mommy scram Serving THE TOWN AND COUNTY orllcon Since 1864 MONDAY Wit ram Stdaka on Irwin Cam chunk IN nusm of 88th W2 whyW li Pagesvao BARRlE ONTARlO CANADA WEDNEszWXMRCii radio lled Cross Blitz decided Success Expect Quota Elarrrcs fled Cross blitz organ lV were mil hard at Work last 412 tabulatirrg and checking dona as which it was believed at that would total spiritLherc in the me Hemnury mum of 9000 Local Performers Ready for Bar rie Skating Carnivdf Town Cguncil Regards WagesWorkmg Conde anaerobicmaizeg Md Ayres Objects to labor Bylaw night Perched atop Mayor Hamit tons desk was flower pot filled with sham rock Junior Red Cross Donate H044 to Ontario HQ Simcoc Centre branch of the Junior Red Cross has nixed 3104435 during its 185 cm palxn for funds for the 0am Smitty Thns as announced thus morning by Scott when It was explained that there Ire 4050 members of the Junior Red Cram Society in the 13 classrooms of Criticism of Barrie Town Councils recent action in im posing bylaw removing civic employees from the provisions of the Ontario Labor Relations Act was voiced by Alderman in response to the Mayors search ing question five aldermen dis playm mm allegiance exhibw at Monday nights meeting in the Municipa ing tics of varicolured green Un doubtedly that of Alderman Bibby however took first prize Thirteen members of council were present in the early stages of the business Reeve Hart who had been detained elsewhere arrived later in the evening Only missing alderman was if Osborn Aid Earhcoiiliams OCcupied the ir en councihsaftrv Clark imi cc representing Sani Iusmr Adembmg Comm Ollbecn present when Council madviumc Canada was present to speak in support of the disposal units for litter which council have agreed to use The units model of which was shown will be placed at stra tegic points throughoul the town in consultation with the town engin eer and streetcleaning department Submitting the Royal Victoria The matter much was length lily debated arose when Council considered coin Llll committee rnunrcatior from Sirncoe and Dis Lrict Trades and Labor Council in made against whrch protest was gtlrc new bylaw The TLC asked Council to rescind its previous dc icislon expressing the new Ethls action was hasty and ill consrdcrcd lolntrng out that had he not revoking he added this particular bylaw that rlrs that till Mayor said Ma rjoric Hamilton Barrie Civic Employees Federal Union No 475 in which prehenslvc list of proposed work ing conditions and wage agree rncnts was set forth The Mayor stated that the the bylaw was introduced it matter should be considered in the light of letter which liarlbecn received from trie corn iilx decision Alderman Ayres saidiwus mm it was mt only Wu the would certainly have opposed 1it vrgorously attendance if he had been in employees of union lrccognition when all other form labor are entitled to it he tof feel that Council has prive civic stated do not think it is fair to do Ill which the question could be handled Corroborating this view lman Greer said Council had Alder lappointeii special committee to ltircly At that time some or the lmcct the Board of Works employ ccs to discuss the issue in its ereI public schools of the inspector isle of Simcoc Centre In the 1951 drive for funds the local centre turned over to the provincial organization like sum of $159526 The current donation is lower beam Camp Borden public school which contributed $54382 to the 1951 campaign is new at tacked to the lnspcctomlc of Slmcoe South The 1951 cam paign it was explained was therefore just as successful as that of the previous year The fund drive it was ex plained is only an ancillary or tivity of the young group whose main function is to pro mote health and international tfricndshlp in addition to offer ing service in many worthy mini by early evening that they mil txcecdud their target of 31500 that the blitz style campaign wax the old method of canvassing over purrod of dayx ma MacLarcn dulled on one local figure or totals from the arE town wards were availabiul cr with many of the 450 can 13 who took part still rrinking ounds of Cullbucks 4n took place on Monday lc atoll where afternoon 1V=3Y $2000 First check figure lij given 13 3177 Orzo pomt in which campaign manager Jack Machiren and oh v1 Waller Duff Were fully Itftllltfl with the canvzlssers decided improvement over ielillll and publicity said had been correctl tirne and coil vqurntly there was grand co from the Ontario provincial police projects operation between the workers and the public during the brief fundf arsmg period Hospital brief on the new building acteti hastily workers mmer uniun mman program Cameron busi It looks though there urlhip some used it others ness manager informed council of some fear in Council of the eml pi were not certain of their feelings an amended request for financial plovees becoming unionized it has 0n the Hm assistance The finance committee the appearance of being an anti will now be asked for 550000 in Alderman Grdwwl and out case of beating them toI Sud stead of the figure originally stated mc punch 50 to Speak and 1ttlrc committee members were rmvi 360000 Rev James Ferguson looks as if they Councilr have WESCd by met that the WW chairman of the board also spoke succeeded DlOYCQS apparently did not Wilml in support of the hosplmrS 31 feel Council should LUllSldLll Turn to page two please for $50000 to help defray costs 115 ilarrlt rcsnlenls can take pride in Gord Belyea illlc praisv which has been heaped gun their heads at campaign heud qrlrtcrs Canvassers almost will To Local Club out exception have been returning ruin glowing tributes as to the Hitndlnrcss with which they were TM regular ppm meeting of cccrvedoll their calls the Barrie Lions lb on Friday WHW March 14 was started off with singsong Harold Forster reported Kiwanis Club on car sales ticket draw that Jack Gable was the lucky tickctsellerQ plea on behalf of the Red Cross was made by Warren Wilgar nual carnival Friday night at Barrie Arena Bumblebee in centre is Sheila Ann Livingv stun ONE GROIP OF LOCAL PERFORMERS await instructions from Mrs Muriel Whth producer of the Skating Clubs first an Mayor Hamilton assured Alderi man McCarroll that at no time within the past three years had there ever been any suggestion in council that1farmers beaskcd to vacate Barrio market Aid Mc Carroll said he wished the matter Justice Mdennan Assesses lown Bulk ol Damages Machin Action The motion by Alderman McCari roll that daylight saving be intro duced at am Sunday April 27 and end at am Sunday Sept 28 this year was approved rm and the death Of her unborn on boys and girls work civicmt BI and V1 Knox AH Chud Ems gigacmn sought sette rimprovement etc in the districtShepherd ancl Bl Ifambert made ment by 11000 Lions who contributelup like Singing waiters although The accident occurred on Oct 16 over a7 half million mum of 581 ithey had no beverage to disperrse 1951 when McLaughlin driving vice ijust Irish songs new cars mmed mm Boys Street Citizens of the world benefit tol Finally the was the Kiwanis in at rehearsal with Comedy Star Dave 0dr straw of Camp Borden RCAF ELSPEIH AND CHRISTINA cartmrtox two of the young skaters talk things over Walter Coutts introduced the cerium gt Lspcakcr Gordon Belyca Toronto quar er n3Commerce and Finance graduate Alderman McCarroll will consid jointbolf BulgeaLlJumggngv 15 Eli39 5136311 er framing motion to have hut mem Mlme Wm commum said be owned member of Followrng threeday hearing before the Supreme Court of elected this year to pm Board of Monday for the annual St Patricks the Ontario provincial police rei Ontario Sitting in Barrie 0f the Machrn VS McLaughlin ClVllilnternational Relations dinner and all enjoyed line tur2 moved from the John St area of action for damages His Lordship Mr Justice McLennan has 0n the subject of Lionismj hir fitf TGIMSIPIOVlded by the Pres the fixings itthad prove objcc isshed judgment against McLaughlin for $3750 and assessedlgclyealorstzrtcd hiya oDtrstrrc oygnlan b1 rona espi repea warng 0V0 16 0U JUS verythinv was lrisr ta dec logs the constable who it was damageattrmumme tothe mu or neghgence 0f the Town what Lionism is doing for this lrafiuxls 11le and the chairman itated was not member of the 0f Baffle at $21250 Country lred Kelly Upstairs afterwards ocal force had refused to move mfv It ZISSUIES Yulk 011 playgruuudsla stage show replaced the orig the eremonl Mrs Estelle Machrn raised the dEOr some so of pmect Dim 014m med oor tron following the death of her rm 0mm ever lOWH ClUbS in smallelishow and it was declared suc Councrl approved in princrple the band Percy Machm 25 PUC vorh towns have more inuence upon lee to cumv WT funnvu one laying 0f pavement on the town ier Who was ughed when 51 my town folks than in larger citicsi ult ing Streets Poymz Clappertoni drivm by Edward MCLuughlm 61 making the Lions much xinure int2 d5 ea Wellington Gowan High Park iHenry street retired rallroader 0mm the man own man There was skit which was Clter Penetang Dalton Sophia ra toppled into the excavation in he bi Cu Ihardly Irish Parting at Railway McDonald Grove and Drury Lanel which Machin was repairing sew Tl gL Cl Station Dullllg War in which er McLa min was unhum in thel l5 the histrionics were performed by ndnnolrtllvt ks tl accident ind bliildg upczotethgzgltypellozierlram Craig Fred McConkcy iand Jck Butle sum for the death Of let orgamzatron annually coming over band the support Of her two Child The ular Barrie ale uar 113 million dollars which is spent Second in the Canadian Artists The original of communication g1 Ofgfatsgongd at advising that effective January igeraiggfgngathgziggmb 1953 the contract price for policing yrv4 the municipality would be increas ed will be forwarded to the police commission copy of the letter was remitted to the finance commit tee to be filed for their consider ation on Nov Permission was approved to in Stage director is Herman Geiger Torel with George tCrum at the piano The artists are Marguerite Glgnac soprano Ernest Adams tenor Mary Morrison Soprano Andrew McMillan baritone and Jan Rubes bass troduce bylaw authorizing the construction of Queen St from St Vincent to Duckworth streets By law No 1779 authorizing the con struction of certain storm sewers waslrcad first and second time Also approved wasla bylaw for title construction of certain sanitary sewers letter fromsthe Ontario Municipal guard approving bylaw 1779 for an amount of $25800 was filed Barrie District Collegiate Insti tute requisition for 1952 of $55294 14 was referred to the finance com mittee An offer by Robert McMillan to MTurn to page two please HERMAN GEIGER TOREL Herman Geiger Torel has since 1928 directed opera in Germany Austria CzechoSlovakia and Swit zerland In 1938 he went to Argen tina as stage director of the famous Turn to pagetwo please and crashed through warning bar tier which had been placed beside the excavated roadway Mrs Machin was represented in Court by Stewart QC Barrie and the defendant by Brendan OBrien Toronto 33 Police evidence was to the cf feet that there was no unusual condition in the roadway although it was rough Theaccident occurred on clear dry sunny day Witnesses called for the plaintiff testified that other trafc bad na vigated the openedup roadway and had apparenthl had no difficulty in passing Questioning whether death was caused partly through the neglig ence of McLaughlin or through that of the town or the employees work ingon the excavation Mr OBrien drew the jurysiattention to 11mm her of potsholes in the road prin cipally near the fatal corner area Turn to page two please IcOmplete understanding in this re great extent because of Liohqorchestra under the direction of ism but the Lions themselvesiank Macmmma Perkins Ken lbenefit most of all through the satv Wimp Charles isfaction of helping those who ismlthv Plano accordion ROY Chrisy cannot help themselves or by mak 1119 gum Alf Shepherd $1150 ing their town btter place to iphonei George mkeg bass OJmil live for the neighbors and the guest solorst 86year in closing the speaker touched iyoung William 14911303 Who 16 upon his work on behalf of Inter Elighted With his old tyme VViOImf national Relations The need forinumber Charlie Crease conducted 10 Turn to page two please lucky draws Barrie Skating Carnival Friday Features Four Seasons Fantasy dress rehearsal Tuesda ni ht of Barriceri Mrs Whyte and the Ramsayn Fouowmb the with production They have We Skating Clubs first annual carnival it was Itgerrrltally agre dendented daughters in the show also by the large group of onlookers directors ec tcians part The feature performance just We ants and helpers that there would be fine show on Friday gfom the grand nale wmbe fan night at the Arena Producer Mrs Muriel Whytehas develOpedl tasy entirely sacrificihpyIvlrsbvtniyte tw hours to feature 130F0ur Seasons IS rilllan acolorful ice revue of better tha gspectacle with East 125 chm Barrie and District skaters along with eight featurea Stars km depicting spring sum men llialroducersConccmetl Price Drop Discuss Marketing Agency Annual meetings of North andlAgriculture secretary in Simcoe South Simcoe branches of the On tario Hog Producers Association were held in Cookstbwn and Bar rie Feb 29 The Cookstown meet County states that the meetings dismissed the recent upping of weights of hogs ready fer market Al hogs were upped by 10 pounds from the Toronto Skating Club The show will beofficially 013 will put on singles pairs dance erred at 815 by Her Worship Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton Who is honorary president of the Barrie Skating Club Right after that the audience will get look at the entire local group of skaters in review march autumn and winter real ireat is in store for the audience in the costumes and lighting as well as liormatlon waltz and 14 step the Skating and choreography Mr and Mrs Bob Ramsaygpgpual ilar local skaters have featured Aim fhfiagemsliggrg emf spot in the program and Barrie pal013 583 ens mil be Beth Fugue Douglas people are goingto get their first Re rve Margaret Stewart Marilyn look at an excellent conredranl Smith Wendy tr erj iDave 0dishaw of Camp Borden ren Sheila Ann Lrvrngstb Freddy From the Toronto Skating Clue RCAE formerly of Winnipeg Skat say Glorida Melted Lyn there will be PattyLou Montgom ing Club and seasoned performer cry Jacquelyujordaam George in ice rvues The club is aisol Snell5mg Emma Gloria Watson 81 Smith JOYCC lr mdebt to former membersl and montgomety mm me There has been large advance Kornacher William deNance Marilor the Halifax Skating Club Lt Kenner and Dilys Thomas of the land Mrs Orville Watson Carnot$319 of tickets but there 3159 Turn to page four niease Ottawa Minto Club These stars iBogdenRCE who have been assist ing was for South Simcoeiin the Section BBQ Glee Club in Macsey Hall Concert aemm While the Barrie meet on both ends from 140170 lbs to 150180 Bl hogs were placed at ing was in the Eastern Star Hall 150 lbs toWylpng in the evening as they were thatqualify Speakers at both meetings were Reason for the recent action Charles Neiwton Barrie direc it Canadas Agriculfural tor and Alva Rummy Vicepresi Munster James Gardiner is to dent of the Ontario Hog Producers renele the mark the em Association item or three weeks in hopes that Besdesfelection of Officers sev eral itmes of great interest in the hog industry were brought Considerable discussion arose con cerning the proposed CentralMar keting Agency for hogs also on the price and recent embargoes Discuss Price of Boga At present bogs are selling at about $26 cwt dressed whereas they commanded about $32 1351 fall Prices began dropping about November The feeling is that up isome outlet for the pork can be established Canning is onepos sibility gt However Chappell stated that this move wouldif no out let is found in thattime tend to tincrease the amount of pork lie ling marketed by to lbs hog at Head Ks Soutli SimmeEirecntive South Simcoe hog producers re turned its 1951 executive to office Ben Steers Bradford president Ernest Gilmore Allister vice Discuss Need For ill SpeciplitClassin South Thcqueson of whether there wasa need iiithe Allister for specialplass to mum slowlenrnlpg rand the bandi eapped childis to be invesxat ed by special which has beetroot up men 756 Dancing Oddfellow Tefnple jeverySaturday niglrtMusic b3 George Wilsons Orchestra 2m DancmgMonday Wednesgay Friday and Saturday nightsat Club 21Mrolhurst autumnal 79 mammal hikes germ ies End zents50c Teena88m Old tyme and modern dancing in Aliandale Orange Hall every AssociamTmhcrsAssecias Friday night nstartm gbpan Ad sAizlSo mansion 50c junh Dance m5LoweUhallFri educationof prize 85nd 899 32 imy 1108 pricesvat the present time are president Edison Hastings Totten very uncertain and may change ham secretarytreasurer directors rapidiy with little notice Adjaia Sam Gallangher Jolm Severai reasons are given for Hamilton Joe 0Leary1ecumseth theproblem Chief reason is the Edison Hastings Harry Ferguson present overproduction of bogs Oliver Pettit WestWGWilllmmury in Canada It is Testimated that Steers Clarence mcGuire national consumption can handle Murray iris lbssorontio John 93000 hogs per week while 123 HebdinErnest Gilmore Bert 000 per week are being marketed nie Essa George Wilkinson Bill Result is lling of storage facilf Willard Cole Innisl 65 zSproule William New Jae Cocks Since the recent outbreak of from Nottawasaga Whitely foot and mouth disease in Western arty Berry McArthur Canada the UnitedWSth has placiEd an embargoon allipork be Command the Womans Association Home and School 22mmagemils roommate Sunlight to rich meow Smith