Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1952, p. 13

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ANGUS FEB EllCongratulations to Kit Qand Mrs James Kennedy on the garrival of baby boy on Feb 19 Eln Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mrs Lorne Plnxloll l5 patient in Royal Victoria Hospital HEY many friends wish her speedy lceovery Ml and Mrs Culvm Kirby Lam sing spent the weekend with the tullnels parents Mr and Mrs Wile linm Kirby ll Block Edmonton called on Mrs Jessie OConnor recently and is visiting With Mr and Mrs Fred Ly Mam if mantelch Ontario traffic accidents killed can people lost your the highest poll on record All average of thweg more people per week were killed lln 1951 thonin lJMre than 22 004 persons suffered nomfatal Fltl juries Lynn The United Church WA helde During me wan me pmvim gggnguuf51$m humcma lmotor traffic totaled an estimated Ll afternoon lea ween bllllon miles more than over before EDGARW FluB lilMr and Mrs Wright Colllllgwmd isitud vllllMr ande In the 10 years since 190 vcillclll Segistratlons have increased 62 lvcent and tourist traffic has lntlfuar Outlook for 1952 is another in inf 88 per cent crease in traffic volume zlnd fl dinln toll of more than 1000 Police zlnlll safety groups urge improvements in son the driving and walking habits of all who use streets and highways Bldlvctl during the week and Mlss Thompson Bond Head spcnt lhc vttrktlltl at Johnsons Mr and Mrs Sheardown nndf loys spent Sunday at Knock Ms hll MC ld no on nun ll McCuaig Barrie visited withl liliends here one day this week Miss McCuaig has recently returned loom Ralhburllldullo where she spent the past 12 years Slrzlchzln Toronto spent the weekend zlt his home here vLMW Cg5 and Mrs FlVEYEAROLD John McGee celebrates his second year FORREST WALLWIN left figures out hisnext move with wooden block while Partridge on the arrival of Cmmty Recreation Service is being new baby daughter Sunday lilo the youngest competitor the annual Kiwanis Music each Monday afternoon at Midhurst for Addresses Federation Festival being held in Toronto Feb 18 to March John sings Mrs Margaret Chllds centre gives direc preschool children whose mothers are at Dr 11 Melton name address lurk me he isnt scared The mm annual fesmi tlons Forrest lsponc of the children enrolled tending the weekly home economics meet ed the Federation of Agriculture 211 has attracted enmes 0111143 Canadian towns and 51954 in the Monday afternoon play school at lugs oflthe Ontario Department of Agricul locating in Edgar school Fridavl Compeiltms are coming from as far away as Peace River Mldhtlrst At right arctwo brothers Phil lip Peacock 312 and Bobbie Peacock 434 also engrossed in play while Belle Mrs ture evening on Athc subject Cattle Alberta Belle incidentally IS real Discusc Hc illustrated hls ad Childs Samoyede looks on The play school sponsored by the Simcoc CUSTOM CLEANED REFINlSHED Nu Service Cleaners 14 HIGH 51 ohms mans 2m Mm nursery dress by the use of three films school dog and is used to watching the Ewenosisr Mom With Appmw tclc tryan to have follow the lndlahas the program of the United Nations ulllrrigation system covering more ghyriiil gilt play in Mrs Childs Barrie nurs 111 and Sentinels of Milk mg mm was emulation by than was Western World We must set out lthc late King George VI followed iby prayer for Queen Elizabeth Lawn loxamplo to others by our actionsI es toward our fellow men The United Nations ls dolly ill The minutes of the previous building better world without meeting were read and improved BOWlerS llllllillch not easily but byll and the lrensurcrs report was slop spca er snlc tea lploblcms are difficult but our aim are busy littlegadgets given Give them chance by gis peace and world brotherhood It lwas not an easy task to take the re ulnr check ing concluded with report by The CNRA Ladies Lawn BOWL Mrs Greeron the layctte re ing Club were sponsors of euchm listen of arming against aggressmn quiled this your and an announcc party held last Saturday evening gm Korea If we must moblllze the mellt by Mrs Campbell 112 atythe Orange H8 in Allandnle we in North America have notWcsl rigour dcvclop oulllldusl garding the Sits made to enmu Slxmen 1131033 0f Players enjoyed been practising in sufficient mensimdl msoulfb SLarglgmeqsf Ht lsyl Baby Band members1 85 de an evening of audit followed by urc those democratic principles for Wm cidcd that an Afghan would be refreshments sccvcd by the ladies which we aim to stand declaredbur example worlds greatest What Made The little Woman Iough Critic and why that means UrllthUkiliary ls Addressed by China Missionary Mrs Gray of Stroud was speaker at the monthly meeting of the Unity Auxiliary of Collier Street United Church held at the home of Mrs Jack Forster on Feb 11 The meeting opened with short The business part of the meet Drive ln1oday BRENNAN AUTO norms SBIWCE BARBIE ONTARIO Mr Gclbcr spoke of the North Ate service led by the president Mrs John Qunlop in remembrance of Easiest Ever lZi4Yat leapol generations ofChryslors some the glad tidings of Jesus Christ beaten almost to deathfor refus down to the nextruntil7itcme into the handsetMr Mory Du Pro Id QWlerbefo hornmar made this year as well Mrs Jack Forster introduccdl Mrs Gray to the members of the club and her stories of her life as Chinese missionary held the members rapt attention as did her inspirlng message to spread MrsE It Alexanderand Mrs Greer Who were in charge of tbe meeting served delicious re1 freshments before the meeting ad journcd Notable Heirloom TORONTO Feb 11 CP lllayearold teapot that came to Canada with the United Empire Lovalists may soon find its way back to the United States Original OWnels of the pewter pot were C01 and Mrs John Chry sler Who settled inlheNortltern United Statel In 1777afterthe American revolution theywere suspected of having proBrltlsh lebnlngs Their youngest son was ing to reveal his fathers hiding place The Chryslers came to Canada with the United Empire Loyalists soon aftenwa spelled their name Crysler re ceived the teapot falbdhenloled it Winkworth second and ICripps consolation Prize winners helhmd Week Program Monday prizes Marvin Gclbcr of Toronto mem ber of the United Nations Society Winners of the ladies were Mrs Corbett first Mrs mongthe men were Mr Coleman Barrie Kiwanis cm and Jack Poucher and LeGear consolation Mr Clayton was win er 0f the dom p1 129 Lewis and thanked by Rev James Conveners for the card party Ferguson Smith arranged were Mrs Semmens and Mrs the program and among the guests 13 Jones Mrs Bligh wasm were several members of the local charge of the committee servmg clergy and some New Canadians EfreShmems brought by Kiwunians to Commons ity House DUTCHPHONES Mr Gelber gave thoughtpro Thcthlferlands Telephone Com voking talk The problems of pan opened its first telephone nct peace he asserted were large and work inAmstrdamin 1881 we would notconvlnceyl those we at Camp Borden during the late She will Willt lets Mrs for Canada as speaker for the Bro greater sense European nations west of the Iron Mr Gclber who spent some time Camj There are many tcnsxons in our war was introduced by Rev Ernest society he asserted but they are of security lantic Treaty Qrgnnization NATO was designed he said to provide for the manmade prejudices Children do3 not have prejudices you notice but they get them from their parents The world is looking for leadership and Canadians are Especially well placed to provide it in large meas uref By our daily acts we are help mglo mould that democratic so cieiylhlw sli much dsucrlrrwe fol in the mobs of good thought an deed complete freedom and witinf obligation 7loull lldvtbeRCAl Career Counsellor ball friendly and beIpl You can callsIt bim will 10 WM cabochon ens Todays homemaker is shrewd buyer an informed critic OE everything she buys She known values boltch than her women or grandmother everlid When it comes to ood sllc buys to Oltlllt the greatest nutrition yield and menu variely for every dollnr Textiles and clothing she judges as carefully gauging worknmnohip wearing qualied She is an expert buyer Advertising helped nlaketllc Little Woman what she is today Through the advertising pages of her newspaper she is informed of tllcqunlities of goods offered formic The advertising messages strive to give her the actstlmt guide her bulging Advertising helped make be women buyer gt Now advertising must work alhlio harder meantime answeringhervdehtands for fools beforebuyblg

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