Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1952, p. 6

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llacips and Fashions led in Cooking School Show MILDRED New ideas on two of their favor it topics recipes and fermions were given to the almost capacity und Fence of women present Thllltitilh afternoon at the Roxy when tho first of the twoday Cooking School and Fashion Shows sponsored by the luldlca Auxiliary to the Lions Club was hold This rcportcr pinchhitting for Junie spent an afternoon 15 who has not spent cm for four yours and happily look forward to tho next showing For Hospital Furlmhing Mrs Sable Conlcncl of ill Theatre Clarke cup and saucer Mrs 63 snunsjllsnomr on Crooks Miss Mary Warnica picI lure Mrs ilirlcbey vase Mrs Mc Lcod crisper Mrs Garrick floor clcuncr Mrs Armstrth floor wax and cleanser Mrs Wilklnaon lflavoring set Mrs Greer paint land paint brush Mrs Hardy and inns Wilson plmtic cake container Him floss cologne Mn Curmic Ecocoa Mrs Alexander Mrs Crimp lhcll Mrs lolwarth pyrcx coffee pcrculator Mrs Adams dry rlcun inl tickrt Mrs Fclguson bud lump lnfr Sorjcant bags of KlOCtltti ers Bunting Mrs Moore Mrs Mnglaugblin Mrs Brown Mr flor ills Mrs Ii Lints Mrs McKcnzin St lulriCk born in lillpat rick ncar Dumbarton Scotland in lillc your 587 Hc dud on March cuz 493 and has lawn klmwt as The Pub roll Saint of lrclund our lflCrf St Patricks Day has bcLn cele Lrutul on this contincnt hllltc lnrly llllltb wrtil dinners pariahs touts the curing of sllzilnrocks and gritn tics in 1737 thi tharltablr Irish So Llll of Bordon bllllltd holding an annual lllllttl In 1780 the Fricnd Son of St Patrick Philadelphia celeorzlild the annivrrsary Four cooking school and Tlllllit show Mrs Barry Mrs Corbett Mrs Ilck TillS 11 11W Fllclldl 50115 of St in welcoming the llldrvs statui that the money ldlilll from Till project would bc used to furnuh the klllI Tilda CM Mr muck MNl My 1111 mcnlbcr of Roman family in tho ncw Barrio Memorial Hospital Greetings from Town Council nl the citizens of Barrio vl ll brought by Mayor Mrs hlziljolic Hamilton Mrs Scrivcr liuznc cconollllx who wax in Lllllt of 1le cooking school and was ably asslstcd by hllryt Hazel Caldwell Illrlic kcpt up running culnrlienlury and at the samc timc prcpaicd scvrrlll wry appetlzing ilsbcs lhcsc wllc lilfli drawn Vforand sonic lucky iudifs went home with the main pnrt of thcir suppcrs prcparcd for families and DIS ut The first rccipc was basic llltll loaf and from this two supper Il llcs Mrs Forbes Mrs Morrison EM illtalip Mrs Micks Mrs Illlm McKlllnon Mrs Knccshaw Peacock Mrs Koarns Mrs livid Mrs Mlllhollalnd Mrs Tomlin ison jcls with children tllltILl your old and in addition baby ll1lc VLIC uivcn to two mothers with bub buys undci l5 months of Zlit Lalo in thc afternoon Itll lllr bula Vllttltl of CKBB nludc an ml thcspot broadcast Airs ilindcrson Mrs Dudlcy Mrs alldcrs and Baby mud was gm momclneftzun ln Antrim llllr ivlvingl oils Gable and Mr Goslcy Patrick Ncw York started toasting St Patrick St Patricks father was Calphm of high rank Wiltn St Patrick won 16 years old he was capturcd by Irish mur sold as SlitVt to remained prisoncr for six years during which lllllt lrc lcnrn ed to spcuk tllc Ccltic lullgullgc 11v csczlpcd flcd to tho wcst coast of lrclund look zl ship to Britain decided to devote his lifc to relig ious work ert he wont to to Tours Franco BARRlE LADY 90 YEARS MARCH 14 Adiudicalor Almost Stymied Before who MRS ADA BAXTEII thcn Fashions For spring land studicd at the Monastcry of St the duct Ircd Peacock Ray Spring amd Geranium Wan Allenwood resented western trio accom Awarding Comedy Play Championship was by German mum on the banjo Stroud quartet of Jean Finals at Siroud to Allenwood YPU gygfogmgf gmfggg Allcnwood YPU with its playgto Olllllllltc on in Toronto Confertwo numbers and 103 Lanna Squaring It With the Boss car fence competition 53 iurwewm tuned the Simcoe Presbytery YIU Sum be pmed aim uh Director of the winning produc Drama Festival comedy CIIBIIlplOnzhoy at Hwy rengiom dmmgtion was Jlrn Barker and his cast 51 When they delealedv blmldEMnnday evening March 17 withgw Grteflmg JV YPU in Stroud Community Hallo wmnw going 833mm Churchfrs Beth Creeping Marilyn Cole Wednesday evening flu weeem March mAunt Maria kaya Parnell Aunt Allenwood had defeated LintChurchuy Wmmng presbClarissaItobcrta TracclllrDunnc vale YPU Monday evening miter play Wm my be 913C mythc b055 Clarcncc Madlil Elmvalc change in drama rulesgcfmfpremc companion March 27 The play was of the trouble of this year segregated comedy andiand knuntact 61 young lizarrlcd couple who were religious drama so that they wouldg hlcsscll with the visit of two Adbdlwmr George CD3aunts at the samc timrz both of not complc against one anotherz Only religious drama is allowed Hindi th dtfd Fhapmhiwhml hull mom Mn dlmm aw par However tho auntg were the EWn 35 and before you mi worst of Umlnlt Ora had lime undemded as 10 mt Winifondness f0 cats the other for nor lIowcvcr be awarded Allfpwmig Mr Dunno Greening lcnwood tho victory on two factorsl b1 51 demdcd my 11 Hamming of their comedy in bentrich mm humy 81 plotl and bcltcr allround actinglhad Rm aimimfm mung Greem lm this 135 lam theling tau hclp support the Greenings adjudicator plckcd three individlbicswd Um mm didnt axisL ML and Jamr Abba 51 33 In Pmyiiv lw03AM turned out well in the end Jimmy aud daughter JUdim IImm SllWd CIN Tml Wemibut not bcforctconslderablc hair Owen Sound are Visiting Mm Marilyn Colo Allelicowl as Mrsipumg and mum had been Abbilllh parcnts Mr and Mrs139m Greening IIach Bootlmmuwd mg puma Lomned J01 MZECICOd DUHIOD 31 wenStroud as Mrs Bcll and Rodal pork Cum dmcd Ithc known badminton star and on thr ick Black Strorld 15 Albert Bell5u0ud comedy Not Quite Such staff of The Owen Sound Daily Hwy NHL Gobser SunTImLS Abbon 9l Mr Colvan listed SUVCIJI muslsi alumni from recent OpQmIIonlfor play producing alnatcur oi3 ML and Mrs Franck 253iprofcsrionzrl First was the nccdi Blake rcmgruumw llomc 135 to avoid artificial lnunncr Lctl week aftcraslxwcckstrlp througllmm be natural he Quid Ezistern States and Ilorida wmlp in Florida they took Chnpl Second was rnzuntcnuncc of char nw mp to Nassau WZICIUI throughout the play with Bahamm lmorc enthusiasm In the parts AS nimn MBE chawan cxumplc ho said there should bc more oolada shown in love Fashions for spring 1952 as pro scnlcd by Builcr Drcss Silllppr wcrc an indioation of the man of Barrie District Collegiate Board Mrs Morrison and Carol havu returned home from vaca sccncs than was evidenced liirdly he stressed the hood for llcnr cnunciiition stating that Martin llc rcmaincd on the con til utnclllbors tvho uftcn dro in and 91 Vtills was colnlncndcd tolm to pow doslmo md med Romp tour score and ten but such waslarc in many cases oflcn chccrcd ho ratio with Mrs Ada Baxter wholtllcnlsclvcs by hcr optimistic out lalc snack dishes were prqmmd Aztrcnd towards softer ruundcr and meat roll stuffcd with partially bzlkcd and aftcr another 20 minutes at llOlllt thc Wynns supper would be ready The sccond dish mado from ihc basic recipe was opcnfaccd circus burgcls and this was won by Mrs McCutchcon Gingerbread Mix With packages of gingcrbrcad mix Mrs Scrivcr then showed bozv easily dessert or Cookils could no prepared dclicious gingcrbrclrl pudding was won by Mrs Arnoll and gingclhrcad delight cookies were waiting for sonic lucky pcrsnn to take home Friday In the from ing compartment waiting to bc baked is delicious peach pic Mrs Sclivcr suggesth mixing large amount of the dry ingrcdicnts furl pastry and storing itin thc rcfrig cratoruntil required Mrs Peacock and Mrs Robinson two ladies whose birthdays fall on St Patricks Day halved luscious looking 3storcy cake with cooked date and orange filling and El boiled almond frosting and St Patricks decorations This cake was prepar ed from packaged cake mix By keeping packagcs of cakc biscuit and gingerbread mix in your cup boards and pastry ingredicnts in your refrigerator delicious dessert can be qliicklyrbukcd for unexpect ed company Minty Lucky Draws Throughout the afternoon blcnrll crumbs won by Mrs Wynn was morc fominlnc lllltS Tho influence of masculine laslui ions on worncns clothes is f21dini Crinolincs and pctticoats are still important bill most noticeable II the ncw lines are the natural roundcd shoulders the small waist and billowing skirts Slccvcs have taken lddcd intcrcsli this your short and puffed clbovIl length and cuffed or the crescent lshapc Blue was predominant col nr shown the always smart navy and new current bluc lull ofl Ecoursc the popular grey and black lTouchcs of red and while glvcsl crisp ncccnt to dark IICSSQS Anl unlimited choice of fllblll there are soft pliable silks lnd nylons stiff bcngulincs and paper lliffctur and quilted materials Checks and plnstripcs plains and prints 150 mctrics and pill dots are all shown Mrs Lucas Commentator Mrs Bcatricc Lucas commonlutorl for the fashions wore black tuf lfctzl frock accented by rod bow lwilh rod flowered black but In tho ishowing was navy bcngalinc pin poinl with buttoned front cincth iwaist full skirt and pushup puff sleeves and highlighth with vcslee lof grccn Another bengalinchavy and white stripe had full flat pleat back and front creating fullness at sides smart black and white checked taffcta with standup neckllnc bouffllnt skirt with crinolinc was modelled with white suilor but work in Ireland undvin the your lDotvn was built years lzltcr Pop commissioncd him to 433 llc landcd at Wicklow ilcnd lllc Druids rcscntld back in Ireland Hc escaped from thcir cllllcllcx and sought IllOli fricndly territory Ho Wont back to his captor of earlier years and con vortcd him to Christianity St Pnlrick prcachod taught built churches organized parishcs and performed miracles He was 12 times tzlkcn captive by the Druids Oncc ho was loaded with chains and condcmncd to death his arrival was buried whore thc Cuthcdrul ofl St Patrick said that the shamE rock represented the mystery of thc Trinity The three leaves rcprc sentcd the three persons of the Trinity tho stcm represented thcl Godhcad and the unity of three in Onc St Patrick won the rcpulation of banishing all the snakes from Irc land All but one old scrpcnti which refused to leave St Patrick made box and invited the scrpcnt to entcr The serpent objected on the grounds that it was not big enough St Patrick insisted it was big enough The serpent finally agrch to enter the box and prove it was too small St Patrick shut the lid fastened it and throw the box into the sea Today grccn tics arc worn by the men Shamrocks are worn in thc huts of all Irishmcn biscuits and cakes and oven Laura Sccord can Mrslcharming grey taffeta with planted dbl are fashioned in the shapclof shamrock to cclebratc the anili cclcbratcd thc huppy cvcnt on Fri lduy March at her home 16 IIcclm St Early suppcr was arranged for 17 grunts undcr thc direction of tho cldcrly lady by her grand daughter Miss Gladys Myers who has bccn with her since 1919 Mrs Baxter although not in thcl lluok and kindly common scnsc Thc Barrie Examiner joins in icongratulntions to Mrs Baxter on ilIIlllTllllg her 90th birthday it docs not full to the lot of very from chatting with friends and lcading by Walter Morris Presid lcnt of Essex County YPU in Lon idon Conference Lloyd Shorten one of the Car best of health has guod slght andillelLlS and munbu of tho hearing ionship of the relatives and friends who remained until 10 oclock She received many beautiful 1k de unm March 17 493 greeting cards from friends in town and from the USA and England llilso gifts including basket of lovely flowers from the Barrie Cit 12cm Band of which her son is member Mrs Baxter was born in the City of Leeds Yorkshire and was raised tllcrc She came with her husband the late Alfred Baxter to Canada ill October 1906 and they made their borne here In 1937 Mr Baxter died follow ing an accident Mrs Baxter has number of nicccs and nephews in the Old Land daughter Mrs Myers and three grandchildren in Paw luckct USA Her son John is with the Can adian General Electric Barrie Worksand with his wife and their five children lives at 80 Henry St Mrs Baxter is member of Trin ity Anglican Church and when younger was active in the WA Throughout her life she has derived great satisfaction from and enjoyed the COInpunBOilld of Christian Education To ronto and Helen Clarke told of work and experiences of the Car avan as it crossed Canada meet ing with young people throughout the Dominion Doris Scott President of Duff crin County YPU and Walter Morris gave testimony on what the Christian life means to them The gathering their divided into group Buzz Sessions with com mon question to discu55 What is most needed in your union They were also rcquiredto list 10 questions that they desired Carn vnncrs to answer Hclcn Clarke and Lloyd Shorten discussed and answered the ques tions It was pointed out that Unions are not active enough and arc too Worried about maintain lhg membership by social activities rather than downtocarth discus ions about the Christian faith and problems that youth wisll discussed It was also pointed out that in all too many cases wor ship services are thrown together rather than thought out The evening closed with dedi cation and hymn Captain Lord Collier YPU serv lgucst in Hamilton of Mr and Mrs Make Me lion motor trip to Florida Mr and Mrs Ralph Snclgrovc returned home on Saturday via ICA to Malton aftcra visit with relatives in Barton Connecticut and New York City Miss Sue Walls was weekend ithis was one placcwvhcrc players could dcpurt slightly from yollru sclf Fourth was prompting lfl tllings dont go well improvisc ho advised lr Lastly hc mcntioncd stage set ting and costuming They are VEl SHEER lo milth Your Natural Beauty Morris and Misses Sumnnu what makes the play he said and pimicin Morris iOnc example of bud stage settingf Mr and Mrs Walls and llc mentioned was the use of Lynne and Mrs Wang vism lighted lamps in the living room ca Mr and Mrs Fer wall of into setting when the scene was and Miss Barbara Walls in Hamill01mmy before Supp ton on Sunday Mrs II came Summcrs anemwnz visitcd Rev Mr and Mrs Lowe Giorgo Brow Bradffrd Drama formerly of Bond Head festival IllLCIOI of Slmcoc Pres Mr and Mrs Robert Powell 018 the 00mm and son Robert and Thomas Knight tition and introduced scvcral flll ACE POWDER Sillnlonillnuroulnlt returned home on Saturday from ll numbers of enterlammem bei SATIN SMOOTH ling for Hours motor trip to Florida tween plays Ray Spring and Joan Langmuir Allcnwood sang Mr and Mrs Ernest Raycrafl wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Audrey Mabel to John David Dave Selwyn Wright son of Mr and Mrs Rod erick Leslie Wright of Toronto the marriage to take place on Ap ril in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie at pm 31 fiel Tues 1005 am SHIT0N CK MOORES colon if HOME CALL THE En For PBINTINGPRONE 2414 ECONOMIZE with IIHIYVI Benjamin Moore Co M4 on or avuaI ivAIIJQ AnLhavu Kenoored lskirt had the no ll Gable assrstcd by members of thc 0W9 LC 10 Auxiliary made about 50 draws for Orilblg mlvy corded benEEIlgigw or the Patio sum or he wiles donated by local merchants line with white collar and cuffs fenl bouquets of owers Mm Long tured pleated skirt in back daily tasks well doneand even now is seldom idle Shoalso takes great pleasure ed lunch During the evening valuable and extensive book and pamphlet display was on hand as MW The paint for beautiful nolns PAINT WALLPAPER burst Mrs Dyment dressed chick en Mrs Galloway pyrex mixing bowl Mrs Wright refrigerator set Mrs Keen pyrex mixing bowls Mrs Scott canister set Mrs Borrow from Household Finance On yoursignaturcho endorscrs or bankable security needed We specialize in prompt cash loans aianygoad purpose out of profcr Iloirsclioldlihang for fast friendly service Phone or zitopjntoday Hos Tums most recommended ugminmuQrmlmin hello Write or visit unusualII hm 16 lllubolbsnul nutm roam our murmur aluuumcui bum in Ecol Elm Plum Miloiyrinmlqluf adl6rosidgniinlipdrbvlm monolowfcnuulm navy and white pancake hat and navy accessories completed the en semble Afternoon Dressy Wear For afternoon dressy wear there was deep pleated rose taffeta with ing current bluc quilted frock and quilted black with veryflill skirt lined with red taffeta worn with veil and red rose headdress Two halfsize dresses lvere model led one sidedraped black with white print and the other an en scmble in navy with rose veslee and navy bolero worn with rose flowy ercdnavy sailor lovcly deep mauve crepd and lace dinner dress was shown which would be ideal for the brides moth er The brides dress modelled by Miss Marie Burke was delicately llovely and yet practical outfit of lwhite nylon net and taffeta This was because of the peplumed jacket which had anattached train and when jacket was removed left charming strapless formal Her headdressof coroncl style with ny fun not vcil completed the outfit Several fur jackets and capes in tho nuwcst styles were modelled adding the final touch of glumor andluxmy Hats andllbuddresscs word from Evelyn Tucks and all accessories from Lenos Lingerie Furs were from Goldenson Furs The Charm ilng models wereElda Burroughs Marie Burke Margaret McKinnon chlnolte Caruso Eddie Thaycrs ins Ina Lawranch Mrs Ada Noble Barrie and Mrs Stelle Somls Tor ontof MEXICO llAl FIRSTSCHOOL Thclirst elementary school ill lhc New World was founded at Mcxico City by the Spaniards in 1523 navy pinpoint forinfoimal cven well as another edition of YPU News Simcoc Presbyterys own young peoplesgpapcr SPECIA run If Thor Washing Machines Sensatrohally Low Priced Theevemng began in ne fash ion withEvelyn Lapp National his trip to the Boy Scout Jamboree Recreation and Culture convenet in Austria last summer of YPUleadingy in song short worship service was ledaby Helen TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI Clarke Past PIesldent of Toronto PHONE 2414 Conference YPU with Scripture aNEW L0w PRICES on limos Malional Caravan Al Collier United On Official Visit National Caravaners who have been morning Canada since Sept 14 1951 are now visiting Presbyr teries inToronto Conference and Friday eveninglpaid an official visit to Simcoe Presbytery in Collier Street United ChurchBar rre Approximately 100 young people attended to hear of the travels and observations of the Caravan ers and to discuss more fullyvthe Christian life andgwhat it means and should mean to them l9 ClappertonSt BARRIE Phone 5206 WALLS CEILINGS T0 syow TRIP PICTURES When the Young Adults Group of Collier St United Church meet this evening Fred Farr of the BDCI staff will show some of the pictures lag look on his trip to England and Scotland GLEE CLUB AT ROTARY Barrie District Collegiate Glee Club under the direction of Archie Ross entertained the Barrie Rotary Clllb members with several Irish and Scotch numbers at their lunch con on March 13 The speaker was Buster Walton King Scout th0 gave very interesting account of Heres an offer you cant afford lomiss This nationally advertised wdsher has Shiny pence lain enamel tub which will not corrode or rut easy to clon and keep clean NDQHHJ cop deity m9klihs$ir9 stiemlinedwinser equipped lviih instant ptcsure release and autof jmatic water deflectOr See thiSgvquctoday IT LIMITED QUANTITY morocco HUMANE somth The Royal Humane Society was foundedin England in 1774 by Dr William Halves and Dr afrhornas filalecmggfdppm iwmhmftlcri Low5i nowunAYMENI AANowflsrHErlME TOPURCHASE THESEBLANKETSIATAREALSAVING FAMOUS 11695 3a NORWAY Mango ea RAMCnEsuarso ea vlclsnov 19951 WIh PWP jnkiicnasrwnlrs ill5 gt to 551 will

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