mntm Legionfeline Game Friday from one We would Whittth following receive the melt consid ol tbsCmtnty Council has on mens dining room intmuted That thepfloor in the ladies sit mm be reinforced and new lihot new cups replace the 00 the present stock which is crock llnd domed Tim cnew toilet be installed on the main floor in the mens sec tton That porcelain toilet seats rc present wooden seats which although kept clean could possibly lend to commimicatlon otdlseasx That ceiling be patched in plan es where the plaster has fallen out That the mens washroom be trimmcdup bit with some typc of curtains and pull cords put on the blinds At least this much is necessary to rcducc the stable up poorance of this washroom That decent and suitable bathtub sdch as that in the ladies washroom replace the antique typo now in use in the mens washroom The present bathtub is extremely high and anyogcd pcrsdn with any handicap would find it most dif cult to get in That the remainder of the fire extinguisher system be pointed Scxrcntion Of Inmates There are certain ones who should be in another type of insti tution or housed in separate por tion of the Simcoc County Home At present this type of inmate must of necessity mix with those who are of more sound nature and after viewing our aged at their noon meal today this entire Grand Jury was not pleased with this condition Patients of unsound nature should Followi Ruin Sunny Clear Todcy rotated with of will turn on My rm My MI muted ll cold with can welt will who mile Hm Days on gown tutor To you no on at 111 out wlilcctuubutthelnoon will be on the Job at 117 pan momentum more lth Low March 32 March to 40 20 Morel ll 88 Wm Holland Landing Man Convicted Dangerous Driving Continued from page one Constable rWilson testified that Morley was intoxicated ut the time of the accident Mrs Morley testl ficd that she smelled nothing on her husbands breath Morley gave evi dcnce that he had four glasses of beer that afternoon while they were in Bradford doing the weekend shopping Mrs Morley wife of the accused stated on the stand that she sud dcnly saw five people in front of her she was sitting in the right front seat of the truck at the time of the accident seemingly stand ing on the road She stated that her husband was driving 2025 mph and suddenly sworved his truck left in an effort to avoid hitting the pedestrians She continued to state that the truck carecned for some distance down the road before stop ping The truck came to rest in the ditch She also claimed that she did not know the truck had hit anyone in reference to this fact the home on Monitor lifter spending the past two months in Florida fond Mrs Charles Biackmore Mrs iWiliiom Walker Mrs iMalwood and Mrs McCuish wore among the Cookstown friends wbo attended the Blackmore MAKER thumped munudgtthllm Reynolds who obtained her duties this week asleochor atihonors in passing Erode lit plum the local public school after several examinations held recently thhe weeks obsencc owing to illness Royal Conservatory of Music in Mr and Mrs Reed arrived Kitchener Congratulations to Mr and M13 Harry Squibb on the birth of Mr onlde Tom Mortal TC son Dennis Martin on Feb 18 ronto spent recent weekend withl 1951 val ct Mr 5nd Mrs William Walker in V1 wim Mrs James Millerspent few and Mm Meme Cume ma days in Collingwood visiting 30m Wallace and Bruce spam lfrlends Tuesday in Stoyoer and Collin Rcccnt visitors of the Mimics liar wood lman were Mr and Mrs Ray Bur wash or Madam Saski rs tilts Corrigan to spend week visitin iste Rev and Mrs Donaldson Mr Emm Luann er r1 The Red Crow quilting bee will be held on Thursday March 20 in the town hall under the directidn of Mrs Couse workroom con vcncr All ladies of the community are urged to attend as quilters are Mm Marion Pierson spem Im very much needed Lunch will be weekend in Bccton visiting rcla Served during 10 anemoon Wm Miss Alice Smith is spending The womens Institute may few days in Bond Head visiting ing great preparations for their relativet cuchrc and dance ill the town hall M353 Beatrice MCFRdden Spent the on March all weekend with her brother and kagmwn Agricultural Seem sisterinduw Mr and Mrs Mn have changed the dates of their fair MCFddcn to Sept and 19 owing to Barrio Home for the weekend Patricia Agricultural Society changing the Evans John Leadiny Joe Davis dates of Barrie Fair to those form Kenneth Coburn Mr and Mrs Ted only set for Cookstown Nixon all of Toronto Miss Lois Congratulations to Jack and Eric Farts Bradford Molly Kidd and Reynolds sons of Rev and Mrs Ruby Davis Barrie tEONARDS BEACHl IVY MARCH 10Mr Carillon wishes MARCH lOMr and Mrs Fred to thank the Euchre Club for the Nelson and family entertained nice bouquet sent Mrs Gandon number of friends and neighbors to Looks like the fishing is coming progressive ouchre on Friday Mar to on end Several huts were Everyone enjoyed very pleas brought in over the weekend but evening Mrs Euchart entertained rcla Mr and Mrs Jack Arlett and son tivcs over the weekend Mr and Ncwmnrkct Spent the weekend Mrs Martin Port Credit wore at with Mrs Arletts parents Mr and chlys Mrs Hammond The club had to postpone the Mr and Mrs Ken McLean Syd Trottcr wedding ill Bobcaygeon last Saturday Continued from up one of The Barriamaminer Ind tut moid from headquarteiu was our oldcrs are to shoot to kill in pttltll Richard Cox will be on hum to drop the games first puck and also to gain ad onsthMpot new of the murder scene Partridge trainer of tho yer tunlor team will referee the LegionPolice struggle along with Oilt official Red Farrell if he ls available Between games and periods there will be varied and mainly hilarious collection of untenabl mcnt featuring Ed Baker and hi clowns the Barrie Citizens Band ind many other skits One of particular interest is the bull light and the famed Fer dinond will provide the opposi tion for the swordsman And it is revealed that the propd bull is no longer easy prey for the light 31s The Barrie Works of the Cana dian General Electric has donated fill electric kettle as door prize and net proceeds from thcveveno lug will be donated to the Royal Victoria Hospital Furnishing Fund Local Breeders Purchase Pair Shellles in Pa When Mr and Mrs Nelson Brimstin Barrie RR were in New York City attending Westmln ster Kennel Club dog Show at Madison Square Garden they made arrangement for the purchase of pair of Shetland sheep dogs The dogs have arrived from Pennsylvania and are now making friends with the other dogs at Sunbrior Kennels Highway 27 south of Holly Both fShcltics were sired by toms minus cum Club of Barrie is Bob Gilmaster Hewett member of the Klmdls chartered accountant with Arm mot MocLaren Co ll wast mm into the club at the Marcog dinner meeting EWITMNED AT KLEVALE chen members of Barrie Bus lneaanensCldwn Band were env temioed at dinner tact evcning lni Elmvole by the Board of Iraden They were Art Harrison Ken Walls Sonny Hellmaiuk Bax ter Art= Boyd Harry Livingston and GeorgeWitsoo Several oth er were unable to attend The Board of Trade were showing their appreciation for the band having assisted in the Blmvaie Santa Claus parades of loco and 1951 Color movies of both occasions taken by Re Cooper were shown by Ed Campbell President Elmer Fiege hen regretted that attendance at the monthly banquet was smaller than moat due to so many members being in Florida as indicated by the roll call when someone would answer Hes in the sunny south RED CROSS CANVASS In the list of Red Cross can vassers published Monday the allies of Mrs Doiton Patterson Mrs Theo Lainson were in advertently omitted for Ward Three by the team captain and Mrs Jack Butlers name was add ed by mstake Mrs Butler is can vasslng in another section Mr and Mrs Stanley Hill Sni and son Donald Mr and Mrs Murl ray Hill Jr all of Toronto spent the past weekend with Mr and mm wmw be segregated from the normal judgelurked when charging the cuchrc on Thursday because so boy and Kenneth St Catharines Ch Frigatcs Emblem of Faun aged Jury Why did they the Morlcys many of our children are down spent couple of days with Mr and brook who has been acclaimed The Simcoe County Home is cam go buck to the accident scene if they with the mumps but one will be Mrs Earl Reid best of breedover 50 times The ed upon to house more than 45 didnt know they hit something held this week CarolymCarscad Mr and Mrs Jennett spent remule mu sister to 31 Vanderbcek left on Saturday for 1ch and consequently mm His Lordship also stated that he den and Bill Davies have the the weekend in Toronto with Mr Astola Emblems Rhoda whowac two weeks vacation at Daytona people are mmpylwa mm which was not satisfied with thetestlmony mump now Oh well its nearly and Mrs Gemmell best female this year at West Beach Florida gt Mr and Mrs Cleve Patton spent mingef and is in whelp to Ch Mound Mrs McCarloll Mrs John Butler 126 Henry St Misses Norma Hinton and Marial Morley whose evidence was ad th houid out be coiled to hem un now Specumlnng and most contradictory Mrs Gandon has been removed the weekend With M11 and MYS Fortunes Favorite of Pocono and son Robert returned to Tor in illceS to St Michaels Hospital for further Wood Stoyncr onto on Sunday after wccksv Early in the trial the defence treatment Congratulations to Miss Shirley stay with Mr and Mrs Mcl counSel attempted to have evidence McVanell an Ivy girl who maa Carroll Davis Street REFRIGERATORS dl radiator at head Tms submitted showmg that delay in re her grade one theory examina tion is not good and should be re moval mc victim from the Side mum wnh rst ags hone Down Payment As Low As $3300 medie The or the Home has of me mad 0591 may have Miss Norma Davis Montreal Liberal TradeIn Allowance done all in its power to consider been re spthlblo for his death bnd the Welfare of those in their charge not the action of being struck by Eisltlrfaydeemkfgdl gigs Mrs Doug Pugh is in Toronto her with baby sister last Thurs day but they cannot do thcimmsible the truck This cvldencewasrulcd Miss Amanda Lyons and Miss inking care of her small grand Mrs ACE Comly of Clarkson is We noted that lhe healing mum inadmissable it was bro ught out daughter Cathy whose mother had received its annual Inspection 1n the trial that the injured then lay mFERenzml 21 34 Mrs Robert Burgenerpresented visiting her doughtcrinlow Mrs Graham colelm the week and was found to be in good order on the roadside for over an hour be Jenne if The stoker howcver has broken 10 being removed ambulance wdmw ll tshopedhat the This fact nrolwecl public opinion Ltzguiiggigggmm it can be made 10 function for the to tneextent that shortly after the Amswn Herald die six in these cases is inter cstlng to note that the mansiccplng Immediately mder wind as with Bidding and Kennedy as members of the Committee Jack Wright Richmond Hill spent the weekend visiting Mr and Mrs Cecil Sutton malnder of the winter accident Bradford Lions Club ur Bundlg 0f the new hospital Wing chased an ambulance for thnlpvil Mgmggoe fggt ggngglOgxl adjoining the Home ill progressing use 22 Vb thd 29 38 and when completed will prov lr uys or bodil offices and room to house sh 15 mgitsvifdbem 31 years ago Friday lastwas her 22 eqmmh Mrs Cook Mrs DonDuff Mrs be gift birthday which she celebrated at Tm 3mm CQuntYOme is kem Wes Batcs Miss Clara Pearson and gasile agglva bzpeege $1 the home her daughter Mrs MARCH 101w andMrs Thom immaculate by both inmate and Bars Lloyd Pamn The pic makeys onefthink ht Herb Dunn was happy wells as Dumond and famill Falrporl 5w we would recommend that What Your Money DOGS WES bee 51 20 an ion for MrSulIalbert as she was Beach Mr and Mrs wmred nor Some type 10 oor covermg be read by Mrs nil Patton duet emf 55m surrounded by her family andwtller nor Wayne and Brian Toronto placed on the present 0043 as we W33 SW8 by MTS Clrnce Mc final th biehslffi gm t5 cm relatives numbering about 30 litdi visited their parents Mr 1mm ice1 it is necessity and that such Quay andMiss Aggie Cam My gnwnh if h5 dwe Seet and white carnations gift from the Mm Homer bn SudEI would addto the comfort of an companle lit the piano by Mrs 85 upping children and other oWering ML ana Mrs Frdc Mwmney gt those who must we mm Cookz Meeting closed with the wm plants decorated the living room Throat Mr 5nd Mrs RoyPp The Farm Buildings and stock benedmon and Sun mm 011 the dining foldm1mer Mr and Mrs Garet and condition 8km my r00 tamer Pink and White Allen Angus Mriand MrsGeoige Borne Bl The present staff consists of the The Young People held 11 Skittan moms formed me centrepiece Scott Bettyiou and Peg3y New Campaign McKeWey Mrs party at creamere rink Monday flanked by tall pink tapers in silver table were Mrs George Davis sis Mrand Mrs Harry Allen at cil that nwhere are so few doing uch wonderful job for so many Your Lordship hasbeen most pa tent in receiving thitreport due to he length and we of the Grand Jury are gratefuh becouse we feel toj monthct the matter of tho Slmcoe County home has passed or too tightly tnthe past by pre had wieners and buns forthcm About 50 Were present Nelit met ing at Mr and Mrs Stain tons Mr and Mrs Shoemaker and family visited friends in Shelburne on Sunday WSW SthohnAmbulance day and Friday in Barrie The t9 me guest mm and Mrs uwrg visited the Bank may and HHa1bert Members of the fam the Home for the Aged at Beeton sewed 393 Present were MYS HalbcrtS three daughters Mrs conwmon Dunn Mrs RMurphy and Mrs Mr ml Mls Walk caldwen SLElllS and their husbands two and Mrs Shannon spent afew Sons Harold and Elmer and their days in Toronto last week wives one sister Mrs Davf Caldwell attended theannual con and Mr Davis twobrothrs Fred volition of the Ontario Horticul and Herb Arnold aild thlr wivesi tum Society Qn half of the Oro grandchildren nieces and other tended the funeral of their piece Mrsil Robert HuSSey Toronto who died after ali bloom of 51X months McKelvcytlvo gillsm cook and Shh We MYS Lloyd Pattons MARCH 10 cmde 5th candelabra Presiding at the tea 10 elldlroslllledrtrysxlgg Mh helperWe assure the County Coon where number of the atsoclatlon Was on the Grand Jury last Thurs on LEAVE YOUR NEWTON Vsmtot ooouTY ous Grand Jurtcll If it is per 9th ofmsmpm SchoolArea rd he received relatives Besides five sons and lithe 43mm with the County PraVide Fir 09 WNW 83 W0 by ddusmers Mrs Halbert has nine WM bxlcommmccm we Gum shllast summer whn grandchildren and five greatgranol already appointed fr9mlthls Jury hwa it stoodlsecond mule provincial children she is one our SW gilng whichl8 rpecully sub School ground beautification con vli1vtng inemltiers of family 9f 11 testMrs Pearson and Mrs enm yo the late Mr and Mrs MERRIPK WWW 99 V0 Wm Mel Jamleson attended the hartl Alex Ampld envy Foreman one Grand Jury ghway signs First Aid Postl wwm whenan 76 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE yuan 551g mile ahead The people at thelle May 1mm Gmm mam the Announce MARCH12+Tuesday evening the Frlggy is 3mm March it hasto be postponed to hosts are St Johnvtmlned while aw 3333serprogmmlmmy 2293mmclinics SHANT BAY gt MO Olll Ol gt yom me WM gm outgaiin to col atuiims mkklmmdklmms will ttshtgollllg Orb wmm mum handling of cages and Federaldnrmers Scheduled womens Institute held meeting needy JrhegservicswftralnedStrJohh we MsWmlamlllmersmswith be pfeaent SECre gt vN pp tho lime gatherihlxylthout costor ob smddalm torytreasurer read the reports and 377 ligation provided literals it St ml WlPFGtMl memoMr therein Johngmup lumping limp Match meeting of gtthe+WMs and been 3132 made at the card partleg vision the placenta and gimme at mormwenmCaldwclls lastch and Mrs Htckltng were appoint 9mm hasmcenny101ned our 1f ands not it our WW cummm me but WW ml John will to on no WAconductxbyuuhwstcllm 10 wowed the out brat oorllnins valveremand mm mm MM fame we we 00 turmhlng CW Msical we harm it Battle on DiscountersElwood conducted by Mrs ncy Newcon j1hdlvttjdo eled quickly our not comm movies tile lottlo chums rheuhuichavter the MrsJrnuttna aggrgmamx familyatvem 1ln Laurel for the wri mwecen ambltdhyx MrsltyckmlllMrs smallvdaughtergvnlted lost weekA if Wallter1Mr Love and Mrs outwith MrsMml ErYDllg re ovalpfrom themolo Coasttit worelMluaHandymamwml the from tlte0rlent cyszrtBlllTay1or William Patv wciltontogtilfot thelrfexpertcncea to at Romano Camp cud haw will 19 their Bit treasury my the bullet Th limo on ampih doctor or contusion Ruby main Wk me is to mammal Wen Flt lshlnrv ttlldr browns ably Mr and Mr Ab Whaley and adlahsfromthevqucnt She was Mr and Mrs Ted Aunoveld and Campbell wasfthcettoryiofthc on weeklycuchrepartyWinncrs fduilnlittbyeay lltlillabdltltLilt lemon Let to andnlan united Church acting was held wf dammed by writlnc their Headquartarq aa WM the UnitedChurch was held Mrs Rumble Mrs Martin MrBenKroekeria fully llcnsedaud eiperienceo mow mil Handy trenlurel