Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1952, p. 6

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Alum DIELD Quoaons Council VVloION YOUR lHOUSVVEIViggngALE LLLLLL gm CASH umw the an Remarks Regarding 115 all Portion PI Area Ammey frame wt 33 roam Mid closeddn patella FOR YOUR CAR mm ml IN MINUTES gggngggu If hies there will In comm the only hill in the nelgbbalioqd We will but your an in at conclusion mu 33W mm 22 mm 1030 Ken 045 In the China the of Robe LL Continued from one bl ll whore snail children can sleigh you owe on In givei Rome Bsyneld St noun 39 be mm by mm mm gyou cash for the btlmcc Service in the chapel ride off the streets in winter It HONng JOE Pauls Cemctery Innisl lumpsuddenly at Toronto local t1 $31 13$V9$ climbm lW CFOSS TOWN MOlOlSl ml Hospital on Thursday Feb of gm gins Willi Time mu gran buimm sun mm mm mm mm Fm mm gable or colony house etc has mum PW ll 55 26 be BARRIL ub$mtn LL $31 3131005 01513101 WNW up coormnrrvzrsmwccs 888368883 allcrnrtm at pm interment St is lhe best area of the park for small children to play away from V00 rm the organized activities whlch Lake 1200 mfsum Wu up man or the rest or the park in mi Mm mu Haulangpuuum 385 GERARD Helmzman Pinno 21I 195g Kane LloydIV raved summer it is the most suitableg ply It Churchill Genex Slow mm PM wife or Clifford Lloy ma pm or the park for picnlcltlng and 723 13wb dear mother of Marie Mrs is much used for this purpose bothl Prelude to Dinner CRESS CORN Salve tor sure re 4210 mu mm ascoer St Barrie gegi var garnish sells 0333 HIGHEST PRlCES PND Ella 51 fillygl only 1101th 931mm one II III III Em ltw 1321 us ve 00 re Ves qulc for can qule 51 or ut errg 722p TON PV VerorziVVeSaiVlVgciViy zxgglggi Ming me beauties of Imam gig VVVVVO 50 mm mum mm mm 2301mmst ror country home anemm VI pORTABLE Electric 53 black ake 06 tment it was represented to councrl that no of 30 and 40 him be 946 195 St Thomas 0m 37 glm coo N3 1mm between housekeeper per also Decker Quicksaw used vow we Te put mil nV fmmnl mm for the lit rty muc Apply RP SL film Io Apply 58V Barrie agiler dam eveningk 730m HONEST JOEv FebV 24V V951 VSVVbeVVVV BBVVV be Only time IVS unsafe is during V8 gmwfuguggi VVngogzgngeleuaVVpngnminnV 1224 loved wife of Adam Mmen and swing ood and the no more 2131 Pout V33 wiimlngyl dear mother of Jeanette Mm V055 man my Omar Vka As V02 gt VV can 86 DANGERFlElD Macvaylv am the Dr by citizens and visitors It ls thel gr the creek running through it is un MILLER CreemoreV on sundayV sale This loo is inaccurate flhel Eggungs 883 2350 Home Dr onu 1030 New SEWING IRSTRUCIRESS wanted with cbuck for trust drill HI EI Fraser Glencalm Josie value of creek rummg 1045 in the Chanel thlx Time Vfor of Seng MIN 530 Apply Examm or 220 Bradford 3L Phone 530 MrS Walker Stayner we 00 mm in ab ComplCItL IMXFUCUOYS Phone ml 710le 134325 Christine iMrs Klatehn ol LLLLOLLKL park cum draw your ii 30 Tuning Posl lconlrll l200 Cs Headlines War in teaching Wm be givm phone MW Medina Ny Joh allcnlion to the pictures publishcdlnm Ne va Thurn Tim an 01 rule DUMOD 33 USED RECORDS 25 Mch more Lorraine Mns Clam re in Fridays Barrie Examiner 03ng rlfnl7lel wwnunv l20 5L Magnum cmngm Bel es wmnm siewmy beautiful ro LL1N ffm 55 mm mm mV 3b Mercer Weston Rcstln lh ler Um Furmlurc Stores 113 Dun1 Decker Mumford Funeral JlllV OUNG LADY wanted as bank 01 Sf phone 3033 15 261 Ho rm varied the mgmm Wm me creemore send in It 13 also 3mm than 53mm or The Canadian Bank 01 mums VELOUR Studio Couch Creemore Baptist Church Tues Truth or Catastrophe quiz Keuy Chmk HOtChe day FEb 26 Ill 230 Pm Gain lilac lwhich quesonsV accmenmnyVV Commerce Camp Borden Trans will remain in the churc P0 ylovcd very dilficult to answer lion provided Phone 4908 56 chrome irlmmid new 30 blocks north of the Five Points 200gallon Fuel ie or apply at Camp 130m 5m cm 65 CLAPPERION PHONE 2320 vcsnnned the request or me Tank Phone 4881 or apply 44 Essa from noon Tuesday until time 01 Other reports lncludcd that the Bch l2l23b th Road 722b service Interment Crccmore Up my 0W Pam alchmg Barred Rooks New ion Ccmcler board who was and is also this laudllor Showmg 21 WW SUCCESSIKII Vwmggd tggizggijApLGOdeaalx ADDING MChinCS ndV TYDQVT gig iglrgrggdogaggcl2 Sr OLDH secretary of the parks board year in V1951 election of officers high business is hard bemubig ers new and uschVsalcsAandV1eig may nos meAXVVSchgIenson Msemorlal wrmen report dared Jung 18V 1950V Iand communion gm mm wen establisth good Pman als Royal Typcuilcr ggsnos Order ow Delivery at any Age Feb 284 mil REV onA ungilg Stated that no objectionable com Continued from page one The afternoon session concluded no experience required wme SLmCQC COLLLLLLLL meg lo 24l4llb ham char LtL fyst rm gt ion existed no sewage was present with Al Francis agricultural QuiLl MLLCLLLLWS 60 Llommo LL SL5 or cwart and and the only foreign mailer found many have never griped about iv Mr 355 LL day for information on how to got 1597 me Mrs Suedo 31mm LS Del MLB phone 48A Wm He slated that farmers cl Remng at her homeL SCthbg was soap SUdSL OLLL LL SETTING or YMN lam Wm 122 22 SEMIAutomatic Rifle BrOWn where funeral service will be Th meni We mutilation for bem co 1K hold Shell Ed new 91d Tuesday at 230 Oclock watdelzLagtuBarries azallroigrc fgals Slam Gripe great dealgjustLl SW petoplie ahre grab LLLILLIL ale ReliEf 59 mg ymn my WANTED Fulllime solesman with mt nearby wmkms rural LO wmer heaLerL ML Large SLZCL Wm Interment Bond Head Comet been increased If this is true it 1led he added and Nine was Fergus Ontario car lf price or trade on ll Nellher 03PM or exp sen NL onl ie th ll Mr McPherso small John Allan phone PYBURNSuddcnly at her law grwu ura Vise at The hymn tells the tragic story of galiluaargegiglm 10733 pGLimcaimI 721221 Special Low Prices or March mild residenceI 35 Walmsley Blvd Park which is on ihc extreme out young people who do not wish to one of the earlyplonccrs of Fergus nonction with good future IJLdogmgygh Etnfgsugfrgg gown Saturday Feb 23 skirts of lhe town and is never in stay on tth farm should not be George ClcpmmI came LIVESTOCK to be as couascos Watkins ompany 350 chcry and dear mother of Ralph and pay area or picnic ground In any true Y0 must have your heart family His accidental death at Roch 5L Montreal 122b DRE case Barrles population has in and soul in what you are doing 351 rd 37 PXGSV WEEKS OLDV Vern car may of rs Alec New Fergus in was vu ey mourn Chllslnel Resting at the med 135 decade by messed Some 01 the 01 Pm ed even back In Scotland whetP ll 922p Poultr Breeding Farm Humphrey Funeral Chapel 2245 60 per cent from 8000 to 13 000 If fesstonal and nonprofessional men ms Zlycarold Slsler Elizabeth II 20 PIGS 10 and 12 weeks old York 60 Penetang St Phone 2735 ORLO Sh 8t Eglmton Servlce W35 CODSIGEItd necessary to have came from the farm he said He wrote the hymn beginning There Apply George Ar 242mm in the chi e1 Tuesday afternoon eight acres of park in the central lb WOMAN and Tam cross pm at maronty 0f farm Were mnet and nine that safely YOUNG MAR cher Phelpston phone 142 130 Interment 10 district the town 70 years ago 18 youth have selfreliance g0 1ay 922 DUE TO HEAVY Backings 10 Cemetery Barrie upon arrlv it not much more necessary now ahead that is one ackmg in my You best pom buym UNIVERSl Wm7 pullcl chicks Hunters olfer cock of motors approximately 345 wmm this on area one REQKSLIERED 352 11102321 mg at0eilcksrfvdfop OCLOCk be gone rouge we in teaLrlaxn raised mung pmple For us dfsiffs sne VposmOHV goof gcrsiVVIVchVi Eigggest FarmV wyevalcV wary ind March delivery Fast building to built another we EggioghggyofacryOgirihclgsinalg ARRVE ONT gares exce cn comman 9v2022p eaherin Barred RocksV ht VV VV VI AM will never tear down building to with these facts mmd we can Sealed tenders on sh ulated sum tQANSvrtrvtv lnAyIstcc IIINDLV Illluotv ldAusssssvt water hardwood OOTS hell am blueprintsV individual mus William Tumbull who passed ed unfurnished Air Force or olfi desr ns made to on ec away Feb 25 1950 ff gggdQngagnuggggb initlonsg incorLDl ingL $011 83w We lost Dad with heart of gold their Successors Inna aSSlVgnS it be H0 is 154m ideas For appointment write Box Who was more to us than wealth used by them for publch par or our own eets Its easy em UPBarrle Examiner untold Fred MumberSQn would like to square lehteSpeiFlor Sanger 3540739 wrtgomliarewen Vhe gen 851558 gag 1311 EndaAanIneigh Y6 agree withme mopposing aural wor ow r3 any memor es or us eep 9w an area ti or floor nishing PROPER FOR SALE We havelosi but G0 has gained ItbeILeaxon lor the lovely cards h$3$$glgtm gorl 01 Metals pagth vamahesw shell Beauty nAny Bathroom Oneorwltgg 713th Da the world IVijurtVsumsdglowers received durggf16bom your Vrepresemmives in on me TLLr ngggegmloe make nseew INCOME HOME The lovely Martha Washington Locvin 1y remembered by Jack W1 and Mrs Joe Lea and Am lemme Lll mlrom old Very centrally loeated ten room lavatorymasln in snow white or Thelma arole and Sharon 22p Wish tothankthelr kind nei hbors Yoursj very truly brick two bathrooms three flre color with chrome legs This who IreSpOVndedI lo the cal 101 HKEBER SMITH laces automatic oil heating two ture with bathtub toilet bowl and help in their chimney re recently newly ReeveI Barrie VV Eltchensi With builtin cupboards seat tankand mechanical arts especxally Alvm Drennan anrl IE andslnks hardwood and lnlald all with beautiful chromed lings Glen Murday 22b floors seveancloVghes choVVsVelVclean Writ foVr catalngth full mane The IIIIeVthVonIratmll VVlViIVVHVsVinerE be ttul ecorae roux ma ng ow cos on as ng soneVWls onex en Vex an ggt filLibasiment divided in lures Three piece lnlesa bath We 25 Frederick File tklbelr friends and net hb01519f turnace rrroom fruit cellar and room sets in variety or modern Lot ESSGTW15hlP Auc their kindness and hospl allty dur laundry room This homels strict desl Pcwdbr roomsets in 33 ilionl saletot lgoleVtei VVcthtle farm ingImeVumg out mg ml meme an weas IIIIIUl1VOANsV88tIS luoLluoav mmr2onnceln$glrrabggnngigmg sum and cmssmeds Hum rLs make Palk th rt basis plainly marke Tender and teportsL Write to REFEREE 1g obiteeclnto 12ml Poumy FmLm Slroud phone 5V3T5 Finally the report was given out ace ure he cogcmded King Edward School will be re ucn ff Aanle Ma 19 herd ac 13 26 BONNEYl 103 memWY that thematler carried in council vmd Pmmm ceived at the office of the Archl FOP 802x21 orne rxamme 13p CLhanllel and L50 MM gigsreatggyAng 0211615 Who by large majority Actually it Pregnant 1952 Pat 0119313 95 0m Pm EST BEAUTIFUL 2f phone Cookslown 26112 02122p Sweet to remember who once was Carried by nine votes to six both Lrwv Chaued the afterdinner MONDAY 17V 1952 RSIJABLE Middleaged woman CLEARVIEW Yorkshlres young here aldcrmcn from ward where the PlogmmIand PM PTQSldenl 50 plans and specications may be VALLS CHUNG for general housework downstairs from MILE sh LOSTmack Hound with tan Spots And though absent is just as dear park is situated being opposed to Fame mtmamed the head table obtained from the Architects on 03y mogern Vconvetienccs ptan Egg agualfeg sow rst Sue and wfhitch tbreast amVt lhmiVVnerng Hrammbrw JV Vidalnd itI Sam Nellly With Shirley Kell at depoiin of cmequzfog $5030 gage men re 19 cen ra star ie on rig an ran son 1c or to re re itcc lS Phonagu i222P and 11 pgSL weeks OLdL You of neck week ago Wednesday near whether or som reSIdelts Lhe pLano Lad mugg smgrsong Bgque will be returned on re stock both sex for 5810 phelpston Marsh Phone Chas the district consent to the bulldlng 301 Brown county dIFEClOI mtro mm of me hug and specications Carscaddcn phone Stroud 32M of church more has mum do duced the speaker and Faris Sln 2243 Miles 122 Mmeslng 17 221 WILLIAMS In loving memory of in good condition Ellen Williams who passed away With the case EVeYyOne knows that la munkid hlm Jm walesr Lowest or tin tender not nec usm FURNITURE of an kinds WMM Po LTRY Feb 12 1951 in Shackleton church is not objectionable in Vice president thankedlhe ladies essarily accept wlmled Apply Better Used Furni FOR Sash Canada and burial there neighborhood All thinking people 01 SLJohns for the banquet Keith PAGE STEELE rlm ILbone Barrie 3032 34546 WHITE ROCK Pullets for sale thiLngegrmcsoLledrefgnggg fun or appreciate immmme and Mean mam that series 72 ClaLlerLALrtzgdsW LL VOFFICE mpmem large desk FURNISHED ROOMS Allan laymgV well $250 eIach Apply And so we think that where She is 409d the Newly m9 Chs Hymg ami Harvesnng Toronto Ont 3xwlve armc air or 4drawer me dam Phone 4736 1522b Bert BShop RR Mdland ph She mu be watcmng 593 an Churches Of an denommamms Eqmpmem meetmgs woum be tal ll cabinet legal 5122 on LARGE FRONT Room AD 20 475W2 1411239 As angels keep their watch up In support 01 all levels of gavem held this week leth Ralph Gregg Appin Walter Coulis Ch Hm St or hone 433K there ment and human nchvity of GAG Machinery Department St 3912 zap22231 Please God Just let her know own ob ecnon to ths Th in 15229 WANTED That we down here do notloLIget ableyreducllorl of park wlllclLL Efipipeiaglmgs $31 gegina gt DEALERS Scia Iron Metals FURMSHED BEDROOM Business We love and miss her so none too large now for the mm 30 Wednesday Feb 27 Int FWCIS Furs 83 Live POUI irl or student On St Vincent at WANTED TO RENT or Lease cab POVIPSD Temembfnby heljymes carrieduon the in Top prices paid Special lake st Phone 2983 15222319 log or mOlel ll Sm bar $32er illulge Elsglll 395543 mb eqnally to all Snuggle ELLISLLOOLLiBTLLLgsrLlazdLLL SLmud and Wadellvercd to ourVngw 1008 erities near Barrie Box 49 Bar 10 91 mm rs 0th ammo 153 Tllfm 5t miles from LARGE FURNISHED Bedroom rlc Examiner 4020221 Fe ame 22x es AImWr Presentai Were the gt cm Bade Road tw genugmen very LLTURNBLULL wormxorgamzauons LLeed land for gmng 13 Slams pm To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 135 32 barimisllmha 35lilheAllll ELLzabengL252Lb napalmY WANTED dear dadL Villllgnmgungl ullL xlrlh2$liq3i33 Fennel my mug 51mg 0rlcgupllla32urllll Barrie 31539 Who passel aIway Feb 25 1950 can we in good conscience an jay McLarenwmner 0fhi gem Ontano for the County of Simone HEATED 34qu apartmentLYIt SMALL FARM OKHOUSE in the lost Dad With heart or gOId lice refuse applications for other second gum agmul um qulzWill Vbe holden in the Court House modern conveniences in se countryV betweenomna and New ho was more to me than wealth Vs of the Howard MilneV was runnerup in the Barrie commencing Mondoy Mirth Phone eveningsCreem0rE 381 market on or near highway mom quiz 31952 at the hour of 200 WW Bellamy Lisle Without farewell he fell aslee Furthermore do not think that 3v WW toNOWL 591ml 531 appy L1522249MF BygrLllee or appLy LL Babgelgo With onl memories for me toplleep the town has Lany moral right The memo mgrgmb conSLSLed Eggnagggllngm Jusme LC 6r wns an coun 15 have vast but God has gainedL dis of registration owe Fecm pose of this land Some 70 years DATED Febmar 19I1952 BUILDING moss omson oun imcoe CoL ritggitagfamljluEgg Sgwiegmdbggrlaguf Kiwi Emmi by 50 Brucg Conkey anngnlagaISDavlggdg Hmarg addresseli the gathering Box 57 Barrie Eanmlner 152124p 1d 50mg Jen $31 113 an gragzL and was deeded to those gentlemeri idling 01 his 19 915995 with kupfmlhbl on IGC OIS Ul ers in St nevertheless the cab two young winning international manvdtolmows thqiborrowma ROOMS AND Kitchen lpftuli Future Home OWners TURNBULLam loving memory of poranon of the Town of Barrie plowmen Club Presrdents gavVe can beVugoodmove ul the bgadMarCh men dear father and grandfather shortLVyearlyrepbrts and Pat right lung He WI borrow anybmellshelpful to him Iv IV Ara youconfromed wnhuprle of bills can melt acted coll magtush Ipo busing storm Niquorn FinanceV makes good PPs9 Md PL and fmmdlm extra cost Ila RepoymevViVltAon be apron overma men Lille th bosinssmon vtuko Vodvunmg of the friendly Joan Lervice which INlagnro orLsLI to you looafssosscs roAusziiLS33L er vwlt be utilul grounds Iclnalng calms Stainless ename mum cggkasnnlggtmuoh reman $14 50 31th reasonable dralnboard sinks and the ve dee Sale 1Pm Perms cash tractor DimI and Icmdmoned terms girabe one pigcchriVmbinatln aVinVrVi EillVfithVrgtherVanehalf cash ChasoFVszV ry raansn ma LL alllWllll Fl made FINE OOMBUNGALow stainlelrsyzporcelaln enamel with sliding orcelaln enamel draln wdd Feb 27 Nbler IQNE This new cottage onfouracre lot boardI coplete with two chrome Lot Con West Gwilllmbury VI may busune to cam Borden has basket strainers and swing out lot cast of Highwa 27 atNew andll ton Robinson Auc ion sale of noes CATTLE EGGS nearly emit 3rdwd lancel and aereatorclean and LL amul he pk gagging Tom three rooms sto sparkling Visit the Johnson show mm implements and feedV Terms p01an lt Striated at cm walla new rame Phozmssmb arageL or quick saLlg $2800wlth 10 lumbmg Suppugil or cash no reserve ns farm is sold 0be mm COIonemu VV VV Registered Holstein cattle= farm erie for ces 0n so man ngs and QXChaged Vpoasession nicephomeV can iuoning ll ef VPlckerBt Bafe VV VV VVV Ured Furniture 3033 furnaces 5295 Sink Cabinets by ggl 10 master cratigmenygetrigeratogf reassure lvaer m3 ed sday Maioh Robertw ligilflglsfl salggdsglives Mod lgLLldtzadEOhhuaIlsni Unsetued uc onsae at er rses L356lllilseilllull35rlll machinery god household lLLleltlonanddiagrams roripfnliallbessills savings and value caustic coast em VI II 1925b itsISLanobnsonPmmblpg Straw plies SW lsvllle Lontu Phone Wednesday vI Robert WI ucnsaep at errorsea xi mm gnachlnery andyhousehold egtsi Termsrfagl0l8ef c3311 cantor1 ucon gt LL 081 VV VI VV LV HMlululMeoMu LL Honicuisurarwew new hlrlzlllilasrluniting WiWLlmeW whml J3 Om yr milehortbp N0Lfll weemum ill93199 waya auctlou ISale asjollowazrrealdent arm implunentr ti lat vicepresiden 11 Sale 33 080pm Ch Zdvlccuprecldn Th AI ll Mock VVVMVV Auction Sale is etc Vllarry

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