KIWANiSUONS ICE FROth DRAWS OVER 2200 FANS comes to complete evening of hilarious enter3 tsinmcnt its hard to beat the annual LionsKiwanis ice frolic And thats exactly what over 2200 new record Barrie until district citizens thought Friday night as the two Service Clubs programmed an enjoyable show at Barrie Arena Naturally the highlight was charitable organizaliuns in The fans got quite kick out of the tilt and were amazed thzii sucl performers as Jack MacLaren Slevcl Hines Ken Walls who by the way picked up questionable assrst on the tiring goall and Roy Kightlcy of the Kiwanis Club and Harold Forster Charles Knight Charlcs Fcndlcy and George Hook of ill Lions could still move much less than stand up Up the blades few rabid hockey fans offered cash awards to any Lion pcfformr who could score goal on Kiwan uclminder Al Scott in the final if minutes of play Scott rose to iflcl occasion by stopping breakaway from Mac McAuley who could so dollar signs from the blucline in The money was split between Zl two clubs and turnedovcr tonights proceeds Another hockey game which cw atcd much interest was the battle of thesquirls lerlboros defeated Barrie 21 as Vic Lindsay anilv Your best paint buy Mi FOR smumur WALLS CEILINGS make career of the sport ual race and although his speed the clash between the pair of grudge hockey game whichl saw no winner declared The Lions blew onevgoal lead pro vided earlier by veteran centre star Bill Bell as Klwuniun Pred Norris slapped Harry Partridges biueline shot behind rigid netmizlder Charlie Lowe in the last minute of play Lclghbor Smith rallied lilcr clubs from behind 10 deficit mused by Don Atkinson But it mattered not who won in the fans they recon pltlll of cnloyment from the youngstch who probably gale more to the gamothan those who The annual public scnool skutln races provided high note in ne evening Prince of Wales had 1m much skating power in the boys division as they rompcd homo Vll the singles and the relay Bob Clll pol won in breeze in the individ good to have in the fourman relay Ken Ferguson Frank Jardin filll Don Jones had given him quilc lead for the final lap Hillcrcst Schools Jill Smith von top honors in the girls individual race but King Edward silowcd plenty of depth in scoring lint in the relay Winners of the com petition were June Reid Norma McClellan Ann Hagan and Yvonne Lamont with Hillcrcst placing scr and Wayne Ritchie promising spurd skater from Torontos speed skating club and only liycurs old found his challenge accepted by Emms Ken Robertson and Skin Tool of the Flycrs However the local lads were no match for the challenger who seemed to bc il control of the race throughout The speed skaters proved popu lar with the fans who seemed give their allegiance to Ritchie his bid against the older members of the club AI Workman fell in the fourlap grind but the Canadian and Michigan Statc champion ral licd in the mile race 16 lapsl to win by approximately four strides Max Hurley former Canadian bicycle and barleljumpingchamp ion cleared total of six barrcs but failed to leap seven His game efforts despite beingunsucccssfll Pauli Oro Hockey Final Supreme comt airline Greyhounds will on deavor ta Asthma fiveyear champions Wonder Valley to night it rm none of thcir Ora Hockey Lennie bcsb frothree series the Guthrie Arena The Greyhounds won the opener but Wonder Valley come booktottctblcscconduulwin the third game of the rim Flyers Minors lionighi Arena The Barrie Flycls minor iluckcy system resumes tonight at Burn Arena with the final SClltdUltll games akin1 place before the lsiunal playoffs Due to OfliliA Ugllllulll and mldgt play and necessary OUA llmlUl Carlily dz McCarthy solicitors for PlillUflS 10 SiSltm WIS Ulttd Nrdefcnridllts Motor accident cvlrl playoff postpone until tin slackcncd Tonights contests Will carry 10 of weight as to what clubs Will 39mm Ruby dcmumna Smwl Van1 Wilmdc EmnuLE Berl Leonard and Irene Dubeuu defendants lcllull for plaintiff Hughes Agata ll znys Stem solicitors for rtel oxidants Llllcsl defendants Stewart 35 reach the finals Tile midget lendl Clhlllp is 38511le to Tulsa Fiyers will arc undefeated in five Stillli but possible lie for second pluu in the standings can bc engineer3d by Boston Flycrs should they dcl feat Barrie Hershey currently hold twopoint margin on the second and final playoff rung Hershey will have their hands full in trying to defeat Tulsa in til midget opener tonight slated for 830 while Boston stand good chance of winning over winlcss Barrie in the nights final engagi mint yicilurs for defendants Motor lccidSllvlt Tugwcll plaintiffs Norman Haml lllun lcfcllllzml solicitor plaintiff tWOiilam defendant Phclun OBrlS Plenty of fur will bc flying in the billitam series as second place is currently held by no less than thrt teams Heston Flycrs are undefeated but licd twice in the season They have cinchcd first place Hoxvcvcr Hershey Tulsa and Baffle 1er Cd 01 5990 9131 of estate plaintiff Cccxl Perlm dcfcndallls and each mUSl Will lomght 1Jrnnri Harvie Raymond defendants solicitors for plaintiff Grant Cl IBoullon Marshall QC solicitor Brown main in the playoff running Hcrsllcy and Tulsa open at 630 while Barrie who have won one and tied two on their last llllcc outings meet Boston at 730 Thornton chore 34 Win Even OHRA Round llorntou scorcdtwo goals ill the were recognized by the fans who met him with sound ovation Ed die Goring of Conneticut who is considerably younger leaped scvcn but wouldnt try eight which Hur ley can boost in his younger days The tugofwar contest between the Lionsand Kiwanis finished in onesided tictoryxfor the latter al though the clown band lent assist ance mostly to the Kiwanians All in all the night was highly successful with everyone cooperat ing in every way possible to make bOsyour Old ig washel LOOK forsomeihing it is pretty handy just to golo the gate and jumpyon the bus Farmers on or near the hlghways really appreciatefthis gial00nveniencelhe bus so vicaccmesin very handy loojor langer trips and helpsusv tcenjoymany avisits back and forth with lurrieuslna 2srsnlsenslow IRQUNDTRIP lfsdbjglflodmnnll obsessed cianmr sound the program both interesting and Comics Strikes and Spares Ladics Afternoon League PTS Red Hots 17 1o 4i Puddlers 16 ll 37 Aces 15 12 35 Happy Mediums 12 15 29 Flyers 12 15 26 Lucky Strikes 18 High single Verna Henderson 238 High three Verna Henderson 636 PrizeGladys Preston 371 up fNITE cm to loltou according in dlrodiontiso uhwoytoimlm slap quiet tho ms when mu $100 Stetu torsdict toronloz 22 VVWe bre up to third period to break 44 dend lock and defeat Kcswick 64 in the second game of their bcslinthrec ORHA intermediate playoff series atKcswick Saturday The win tied the round at 11 and forc ed suddcndcath fixture at New malkel Arena scheduled for Tues day night Bob Brolcy and Ray Webb each scored two goals for Thornton while John Walton and Joe Tim mons tallied singlcs Orillia whim Of Slouffville Senior Opener Orillia Terriers drdppcd the open er of their OHA senior playoff to Stouffville Clippers Saturday night 104 as former Gall Rocket star Run Bell sniped four goals for the winners The Terriers kept up with the lippcrs for most of the first period as goals by Jack Byte and Clare Payne tied the score at 22 Stouff ville moved in front 42 in the first whilethc teams divided pair of goals in the second Earl Mc Crone dehtcd the twin for Orillla Midway in the third stanza Clare Payne made the score 644 but the Clippers took no chances and soar ed for four unanswered goals in the final 10 minutes of play it true rURcliAssiorl rurvwnrllr sultryollportunltytoget brand newijasher MIL cldcnt 13 dcfcfldiiai Raymund Fatal Assizes Open Lengthy list Continued from page one Francis Patrick Carroll plaintiff Wllliaill Seymour and Joel Seymour plaintiffs James firm and Charles licrbst de Bouiton Marshall whcltur for plaintiffs llkld QR Us LO Merritt plaintiff Hertz Slullufli and Donald ticltlldhill Boullon QC solitutur for plain Uqu Walker QC Solici defendants Fatal accident Parrish plaintiff Mall tillbdllk Morley Handy and Brown defendants lllulllson Rogers sol or plaintiff tor for defendants Handy Blown Hughes Agar Alllys rlll mllcxtuls for lcfcndulil Motor accident ilozicll Margaret Kennedy and mum Kennedy plaintiffs ll Dulluls and Nelson Dupuis dc nts Kennedy solici ior plaintiffs Stewart Stewart Elston soli Fatal adoldcnt Vllliillll George lluilcr Jz ct ai lilnl plaintiffs Delmar Wilson defendair can Sirwart listen solicitursiju for plaintiffs McGlbllon it Harperw lil suilulors for dcfundant Fatal acfil lrcllc Myrtle Ellen Cave and Emirsuu CLIVE plaintiffs Blake Skinner lelngdons Coach xili ten solicitors for plaintiffs blcj Raymond Kcilch ivy Austin amle1 JAntonia Piccard plaintiffs Caniivrl solicitors for defendants Mo idu Bread Company Limited undilvi lcmicnl art Elston solicitors for plainlMJiltiril and Joseph Madden plain tiff Thomson Tome Muir 50$llfl Michael Hayes defendant Eston solicitors for cut Lplaintiffs Exit Silk solicitor for Shirley Anne lugwcil and James dvazldunl Motor accident Civil Nondury Pause and Ailcmzly plaintiffs Leonard Thompson Ame for plaintiffs Hughesn Pdlllii Altar Amys 3190 WllCllOlS filllxvillllcii an infant Official Guar dufendallt MOIUX nCClde will defendants Thompson Stun Brown Transport Lilllltcd5ltgtilcllm fm plaintiff 13 Macs Lorne Graham RussellLlllttl QC solicitor for defendant ttliflcml Guardialll Motor accid out lilllirl on of al solicitors for plaintiff Donald Downey QC soliciturl for defendant Motor accident Morley Yon plaintiff Garnet Love and Jessie Love plaintiffs Ernest Mayer dc ftllilflill chcr Smith solici Hoovcr defendant Boultun SlUi for plaintiffs Riordan Marshall QC solicitor for plainsolicilol for defendant Motor zlc tiff Hughes Agar ct zll soliclrcidcnt lors for defendant Motor accld lclzlrd Cyrillc Vim Wallcgllcm plaintiff Madeline Pauline Van Wallcgilcm and Henri Moniltong Lerner Bcrncr Ivy Burrows cxccutrlx solicitor for defendants tdams Moore or solicitors for dcfcndaliisfur Arthur Grecsz liuw Leslie Thomson et ai solicitorsicr Schcriirlg defendants Boulton lpisizimf Marshail QC solicitor for Undrfcndcd divorce ac ltiun Frans Clarita plaintiff The Regtsirar of Motor Vehicles dcfen Moore Carter solicitors for plaintiff Silk solicitor defendant Motor accident Florence Margaret pininlff Nclhwl Gilbert and Dorcen Lorelle Hincinan iiineman defendants =liernlsn Muses Herman solici lnls for plaintiff Undefrmicd di Ivorcc action William liuzman plaintiff Thur csa llillrrtc Kmmall and Arthur chrgusorl defendants John iReid solicitor for plaintiff Uiidc fcmicd divorce LlClZGll flurry Roy Reid plailllllff Elllcl Elizubclil livid and William Ml Ctzlllltll defendants Boulion Marshail QC solicitor for plain lliff Lndcfcllded divorce JtCllOIl Edward Huzclwoud plaintiff Alice Beatrice Hanoi iwood and Fred Willduvcr defend zlllts Harris Rubcrlslcin solici Etrlrs for plaintiff Undcfcndcd il lturu action Ruber Burnle and Birdie Burnett plaintiffs Marlin Buck defendant Forbes solicitor rfor plaintiffs Richardson Shear lcr solicitors for defendant Motor accident Verna Cilziliirs lpha Repui plaintiff pDuviri Joseph Hanoi and Elizabeth Van Valkcnburg defendants Wall acc Card solicitor for plaintiff 3Undcfcndcd divorce action Janet Agnes Rachael Smith plaintiff Howard Hall Smith and Frcdcrlcka Minerva Hcagy dcfcll idillllF Kennedy Ross solicitors lfor plaintiff Ulldcfelldcd divorce iactlon You asked for them agai The TOWERING TEUTON Hans HERMANst SkyHi FLUORESCENT INCANDESCENT SEE THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS so here they are folks THE OZARK GIANT 278 lbs 292 lbs 69 Hold onto your seats when thesciwogo or each other 1le AUSTRALIAN TERROR FKTDFEXRNIGAN FRED ATKINS 235 lbs rule Minneapolissgmmix IiiisrnsxCli rnnzlm SIANMAYSLACK vs ZORRA for plaintiff John McGarry Divorce action solicitor for defendant chlin Margaret Susan Vurdon TOW plain1 tiff Mundcll Son John Alfred and Jack Mundclll dcfcnl dams Thomson Rogers ct sole icilors for plaintiff Thompan Toozc Muir solicitors for dc fondants Injury received in fallu Emily Herb plaintiff Isabel Porter defendant Forbes solicilbr for plaintiff Faskcn Robertson oi oi solicitors for dci fondant An agreement for sale Hazel May Murray plaintiff Frederick Robert Murray and Jean Colotcle defendants Wallach Card solicitor for plaintiff Unde fcndcd divorce action Annie Kathleen Huffman plain tiff Robert George Huffman and Lena DcForgc defendants AlexE RmGSlDE RESERVED sun andcr Forbes solicitor for pm GEN ADM 75c CHILDREN 50o 32mm Undefended diVOlCe 80 TICKETS on SALE AT Stransmnn Kosmau Elizabeth St Sids Barber Shop Dunlap Street Bibbys Barber Shun Clonpcrton St Rls sroRrs moron Waud and William Clifford paruo Clmr BURDEN ARMOUR 00 TANK IIANGAR E137 FOLLOW THE ARROWS lli CAMP BORDEN VS CAMP BORDENS FAVORITE lilinEs SOME SMART New RCAF ANDARMT purports KILLER CLOUSTON AC TED McLELLAN FROM W8 RCAF 170 lbs 150 lbs RCAC SCHOOL VERSUS VERSUS RALPH BLANCHARD SONNY GALE RCAC SCHOOL 175 lbs 152 lbs RCAC SCHOOL QC solicitor for plaintiff fended divorce action Raymond Henry Berg piainliffl Daphne Rosemary Berg and RobI dcfcndants Boulion Marshall Undol nowned heavyweight now in Unit cd States boxing circles dropped TKO vcrdict to Bernic Reynolds in the fourth round of scheduled eightround bout at Madison Square Gardens New York last week Parker scaled 201 pounds believed the heaviest he has ever entered the ring The Barrie fav orile llhmmcred Reynolds to the canvas in the furious fourth for an eight count but fell under the counter punching three times being sent to the floor before the referee halted the bout at 224 of the same roundm LJ FISHING suns EQUIPPED Many Canadian fishing vessels are equipped with radio direction finders echo depth Saunders and shiptoshore telephone Comprake this opportunity to thunk all those friends Of SlmcoeCounivond rheaIown of Bar rle who visited us during Our opening If we failed to tolkwith you personally plgosecOme again Your presence in thousands wgsinded appreciated by direlztors and staff we would like tombntionlhow happy we haveibenm have received Such wonderful helpind support frornihe firms whohove assisted EstVle the store With displays and the personal help many special representatives ThemOperation received from our business associates in Barrie and ihiprofesslonol hel thBorrie Ekominer and Radio SioriOn CKBB hOvbeerlofthe highest OrderOWein and county town orefortuncde in the cOlibr of these two publiCisorviCeprcjorileri with porcelain mousing audibut use it AllWANCEWItt secs will sown climber fl