Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1952, p. 10

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and Era Rib put on in the Town Hall Mrsi mBobby of Coldgxelman and Mr McFadgcn as mine may week momma the hostess am mu an and that United Church we met Thurs VIM idoy afternoon March 13 at thel Dale Scbombcrg home of the president Mrs Arthi We of days with her at Thompson Plans were model my but while her husband for cold meat supper early inl moo business in Kitchener APNL John Claridgc Windsor spent 33 1W3 Tum weekend Wm his mmhj Mixed Euchre Club met at Mix Claridge and Mrs James Touglts on Thursv and Mrs Jack Palmer rm id 933 135 chcner spent the weekend withing did me Job 5W and Mm Wilmer Palm dtvtdtual scolre cards whrchdhe spcn many orig evenings rea mg andJMWDH REM lnd to gather data suitable for each ofi IHd Mrsh Ck Milw ho if his guests were passed out which visiting em from Exelerf 59 caused much fun and merrimentt wedWSday lh wilds T01 When it came time for refreshl 033 rncnts The Scot served gen Mr and km Wilson 596 erous luncheon assisted by Black the weekend With their son and 53m and Chum Em each in family Mr and Mrs Harry wn mm was paper day ati 50m Duuon gJimmys house from ncwspavfl and jlack PM and lluncheon cloth to dlxic cups Mme mum Sandra 599 my re lilarry Palmer and Art ThompsonI cently with friends in Toronto Father Gregory Kelly Dies Rev Gregory Kelly died in Tor onto early Thursday March 13 if was born in Mich and was iron shared by great many Albert educated at the local separate school Tottenharn high school St Michaels College and St Augus tines Seminary Toronto Surviv ing are five sisters all of Toronto Funeral Monday at 10 am Stone is on the sick list Mr and Mrs 11 Brobk visited friends in Guelph recently AThc Red Cross canvassers busy making their week The monthly WMS of are rounds this meeting of the Fraser Presbyterian Church was held at Mrs ll carricd off the prizes EGcorgc does his stuff snovu Bi lAUGlll There ha been persistent opin gans that the subject of agriculture is given much too scanty attention on the school curriculum pro vince whose welfare is basically founded upon agriculture might very reasonably cultivate fuller awareness of what tllc cultivation of land means to society High River Alla Times HOME PATRONAGE We often wonder whether the cipalities to make purchases on tendency of small cities and mum Next time wholesale scale from the large ccn trcs of the west is as economical and efficient as we are led to be lieve Home patronage through the years has been the key to success to many Alberta communities Thorntons on Friday evening They also held isucccaslul bake sale the following Saturday in the church The Evening Auxiliary met at Mrs Sid Butlers witha good attendance Rev James Dorrian took the devotional part Plans were made for the play An Old Fashioned Mother coming from Cookstown in the near future to Canadian Garden Service 1952 By coupon LINDSAY scum crowd out most woods The rest can be handled with some of the The Lawn healthy we new 24D chemical sprays ikcpt lawn is vital part of every garden it is just as important Nursery Stock Shrubbery as slnubbcry flowers and trees vines roses trees and otllcr nur land it is the best of all centrc sery stock should also be planted pieces for showing off anydis as early as possible This is es play of bloom or an attractive pecially true where the climate is house There arc only few fun dry and extra watering is diffi idamentals to bear in mind The cult The main thing is to make first of theseois good quality seed sure that the roots of the new especially prepared for lawns not stock are kept away from air and just some cheap coarse grasses moist in transit and planting All which will soon become ragged these things should be planted The second point is to realize that with the roots read out loosel urge you to grass is plant and needs food and then covered wilfn fine rich soil care just the same as flower or pressed down If at all possible vegetable water liberally for week or Grasses thrivc best in cool damp lW weather therefore it is most im Good nursery stock is soft and portant that the ground be pre pliable and well supplied with good pared and the seedisown as soon live buds The latter however 1115 possible in the spring and in should notbe far advanced The any case before the really hot iweather commences If this is nearer plant gets to leafing out the more difficult the transplant lnot possible one should wait until early fall Barrie Blitz Campaign mg Because lawns are permanent it Informal Is Best It is usually Monday Mar 17 is much easier to get the soil well mistake and especially so where pm Welcome Wagon worked fine and level before seed space is limited to be too formal ing than afterwards For obvious in planting about the house reasons the seed should be sown Straight rows of flowers shrdbs ion day when there is no wind and trees look stiff and articial and it is best to go over the plot Flowers particularly will make twice broadcasting one way then better show if arranged in clumps the other Beeaue the plants are with the smaller sorts in front and tender at first especially it is ad the larger ones grouped to the visable to cut with very sharp rear The same is true of $hrub mower Well rotted manure and bery Unless the grounds are very chemical fertilizers rich in mm large one should be content with gen are recommended for lawns only one or two trees The main and also an occasional application idea is to screen bit of the house of bone meal Well fed grass will and the fences hero and there but LEAVE YOUR LIGHTS 0N tation have shown that precoolcdg plug one cent solution 011 from the side there is some Bul tbe childs eyes receive Ecelery has kept in good condition National Defence Photo SAPPERS FROM THE CANADIAN ENGINEERS Stumbledsunlight but baby relies on moth across an ancient Korean burial ground recently while search Or to save lug for wood in the barren hills of the country Said to con tain the remains of bygone kings thccemetcry is guarded by stone statues of ancient Gods Sgt Behlc of Cochranc Ont Drumhellcr Alta Mail is shown above standing beside one of the giant figures VITAL ASSIST It is reassuring to learn that both paper and lumber concerns are do ing much towards guaranteeing that their supplies of wood shall continue to grow in order to meet still greater demands Much rc lorcstation has been undertaken and proper cutting methods havc now been in use for some years Estevan SaskJ Mercury TRACTOR SALES During 1951 more tractofs were sold in Eastern Canada than in Western Canada This is the first time the cast has purchased more than the west Actual numbers pur chased were by Eastern Canada 26032 by Western Canada23730 not to hide the lines completely With shtubbery and trees it is important to remember the full size at maturity and allow plenty of room Big thingsrplanted close to walls will have noroom to de ve10p properly Next Week TransplantingBig Show for Little Money aSTZDRAElEIN should rght pus discharge corners she should not try toi treat them herself Phone doc ftor immediately whether the child should be takeni For rany Safeguarding Sight What value do you place on 37 Nancy Ckcvcr eyes But the teacher has whole WWW Shirt manW m1 lb collar which mantle 59 WY Farm breeding nursery mg iationigollcontenthomll to 23 per cent and in protein content from 31 to 45 per cent in different strains This provides wide range for selection depending upon the ac for which the crop is intended your childsr eyes Do you thinklclass room of children while theAt the present time processors are that silly question Why iparent has only her own little fam demanding high oil percentage childs sight is priceless But as silly Dont leave it to the school to varieties containing not less than 2t parent are to you doing all you safeguard your childs No one can estimate how manyf babies havev their eyesight saved by the medical practice of drop lthfl nitrate into each eye at the time of birth Doctors follow this procedure with car and in manyt areas there is law directing midwife or nurse attending aAnewl mother to carry out this treatl ment fortablc position not stiffly antiwar bbe not slouchlng or bending over hisdwume L3 if mother notices that her baby has swollen or red eyelids and al is oozing out the Let him decide to him or whether he can make house call If it is impossible to contact doctor and the eyes are in serious condition take the gbaby at once to the nearest hos jpital delay might mean partial blindness Only doctOr can determine whether baby needs the attention Zof specialist Sometimes babys itcar ducts do not open or some otlrer condition persists which will inot clear up without expert help Sunshine taken in moderation sin sun bath is friend and not foe of babys health But the Ibabys cycs should be protected lfrom the sun shining directly into ithcm and from too bright reflect cd glare tiny infant will isquirm and shut his eyes in bright his eyes from too much sunshine The carriage topwor sunbonnet or cap with peak can provide the essential barrier to too strong sunlight Sharp knives scissors with points toys with sharp edges are all dangerous to the eyes in the hands of an active small child Even an older boy or girl playing ball or shooting arrows or throw ing darts or participating in quite number of games must always keep sharp lookout for fear an object strikes the eye Children should have general physical checkup including an cye examination before starting to school It is not rare for child to be judged stupid or inattentive when he is quitclbrlght but suffi ering from poor vision if child even young child needs glasses for poor vision or to correcta cfosseyed defect it is folly not to have the child ttedl by competent doctor What are some of the distress signals parent should be able to interpret as childs eyes need ing extra attention The condition of the eyes crossing squinting frowning rubbing the holding book close to the face may be noticed Sometimes child whose sight is poor stumbles over Small objects or has ahard time playing catch The school teachers dotry to do good job in health education in eyes or educate your child in eye care There should be proper lighting in the room in which child l5 playing working or reading possible the light should come1 from behind the child if the lightE glare both direct and indirect glare per cent of oil ma HYDRO PEECOOQNG Experiments in the hydro pre cooling quick cooling in cold wat erl at the Ste Clothidc Que Sub la storage for six weeks longer than from light coming from the frontgearly celery Wthh Md been Mothers should provide school age child with quiet well lighted table for home work Errg courage the child to sit in comi lbooks Lying down and readingi if hard on the eyes even whenicts the reader is propped up on pilliSee malnu advice to the letter child habit of glancing up from his workhas only one pair of eyes to last ows child should form looking out the wind0w to far corner of the room and focussingi hiseyes on distant object everyi half hour Children sometimes copy their chums in their posture and bring books closor to their eyes than they need to be Even tiny tot should not keep his eyes fixed on an object nearer than foot For the older child abOut seventeen inches between the eyes and the book is good distance Because of faulty posture myo pia or shortsigbtedncss incrcaScs from small percent of the live year old applicants for kindergar ten to about thirty percent of boys and girls entering most collegiate or high schools Children gel satisfaction out of doing useful work7but they must be taught to handle tools with care Each year children damage their eyes by falling on rake or fork which hasbeen left on the ground with the prongs pointing upward Sometimes child runs and falls while carrying sharp tool thus hurting his eyes if childs eyes have been injured even slightly in an accident dont take any chan utmrs LINE on my OEEANER wuo mm Wright Cleaners Ltd for better kind of dry cleaning PHONE 5531 eluding instruction incare of the rmmendmlotr 19mm endowAu opulentrs aawr Rowena coca me precooled The term hurricane developedZ from the word huracn used by Portuguese navigators to that they will soon be alright doctor at oncef and follow him all his life Copyright mbecomcatbiax the 951 expanding collar stud mumbeputonthemlrm door 81 TAXI Just Phone no menu 9002 Elizabeth St Barrie Opp Wellington Hotel There ls llo Bargain Basement In The Money artist Can you imagine clearance sale in money market Can you imagine buying two or five or ten dollar bills at bargain prices Of course not Yet have youstopped to realize that money is rentpd to individuals corporations and governments in the same way you rent house rowboat or bicycle When you buy government bond you rent money to the government The rent is fixed by the risk taken or service given Consumer finance companies are retailers of dollars and have to pay rent for their use The Canadian government has in turn established maximum rental that may be charged to individual borrowers The bor rower is further protected by having the rate stated in his contract and the amount he has to pay clearly understood The rental paid by the borrower has to pay the retailers salaries all other operating expenses and provide Household Financehas always ch profit arged the lowest possible rates consistent with sound business practice While money is never sold for less than its value we can help you get more for your dollar Our booklet Money Management Your Bud et is available at your nearest branch of ice or by writing to our Consumer Education Department 80 West Toronto Ontario Richmond Street HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation of Canada mgnllovcrtbeplacen suppose we have all bcenreminded that it is food to store for rainy dayando mumthatmea mwrnter aswellThiswubrou lit ver much to mind when have mg rough the country recently and inspecting equipment in farm home 3mm This farmer did not agree with the to keep in mind that the room should be cool and dry for but resting and free from frost Stovepins for Skin OVer in another comer of the base rnent led stakes store on for one had beg ptiger for dahlias and tomatoes some of bom boo and others of cedar Stovepipe had been fastened to the wall vvttb heavy wire and the stake stood upright to prevent them from fall Pmmtlon for Chou Invited to partake are little hoo itality was interested to note ow the folks protected the choose new flowerpot had been obtained in water then placed over the cheese to keep it from drying out and to protect it from les old constrain bin in the corner of the had built an airy one for better raults The framework of the bin was out from firewall about three inches rmly constructed with sliding shelves or trays for fruit bulbs and vegetables lenty of air worked up through the trays aaeacb bad slut bottom It in Well at Chst The principal of school nearby invited me into tbcmnnunl training room One of the Junior pupils ha constructed very neat tool box from pioqes of lath Given little extra touch this could have been converted into ne box for gloves ties or handkercbicfs cubicle ens Simple When You Know How And thats the mic of sax sou the Commerce booklet telling ydu thcfacts you need to know about handling your own money ARE INCHAmR1FORAR This handy purse size booklet gives you tips on how to endorreyoilrchcques exchange on cheques mitten and joint bank accounts what to doif you lose cheque orhbank 1bocmmlriproacavelungmartini thia information and motels ready for quick and easy reference in it jfltgSimplcWhen You Know Ni royal cdpy ct yourlocnl brunt1143 Francois glory Head Office no Canddlonl Brink 9f Commerce Toronto MAD or tamts causalso FOR amour QURBACE refTuna mSHlHRAYi MAYBE unseatac KON enemaLY bMALLnR THANC EST moatn QNTWQ germsas erratum RBTIN immune H13 CHEST saw TOP WPtaHED THOROU panorama WittI aFtFF antralVANO WARM WATER more BEFORE CHEE=I1

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