Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1952, p. 7

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FORMER FLYERS REARGUARD HERALDED TOP short hit 11030 Ilkh Doherty 253 Bailey Ava Buffalo New York sent along an item from the Buffalo Even in News on dcfcnccmn Stan STAN LONG AHI ROOKIE Long the Amateur mm The article heralds Long the leading evacuate for the leagues run Award hounlndthcfomerBaIa rte Flycr rearward cop the coveted hutch It would be the second to graduate from under Hap Em win that pulled this trick Paul Megcr In his first season as pro with Bub 110 mm tho loop rookie award Wc reprint the title with sircm Inoculation Mrs Dohcrty This week how cvcr we learned that long is in hospital suffering from con cussion received in newt AIIL contest No report was available on his condition By TONY WUBZEB Buffalo News There is one bright spot in the otherwisc somewhat rusty Buffalo Hockey Bisoma defcnsivc armori Thats Stan Long the cxBarric teammate of Paul Megcr Mcger currently is regarded as the National Leagtlcs top rookie Long in his first year with the rBisons is regarded around the coil as the American Leagues topI rookie Whatcvcr defense the Bisonsi boast you can he sure Long isi about twothirds of it He hits with nanny MARCr77 considerable authority lIc skates like forward And he covers the point with cold unrufflcd poise There are reasons for this too Long at has seven years of rugged hockey behind him lIci was centrc with the Barrie Fly crs when he broke into organichl hockey Hes Going Somewhere Old Hap Emma the Barrie coach uxed to grin in his greying beard while he watched Long blast his way down the ice That guy moves like fan done gun and hits like truck Hes go ing somewhere in this business Hap isnt often wrong lie pru dictcd Mcgcr would be one of the 1qu deal of mmmst in meigames big namcs Today Megcr swrmmmg instruction classes to Do Is on the jay wuh Les camdiens held at Hardin Pool Camp Borden Long definitely is on his way in from the end of March to the mdlthrs his first season in the Amer of May has already been amused rcan League To date he has nearly as evidenced by phone calls tol30 points to his credit which is members of the committee skin considerably better than par for for more information Therefore defensemm have been asked to write mo He looks little small on the outline of plans or this column lice for defenscman But that MOONSTONEThe overseer of The classes will be held on Thlus smallness is deceptive Long stands DrainNo Gilbert Walker mot day evenings from 730 10 930 65 feet llinch85 and packs 130 with Mcdonte Township Council at adults and Saturday mornings furl 501M pounds on his frame its regular meeting March l2th re garding thelatest developments in high school students from 1000 am More than once Bison customers toilzzoo 00 The connection with the ditch Swimming Instruction Camp Borden By LOUISE COLLEY County Recreation Director Medonle Council Th will begin omhnve expected to see him mowed ursday March 27 and Saturdayldown by grants like Hersheys Joe lfwgrchlgg respectivelyand ComimgelSchcrlzel or the redoubtable Pat wcckspcriodu week in May ntll the last The time table on Thurd ing will be as av uen follows 7308zll pmLadies Beginners Men Intermediates lilo800 pinLadies Intermediates Egan But invariany it was Schert the Council had met with repre Zel Egan who bounced off theiscntatives of the Municipal Board 850 badunel as though they bod in Toronto and male advised by run against Wim 3them that no action to have the drain improved could be taken by if lhcre is enough interest Ethe Council It would be necessary The instructors for the course for one or more ratepayers affected Men Beginners will be Miss Ruth Kissick physical by the 1391 of drainage to wme 8ll930 pmAdvanccd classes for education teacher at the Barriethe B0333 me nd ladies District Collegiate Institute Georgith Eleme On Saturday morning the sche Woods summer swimmino Two taxpayers whose land has dule Will be as follows structor with the Simeoe cam been flooded by failure of the drain 10001040 amgir1 Beginners Recpation service and myself gto carry away water Andrew Lov BOYS Intermediates ent of North Simcoe Federation of Agri culture chats with Percy McGrath Elm vale director of North Simcoc Seed Potato Developments Re Drainage Ditch important asking for appointment Plansarc underway to arrangeiering and Gilbert Walker have 1952 Excellent Potatoes Exhibited North Simcoe Seed Fair 3hr lthc coming your Workmens on Aortic Examiner Scoliion to 10 INNISFIL COUNCIL NOTES III II So 5U Butt lflL Viztlllcri Ll lnrl Set 1951 liftLI all tutl tho county icky nlrll litlllll rats After agreed decldui 3009 111 north Xptlldtltltu in Ill was It ll cludc ibou Sillzthl which lrpent during lilo 9151 yiiir over Ult lprclaotzn let Ilcmnosmg the urllgtfilip and lthc Illgtillp ttllirlllltlll cclobru lions cost $1ll2 Add to this an nrrmrv of ST duo on insurance icorllpany They worr covering Collipcnsutlurr and nlakc billing bllncil on the wager paid which wlro lliroc year in iarrcnrs ill premiums Churchill hall icbczittftc will It gturn monies to thc qcnernl funds ill Li Iborruwlrd over the pzlt live year Coop at Seed Fair and Bacon Show spon sored on Wednesday afternoon last by N01 Simcoe Crop Improvement Association Elmvalc community hall SOCIAL SERVICE MEETING HEAR COOPERATIVES ITIQUEIII monthly meeting of the Simcuo County Committee of Social Services was held on Monday Feb lit 1932 at the court house Barrie illgts Elsie Dunn presided There Discuss lniporlanl of RR Colbome Ont as auditor iThc auditors report was tabled and showed deficit for the your of $l89650 in the revenue fund deficit account lwcrc 10 members present Two readings were given byi In the nhscncc of Mrs llaw to assess farmers in Medontesocrctary the minutes of the prev Rle FISheF Gamm Stamd that of mill towards the grant to iious mccting were read by chc the Federation of Agriculture Killorin Miss Culley reported that lThose opposed to the levy for the Dr Kidd has advised he is federation can so notify the 33 jwilling to address the Srmcoe Coun scssor and there is no penalty for Committee of Social Services and n0npaymem Simcoc County Arts and Crafts As motion was passed that school sociation on the Massey Report areas and union school sectionsi lbave their requisitmns for 1952 inlan ang be warmed spomored the hands of the clerk by April these groups and in this way then the there would be larger attendance ISt and If mt received by lof interested persons commit uisi gggsumr In use the 1901 req itec was appornted to plan this meet ling after it was passed for approval Garnet Bell asked for grant for The Speaker John Rhnsom mew Wilson Miss Colley recommended that touring the construction of thc new lhzill This amount was lzlkcn into Clllltlilfllll in making tho timatcs by the trcasurcr Township policing will lune mill or $10014 which 15 too Ls nnlount raised by one mill on tho inelv assessment Itclicf and indigcnt costs were followed one mill but levy for parks purposes was cut as it was zfclt the township park should be clfltupporting Otbcr parks W01 inot considered Roads department was allotcd 402 1mills This will printion being made up of grants No Allowance For Offices No allowance was made in thc levy for acquiring of new town ship office This matter was dis icusscd after the mill rule was indoptcd Must Add Education Cosh The approximate 21 mill rate will not make up the whole tax as there are still funds for education to raised The general school rate may be 105 mills In addition there the high school area rate for the north section and continua lion school and other levies for the south There is also trustecs levy for the operatiuniof the schools These figures have not yet reached the township treasurer Decide Against Strand Property motion to acquire the Banting property in Stroud at the sum of 3100th for lost when Reeve Clifford Lockhart rcqu rc about raise the nlnollnl required from the townl ship the balance of $65000 appruf township office was EM We will OOLALAII sh CanolaIr 0915 In In ErnaI surrounded by Inn outnuadbmmm old null mu IIAIIIAIIII YVONNE DE CARLO PEI ER IISIIIIOV ROLAND CIILVER DAVID TOMLIHSON ALBERT LIEVEN STARTSIMPEIAI TODAY SHOWING ON SAME PROGRAM WHA AN WOMAN DO WHOSE CRIES N0 MAN WANTS ME THE SECONDFACE CoStarring ELLA RAISES BRUCEBENNET RITA JOHNSON 1040ll20 armGirl Intermediareslfor bus 16 take the high schoollwritten the Municipal Board and the Plowmenvs mamh to 13911de 101 of Simcoe County Medical Ser BOYS Beginners students out on Saturday morninithat body has been Obtaining inMedme and the Rial $20 85 Vices and Iiirem Of Kempenfe 1112042100Advanced classes for for an inexpensive return fare Thziformation preparatory to takingl Passd for Eh Ea 5131909 910 credit Umon was introduced by both girls and boys Co We would be interestd toffdrther among mans Assocxatlon lMlss Coll3y Mr Ransom gave broke tie vote on the matter Councillors Thomas Cook and liam Gibbins voted in favor and Deputy Reeve Charles Sproule and OHN SUTTON PATRICIA KNIGHT FIRST BARRIE SHOWINGS knowledge will be classes The beginners classes Will be for those who are unable to swim across the pool They will provide much needed opportunity to 311 the chance for instruction when they were child ren The face floatyback float fun damental strokes and Water safety taught in these Intermediate classes are for those who are able to swim about 60 feet and have confidence in deep water variety of strokes with emphasis on good form andclementary diw mg will be taught Advanced classes are for those who wish to perfect their strokes and Simple dives or for those who are interested in passing the Red Cross Senior Swimmeis Test and the Royal Lifesaving= Test for thel Bronze Medallion There may be an opportunity too for synchron ized swimming instructionfor girls CG BarrioiWorks Interdeparlnlent Hockey Drew Many Fansnio Guthrie Arena know ow many adults would 13 Clerktreasurer John White quire bus transportation on Thurslread Confespondence between the day evenings If there seems to beilOWDShiP 113d the Board need for special bus such airi In connection with request that mngements will be made Pleaseithe HabartMounl St Louis side contact the office of the Simcoe road be made connecting high County Recreation Service at 5304 war the High ways Department if you require this means of trans wrote stating the request had been portation placed in the hands of the road The committee is recommending commmee that all adults obtain medical Council discussed roads problems certificate from their doctors shows and accounts with superintendent in that they are to take theiFfed Woods It is expected 5000 swimming lessons They feel that trees from the Lands and Forests this measure is necessary for every Deparhnent will be receivdin the ones protection near future for planting as Wind lbreaks to protect some of the roads KEEP IT SHOE in the township There are simple rules forwritU Regret was expressed over the ing letters to the press The first death of th auditor for the munic and fundamental rule is haVeipguly the latW King of Bee something worthwhile to sayand ton On uncommendation of Wal Say itas briefly as possible in plain ter Lumasden of Victoria Harbour plainlywritten language who was associated with Mr King Sackville NB TribunePostlCouncil appointed Delbert peebles vThe clerk was instructed to ob very interesting talk on Coopera lain two dozen signs warning itives He discussed this topic un against dumping garbage on town lder five sections Early Hi5 ship roads ltory Cooperatives principles George McGregor was appointed and practices 3h World Expan overseer on the town line replacing JSiOKI ll COODEIBUVGS In Canada Ben Johnston Credit Unions An Oro resident applied for Me Mn R3115 83 millide vb dont telephone service Jewel Killortn Dr David Garrick Lvau Grav discussed warble Fly lran off film Men of Rochdale Control measures with Council and This Picmrized the Slofl the was decided to purchase three weavers of Rochdale in their slow rubber suits and other Requjpmem but eventually successful attempt to to aid in taking every precaution Start COOPQYIWES against thepests Authorization was given for payMd0nte merit of fox bounty to Kenneth Council decided to purchase Ferguson set of Ontario Statutes and Regu Request of George Sheffield ofglations vote of thanks was RR Barrie who asked bounty on passed to the Orillia Rotary Club awolf captured in Medonte was lior entertaining Council ata ban not acted upon No action was tak lquet when councils of Orillia Town en in the request of Harry Cope iship Oro Raina Mara Morrison land of RRiZ Orillfa for bounty on iand Matchedash Townghips were foxes as he is not resident ofalso guests of the Club Councillor Allan Todd against The Teeve stated that this has been contentious mattr for years as to where the toxvnship office should be located When it was decided to build the shed at Com was not in favor However there is plenty of room there and1 now am in favor of township office in that area which is nearly the centre of the township If Ij lived in the South would be bitter if the office Zvas built in Stroud dont think in yars to come the building in Stroud will prove suitable location There plenty of parking space at the thin line might Mrf Todd would like South Gentlemen that opinion he concluded Deputy Reeve Sproule stated that 50 percent of the people he had talked to were not in favor of thel like it in the North and it in that is myi Stroud building do not care if never get another vote am gol ing to vote as think best he stated CouncillorGibbins felt that at Stroud the ofcewod have bet tbr telephone facilities In addition when new clerk is needed he might be young man With chill dren The school close by would be an assethThe mail facilities arel also an asset he stated It is preferableto have the office in thei village he concluded have given the matter consid erable thought From what have ManagerfacKMitchinson made it official by droppingthe pitch for The openingfaceoff Malltheadsarold Brett left and Penilpushers Maldig Campbell vie for the puck MCENTRE mom is plenty of action as Alex Dusomev and Booiman fightfbr that antimportant over by tho boards ordain Lanny Cammau was referee and here drops the puck to Harold Brenna 31m Doorman While Len Wilson Doug Massey and Alnaogmon stand by tde for mom mnovsnmm Manama action News Icamedwe can convert this build lg voth cillor Cooks remarks in new building at the 8th line the other was voted down suitable property be selected at Con corner for an office building The motion was passed 32 Conng something be got underway =year plantWin the Township shed wasf inassed information Watch i=0 ALADDIN AND HIS LAMP MORE PEOPLE NEEDED We need more skilled craftsmen more people with love of the land welldust more people ll0000l0 in this great land is mere drop in the bucket of the Decidg Purchase Land Near Shed great potential awaiting develop VI dd moved motion afterr mem Swift Current lSask Sun BINGO ST JOSEPHS AU DITORIUM MIILCASTEK ST PAINFUL TRUTH Take auray the government pro3 fits on liquor anal am doubuurrcl 815 pm we would have either paved high 15 GAMES 25 ways or modern schools in this province Maybe it is nota nice lv plcmrjiipoihjthilhAdvanci Judmt g1lt20ranoenalln luESDAY MAR la +815 SPECIALGAMES if momma casnjraom ing considerably cheaper than wet could build new one was Coun Coun Todd said think Coun cil would not go astray in putting cillor Gibbins was insistent that motion to installa heatingi No tenders have as yet been accepted but the supervisor was instructed to obtain additionalg Our

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