residual of Barrie Mrs m1 Hart passed away in sympathetic support in the life on Sunday Feb 24 1952 om Minister wwort Diet Widow of the Rim Dr Evanston Bird formerly minister of Centrall it its in your mini and clotm in the mo Conservatory Unit she held classes in Home in km log drill and claim posing and with her own talents in singing and clocution held concorts that won appreciation and support in the 1390 before movies gained their vogue and popularity The late Mrs Hart was roamed fin 1895 in St Andrews Church by Rev Dr hfch and gave and work of her husband in Barrie as well as in pastorates in North Bay and Sault Ste Marie Centen Dkthottlst Church here the increas lnlal Methodist Church in Toronto ad was the former Laura Harperand in Dominion Methodist Church daughter of the late Mr and and Harry Harper whose home on Dunlop St East was the first brick house built in Barrie about 1854 Montreal When Dr Hart died in 1929 snc went to live in Ottawa where she resided on Meicalfc Street ncar Sh recelvgd hr leducailvn at jthe front of the Houses of Parlia Bum Collegiate institute and of mcnt witch the monument Sir Borrow from Household Finance on your signature No cndorserii or bankable security needed We specialize in prompt cash loans Galahad was erected by Canadian voluntary subscriptions to com memorate thc heroism of her bro ther Henry Harper Ho gavc his life in 1901 trying to save Miss Bcssic Blairfrom drowning Mrs Hart had not been in good hcalth in rcccnt yearsbccnusc of street accident when she was run down in 1944 by truck whilc walking on the sidewalk near her home mcmorial service was conduct cd by Rcv Dr Gowans prcs idcnt of the Toronto confcrcncc of the United Church on arrival of the casket from Ottawa brother of the deceased the Rev Frank Harper assisted at the service and conducted the burial service at the Hart plot in Mount Pleasant Ccm ctcry Mrs Hart is survived by her daughter Gracc librarian of the Department of External Affairs who was with her atthe time of her death son Dr Harry Harper Hart of New York City and her brother Rev Mr Harper of Tor Boeion World Were deeply shocked Wednesday afternoon Feb 27 when it became known that William Elvyn King clerktreasurer of Tecumseth had passed away suddenly at his home on Lilly Street Mr King had been at the town ship ofiicc as usual on Monday and Service largelylllicnddai Beet Residents of Beeton and district had attended special mccting of Council that afternoon He appear cd to be in reasonably good hcalth He was seized with abdominal pains on Tuesday and on medical advice was to be taken by ambu lancc to Toronto General Hospital for further examination Wednes day afternoon but his condition was such that he could not be moved and the end came about three clock Death was due to perfor ated ulccr of the stomach it highly fatal condition and the suddenness of his dcmisc was caused by wcakencd heart muscle He was in his 59th year The late King was the only son of the late Isaac King andl Victoria Hill Born in 1894 on the King lioxncslcad lot con chumscth the form now owncdl by Gordon Hill the deceased wasi cducatcd in Bccton public and high schools He also attended Parkdalo Collegiate Institute Toronto and aftcr graduation from that institu lion was engaged as tcachcr at Hammells School one mile wcstl of Bccion for one your With Traders Bank The late Mr King entered the service of the Traders Bank ing THE LATE WILLIAM KING World War One and trained at Carling Heights near London 110 attained the rank of sergeant but did not soc servip overseas Returned to Homestead After the Vfll was over and ho had rccoivcd his discharge from the armcd forces came back to Bccton and took over full charge of ithc old homestead few years lat cr hc acccpicd the position of treas urcr for both tho Village of Bceton pnd the Township of chumscih for numbcr of years Dcccascd met with serious acci dent in November 1929 while bunt ldcrwriters and choir mm for ppm of years and tho church it now bereft got an active mil amniotic when At the time of his suddcn demise line into Mr King was dorktrou gurer of chumstth Township Prai idcnt of Beaten Athletic Amclr luon member Community Nomad lBoard charter member of Baotou branch of the Canadian Legion member Municile Finance Offic lrrs Associaton and Canadian tin ssociation 1n the passing of King the village and entire district are bereft of truly fine citizen highly respected by all with whom he came in contact and honest and up right in all his dealings His rcmov al from our midst is sad blow to his many friends who deeply mourn his sudden death Funeral Largely Attended decp and abiding sense of sor row personal regret and keen sad recognition of village and dis trict tragedy these things found expression on Saturday afternoon as reeves citreeves warden and citwardens and Simcoc County of ficials joined with village and dis trict residents in paying tribute to the late King The largely attended funeral was held in St Pauls Anglican Church with Rev Cooke conducting the service assisted by Rev Berkcly of Toronto former rector bore and Rev Hcam of Bond llcad The small edifice was unable to hold the large crowd that assem bch to pay their final respects and the basement of thc church wasral so taxed to capacity where PA system had been set up so that the service could be transmitted The remains of the late Mr King which had rested at his late resi demo on Lilly street since his un iimcly death were placed in the church at noon on Saturday The large profusion of flowers that banked the casketspoke in mulc tones of the igh respect in which the deceased vas held turo warden maximJamar whom militia nonunion willbehard to fill aid this mm In new Cookes cloning be aid Trudy its good to have known such man Masonic honors were conducted by 8er with visitlnt breth rcn from Manhunt Cookstown Ailixton and Bradford taking part ThVplbN were George Lixk Albert Gilmy Kurtis Clifford English Dr McKcl vcy and William Colwell Honorary pallbearers Rev Downer MLA Thomas Robinson Watson Robinson Dr Fred Spearing Fred Appcrley Nor val Brawloy and McKenzie Rumor ford Flowerbearers James and John Aiken Earl Hammell Charles Mc KennanJ Thompson Roy Cole man Leonard Ransom Walter Lum sdcn Ralph Boake Fred Hunter mees Watson Harvey Wil liam Marshall Howard Lavin McDonald William English Our field Hall Ernest Lcits and Roy Bulman Leaving to mourn the loss of loving husband dear father and af fectionaic brother are his widow the former Georgina Smart two sons Allan and Donald and one sisterViolct King of Beeton One sister Beatrice predeceased him 41 ycars Friends and relatives came from Elmvale Victoria Harbour Barrie New Lowell Duntroon Alliston Cookslown Tottenhzim Schombcrg Toronto Brampton Bradford Graf ton Colborne Beavcrton and Qucensville mmmm goers Amazing New cum Shampoo lieColors air II II IIIWIS Now change streaked nu graying or dish in to new luwoul youthfullooking color try Tim 0ch Sham Mini mu zmmmmtummm Wmmmmmmmmnm thePottu mumwmnm com Prawns Hal07 ll comer PRODUCE BLOCKS CONCRETE CINDER AND SLAG Yuriio blioltli Przducts llers tell the pmecllecol gsntaggm can ask for economy in time dud lint cost the comfortthat comes from the insulating and soundproong qualities and the permanence that is so much associated with construction in there various Coolie blocks and bricks Each type of block and brick has its own qualities and applications and used correctly will add much to the appearance structural soundness and comlod of your new onto 17 BRICKS CONCRETE AND mom PLAlN on COLOURS 30010 1d had long and SUCCCSS ing in tho Sudbury area with the ful banking carccr After shorthaplC LCM Hum Club of Tone time in Bccton he was transfcrrcdlham While in boat with comm Niagara 115 He 150 33 10 of dogs he was landing the craft for my good purpose out of prefer Household Finance for fast friendly service Phone or onto minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Toronto Amorig those present at the fun Tim Its new air olorluxl uf rocolor bait at home at if shampoos Talia only 17 minutes No waiting Comforting Message Rev Cooke in delivering his Stop in today Cull1 lanai and most mu finu Dip1min Phone wriio or trial H0050 lubll 5m and oor Pinon 5529 will ONT IMAIIMCH ummuammnwmnum Mn9b5ubyawoiolud ibuhndnclmbym mannatic one im cral were several persons who like Mrs Hart wcrc grca andchil drcn of the first settlers he pres cnt village of Cookstown Samuel McClain Thomas Duff Gcorgc Dinwoody and Sutherland who took up land there in June 1825 icoming from County Monaghan in Ireland Miss Maison Dies Suddenly Formerly Palgrave Hotel Manager bcth Anne Maison occurred at her late rcsidcncc 23 Louisa SL Bar ric on Monday Feb 25 1952 fol REFRESH Your CLOTHES WITH oun BETTER KIND DRY CLEANING QtMENS PIECE sons LADIES PIECE suns Norinfer is SANITONE 25 EACH CDCCLEANING AT ANY PRICE RUGS Cleaned to Look NEW AGAIN litCiqiinsonv Si infill llllryCIeaniils Dial 3952 For Prompt Pickup limited Phone 3952 The sudden death of Miss Eliza always proud of this honor that cated at Chippewa London Winni peg chburn Saskatoon andi Barrie It was while at Barrie with the Canadian Bank of Commerce that he made up the first payroll for the soldiers at Camp Borden when it opened in 1916 and Mr King was had bccn bestowedupon him He was transferred from Barrio to Siraihroy while still in the bank It was while at Sttathroy that the dcccascd joined the armed forces in 1917 with the Fort Garry Horse in lowing an acute attack of coronary thrombosis Miss Maison was the daughter of the late Isaac and JaneMalSOn and was born May 1878 on the family homestead near Palgrave village in the Township of Albion County of Pool The deceased lived the greater part of her life in Palgravc where for many years she conducted millincry business and later on was associated with her brothers Ro bcrt and Oliver in operating the Queens Hotel in the same village Following tho death of Robert the owncr of thcliotcl Miss Maison continued the business for many years retiring in 1946 Aftera brief sojourn in Toronto the late Miss Maison came to re side with her brother Maison in Barrie In earlier life the late Miss Mai son took an active part in the Methodist Church in Palgravc where she was organist for several years On coming toJanrie she became associated with the Collier Street United Church She was also an active member of the Red Cross Society Miss Maisonlwas predeceased by her brothers Robert and Henry and is survived by abrother Oliver of Barrie and sister Mrs Thompson Mary of Pal grave Funeral services were conducted by Rev Lewis at the chapel of Lloyd and Stockley Funeral Home Interment was in the fam ily burial plot at Laurel Hill Cem etery Bolton Where 11 large con coursaof formctjricndslofibiou and surroundingdistricts had con gregatd to meet the funeral cor tege from Barrie and to pay their last respects to the departed The pallbearers wcre William Maison John MarshallTSianley Gott JosephGrogan Claude Wil son and Maurice Beatiy crcd over the rifle stopped on the of Bectons foremost and when ilic dogs made mad dash to got out one of them clamb safety catch and its paw pressed the trigger The bullet picrccd the shin bone of his right leg below the knee smashing the bone badly 0n admittance in Sudbury hospital the leg was amputated which left Mr King very lame Shortly aficr the accident the dc ccascd purchased the insurancc business from the late Thomas Hammcll and carried on most successful enterprise In December of last year when he accepted the clcrkdrcasurer position of Tecum scth he disposed of his insurance business to Earl Hammoll and he moved into the main office of the new township building here The late Mr King was recve of Bceton for two years giving up the office in December of last year to assume his new position with chumsctb He also served on the Bccton School Board for number of years and was secretary of Boc ton Citizens Band before it dis banded He was also Past Master of Spry Lodge AF AM 385 aild member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Burric Active in Sporting Circles The deceased was quite active in sporting circles and performed on many fine teams both in Ontario and in Western Canada He was one players lacrosse baseball hockey and ten nis After becoming inactive in these branches sport never waned and his keen in terest in promoting it for the youth of the village was his chicambition In fact he was great promoter in anything that was an advantage to Beeton Wldcly Known Elvyn King was widely known As an auditor he had few equals and in this capacity it took him near and for compiling records is suing statements etc for scores of municipalities and business firms His authority on municipal affair9 was always of the best He was licensed municipal auditor until two years ago when he attained the degree ofIChazteredAccountant Married Barrie Reg OnrMay 23 1942 the deceased was unitediin marriage to Georgina Smart graduate nurscol the Roy al Victoria Hospital Barrie He was closelycpnnected with Six Pauls Anglican Church being rece comforting message totho bereav for main its so my to usc iuusham Wont wash print out no BACK Gmmmcc th your choice of 15 beautiful shadci today cd family and relatives regarded the dcccascds passing as grievous loss to church the village and dis He also related the physical courage of the deceased and being possessed of well balanced mind trict CREME alum Mill DillMING MARY ST BARR TAMBLYN DRUG STORES KKs few dollars lessgtti years shorter life almost certainly IE Dealer The Sarfeani Co Ltd is that such burstin in his love for lzlls sudiiootiiuogiiiinoi Eieryieaturej glllmaleyourcooling fora you choose any range son the com dialing ofGE Ranges Ahosi of features Speed Cdirod elements largo lieut QOniiollod ovon adoptable lplbUni automoilcoyonlimer and handy appliance outlet lo sure to see the Deluxe Push Button molll which offer annmoxing nowidon in home cookoryLcooldng by colour 809sz you wont want to settlo for anything loss than tho but org oytoseotho GE Ranges before deciding 11501 Wmiauiaiaiierni 7i 00K twice attltat slashedpriccl Is that really what youre locking fora fw dollars saved at the time of purchase and regretth cvr aftch The dilicrcncfbctwccn till best and anything lesswhen spread lo mukok cooking more Successful Hi foyer ycarsl lsaemnlsollly avch cents week My within eye on the ame Quality and valuemorothan everware what you rciallyw want for your moneyDoiit sell your futurcgshort xinSist on room that will scrvc faithf fully in your kitchcnformaiiy many yon Choosctlie bcste and youllbetglad to