Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1952, p. 4

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out communal tho while raising or limit mu year it stoodat under 30 by lloccmg arealth However at pcols ionic clubs president Jack Ronl uphilswodugoodclmotbelngrnlscd mozpextgcpnp meetlng hardly think that Roxburgll antenatal to thiscect it he didnt hav some iii how tho role man go course Ellen can change theirl analogy women although they will deny it and but may and thc no motion rejected mom who we can but men favor of the proposed motion Speaklnxito Cilia mums the Mlecl he stated the only playem remalnlnul in the at tho agent 31 Would be those that arcnt good cnoughl to make minor prairie players that need the extra year It is Ernms damnation that player is good cnollgh at the age of 19 or 20 purent professional club will tulle him mgaldless the age limit good example of tbat is Real Chevrcllls who could have had allI other year in Barrie flygrs swualcr but for some unknown rcasonn An Boss 01 the Bruins grabbed him without as much 2Is confcrrlllg with Emma who had born promised tllcbrllliunt leftwinger as long upgfwas it junior Should the age lilan be raised the lcrlguc will hold nothing but lot 01 trach next year spccizllly here KEBEAAXIJ THERE OllA rclcrcc JERRY OLINSKl ol KllCl 3ch had airow escape from dcatli or serious injury last week Jcn is member oi the city police force in Kitchener and while on duty picked up supcrxaturatcd gontlcnlan and delivered him to the stu don The Sergeant on duty told the pickup to sit down and he quit while Jerry stood by The drunk was not content however and pickcdl up lump and atlcmptcd to crush it over the Scrgcants head Olinsxli intervened in time and placed headlock on the prisoner By somul freak mancouvrc toc ovcrqagod man managed to tree OLINSKIS REi VOLVER from the holster and when Jerry looked down saw the nlllzzl placed in his ribs The drunk couldnt nd the trigger forlunnlcly to Jerry and the gun was wrencllcd from his grasp in lime Olinski kuvcnir was broken little finger which hcdlsplnycd in the Flycr dressing loom following deftalt to the Grcensnirtx Said Jerry iii quite cremation to see your own gun pointed at your ribs GUELPH DILTMORESlost centro performer this scallion on professional cull usl Lanky BAY 3035 who played for Strntford Krochlcrs last you and then joined the Bills this season when the loam dropped from jun for competition was callcd by Cleveland Barons of the American 911 WIBS he was immediately shipped to Seattle of the Pacic Coast League m3 BUCHANAN Tony loetn and Jack Price took purl in Chicago Sunday afternoon NHL till with Boston Bruins last weekend and ncI cording to reports are long way from professional calibre It marked co Buchanans thin pro trial this season having taken part with St Louis to fall The Strangler Flyers in m0 AHL gaxncs All three or course rvmnin with Gait hutl ship match The semifinal match has Jim The Bull Wrightlwnton was their top scorer with Hawks for the finish of tllc junior season if won ights mg in mm roars hug hockey mmm mg ml Graves and Emlllllel 1111 further be other of in march of midtown 3rd Johnny Greg this entitle inboan cod WtA Van dim bucket mo in will be defendlng laurel won last mmm the against vthiNorrena cl Shanty Bay Bill ye Wetllgrill sound out coupe Tho rst mud opens Sammy alteration in Own Soundl Camp some 31 mm 3m with the second game of the two series taking plaice in Bar mac mom George Por lne Arena Wednesday night February 27 starting at 1111 tcr gm Menwnan and Gem Each series is worked on tumgame sectorcoconut boats lug your mime mm Both teams hrve bcn working used on the forward lines if tbcitomorrow and whatever 13M result ion at Barrio Arena over the post need arise llcantbe 803ml 13 thhFlll W0 weeks in pmdm for the The midZet Flyers arc fairly crs will be Wm brln 0m Emilio Minoan playdownx and strong down the centre with Dannylanolbo WA HUB guns cxpected to give good mourn WNW For themselvcwwin or lose Poscibly holding the best chances tare midgets who consist of some 1ml or from last year plus gradg gluptcstfrmn the championship buntc lam club The bantams have sonch good holdoverr too but inexperience GROUP Barrie Tanning No still hold llhc one point margin on the lead over Dodgers to hold first place in the group Each team handed out whitewash too Barrie Tanning took on Bell Telephone No to ltnkc theirscven points Sid Wood coco BRAZIL of Montana attempting to dlsflgure goodlooking and popularlll 8111 Stock of oshawa The tlprd professional match has Steve tllng resumes Thursday night witnpowerful roughlwash to Ben Temphone N0 Hockey League Ross however didnt gut into the Baroust lineup all Bobo Brazil of Arkansas tackling the muchhated Bobchme Sharpe had good night 16 Strangler Wagner in the main match on the card Brazllllhe Dodgers rolling 251 340 257 is comparative newcomer to the ring in this district but the lored gent carries rugged reputation and is most anxious in ma stepup to posSlblc champion MUNTREAL CANADIENS hnvc bcen finding much success with smmee Strong Chicago product ned Mr American ageing their rookies and if any team is going to knock 011 Detroit Red Wingsi PM in the Stanley Cup battle llzood bet would be the Habs Nqlcss tlmnl ve firstyear men are performing brilliantly for coaanlcklrvln Dick ic Moore chlc Boom BoomGcolfrion Dollilld St Laurent Dick Gamble and our own lnul Megcrlhuvc been carrying huge portionlof the Habs punch which looms as an important factor in the rookie nwdrd winner From last lcckls results we feel thn Gcoftrlon carries an im portant edge over Megcr However loading kle candidates and tthl point production as of Feb 19 are as follows GEOFFRION Cnnadiens bouts E137 turn leftone block post Camp Bordens heddQLlarters lman in thc600 bracket whatsoever ward was best manJor the Tannery with 660 Bill Lloyd was best for the losers with 620 FOLLOWING TWO WEEKS of postponement Camp Bord and size is lacking Many of the boys are just out of pccwcc ranks The midget team who will be up against strong competition boast l7pluyer mater consisting or three complete forward linen six defence men and two goalies Captain of the squad is Danny Farrell with Len Kirk and Ken Ferguson acting as assistant captains Probable starting nctminder will be Paul Newton who has shown well in the nets forBoston Flyws in the minor syutcm Lewis Robert son wlll be alternating if necessary The dclcnce is expected to be the strongest point on the team with three hnrdllitting indlvduals hold ing starting berths Bob Chappcl Lcn Kirk lmd Gory Clark will carry the main work on the bluelinc but will receive assistance from Jim Lavcry Jack Kcnnington and Jim slos sKArEs floaoGGANs AND ALL WINTER SPORTING GOODS GARTSHORE voou FRIENDLY rmcsrpun sworn Corner Elizabeth Mopld Phone 3195 Hull Hall or Chnppcl can also 03 to DOdQCTS handed out the White in need of some practlcc or maybe lfor total of 848 Dodgers also had ltwo other men over the 600 mark Bell Telephone failed to have Canadian General Electric zlrc lbnck in form again taking the Lakeview Dairy team for score Flanagan dirty culprit from Toronto TWO preliminary 52g Bob M31110 was top mm between Camp Borden boys wlll open the show IiCpl 7m the Electric boys with 297 222 Danny Oulctte of the Proth Corps expects trouble from Fla 5204 and total 723 Lemur 19d Judo Scrgmm orRCAMC and Dell Hyatt of RCASC lobbies th Dally W3 38 the experienced Tpr Nick Carter or RCAC The snow is held in the spacious Armoured Corps sports stadium haggar iof tying Dixievs for rst place in 53 games 23 goals 18 assists 41 points sixth place in the stalldingsl Starting time 830 303658 Canndiens 56 games 19 goals 16 assists 35 points GAMBLE Canadians 53 games 17 goals 18 assists 30 points IIY BULLER Rangers 54 games 10 goals 19 assists 29 points WALLY BERGESUEIMER Ran gers 52 games 19 goals assists 28 points PIACK McINTYRE Boston 36 games 10 goals 16 ussisls 26 points MOORE Canadians 25 games ll goals 13 assists 23 points EMMS byline way will be trying his hand as an afterdinner upcalrer Thursday night as lie addresses the mens Canadian Club in envelopes Wwwwm AFTERNOON MEETINGS 0V Halyinggaind Horvecling Equipment Discusclon of typos lilies and generaloperatlon FILM Speakerll GREGG Dcpl of AgriculturclEnglnecrlng Ontario Agricultural College MEETiNG TOBE HELD AT Duntroon Wednesday February 27 at 130 11111 Strand Thursday February 28 at 130 pm Bond Read Friday February 29 at 130 pm Seed to be shown at 1316501101 Simcoc Seed Fair on March 5tll can be entered at any of athetlc meetings Prizes will his given for oatll and barley entered in the Seed foil through Ulese meetings Sponsored by ALLEN FRANCIS Asst Iteprescbtatlvo 350mb Simone Ontario Department of Agrlcultuie KEITH Mention Agricultural Represcnfptlvc South Slmcoc For an tlgdglnent of prcvious nddrsses mode at local bockeyi but cls It on think Hap needs nnyprompting when hmtas bxritm d1skn hers hore rollin EMMS stated the players on lllisycnls llockcyclub 0n LQI hg m1 nQCk ySt the whole lost approximately $9000 in comparison to last scasonst team simply because they didnt rcuchthc playoffs Thats in my lHREEdllAY unlocking FLYERS BANlAM DIVISION SA STILL TOP MIDGETS Gb Lv 21 remal there isnt space of light betweenthe other teams MOndltS gt74 nights results caused threeway deadlock forsecond place growingtighter as the weeks fly by Other than Boston wit undefeated but Were tied on their last two outingIBr0W team 52 Ge Glenn fill the standings and with only one more night remalnl ln the schedule real run for playoff positions is anticipacdq Boston found onrushlng Barrie tougher foe than ln then last outing and were force to come from behind 240 deflcllf to gain 22 split to points Brian Keast andrBob Miller had Can Gen Electric 11513 given Barrie comfortable edge in the first and secondper lions and Boston had to give all to offence to overcome the deficit Ron Van connecth off at scramblc ilo start the Boston rally as Grcgl Ilomlinson and John Moore drew fassistsAnd then late in the period Hack Lynn scored the eqdnllzr ba hllld Ab McFadden who practicall lly had to he sat upon beforeglviug lup tug score Since McFadden hasl gcnlered the nets Barrie have garn cred one win and two ties inthclr flats three italts Paced by captain Alvin Norrem Tulsa Flyers scored their scond Iwin the season defeatingZHeiul lshey 32 in thrilling ContestIlcr shcy captured onggoallead in the second following scoreless first period Don Kirkpatrick com lnecting on apuss from Bob Aitchl SOD Before many minutes had passed h6weverBillCherpeta soared sucl cesstully through the He shey team tone the score and Norrclagfollow ed with another solo jaunt for 21 lead Tulsa never relinquished the front as Norrena notched his second Hershey moved back into contention late in the third Jack Groveswindlng his way up the cen tre tol plank an unmolested marker on Tulsa netminder Andrew wels man but the drier was shot for the remainder of the game The midget contests finished as expected with Tulsa collecting tllcir fifthvl tow 61 verdicti over secondp ace Hershey anddlpston taking the measure of cellardwell lng Barrlej 74 The Bostonwin moved them towllhln two points of 43 Hershey Danny Fa ll was again the Spcrk of the Tulsa attack He netted brils and collect at recordwaagbettc xby The schedule will resume Mon day March when in the bantam dlvlsloanlsa Will play llershcy at 630 and Boston n1ectsBarlle at 739 The mid gets will have Romney and Tulsa taking the boat 830 and Barrie and Boston following at 930 Midget Pts Tulsa 13 10 Hershey 23 Boston 26 Barrie 43 Pro Boston 12 Hershey 22 Barrie 19 ll Tulsa 21 IANNUAl splat Out or four district rinks compet lngln the 25th annual silver jubilee gue gomes will be ctccllc Copaco downed Dixlcs Smoke lShop 52 to comewithin two points the second dlirislon Bill Smith was the big man for Copuco roll ging 636 for three Stew Harris rolled 854 for Dixics to lend their lscorlng list Webb Brothers took games from Perry Electric but Perrys took the total pins to lake points lit Webb was top man for Webbs two games and fell down in the last but still had good night with 92 3293195 for total Madam Bruss and Glenn had streuk ol flock this week and took the Cliff lwith 557 Frank Exell had goodnpc 36 the winning team with his triple Boadway was the best Browns bad with 624 Montgomery Auto First Division PTS Barrie Tanning No 114 10 33 Dodgers 14 10 Bell Telephone No 10 ll 24 Bell Telephone No 10 ll 24 akeview Dairy 10 14 23 Seconlfnlvlslon PIS iDixies Smoke Shop T3 Copuco 15 34 Cliff Browns 29 Perry Electric 11 13 27 IWebb Blotlllesv 107 14 723 iBrass and Glenn 16 19 High threoVerne Shnrpe 848 lhlgh single Verne Sharpe 340 GROUP The Hydro strengthened their lead on first place by detecting Toronto Telegrglm 52 Telegram weretrailing byjonly points but now Chicks have taken over sec end position leaving Telegram in third Bill Whitehead led thescor log pornde for the Hydro With 654 Jo Harridine was the top man for the Telegram with 550 Chicks Mens Wear swamped the and Bokars 70 Len Pledge triple Frank Carter was best We and with 542 Landry Motors look Plymouths bonspicloftlle Ontario Curling Asa soclatlou held in Toronto this Week only one could capture ll victory Howard Allan of Churchill after dropping his opening contest in the famed Royal York Trophy Score 103 victory WetDr Spellman or Kitchencr 1n therfst roun the second event Henry Blr rind SonsTrophy Arsecond hurchlll econSkinned by ILilclaslostboth openan games Tile first745 to RSW Carr of Torontole mm Cnngdlans tolllech cc of it is just the knowhow to win out team with 614 Card Skinner Denny 284 high three Doris Den ledChlck9 to their victory with oIslIllcTRINKs FALTERIN 25m BIGflIMEfllQFESSIONAL TLING pom THERES 0F ACTEON ON THIS CARD mu STBANGLSBj non WAGNER VI 3030 BRAZIL OREGON ARKANSAS BILL STACK OSIIAWA few games have just been coasting along but will start to roll one of thcscnlights Longs led the win was the high man for the Ply mouths with 586 Montgomery Auto Parts walked away with the Barbers defeating them 70 Giles was partly responsible for the victory with his 020 triple for Montgomerys The Barbers didnt have 500 mun Ted Barker being their high with 477 18X are still holding down second spot defeating The Barrie Examin cr thi week 52 Paul was high THE BULL man for 13K with 649 while the losers top man was All Shepherd with 580 Finldys BvA took the Chryslcrs 52 to gain one place in the stand ing Ferguson was Finlnys top scorer with 541 Bessey took tllc scoring honors for Chryslch with 384 am nMElllCA STEVE STANLEE VS CHICAGO PAT FLANAGAN Toponro zolulnurcs or FALL Lijl Donny0uee vs Pie Judo3crcmm 175 lbs ch rumour CORP In lbs llclmc scuom Chicks Mens Wear 13 31 lslmmurnsm 11mm Toronto Telegram 13 11 30 Arktom rigours mickYA vs esTphyNlGKEZCARTER Plymouth 14 23 Rouse SCHOOL tombs 148lbsRIAC SCHOOL Londry Motors 14 16 Second Division st First Division PTS oulelmI Apnllsslols limosle $100 TICKETSNOW ON SALE AT BARRIE STRANSMAN KOSMA JEWELLERY snowman sr BARBIE ANGUS WALTERTARBUSH mm IEJlllESL IlbSTAUBASTV 13X 16 39 Flnlays BA 13 11 31 Barrie Examiner 13 ll 30 Cllryslers 18 13 Bnrbers l8 High three Len Pledger 695 ihirsilliglefLen Ilcher 264 Gillikc and Clairkc Parts 18 421 Lcgiue PTS Cubs 25 14 Aces 27 74 Wolves 27 70 ARMOURED CORPS 59755TAD9M4735NG 33 33 CAMPIBORDENs Cardinals 33 55 TURN LEFTONE BLOCK PASTCAMPT LADIES High single Doris 900nm lny 711 Seasons high single Mary lCarrier 328 seasons high three Pat Barth 792 High averages HaZel Rayner 192 Pat Barth 189 Dorlwuny 183 MENSHigh single Jack Cosi tello 289 high three Jack Cos tello 706 Seasons high singlg IN SWING IN mm Gord Bain 355 seasons high threg msnmpmve Jack Haskell 836 High avrages 4mm WED Jack Haskell 210 Gord Bain 201 $77 Bill Knox I196 inlaidlisteningw ld was tho descrlptlonrgiven an oil well drilledto depth of 15279 feet in Pecos County Texas

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