam Caldwell ll zfter lirnt his store vtli To preserve the lives of the more venturewme kids attend ing these latter classts orders were immediately issued that no pupil was to cross the rill nne of them your preScnt deputySheriff another became at prominent milztary lender twr nave been rnernnm of parltatnent Jnnmer newspaper proprietor and one of cm was the son of 11m ercipttl who dill the lickinf another doctor latter practising 11 Barrie another has won the Kings Plate at Woodbine times one now leading lawE yer Vancouver and one of em3 on occzninns write reminiscence EIke this oneall of which shows tlzzit in perhaps just as well not to mention any mines and in confidence however the two lalttnuntcti were enjoying gt IUCZlill out West of this particular Iflziir an general ion mcr Schoolboy days In Barrie only yrzir or so ago may be The fellow ho penned and who at last reports had few lAlrUlI Mr 124 lyri Im Lit ALIx xxx unt laltullfu Yehudi tl Nile Wallth Mimi instill l1 Tiln Kellie in tiny ll Itiln lnz Ifl Jullln ft tII liriit il ill lltxrr lirtt ft lll in W421 1Ii litiiry Btug rI iliczi ztzizmztl lmgutnl lui vvtu lelll gtlNtl rtviuI Jenkins ul Llilillllu II Itntl mm Inli tonsil l2tl and with who were married 53 lmtlll rim Bauxite Warmth WEW 15 mam Mn mm in Mount Loom rears the wine day Jenn LXIugtzIs Midland the 31 in cclstind WJll her parents 131 UK timing tin1r pup 1nd lullr etc It Murray Curmiik Dyer pvfl fwxv ttzrjv ml Im lutrllll lillll All Jimin ni tlIIl ler liuztm intin Il llfl Ivl Sunday WYEBRTDGE MARCH l7llt lIIIlIi Kin CotI1 Wnotii titli gittill Wainwrin IttI3II=III up la lJ1ltlllllll of inc ltlillJfllt Plans xvirt Intuit llplll 151 the Ilinrcli March lm immune nltll The Womens institute catered to Parkside Midland ill Mull In 90 Aland MI illr Built have re iunrd in mm farm after Spending llx 2i illlt l2 Midland Juli litmklli lcnetang visual glhlltlllihllitl ztturtlm and iurttiuy EXAMINER WANT AD Mrs WIllIum lilEElllrUllll Is gtpcniiz Int few days with llll lnnlmnd It Slilln Manitoba bcforu lIu lczivwl tor nvuxcns service llIIl Lamb lluniillun spun weekend uIllI Ens Vllt and MIR Willlillll Euklry and chrgc Wlllltl Sptlll eriIIchuy III OIIlliu Mr and Mrs lian spcnt Silturrln tumul Congratulations to Mr and ll Jutie who celebrated llllll lth wddiniz tIIInivcrxriry Snlurg Iuy March 15 also to their son Nci developed into Town hm Walvrv of liilllllllllll collector got his by hem iIl Mm llnn usxcInIusLLnL ducked In the Bay off the nousmrrmm obviously on of Londons prettiest251nm l1 Film Wm pallorm at urleys boathouse Old Mrs Carol Anderson models some of the costume jewelry which li Hi All llinlvrz Bunting and by those whom he had betmym will be on display among the expensive creations in the Millionaires em EMH 511mm Will 5m Row the display of Brlthh custom jewellers of this years British Virilviw Allhm l1tkelt Smart guy to dode al Industries Fair May SUI16m in London Left Silverset melanin 131 lllll Mrs Harm Miller Slil mosquim at an mm unch hair ornament and brooch Right Orlenlal motif in goldet garricls iz pinl the weekend min Ml In mmmsmmm but any boyl air ornament earrings andnecklue are completed Willi 3513111 HM 3133 vnnwm mm Mm wh0 mumm dodge mm mm cle It the centre of the neckline nucleusgem craftsmens skillhas WUWHW my li lt dmm mm any mm than the Old gone into the creations which are cliimcd detectable only by experts This class was no cxvcption in Nllrlheln Railway ones used to the rule in that it contained mutdvscrvcd to be run over was evil Letter To The Editor ever pregent teachers Itfitnlly the irlcn these boys were though he was called lots nffOnSldPIlng MOILUVOF VCFY bOYl Continued from Page mm names far worse than that whocoulrl swim so he probably conl Aincmbcrship fee cuuldbccliurg reported to the principal 501mg 0f eluded lenlcvcr went down vnslcd commensurate with thcvcost Mille 500 Com melrrwmugm19 these breaches of Iulcs The rcpure to come upand they gunlopcrution Of hot summer cCIIhlll$ 30 loaves Bltild 15 31 MI 501d way tracks to the shores of the Bay at nrleys bouillonw there was twofold men ace to life in this co action Some of the more independent little cums however pooh poohcd thLs curtailment of the liberty of the citizen as we now hear it and CIOXVCd the deadline at will ilzi Tap quality materials assure you of job llzunl and Mn LHliltlziv that protects as well as beautifies Long llie Lute Allen llill gt imoIn lustingI Inctnoriul 01 SUITE 10 WW llll Wm lint he mm minlherSilitillll ul Allun Hill who passed lll1 tylltc purse lIcro was cnuugh my PllurbML Mrgm was lu make 1m 13ka mcmhpm 1m llltll and merchant In Evcrctl number of out to III Ilalll Lultin and moved to Allis Iftcrnrwn March 17 vItlI inlcr lllt wins doicn or so of thawinmll did 80 Should uorry parent xtould time dodndthiflfoglll nuniul Ino lilulip The fugcm was hold Mummy mum in MING Unmn mew SUNWORTHY SUNTESTED tcalcnranu wuc stood up In II That partIculzir teacher used 11th 90013 WSW Chlldlm am 1m mm line before the rest of the classlratvhjdo which llmving the time of their lives Chlmrmrl Klilllllll ll llllsf Wh Tmmmr wryWWW worked on lllLl and In regular rotation were gIvcn Arthur Iminciplc of gram as Aqunlic cvcnb could be staged and filling mmmrl muclbneedcd corporal CHARTERED ACCOUNIANT clinstiscqscction six incth rum me Lnd it would make employment for 500 150 50 llbClllllllm 24 DUNLOP ST BARRIE mom wns bmkcn and hung by shredianv pooplo inrm ward andin her name to European Relief TELEPHONE 5228 Mn wearing Floglaze paints Enamels and Col orlzers will serve your every need Scc the complete range of new patterns and colors It wouldnt be right to mention yIhis proved sort of doubleaction mummmnce lillitolilliwsivlIliCiflijIflbilixtciliI loqii the names of those culurib nonalnffnir the followup reaching tle Cam think 01 any one hlngldop Mm WMHllrriticklcl and the back of theijidligid 33 Rillllgtian an We wish All her friends to know thand being for more painful than Jr how vcly much we upprccuilc tlicir the origInal slum on the palm 11 Prefde Olk ally loving kindness T0 mcomc this to some extent CommlllLC 8113 LV and 11m mc lemming kid twisted higisurc lhcrc are many hundreds of Jui113WIIFSON llinnd just It the right lime to rclmhr VGlunlCCl 0ka ho WOUId Cave the least damagkthev were love to help in any way to secure Ewisc schoolboys those days 13001 in Barrie thblTIVE Bmlnb And my bowwh BA31L DAINES Canaries and other musebirds ever atande that especial teachers class andi EluL morlt nllndcllblt to drafts lltun didnt get ll least one daily whalj mman Edw mg was indeed an exemplary lllfTl RES ARTISTS SUPPLIES MIRRORS 0ATES 82 Dunlop Si Phone 3270 Custom 01 Sending Floral Tributes For the Deceased lCWimef Friday Churchill Mar 15 1952 ANTEN MILLS 5T0 the Editm The Barrie Examiner WA for March Dear Sir Lust fall shortly after the inception of your column Lifcl nmille and Living it carried an article LS Barbara Miller acted as presidentvommw With common Lmtuml of showing respect lllld grief at the absence0f MTS Hlght Mm funerals with beautiful and costlya ID Priest took the devotional se flowers Upon reading it my IICClmg 0111 Church as t013i3l mother turned to me and said Mr lKmpl3 W8 in Charge of the Mr Morris is exactly right in this Social program giving an interest When am gone you See to it tbatl mg paper on What to do and not them is not great show of flowl to do with our tongue and also 11 015 to be waqted contest Meeting CIOSed with praycrl lby Rev Veals followed by dainty lunch waste is sinful and that one should Mrs SCm Mrs Halghtv use every talent to the best advan Mls Mill and Mrs Garvm tage for the Lord Thereforewhcnl Midhurst left for Florida Thursday her only Sisterdied she put very for two VeEkS small sheaf of flowers on the casket Halght St has returned after and sent donation to The Star spending few days with friends in Fresh Air Fund Demo Well it was only few weeks Miss COX 0f the RVH Barrie until it was up to me to see to it Spent couple 0f days at 1181 home How much easier said than done Mrs Fleming is visiting her But many did respect her express claughter Mrs Priest Elmvale ed wish Some of course did not hear of it in time Besides flowers Mmhmdnuymm Our broad land It is 4543 miles from her family there were 10 4mm riIE runtcsmntm from St Johns Nfld to British other lovely pieces But there were Columbias Prince Rupert also envelopes with donations fora scholar and deserves even at thile late date special mention But an lliS voracious chronicler for ub ivious reasons must forego tliat lplcasurable specializing 670726 mad Drive lw Glmtjllw Borrow from Household Finance on your signature No cndorsers or hankale security needed We specialize in prompt cash loans for any good purpose out of prefer Household 14 inance for fast friendly service Phone or stop in today ad5 Input and amt mumsdd aim Home Organizer uVNgAIK You see Site was brought up on lthe good Scotch principle that all Phone write or visit 26 million smu machine Mon 5529 Mllll 0N1 OlllA HANG llman macadamrhmzm Noun to or by appointmi IIIuslmmlPwuiac Catalina DualRange HydraMatte llrive utomatichnsmiSSion Enginesmunitions Interiors and Color Euwinbtm Ed 250 week Puts This Beautiful NewiNGLIsmHER me Home m1 voLloweV Inde Infill Foweiful Hiilirblnrossiou QTYle old washr regardlese of condition See for yourselfthe new beauty and luxury of the l952 lontiucs In the lectlcntlcr Deluxe rind Chich tl mm new illtcriorexterior color bar NGLS WASHER Features monies complete lo the last detail create it veritable 0mm cm gt The dream of every housewife symphony of beauty AllMachindgeors QMehoriisrn compensotorsiotoke upWeor Folliclqu double stopwrlnger QExtrcr7lorge coSters 90secondwaterexpulsion1jpump mourn me $18 450 TRADMNALLOWANCE $5 1ILlMlTEVDTlME 35 Highcommunion powcrzmdccouomyarcbuiltright intollic 1952 Pontiac Horsepower has been stcppcd up ouboltliivtbc Pontiuo63 and the Pontiac 58 3c amongthe rst ilrivcrs inEVCanadu to dicscover me full meaning ofPontlfucSnew DualRang lytlraAM attic Drive In one thriving range you can enjoy tremendoustitccclemtion oagcrpower In the othereat the flick lingereyou can clmosca completelydifferenttype of smooth gliding gas saving yxaiforiiumce Or if you youcgn silk iiiootli Powchlide for Boothe and only limiac offers you choice oftzwoconipletcly auto mulio transmissions LS ivll as standard Synchm Mgehtrttnsmission Sec yourxPontiac dealer todnyl See and drive this sensational ncwproof that Dollar for Dollar you cantbeat aPontiitc ONew MueicDirinedrFowetGdof Maire nghCOqureisiunngm DmlJEngqlLvmMall Drliciopnouol cameo VCludluin