Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1952, p. 12

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flame economics was 491 the monthly meeting often xtiles Womens Institute held on Feb it at the homeofrllnnl lCarruthers Roll call buuxbt out Wuhan recently ledt of eternal youth moat to like our the job ad gen1 lie in Canadas northland lch maintendcnt of Shelburnehas fewer grey hairs tlkn have Cooperative Nursing Canan Edwin Doupe said proudly in bells us that the people inlof her father John Newman who that district are keenly interestedInith his Blyearold wife celebra in sorting their hoolell the firstltcd his diamond wedding annivcrv of its kind in Canada develop very sary on Sunday As he sat in the Wully Founded by the rurgliving room of his granddaughter ill people of neighboring Duerlnhomc near Elmvalc and talked Caunty the hospital she reports about early pioneering days has sincere hardworking board of eight of whom are Ifarmcrs Memberships now total around 300 and are still coming townie great need for Sbch small community hospital is indicated by the number of patients using it some of those patients sent byI their doctors from distance of 10 to IE miles Miss Marshall went to Shclburnc on the request of the board of directors who asked her to reor ganize the hospitalwactually to ac as general superintendent p05l tlnn which encompasses supervision of nursing and hospital administra tion work As former member of the Toronto Department of Health where she served for 25 years lhe is well qualied for the partition The former Barrie resi dent is graduate of the Toronto General Hospital School for Nur and took postgraduate work the University of Toronto and the lnrtitutc of Child Study During her seven you here she became well known not onlyin thc town but in Simcoc County as whole through her wide rang of activities One of the founder of the Simch County Arts and Crafts Association she was its first president and served at member of the closelyrelated Icoun ty recreation committee She also belonged to the Community Life Training Institute when it was es tablished in the county and has been speaker at Womens Insti tlltcImectings and was at night classes sponsorcd by the Federa tion of Agriculture Outside these activities her work as an amateur photographer of some skill was well known to her as sociates She also filled out her hours with free lanccwriting not any in the field of welfare and old age problems When she came to Barrie in 1944 Miss Marshall bad justmctired from the Toronto Department of Health as head of St Chads child health centre The Shelburne hospital which she is now managing is beauti fulold home converted into nursingr centre An l1vbddi hostile tal for maternity medicalnalid miner surgery it is equipped with an 3Xray department and obt bed nursery where care in mod em incubator can be given to very small or premature lnfanton There is wellorganizcd laundry and on uptodateA kitchen with an excellent cook writes Nora tired northern farmer his hair only grizzled at the front and sides looked as if he could do hard days work on the farm yet wouv ndship of Early Indians Helped Settlement Without the friendship and hci of the early Indians cxploralinl and settlement of Canada have been many yeillS Centre Veltprzl Womens Institute members were told at their lncctin Valentino Day In paper entitled lndilm Leg nds and Cusloms Mrs Reu nick remarked that our country owch debt to the indium With out themid that the Indians hare zivcn in times of need want and tragedy would have come to many of the homes of the Settlers It we the Indians who mapped out the oioncers route to Barrie and to Toronto Mrs ltcnnick was hostess lo til branch for the February meeting which opened with the Ode follow ed by The Lords Prayer and two minutes of silence in memory of our late King George VI God Save the Queen was sung Roll call was answered by cu rcnt event item At the meetingmembcrs decided to hold their bazaar ill May in stead ofIin April as planned Mrs Rrennick and Mrs Smith were in charge of the prozram Mrs If Smith gave humorous remi ing The Comical Man and Mrs Smith conducted jumbled place contest Mrs Wallwin was the winner vou lll ioycd lhc next meeting of thn branch at the home of Mrs Lloyd Thomp son lhe hospital has beenin opera tlon little over year ending its first year without decit The greatest problem at the moment is ill New Liskcard the 83ycarold re delayed mnny items made recently by the membcm including hooked rug 3childrens clothing and limited artl cleri which were shown and ad mired Douglas Ferris read pop or on home freezing of foods and lcd an interesting discussion on the care and storage of winter fruits and vegetables Mrs Lo no Olscr gave about talk unr lilting furniture Tentative plans were made for home bake sale to be held at ttlc Barrie Market in the near future small donation of money was cent to the fund set up for nlcmorialto the late Mrs Alfred Nth in the Womens institute Dltlt Iiof the Peace Garden on the inter irrational border Flock was appointed Elo take charge of the assembling guild making of quilt for which inlilltlllalo are being donated by fMlS if Baldwle and Mrs ICnrruthers The quilt is to be imadc for sale Seventeen members were pres out at the lllceling which was pro dded over by the president Mrs Andrew Cumming The mcctillg closed with the Singing of God Save the Queen and tea was served by Mrs Car rlllllcrs and the hostesses for the Mrs Flook and Mrs Ferris lelznma we owe debt to those pioneers who lllbl undertook to lighten pain and suffering While lll agriculture our methods have changed greatly and the study of household economics has made our way of life easier we must not forget the people who made this possible those who literally wrenchcd food clothing and homes nut of the primeval forest Mrs Herman Jcnnett read the paper on the history of coffee re counting how in the year 200 an Arabian goathcrder discovered that his herd was more lively after browsing on the leaves and fruit of strange bush The first brow of coffee was given to the monks and gradually it came into gener al use Coffee houses were estab lished in many European countries and New York first tasted the bev Ielvagc in 1840 when $468u pound was said to be the prevalent price In l720 seedings were brought to ISouth America and Brazil which is now the worlds largest producer Mrs Belt McQuays current events talk dealt with the passing of our late King allegiance sworn to Queen Elizabeth II Capt Kurt Carlscns heroism Churchills visa to the United Stated and the apI Lunch was served by the hostess pointmcnts of IYIiscountKIAlIexubdcn and Socialihllfhdun was 34 and his succcssor Vincent Massey Two poems Pioneer Mothers and Pioneer Fathers WEIC feud will be held on Thursday March lflqby Mrs George Calllllltels and MIS Lcc Banting After musical contest conduci Ilcd by Mrs Nelson tea was serv zcd by the hostesses Mrs lDavis Mrs McQuay Mrs lMcVanel and Mrs Jennctt IHuIrrlan Guinea Pigs EIGer PaidIHolidays In Ashoiildwtolloy PWM YWYW BIL took pute at thehome or the brides parents artSatnrday Janu ary all 1052 at romance in the afternoon The Rev Hugh Mac tauart performed the ceremony Given in marrinxe by her fath er the bride wore navy blue suit with acreage of red roses and lily of the valley with silver hearts and silver lace on each side of blue ribbons Miss Joyce Campbell cousin of the bride was her attendant and wore mauve taffeta with pink car nations The flower glrlwas Jean Ash who wore deep blue dress trimmed with lace tier owers were red roses Lloyd Livingstone was grooms man The reception followed at the home of the brides parents where it and lgt MR AND MRS JOHN NEWMANI greWbcttcr crops tipthere couple who rcmcmbcrIwcll the than have seen growing any Opening up of the north in thowhcrc he says now looking back early 1900s celebrated their dla lon his years in the north The land mond wedding anniversary last laround New Liskcard which was weekend at the home of one oflsmnll village when they first settled their grandchildren at Elmvalc Itltllcrc is now comparatively free of will be 50 years in June sincoIMr bush after forest fires Mr New lnd Mrs John Newman wont north man did general farming similar to New Liskcnrd to clear farm the type of farming carried on ll the Northern Ontario bushland this part of the country at the same Now 33 nndm years of lm ltime helping other early farmcls ouplc are still hale andhcarty af lClerth land Cl life of farming in the 33ch Mrs Newmanis also true north norihlaud where Mr wman clncr and maintains she feels naked his farm claim back in 189 the cold more living on Simcoc They came from thc north two County farm than she ever felt it years ago last fall to live with their in the north granddaughter Mrs Earl Elliott All of their family wereIhIome II farm near Elmvalc Mr New with their parents for their dia nln retired from farming only al mond wedding Mrs Edwin Doupc tor he had reached 80 years of age Edith their only dauhgtcr makes lie still takes an active interest in her home with them at Elmvalc uhc farm which is now their homelalldPc1cy also lives at Elmvalc but confines his work mostly to George and his wife and family collecting eggs were down from New LlSkCald for sunddvI Feb 17 wig the the occasion and Irvin travelled anniversary of men wedding mlfrom Harrisburg Ont wrth hit 1892 at the home of Mrs NcwmaIrlIs lamlllg parents ona farm few miles out The oldest member of her fgmlly ofHalrlstoll in Peel Township Min MlSI Newman had her br0tl101 Newman Was bom near Mitchell on William Raine Of London With the deerich Roady and moved her for her diamondanniversary whmbhe was our years old 1510 She also has four sisters stlll IiVlng an TawnsmpI When he was about Mr Newman 18 the only one left of l7 he went up toMinto near liar his film IA grandson Lloyd riston where he met his wife who DOIlle hls 1f andlhle Club was then Amelia RaineyI She was dlen travelled down from Kirkland 81 last November and he will be 84 Lake for the weekend and grand in May daughter Mrs lfcru and of After their marriage the couple Wild 35 9195 Wm hll hus farmed for several years in the handy Halriston district but in 1897 Mr The couple have 13 grandclnldrcn and 18 greatgrandchildlcn Re Newman felt the call of the nort when he travelled up Lake TemisaI cently granddaughter Mrs wal ter Hobbs who lives inNortheln kaming with his brother He stak turkey dinner was served to the 30 guests The brides mother re ceived wearing navy with white trimming and corsagc of yellow extractions The house was dccomtcd for the occasion with pink and white streamers and silver bells Later the bride and groom left for Regina Sask where the groom is at present stationed With the RCASC Vvw Pipers Provide Music at Wedding in Coldwaler Goldwater Correspondencel St Andrews Presbyterian Church Coldwater was decorated with daffodils and ferns for the wedding on Saturday February 16 1952 at three oclock the afternoon of Miss Kathryn Nancy Angus only daughter of Mr and Mrs William Angus of Coldwatcr to Edgar Aland Jr only son of Mr and Mrs Edgar Aland of Jeanette Pennsylvania Rev Charles Carter performed the emon cog Maitin and Grant piped the bride and her father to the church and also provided Scot tish air for the bride and groom when they left the church Jack Tipping played the wedding mu sic and Mrs Lloyd Lethcrby the soloist sang Ill Walk Bestdc Thee The th in own w1 31th lgacc jacket with standup collar She wore jullctI cap lll blush with tulle illusion veil and carried bouquet of whlte roses Mrs James Angus of Hamilton the brides sisterinlawI was mat ro of honor lvllh white lace jacket Her bouquet vasrcd and white carna tions The brides brother James An bride was attired in blush cathedral train wearing red velvet an that was tired in with winter lee and curses tea robes For aweddinx trip to the Latit entlans the bride ma our suit and hot with white accum ics my fur coat and mine of pink tom Mr and Mrs Aland Jr will reside in Jeanettwrfenn Among the outoftown guestl were Mr and tire Sin and Mr and Mrs Sim all ofOtta wa Mr and Mrs Sim Lulle Sim and MlnsJean Maiea all of Kitchener Mrs Abel and Abel Mr and Mrs Barrett Miss June Newton Miss Frances Buckingham Miss Evelyn Bca cock Miss Lillian Laughton Miss Helen Cachlan and Earl Stewart all of Toronto Kerr Angus Rap uskaslng Mr and Mrs William Anguslr and daughterNancy Mr and Mrs Coombes Mr and Mrs Coombes and Mrs llendcrshot all of Hamilton and Mial Westlcr of Pittsburgh Penn sylvania $1695 EEE SIZES To 11 BLACK km BROWN BLACK suntan AAAA TO Free TOnccwDuy All mm received to oclock delivered by pm the lime dry Hummus MEAT MARKET AT ms TOWN LIMITS BLAKE or norm new line design ed light butlstrong in to give relief to tired aching feet P5MOORE OPPOSITE rosr ounce no4 MGKTREAIL+ $600000 PRIZE MONEY nems reinEllis Chance to win the 90000 First Print or any other of the I48 wsh Awards to total of 55000 Second Prize is $20000 llinl Prize is $0011 and there arc HO prizvs of $500 each All of these prizes will be DOUBLE ifthc Prizc Wiuniuzr Contestant has attached onlyonc boxtop label or IIIlacsilllilc from any one of the following products clvcota boxtop Crown IlllllltllCUlIl Syrup label ortop from cone topped tin boxtop from any Jacket llcnuct Powder or Juokei Bonnet Tablets inlcx Dye or Color Ifcmoverboxtopfleudnr Leaf Tea boxtop from container of tea or tea bags Boiril boxtop or label Rcalmmoll lemon juilc label IiiTone can top Salad IDmciug label or label Silver Gloss Statch boxtop Robin Hood Cake Mix boxlOpWhiic Chocolate 0r Ginger bread Johnsons Pride Furniture Wax lnbc1 Daria lclutine llovtoo LIlloris II Lozenges papal disc Millie boxtop Chase ti Miracle Whip lliomoScllzcr boxtop boxtop or label ZubcaCougdl $100000 BONUS the time attire lupin Special $100000 Imus will awarded to the contortMutt comet 30 Non who has ide on boxtop label or Main from cursor pf the product mention above Tbc Indu in will continue necessary beyond the awarding of the MI wins until cor rect solution is found which qualities for this Special $30000 Bonus Arch Support built universal problem lack of nursv lug staff Ontarlo presented them with twin greatgrandchildren The main event of thcdlamond Wedding cclebratlon was dinner for 40 relatives at les Elliotts SaulloruICollcc Ifroutpancljfrom bag or metal strip from flu Kraft Dc Luxc Sllecs label boleop froman $05 wiltalncr You uocd just Iona boxtolllabcl facsimile to DOUBLE yourpriac luoncy Ami TYPE 3bllfanwln ransom 00 BONUS too Read aboutil under YMES Snmm hcadlug$l0m00 BONL BAGGAGE AND DOOR 1VllhllllYOURSlfc popularncw iclckvcullncwspupcl LOCKS REPAIRED enta thieGronba flEtu Contract Ila ls all ran have to the crpbabet in this helium which ONFIDEXILSLLYYOURSHeres unnvs winni gli8 just fewlines and you willllingl the word ti ir trivia rum Coulee eleeacli ll tholsbtbree letters aluiaou are on 30m BAYFIIFlDST way to ltilllojllig lirizoIllh Kill ilmli lllc refillitllllltl of the letting scat crc run out co orlcr in tllw are clrc docsL not lilattgr would tile letters in il olllmn on 73 31 dcpurate slip of paper write the conlplctc wonls icon which you took thokcy letters whichfapoll outypur solution Thesclcy Ilettcrsrmust than be circled 1n tlElgInay youcau send in an litany entries as you wish Contest closed lurch 31a 192 Be an Ito include ytiur name and addrcnnfOnly first class mail sulliclclit postage accepted frRemcmber 3200000 iathe First Prize if correct solution zconlulns boxloplubol or facsimileer an of tlloabovc products THERE gt 143I OTHER lRlZES hull AGRANIEIITOIIAL 01 $500090 lefpflle Winners named in appcapm tvls coulnn wit Tn aew weeks goapldellwl game will be furnished emigramau MTV rim ONHDETAUYXWFS Illcrease your chances wmmng by edited bean to ll tiwhfwillfED gueatsmill falling When as awn JM gt 4w frameS groom Aid of Hospital the February meeting of Ivy Wom anyone else willing to contract after his fir tripnorth bl Vcnt Auxllary Holds lo fstandin in New Liskeard dict pealfromthc Red Cross Research Laboratory here yI family doctor of many yearsand ii en Smith Auxmary 70 Comer St ducted the businSs session lfor its human guinea pigs The mencement recently before pack fore MrsHauymd and her numb program Two excellent papersnltely be welcome Ministry and Edward McKelvey were tied companyma hm reading5theIessay on thefor recreation and the rations are Speaker was Herman Mccum below deepdon rse should brln cold with himI II mm blazed the nub under The Eiffel Tower in Paris was Tm m7 are CONSUMER Instltute Members Plan Euchres ln Ivy Correspondence Several members offered to holdi ed the claim then on the land that euchre parties in aid of the Barrie SALISBURY Wiltshirc Feb 14 W85 to be lhei home for 00 Feats II and District Memorial Hospital alg CP Honeymoon couples or He returned 10 SOUlhem onlallor Toen ens Institute branch lastWedncs cold in the interests of medical him With his Vif0five5 11 home on Saturday evening follow It was also decided that science have been offered holi and 91th I09 md to cut mto the bush for ed by uIsmall reception Icanvass would be made of the day w1th pay and other mduce Their Fe ds nd newth community in response to an ap merits by the Harvard Hospital me to build home for his fam rs ruary eeln MOI get the couple whowerc The branch meeting was held ate In its campaign to find cure among threat settlers of the dis Mrsl Hi Willem leewel two the home of Mrs Jennett for the ravages of the common FIRSTCOMMENCISMENT Im Among micssagcsof congmb inhapms sway two at the with 14 anembers present The cold theresearch unit in the past Banting Memorial High School muons was telegram from their Vrebmary meetmg Of the Mmy Tt president Harry Banting con lllS counted on university students Allisfon held its first annual comm wife Dl aners McCllllOtlgh gmth Church Monday wing In the absence of Mrs Eaten ow of volunteersfrom this source ed auditoriumrIIighllght was pres at Newmkegri in aumaw prelude 153nm the convener of historicalIhowcvcr has dried up by press entation of diplomas and awards to ThmdDm premde over my iesearch Mrs Mervyn Martin vice urc of studies and examinations 145 students Leone Arnold won Sims Demo the meetmgbe president tvas in charge of the Honeymoolicoup would deI the girls trophy and Jack Brethot ectopicover theprogram takand fiela were presented the met an essaylof Hcalth spokesman Sal After for boysII onorsan shimSS ggfgge entitled What We Owe to Ourlall we pay all travelling expenses competitionsI Miss Kathleen Pear 43 5010imMr5 1mm Anson Pioneers and the second paperilprovicle pocketmoney for inciden son read the valedictory address in as on TheItomance of Coffee ital expenses facilities are offered the absence ofIWilla Sommervlllg Rehabilitaan brou ht th evenin II fwd close rst topicsMrs Nelson menvlmost liberal Professor of Eduqalion4 at OCEE Im mat limited the many valuable legaciesi desirable though notessentlal Toront QSQOQFIIELJor handed down to us by those whoiquallflcationv is that Volunteer cc to ntuslI conditions While recent dikcovtcold caught naturally and mot Jim 11 cries of medical science have madcfromI an altiflciallydnduced viruslbuilt by engineer3alexandre Gil3 gt it time of it possible to save countless livesiisI just what the research workers Eiffel as footbre ofthe 1889 Paris by the useoi new drugs and blood are after II EXPOSlllOQ II In fibgladir ofthelnyarticCurling gt we olnscrsnourkooucra II II

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