WWW mot Sinel Bath YeahNo 22 JACK McPKERSON editor of Junior Farmer News drives home point in his address Saturday evening at Alliston to South Simcoe Junior Farmers He is shown speaking Johns United Church from the head table following the evening banquet in Also shown at the head table from left to right are Keith McRuer South Simcoe ag rep and his wife Al Francis an Planing Mill BARRIE ONTsle of YouiMiaheev south lmcoc assistant cg rep and Fennell John Fenneli past president 135 speaker Miss Ruth Shaver name economist Pat president 1952 Jim Wales vice president and At their monthly meeting on Thursday erg members of the Hume and District Welfare Council Inven unanimous in the opinion that Gluing particularly low rental using for people on small solar idea in mi Lawrence Wiggins and Joyce Matehett er Betty Boyle Junior Farmerews Junowncox and Bob Brown county directon ope New lices Showroom GROWTH or FIRM Hus PAGE BARRlES IOOTYEAR HISTORY QuesiionsCouncil Remarks Regrding The Ball Planing Mill Company Limited this weekI moths another forward step with the openingon Bayfteldistreet of new modern offices and showroom for lumber and hardware supplies Open House is on Wednesday afternoon Plenum from oneto 10 oclock to which the public are cordially in vlted The 8211 Municipal Ining Mill Company is synonymous with the Barriewhlch will mark 100 years of progress win 1953 It Was just two yearsafter Barrie wins incorporated 1853 that the Baliianing mill came into idling in the firm is 98 years young and still goin to last Word mm President and Mahaging Director Rodgers the new office building fewdoors South on Bay eld St is the lostword in build ing design which could naturally be expected by mill work firm doing its ownplanniug With the offices and showrooms today in their new quarters it is interest ing to look back on the history of this rm which began in Barrie close to full century ago George Ball born in Ireland in 1833 came with his parents to Me Games interact Wand Dr dome Township at an early age and was just 22 years when he es tablished the Ball planing mill in Barrle That was locatedat the northeast corner of Ross street and Maple avenue and there is pith ture of the original nboden plant elsewhere in this edition along WithMrBall in 1868 Joseph Rodgers came from Ireland andIbegan totvork for Mr Ball at his short time later William Gallic joined the business The original build ing was burnt out andthe pres ent brick plant was erected at tho corner of Rosa and Bayeld streets in1885lmrearslater Mp Ball Plot In lawn Affairs fSpoti Circles retired although he was to 15ch to his 92nd year not passingatvay until 19241111 Rodgers formed partnership and Ibought out MrBalls interests in the pinning mill The late Mr Gallic Gallic and Mn are famous in Canadian mcdi all circles Rodgers Name Continues JohnHmrfiRi President and Managing Director Planing mm Limited lBarlie which this Week moved into new crimes and showroom on Bay The business was mcorporaten field south of the 1910 Meanwhile Joseph nativeson whohas long record Rodgers boclr from overSeas and in 1920 joined with his lather totbuy out with aspf ul 1Iack came back room World out Letter to Editor Portico Park Area Barrie Feb 23 1952 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir should be grateful if you would publish this letter be cause feel that certain facts con coming the sale of port ct Queens have misreprerented by ml ertain mem It is proposedto sell that part of Ithe park lying between the Arm loury and Toronto St and extend iing north from Park St to the north limits of the Armour pros perty produced easterly to Toronto St The figures as contained in the ZpurchaIsers gypomi are frontage on Tortmto 165 feet depth along lean St 373 feet This contains something over Blane and onethird acres or approximately onesixth of Will be provided the whole park Iwhich at present has an area of eight acres The mayor said in council last Monday ag the of the park which it ptoposedtosell is not usable for park purpcces This no in lei contome Post Olin Leader King from the RCA Recruiting Unit Toronto will visit Barrie at the Post Office this Thursday Feb 28 SL King will prescntinforma tion abouttheECAl undwill dis cuesbpeI grin all branches in cluchng the opportunities for wom cn Most ground crew trades are open at present for enlistment or reengagement The agelimit is ground crew Women may be en listed from 18 to 29 years and must have minimum education of grade 10 Applications are being rcceivbd Ifor the next aircrew which statement is not borne out by the facts have been informed by highly respected resident of the neighborhood that it is used just as much as any other part of the park Atiom art to LondonOutninrch an woman must Ahm obtained their junior matriculatioh and be between the ages of 18hnd 25 years Potential recruits may dismiss the opportunities in rthe RCAF with SL King and if considered qualied will be provided with transportation to Torontofor their aptitude tests and Imedical exam motion which can be done in one day then return transportation Personnel who are selected may arrange enough leave without pay to clear up their civilian affairs before reporting for duty All who are interested are re quested to bring with them their proof of birth and proof of educa The great Sphinx of Egypt has andamone W110 miles the amt length of 189gfeet near the group ITum to page slxplease 1of recruiting officer Squadron from 17 to 40 years and minimum education required is grade or was needed in Barrie Discussing the existing housing problem the council noted the fact that towncouncil is considering housing project it was decided to plrsent letter to the municipal body outlining the thoughts of the members on the subject The main business conducted at the February meeting of the wcl are council was an evaluation of the Christmas Clearing Exchange operated by the council in Decem ber 195l Among the several recommenda tions made was that in the coming year some new council members be appointed to work with Harris on the project Members felt that continuity was important for Pthc coming years It was further suggested that in the Town of November 1952 an open meeting he held to obtain the reoperating of all interested people both those submitting lists of names of needy families and those organizations supplying Chrmtmfis cheer deadline is 10 be set this your for receipt of lists of names and if possible for the decision of various organizations as to what they plan to give Mr Harris felt that one of the outstanding features of the ser vicc was the fact that people of all church and social groups coopcrut ed fully Those gave assistance out side their own groups the main motivation being the desire to let no one go without help which they needed Next month the iiare council MONDAY FEB ARY251952 on wmk 1de mum1W i2APagesTwo Calls Upon Junior Fa To Show More Enthusi Town Hall Here g70 Years Ago Todaylhc Examiner com another Fred nal esnrttcletonmtti weekly for the next month Youwlnnditontheedl memermeh fmnllYmAp Listed Vulcan Programmes Thhlnofcmthooldtonnl Manhattanrewind hobecninment years as the inn bulld MMHEPCoteen But it won built years no of mice nee This article rst appeared in The in 1921 and Fred was whiting that cl you go Now his ympnoby with attentions and additions by the author Apparently the town hall then was the setting for stage plays as Mr Grant tells of Blood and in mel old Stan vilhlnlo cents admission per season nun thebestxirltonslmw ePopnlnrforms of mmement in the old layupfavorite songs of the pastaGeneral frivolities oi the kids atte those per formances plans to discuss the question of dis loster relief In the past consider iublc study has been given to this imnttcr and it is hoped that in March some decision will be reach jed concerning the role which the lcouncil can play in this important prOJe MM Clubbringi Home firsts irom Kiwanis festival The band and glee club of the Barrie District Collegiate In lt stitute got nods of approval from Kiwanis Music Festival ad tors in weekend competition PAT OLEARY scum PRESIDENT FOR 1952 Let us face the future with hearts agiow we fam ers of Ontario are the last two lines of the mice theme song and present challenge to all the run with hearts ngiow of the country challenge that can only be met my using the words of Jack McPherson Wake up Hob thats ahead of you and youll be able to tacothefuture name Mr McPherson editor Junior if rme Wins High Honr lagoucrmoegucfunm Junior and dance at DON REID son of Mrs Walter Reid and the late Walter Reid Farmers attending the oil South Simcoe fcrcncc at Alliston mm ing Theme of the con was Keeping Youth On the hm The conference 80 about pm in Centre hall with dinnet 1111 in St Johns Union chit vb it some hall Mr McPhchon on the junior tanner song which lcvcryonc sang at the bulimia of his address Speaking of ing along he said You mm it look like you are going de place Do junior farmern whole give thelrrhmt with all their zest If 50 why is growth loss rapid and my young people not You must sell mom it privilege to belong he ex plained Need For The speaker messed the no for enthusiasm not only at meow ings but at home and in daily life If you are halfhearted inone thing you will halihearted in mariner he stmnsed Along thin line iBarric is compiling quite recordgexpounded the need for for himself at Western University preg reporter who should be Latest additionlto his list is win most enthusiastic member of long ning of the highest honor possiblegcmhg for Arts and Sciences students Combining the song Wm membersz in the Arts and Selene If he Spoke of and mm IA cs Society Don is one of five stu age that camade n3 M3 dents thus honored His picture an Shfdy of me 13m hug is his poured recently in the Univelsity ob Western Ontario Gazette Membership in the society is worded for outstanding contribu gtions to extracurricular activities On Saturday the schools concert first in both the trombone Solo EXCIUdmg athletics fraternities and band performing under the dime3 open class and the trombone solo religious Clubs 933 hon of Fisher came firstch under 17 years In the French mum 315 be maintain Smdles in the afternoon compe their close competitor of recent years North Toronto Collegiate Band In the evening reversal of decision putAthe Barrie group two points behind North Toronto The collegiate glee club under its director Archie Ross also won festival honors in Toronto last week when they obtained rst second and two thirds in Fridays competitions The boys ensemble Inf voices received high praise their singing of The Road to the Isles in four parts The group has been requested to repeat their anumber at the All Star Concert in Massey Hall on Thursday March Several solo performers from the band were rst place winners on Saturday Robert Livingston took IProposedTISii of New central chl youngest son Jack came of community service to couple War one in 1913 and became inf Barrie obtained rst from an indicators and in the bass solo Impen class Ron Keasl won top honors vocalist from Barrie John lMathieson came second in the bar litone solo class for under 17 years gin Saturdays competition Band Receives 89 Marks The school bond won its Kiwanis= Shield this year in the boys and 1girls band section The afternoon lmark of the Barrie students 89 lwas two marks ahead of NorthITor onto and in the evening competi tion in the collegiate pr high school band section the decision was re versedI North immuto won withI Turn to page eight please making Rides Passing Trucks ls Dangerous Hooking rides on moving trucks is practice that seems to be growing in favor with young Barrie according to recent It 35 practice that verydangerous and could prove fatal to some unfortunate who might slip and fall under the mov ing vehicle Although the lad who is hitch ing ride is the more likely to against new 5010 open class Joan Fisher for astudcnt to be eligible states the Gazette student newspaper tory Agriculture in an integral industry must before the in and has omen in mm 5r for the past four years just Members of the honor society are Don was Assistant presented with an honor society ring and engraved scroll For the past year Doh Patches and stepped ducer this year In he has been member ofthc Po Prefect of the ASC Arts and the article concludes Sciences Counciliand member of theatre production the USC University Student Cam pus Don attended Prince or As Minister of Justiccpublic school Pomre Bum Don served on the Student Court District ConegmtTnmthnwm the Gazette continues He was member of the UC Ball Committeeimembe he was annetival prizd thebnnd CANADIAN ARTISTS TICKETS ISSUED FORSALE Tickets go on sale today for the Canadian Artists Serien sponsored annually by the Barrie Collegiate Band The series ofthree concem being uttered this year to subscribers are the three concert as follows Thursday March the Spivaktring7QuartetwithmReginx aid Godden as guestartist Friday March 21 Opera Bace pro iduced by Herman GeigerToned is bringing lecturer on opera wimpm II cm five of the slars of band anon inquiry the olden at the colle The has not been adv in unavailable year again at $250 The Spivak uartet which will give the first concert Seriesywasn edA string quartets in recent organization Opera to Barrie Mary Morrison Marguerite Gignac Ernest Adams AudreymMacMillan and Jan Ruben the New Canadianbasoo Saturday Apr Women of Note withMar garet Stillwellsopiano Syme pianist andDeanna SomerI ville violinist The rt campaign get huruaTeak accident caused by practice nearly cost young WayneWard9o 113 James St Barrie hisllleFriday morning II II II of several Emu be He is the son Mrs EL Wayne in other school mates wasf walking home Irom school along James jalowsnroying truck IaIpl sides were er boydujoying the 1sport oi= on our available from any mII