Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1952, p. 16

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home 11m gt of Mn mm d1nd Mrs Dorm Witter Camp and Mr and Mrs Harvey Woe of Tbrouto Min Joan Wilson was guest of Margaret Vause Stayner last FEB lawAndy Graham Don Wes Doo Glyn Evans and Bob Lintic Spent Sunday in Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Jack Patton and hby Camp Borden were recent guests of the formers parents Mr and Mn Gordon Patton xliarry Terhune Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Terhune Mr and Mrs Carl Fildey Fort William are guests of the formers brother and aisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Wilfred Fildcy Mr and Mrs Carl Fildey intend to take up resi deuce at lleathcote soon Fort William Visitor Mrs William of Fort William and her sister Mrs Elliott of Le froy whom she is visiting were among the visitors at the workshop closing day held in Cookstown re coolly Mrs William is president of the Fort William W1 Mrs Pub 111 provincial president is member of this institute Mrs Gorham of Edmonton Altais visiting her sister and bro thersinlaw Mr and Mrs Kidd for fewldaya This week enadvlsitors were Mr and Mrs Jack Ki and David Mrs Monkman had the fhiiafortune to break rib this past Week Recent weekend visitors of Mr andMm Henry Davis were Miss Ruby Davis of Barrie and Harry Davis of Bracebridge Weekend newspapers illustrated the kindergarten piano course being taught by Miss Marion Webb Gordon Donnelly Toronto spent last Weekend with his mother Mrs Alice Donnelly Home from Toronto lonthe Week end Were Kenneth Coburii John Leadiay Tom Williams and Lila Wesson Mr and Mrs Ted Nixon Barrie Miss Norm Baker London and Miss Isobel maay Toronto were also home Mr and Mrs Ferguson Bur lington spent the Weekend with the latters father William Ramsay Johns Womans Guild is spon soiiiig play Maid of Money presented by Grenfel young people Thursz evening Feb 28 in the town hall Cookstown Play Gets Good Run The locaicast of An OldFash ioned Mother sponsored by the UnitedQhurch WA presented their play on Monday evening at New Lowell and olichclneoday eveninZ litBurns Church ey have ac present the cepfed invitations play Feb 18 at AllistonFeb 19 380 Mansfield Feb 21 at Stroud Feta at Gilfordi Feb 27 81 newton Robinson Mar at Bee 6atEverett and Mar Bond Head 411 Allin Answers an 491 thrcjact comedy is being present edpyTottenham Tennis Club play clawundr auspices of the United Churchemetery Board Cooks townWednesday Feb 20 in the town 11311 Lf Oldnoya Dinner and Dance 1he1eap Year Party of Cooks gmnOldBoysMSociatlon will be 1111 Feb 29 at the OakvRoom Un Station Toronto full course roast bocfdiiiner will be served molly al630vm Cards and dancing Will follow Beattys ited Church Young Womans Auxil of members The presidenters Cooper opened the meeting with ence in memory ofthelateliilhg George V1 and the singing of the nationalamhemgTha minutes of thcjlast meeting were read and adoptedlloli call wusanswered hmka Kidd Io 49301313 Allie Wilt 0061111 Car llama Ll Archie Mcilmn 1001111017111 The Proabyter an WMS villi meet at pm Th ay Feb 21 at the home of Mrs ll Smith All ladies of the congregation please attend 11 We Social Monday evening Feb 11 the Uns lied Church YPU held croklnole social in the school room of the church with good attendance of adults and young people Prize winners were ladies Miss Gladys Chanticr and Miss Bertha Cowgirl consolation Gail Jevons gentle men McMaster and Kenneth Whyte consolation Alfred Amos During social hour afterwards refreshments were served South Simooe WI Plan Tour Over 200 ladies attended the clos ing exhibition of the workshop held 18 19 bake Sale held Saturday af ili Cookslown hall Friday allerIemoom Feb 16 in the UnllEd noon Feb The workshop was ChurCh The World Day Of Prayer sponsored by the Scum Simcoe will beobscrved Feb29 in theUnit District W1 under the coopcrative ChUXCh Quill blocks were program feature of me home handed infor quilt for the Red economics Service department of Cross Mm DON Moukman took agriculture Miss Wainwright Charge of the devotional period University of Toronto graduatcnct Which Opened With hymn alld ed as director and instructor dining Waller Elven by MW Kindle the 18 days of the course The shop scripture reading W85 Dental in bold capacity classes for various unison being taken from the 23rd handicrafts with 103 mmlled Re Psalm vocal duct was rendered ports showed 104 had received in 0y MFS Coults and Irene Mc struction in such crafts as weaving MHSIer Ml C000 gave textile printing needlepoint cross chapter outof the sludx book on stitch hooked rugs nndsoft toys the AngloSaxons Mrs Hindle Leathcrwork included gloves belts Kaye 500 history of tholyeal billfolds book covers buttons and mill K108 GOOTEG VI Miss handbags Many useful and bcnu Eleanor COME Presented Short ALL THESE RCASC NCOs 17th Bde in Germany Left to right Beeson LeBlanc Hunt tiful articles were completed and Paper QFlsmn Slewadsm were on display Many more are and the meeting Closed With well on the way to completion The hymn and the M12980 5900510000 Cookstown Womens institute moin Lune W33 sewed bylhe Commll tained lunch counter where tea V39 The Maren 1991108 1310 30 sandwiches cake and cookies were he at the home Mrs George served Interesting features of the Fans afternoon included presentation to Miss Wainwright and the follow iiig discussion of the tour to New York City Mrs Monkman district president introduced Miss Wainwright and spoke briefly of the pleasure the ladies had under her instruction She said Miss Wain wrights outstanding ability and pleasant personality had been much appreciated Mrs Monkman also Oro Township Council met on thanked the ladies of the district Monday Feb In the town hall for their wonderful Cooperation in Wm all members present and with dle representing the classes ex Communications were received pressed appreciation of their in from the midi Automobile siructress and asked Miss Bertha SeWIce Asmclatlon Hunt Cowan to present the gift from the Department Highwaysv Deparl classes large embossed brass mom of Planning and Develop plate Mrs Ira Wilson president meml Raynev Clair Green Cookstown WI presented brass land Ms IL V30 Valkenbel hearth brush from the local branch Department 01 Health HYdlpElec At the close of the exhibition on 19 Power CommlSSlon Slmcoe open meeting of the district was County Health Unit Treasury Dev held at which time the proposed partment anladian industries Lim conducted tour to New York City ited Glen inning Jarret Gray and was discussed Because the 113 Roberts Provincial Fire Marshal trlct tour to Ottawa held last fall Gigg Ludgate Albert was such success the executive JGlass and Department of Trans were requested to makcinquiries port r93de 51mm tour to New Council was addressed by Cro 312$ hangs czgglltggiliylgg marty regarding some help to build was interested to hear details roads mm his property Charles which summarized were as fol Henry re culverts Ivan Vasey re lows Date April 2530 tour to be lune Sand 51mm smddart entirely conducted from departure agricumfml some Ernest untilreturn and price Ito include sword tequesung agmm to fare accommodation meals and en North Stmcoe Crop Improvement temmmem open to residents bf Association for their seed fair crop South Simcoe only fare to be sent megtlng and bacon compatitive tollits Dunn Alliston district 5hw be 519 Elmvale secretli 7treasurer not later than March 33 Stephens April to save exchange on 518 for Information 000 chequesreach locality was requests 3me wa 0181000130 Wasp ed to appoint alocal secretary mg grant to their building fund treasurer to accept names and fares 1A deputation was also present to no forwarded in one cheque from the Federation of Agriculture comfortable clothing 08590081 03 requestingcouncil topass bylaw Declally shoes aformals not new provide for assessing of farms aary luggage limited to one me air membership fecsgofthe Feder lumsized suit case handbag and ifiory of Agriculture Alex Graham 10900 It Is considered that WE eportedon the collection of taxes will be worldemfl OPPWIWW communication will be sent to enjoy real 03 lthml 16 Rallies regarding his request VIOIIY Of all incidental responsibil purchase the 01d allow me and at 30 representation incc at his roperty at Ralkes $3111 insigntirc district is expected fogging pres ent requested any further lt inquiries be forwarded as soon as Approval Department Of ways of bylaw ieappolnting Newx possible This brought to close one of the most interesting and on case road superintendent was pleasant afternoons spent in the gresemed Presentedrfmm district in long time Bnyne secretary of Orillia District Collegiate Institute was decision Young Womans Auxiliary of arbitrators whereby Mara and The February meeting of the U11 Raina Townships were granted equalizedassessmbntrfor Feb 14 at the home of Eleanor school purposes Corrigan with 11 splendldturnout The treasurers list of receipts was presented and accepted and notice of amounts requested from hymnlollowed by minutes 811 Droforcouutypurp08eaWH$ptltn seated as follows Gencrai County levy $24057county road levy 51054311 total 013354600 The clerk waayzinstructed tovwrite apartment mason re agree ments on sewer basement and Watelinains Actv Road Supellll ieudent Basie pretahtadf his report on work dono itting January Day sheets Lelc and passed by minggafuvorltc hymn Reg ula nadiscussed includ etltlctldli Of 733 I3fon their which were accepted of Biggar who will be coming them The Camp Cordon Gillan are presently serving with the Nodelman Sgt David Gulls MIDHURST East Forum Meets FEB 10Midhurst East Forum met at Dan Nashs on Monday evening Topic The Effect of High Transportation Costs Are transportation costs restricting our markets alid reducing our income Breaks Ankle Gregory Waters had the misfor tune to break an ankle while to bogganing at Mr aners George Sultans He is confined to Royal Victoria Hospital Henry Long is patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs IAllen Bonney entertained lhoneighbols to quilting bee week Mr and Mrs Willman and Helen Port Credit spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Allen Bouncy Pleased to report Mr and Mrs Day are home from the hospital Enjoy Skating 0n Ponds Social activities centre Mound the various ponds of ice on the clds Three generations have been cutting the figure eight on the ice Jr 88 Class Skating Party Mrs Lynn Russell assisted by Eleanor and Doris Mason enter tained the junior Sunday School class to skating party last Salim day on Walts pond The children enjoyed an afternoon of skating and then Mrs Russell servedma bountiful lunch at her home There were 12 members present Botvilng Party Midhurst YPU are holding bowling party on Wednesday night to inthc Baliic Bowling A11 cys Come and bring the young people CROSSLAND New Flos WI FEB lilNew F105 Womens In stitute met at the home of Mrs lSam Allen Feb 12 with 10 mem thats and six visitors Mrs King took the chair in the absence of the president Correspondence was read and severaltreats thanked for it was voted to give $5 to the Red Cross Also to give prizes $2 lorfirst $1 for second to the In stitute with the best novelties of 15 to 18 articles no article to ex eed $150 in cost Also tohold of social evening in Both School Feb 22 Everybody welcome it was decided to send home to county arts and crafts to do quilting Program reading was by Mrs Cameron iii placeof Mrs MJ Kenney Ex change of Valentines each visitor alosreceiving one Mrs Camerons contest ist Mls Strath 2nd Miss Lillian Sheppard consolation Mrs Viney Mrs Shaw gaveai comic reading Things of Bygone Mrs George Smiths draw was won by Susanna Finley Regret at the passing of our gracious Majety King George VI was followed by singing God Save theQileen The dammitt and hoatess served astu ch Blocks were distributw ed for quilt Mr and Mrs William Johnston spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Stiath warliurawndncynoasnwyd vlile calTedon Mr andMrsHar old Smith and the Allen home Congratulations to Mr andlliS Ashton Archer on the birth of twins alien and daughter at the 1Royal5Victoriacsliospituernriion Feb 111 Memorial service Jim Tyndale has told his farm to Judge Earvto of Barrie and will be movinrwith hiafamily to Adelaide 8t Allandale to the home to Holly to reside with his Mrs Pryda Mr and Mrs Lackey and family will be moving into the Tyndale home We wish them all success in their new homes Mr and Mm John Dunn and family spent the weekend with Mrs Shuler and family in Toronto BELLE EWART FEB iceme Launby Toron to is spending few days with his sister William Frost has moved to Tor 01110 lsaac Cutler of Barrie District Collegiate institute will speak in the Baptist Church on Sunday Feb 24 at pm Mr Cutler was born in India 5011 of missionary All are invited to attend Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Acton on the arrival of baby girl in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie George Moore Barrie spent the weekend with his mother Mr and Mrs Van Valkenburg Orillia visited with Mr and Mrs Frank Fisher Mr and Mrs Lloyd Buffett and children Wiarton are visiting with Mr and Mrs Ruffett lt IVY pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Tom Lyons on Thursday Feb 14 when few of their relatives surprised them with birthday party on the occasion of Doris and Toms birth day mprm Where You Buy More for Less racers reason moors 011 nurses roll comroar umber more more mum 0595 $3050 $1495 and $1995 monsoon on sues mama Broom 55c 3106 8150 and $115 03138010 from to 12 cups GOLD IEAPOTB $195 It $325 On Wine Canary Emerald Blue and Iv 01wa CREAMB dz SUGARS to match $309 and $339 DERBY DECORATION TEAPOIS 4275 YELLOW SILVER mama $229 mmw wrm GOLD CREAM dis BLUE NO DRIP TEAPOIS 851 In Cup and cup Sizes $235 350011 $3500 CARPENTERS MACKINTBTS TOOLS See Our Store Window Displays CHAN SPEED COAT SPECIAL ONE QUART NO RUBBING WAX HALF CHAN PASTE WAX LIQUID WAX APPLIERS HOLDS QUART SIZE CAN FIFE FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS ELBOWS COUPLINGS TEES UNIONS 60000 Bromine 9811 270 NIPPLES BUSHINGS CAPS PLUGS etc To say the rightrthing at the right time keep still maggot the time CHICK FOUNTS Gloss Gallon Size Galvanized Gallon GoIvdnized Gallon Four Gallon Galvanized $495 181 and 55c HAND churchmen cusses Bases only for jars In Rose Blue and Yellow PLASTIC LAZY SUSANS In Shimmery Shadesgof Coral Yellow dc Clear $115 $135 $390 $100 Body 35t GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS capacm 22 GALIDNS $2300 DORMEYBR ELECTRIC MIXERS $3995 Excellent Value in this popular appliance ROSALIE DINNERme just arrived Set of 67 Pieces selling for $5175 Delicate Rose Green Spray on Ivory WOODEN CARD TAB $269 $495 $650 and $750 These come in plain and picture tops MASTER PAINTERS PAINT SALE Quarts 93c Gallons 3325 1111111111 and 10111111 lrnsrllovc TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlap St Phone 2801 News of fattenmm FEB iiiMrs Hagen spent Sat urday with friends infloronto John Clarldge has returned to Windsor after spending the past three weeks with his another Mrs Clarldge Mr and Mrs Courtney of Pardoc Sask called 011 Mr and Mrs McLean and other friends recently Bank Changes McKeeman has been trans ferred from the Royal Bank Tor onto to the Tottcnham branch as accountant Mr McKeeinans home is in Kincardine Miss Anne Kiss Tottenham has been added to the bank staff as junior clerk Mrs Aria Miller has resigned andwlll be leaving the bank in the near future Mr and MrsH Brooks andMr and Mrs Johnston spent last Friday With friendain Toronto Mrs Kelman daughter Patrila andsongBilly spent Fri day with Mr and Mrs Kel man Toronto Bill Tough has accepted p051 tiongin Tomnto To 110111 Jolut Service The WomensWorld Day of Prayer will be observed Friday Feb 29 in Christs Anglican Church Itwillbe in joint service with the United and Presbyterian churches The speaker will be Mrs Clarence 1Marchant Schom berg Auxiliary Meeting The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church met Monday evenI log at Mrs Alton Andersons with good atendancee Rev James Dorrian conducted study period The Church in little places ex panding that we appreciate the significance and value of 0111 Will in the maklnaiot good old MAS58 balm ritually and no al lite and elthlhdl social wasenjoyed 1110 studentat Si Collesc loronlo recent large crowd attended the 111cm orial service lnllllmvale Presbytery ian Church Feb 15 where turd Legion town council township council telephone commissioners Masons LOLpand LOBA Cubs an Girl Guidesparaded ed the meeting witha hymn foll owed by two minutes silence in memory 01 the late King George V1 Rev James Dorrlan spoke briefly of the Kings life and dc votion to his people throughout the Commonwealth his home and iam lly The minutes and roll call were read by the secretary Mrs Prest After the business discus sion the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and Mrs rough served very dainty lunch The mixed euchre lub held its weekly meeting at and Mrs Harry Rinna Winners were Mrs George chc and Allcn Freeman John Isman is driving new ar Fire Destroys Barn Stanley Elmers barn was des troyed by re on Feb 11 He was able to get 11 the animals to safety but lostla tractor and oth er farm equipment The Totten 1am Fire Brigade and neighbors were soon on hand to offer all ielp possible crimson vFlIB 18Solry to report that Red Gallaugher is patient in hospital in Toronto Everyone wish as him speedyrecovery Mn and Mrs Mymond MeMastcr and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dunn Port Credit Mr and Mrs Stanley Thompson andchildraneanda Ted Thompson Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr and MN Ab Marlins Glad to port Mrs Ab Marling is getting pugsas well as can be expected Jones isvlsiting relatives in Toronto Mrs Bailey Breaks 1111 Sorry to report Dolley who has been visiting her daughter foredabrok illustieisopatienr 1111 Hospital 131 or speedy rTcov Edlast week with friends and relas tlves atPowaasan 2v Siuiday and Weekend vbitois William Ed Bailey eludedrMIsa Shirley and Gordon lid son if of Hamilton spent several days with her sister Mrs Bruce Mayes Jim Moir Barrie visited recently withxhls sister MlS William Cope land Miss Tcna Roulston of Bradford spent couple of days last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Joc Roulston Mr and Mrs Joe Roulston and family visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Robson of Ivy The Community was shocked to hear of our Kings cicth on Fcbi Our deepest sympathy is extended to the Royal Family WW Valentine Tea FEB l8A Valentine tea was held at the home ofMis Carru thers Wednesday under auspices of the Presbyterian Ladles Aid The dining room table lookedvery beautiful with basket of daffodils and yellow candles The living room was decorated with pink snapdragons with matching can dles Several attended nom Mid land Penetang and Wyebridge Mr and Mrs Angus Rawn visited friends in Toronto on Sunday also with Mrs Rawns father Mr Stew art who is patient in Toronto General Hospital Bob Downer St Catharines spent the weekend with his parents also John Downer Port Colborne with his parents Charles Rankin and sonJohniis tied the farmers mother on Sunday The Anglican Guild metal Mrs Ellerys on Wednesday and quilt ed The W1 catered to the lady curl ers banquet Monday night at Park side Midland ListE FEB libMnand Mrs John Dari ing and baby of Toronto were modelled weekend guests with Mr and Mrs Barnes 14 and Mrs Wilfrd Mills visit ed on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hum sewswam Mrs Forbes Coulis had the tune to fall ura on 1ch documentarierlslb MIlil 51 NE 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 Mr and Mrs Russell Gray To ronto visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs Trott Mr and Mrs Ed Horton Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Lindsay Mrs Mills and David visited relatives in London over the week end Mrs Don McGillvrny visited friends in Toronto over the week end Sergeant John Mrs John and family who have been living in one of the Frassr apartments moved into Camp Borden last week Alex Twaddle spent the weekend at his homehere lockers $1200 and $1400 Year Whita Fish lb 50c Scaled and Cleaned lb 20 Herring Artisans lb 851 BoafIloost lb 65cm 85 Bacon lb3eir up iTurkeys lb 10 Ch Irons lb 50 ad mils 41355 we my full um or poultry Turkey glbleta in good unlit PEIMam Thane 3150 29 come so

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