Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1952, p. 8

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hearty thank you huh Ml was very mecca ird mt Through the wonder tut coopcntlon of the public groups and individtuln in Me and in the outlying dis trick gross prot of $370 was Mind Sincere appreciation of the auxiliary is extended to all who so kindly contributed to max in the evening sum 8T members wish to exprch again to one and all gt Another donation to hostess night came in Saturday morning from Mrs Cecil Dunsmore at Crown Hill Crown Hill ladies on your marine No didorsers orka security needed We specialize promptcash loans twhaygocdpumiioutoft prefer Household Finance for friendly service lboae or Pimp 19 mom OIWIIANOII amountingmmo MillibrW MbWooiurbym contributed another $310 to the proioct Tomorrow is Shove Tuesday or Maxdl Gm or just the day before Ash Wednesday and the opening of the Lenten seasonas you wish Often its simply callcd Pancake luesday after an old English cus tom which has some connection with the French Mardl Grits and day of merrymaking In England lm custom on this day to confess sins and receive absolution or shriving immediately before Lan It was an ancient custom that after shrivlng the people would partake of pancakes and join in general mrrymaking as prelude to the 40 days prepara tion for Easter If youve perpetuated the pan cake custom and have modern griddle with highly polished sur face expert cooks say it probably will not need any greasing If you wok with low heat and fat is included in the batter have just enough heat to make two drops of water jump in the air If your griddle needs greasing there is nothing better than bacon rind but use it sparingly Pour onjust enough batter to make pancake the size of saucerunless your customers are lumbcrjacks Turn the cakes only onccayoull know when to do this as the cakes start to make small bubbles The sec ond side requires only half as long to cook Some loco moviegoers have been looking cnviously for the past few months at Orlllia where Curtain at 830 series operates SOLIDiFIED PURSE Ilhcrcvcr Cosmetics are isold half an hour More the curtain and as the patron lilo out seats reserv ed in advance attendants in spccial uniforms etc with the price up pod only slightly Also no pop corn Selected short subject are pre sented with each program that or peal to the artistic temperament The Orillia Newplntter reports that the special showings have been getting varied reception for the past 17 weeks The Lavender Hill Mob and the Italian film Bitter Rice drew not far from capacity houses 50 did some of the other pictures of the series But some standout pictures brought to town at heavy expense didnt do as well at the box office as they should have They say it was just like Marl boreFlych game at Toronto Sat urday night when the Barrie Coll egiate Band met North Toronto in an intense contest at the Kiwanis Music Festival It was like old home week in Baton Auditorium with as large crowd of Barrie ites as at most local concerts and another crowd of Toronto people who know the band and the town Pepper is derived from creep ing vine native to the forests of Ceylon and South India hint to much emotional disapprov lal could Mankind up no hot VON Week by New York Times The Story the VON it is hard to believe nowthat whcn Lady Aberdccwand group of enthusiasts started the Victor ian Order of Nurses in 1898 they had to overcome obstinate opposi tion medical society declardd the objective of the proposed new ord cr commendable but foretold that the Scheme w0uld prove an entire failure Another learncd society which would blush today it its name was mentioned viewed the proposal to start visiting nursing service with unqualied disapproval Even the press these were rath er stuffy times took part in abusing the proposed adventure One prominent newspaper went so far as to reprovc the occupants of Ridcau Hall for going beyond their province Others solemnly warned that the idea of visiting nurse was all halrbrained non sense nnd that Lady Aberdeen had better go home Looking back at that time only Business Womens Valentine Formal Highlight of PreLenlenSocial Season One of the highlights of the pre Lenten social season this year was the annual Valentine Dance of the Business and Professional Wom ens Club on Thursday evening Club 79 was decorated on Val entine theme With hearts and cup lds and balloons and streamch adding to the occasion Party In vors included Valentine hats and Corsages made with paper and fan cy lace Most of the guests were in lor mal attire Music was provided by Bob Hunter and his Band The Redciving the guests wcre the club president Miss Hazel Cold well and the vicepresident Miss Violet Wade Dance conveners were Miss Dorothy Falconer and Miss Mildred Meredith Miss Beryl Wolfcndcn was largely responsible for the very attractive decorations while allthe club members worked hard to make thc evening suc cess The dance had previously been postponed from Valcntlnc Day Feb 14 because of the Kings fun erai thefollowing day dance was attended by about 70 couples During the evening draw was held for mantelradlo and wicker clothes hamper with prooceds go ing towards the clubs hospital furnishing fund Winner of the radio was Mrs RonaldArmstrbng and Lollies held the winning ticket on the hamper Spot dances during the evening were won by Mrs Borden Miller and Robert Potvell Mrs Isabel Reid and Jack Butler and Larry Monoghan andiMarguerlta Paddi son Band Glee Club Win Firsts At Music Festival an and fast againstimch simple pm pout that an organization gsilllld be formed of fully trained inane who wonld visit poor and iothcr invalid in their homes and zlcnd them under medical superviv SlOIl But the press of the times gives jllvcly accounts of the protest meetings that were held it need ed courage and persistence to go iorward against such opposition Lady Aberdeen whose husband was Governor General from 1894 98 was however one those women who rejoiced in battle for good cause and she gathered others of like character around her The idea of home nursing scr vicc had been suggested to her during visitlto Vancouver and she started working on it at once At the then recently founded Nurs ing School at Waltham Mass she discovcrcd almost by accident Miss Charlotte Macleod who shat cd her belief that the scheme was good one and had the encrgy and knowledge to make it real ity Min Macleod was born in New Brunswick and with ve other Canadian nurses who had taken their training at Waltham she came to Ottawa and began build ing the organization Some mistakes were inevitably made in the course of the years For time it was thought that string of cottage hospitals should be erected across the country But that took too much money and nilnally Miss Macleod and her suc ccssors in thcposition of Chief Superintendent co ccntratcd on creating corps of fully trained nurses whoshou1d also be excep tional women to nurse patients in their homes Growth of Victorian Order From that small beginning in Ottawa 54 years ago the Victorian Order has grown into nation wide organizatibn with 100 branch es scattered throughout the ten provinces Each brunch controls and directs its own affairs but in order to keep nursing service at constant uniform excellence the is met out at revenue from innit ed funds which were raised through public subscription by legacies and donations and from endpoints which are usually launched at ve year interval in the name of the wives of the Governors Gettan and from govcrnmcni grant As is always the warmth institution which continues to grow to improve and attend its service to satisly new needs and to raise its own standards expcna sea inevitably run ahead of tho come That is as it should be if an organization which aims to re lieve human suffering lives with in its income it is Sign that it has lost its spirit and become in stitutionalizcd Nursing Service The tendency is in spite of the improved social conditions in these times of childrens allowances old age pensions and sickness benets for thoscwho deceive VON treat ment to expect it to be for noth ing Out of nearly million visits paid to their patients by VON nur scs last year over fty percent were free In many cases espec ially among cancer patients and incurablcs it is impossible tor the nurses to collect fees but some what less than fty percent of their patients pay and pay gladly fer the expert service which the nurses giva To the doctors whose predeces sors so stoutly resisted the foun dation of the Order she has become an invaluable assistant ll is she who takes daily care of mothers and babies both before and after childbirth docs surgical nursing in accident cases helps keep invalid homes cheerful and organized and relieves the doctor of half his vis itlng chores Perhaps the greatest service which the Order founded by Lady Aberdeen has done to communities all across Canada has been to re licve the pressure on hospitals By nursing accident cases and chrOnic invalids in their own homes the VON nurse keeps hospital beds available for those more seriously ill Also there are great many people who prefer to be cared for at home Compared with the costof hos pital upkeep that of the VON scr viccis small and it is because of the overcrowded conditions and high cost of hospital treatment the VON is seeking in national publicity campaign to make the advantages of its work known to let the sick know where to turn for help to encourage communi ties to form now branches and to attract nurses to this unique ser vice Clip Antlhlailgwlthhour Cheque Royal Victoria Hospital Fund 107 Davis Si Barrie Ontario This is my gift of to help equip and furnish EBRUARY slur SifiEClAL 0m ms ON Bantu nurtlwmgg Due to extensive attention being done to our office We will be UNABLE TO DO ANY EYE EXAMINATION from Monday February 25 to Friday Feb 29 We will be in attendance at the oitice to do fittings and adjustments only N09 STEPHENS OPTOMETRIST smmansous JEWELLERS OPTOMETRISTS DUNLOP ST PHONE 3388 ATTRACTIVE NEW SPRING DRESS Featured in several styl es the material in fine Cotton be Choice of0 pink blue sand turquoise and yellow in sizes l0 l2 years Also sizes years Continued from page one our new wing on the Royal Victoria Hospital 50 that thump flouting for Theibquahgbr Pen imilairy barnis one of the many recent impmyements in You will be looking into new score of 90 and Barrio came sec ond with 88 In the afternoon Adjudicalor Martin Boundy supervisor of in strumental music for the London Board ot Education had words of high praise 101 both bandsfinding only minor differences in the qual ity of each He commented th the test piece which each band play ed was perhaps littleeasy fur the local group and ekpressed the feel ing that they could play more com plicated and advanced music little better The bands had chueor their own test piece in the evening and the Barrie group gained their sec and standing with the playing of SibeliusEinlundia The audience in Eaton Auditor ium on Saturday evening was to large extent composed of local peo ple who traVellcd to Toronto for the competition andpeople with close associations with the band now livin in Tumuto When the band flhis cit theplaylng of Fin understand Mr AsMcCarroll Chairman of the Ways tax purposes You will not he canvassred personally Our new hospital wing is aboui the wing is approximately 3800900 at cost of about $602000 and injured may be properly tiatcd for and Means Committee Will send me an official receipt for income lit percent completed Total cost of Now we mustfurnishand equip it We expect many outstanding Cahadlan citizens to beheie at our opening early in June Many hundreds of people in and around Barrie will want to help us nancially to tarnish and aquip thewing Mr Winston Chmchinonce saiaGiveu the toolsund we will finish the job Likevvlse you give us you finish the job gt Mr Readr lei tho Town lot Barrie and ihcsurrounding jourltrysldc be proud of your hospital rchebuvlargeprl small and we will Amountcollectedto date is staccato furnishing andedulppiug We Wish to complcte our objctlva bydlllarch 15 1952A list ofytbc dunotfs willylgepubllshgdchckiy from Feb my 18 to March 15 Can We vunl on offbuild landia the audience reaction was tremend wave of applause villi itbrbk til againfafter iethause to give the Young musi cians recognition a1u to new protetherdphealth andlead to greaterriprOts manned He mprsnts formally was in keeninterest farmers vbankmygaceda Bow Ensemble Commended The adjudicator at Fridays fes tival competition highly Command ed the boys ensemble otthe Barrio District Colic latex Glee Club 1or theirtouch liarmgny He said the intonationrwasfhelfely ball ahead and that the clioraljsingidg was pxcellept Theybcys ecelved atmarksiitqrihelrgnumber consisted Cpl J01

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