VlfI WWW woodmaneon Slocum 88th YeorwNo 20 ruin smouo MAN DUCKING IN ICY WATER as ll TRUCK BREAKS Clarence Ferguson Stroud truck er and passenger Don Groom of Toronto had narrow escape Monday afternoon while hauling ice at the foot of the 91h concesion ln nisfil Mr Ferguson was hauling the ice across the frozen lake surfacewhen the iceunder therear portion of sink into the water Fortunately ice from cutting operations at that his truck gave way allowing it to the front wheels were on solid ice 3th concession across to the 9th via and held the truck from slipping completely into the water The occupants escaped from the cab Leaving the truck they went to shorand summoned heavy tow ing equipment to rescue the truck from itsprecarious position before darkness set in and the truck froze into the ice Au Park Lands To Cburch gownam lr outh RIDER ESCAPE THROUGH IC and suffered only damaged drive shaft spring and cab where the ice load slid forward before going back Mr Greaves married only last Friday Was staying with his wife at nearby lodge and had gone down to ma lake to watchdcccutw ting proceedings He was riding back in the truck when the near fatality tookplace Trucks had previously hauled the sideroad However that aftemoon they were battling the mile distance across the ice surface Although the ice was 15 inches thick triangular cracks had caused portion of the ice to break free When the weight of the truck and its load passed over the triangular section of ice was forced down he lancwmcorhfwlk on 99 Responsible for Early Alarm Saving of Plant The alert mlqm action of Richard 111120 Gm St wns responsible last Saturday morn ing for swing of hand Dry Bruin Works plant on llalsl Bill bread truck driver was passing the plant on bk way to work when he noticed the fire Stopping his be amused nearby resident Mrs Hell and she phoned the alarm in to the dcphrtment The fire was extinguished and damage confined to one section of the plant Mr Hill meanwhile ten the scene before his name was ob taincd Prompt potion such as this cannot be overlooked for comma lion The first concret pavement in NorthAmerica Oppose Sale Vote Approves Board DreClSVlOllkFRACTURE HEEL Central United Church members it appears are going to builds new church on Park street facing Toronto street At least they have obtained apprclval of both Barrie Parks Board While replacing uorescent Considerable objection arose park is favorite for both obild IN FALL AT CGE iadian General Electric Works on leondayj afternoon Feb 18 Albert Post Office Square The Barrie iNoble so years of 89 hadthe BARRIE ONTARto CA ww lo Rmhlet WEDNESDAYS FEBRUARY 20 1952 Mixed Feelings 7WWwnvw Ionour can will at exam and it the WMWW unanwmnCAWwwwwnw wmwmmMMM Greet Hosplto Request VVVVV $60000 Capital Grantj Reports regarding bales at mobile permits and 11cm been somewhat startling as ed by issuers in some tom ZBarrie Pup Wins in one case by recent mug ENew York Honors son they had up to the same year ago issued 1000 mm senger renewals 800 more for and 600 more truck 11m This is not the case in to Feb 20 Clifford Gramqsg found the sales to hold even last year until few days do when they jumped well aluxbH 04 the same period in 1951 The spurt may have been 56 cause of pay days at Camp Borden and with the CNR he pode but up to the present the local lice has had no difficulty Usually the pressure goes about this time If each appii would fill out the necessn on the 1951 license or per bringing it in much time would saved The cightmonthsold West High and White Terrier pup Dream Zands Gay Major bred and owned by Mr and Mrs Albert Kaye 30 Thompson 81 Barrie won laurv e15 for himself at the Terrier Spa lalty Show held in New York USA Feb The Gay Major was placed first 111 the junior puppy class of eight pupa This qualified him to cuter in the senior puppy class against six more pups up to one year old Alter keen competition Gay Mnjor received the nod from the specialty judge and was placed first He thus obtained top puppy honors in the West Highland White Terrier American Specialty Show Rogers Park dy ihis Sm iClaim Parks Inaugural meeting of the Board of Parks Management was had arable business carried 01mm Previous meeting was on Nov 13 1951 Secretary Blair for the election of officersrr 1952 who will be Chairman 1am Garner Secretary Blalr Treasurer Planning Board Representative unton Tree Committee Rooke Linton and Tomth kins Representatives to Recrea tion Committee Garner and RDOkC With Chairman Garner presiding the question of power mower was discussed and it was decided at purchase muchneeded matching at reasonable price on an offer pcnding Little workhas been done on 1d at Inaugural Tuesday night Feb 12 and ltion at the University of Toronto IlExtensiou park trees and there are gym 53 number be rgmovcd or Rogers Park Preparation Action is promised at Rogers Park which has now enough ill for playing surface is large ellr ougll to allow for two softball dia monds and will be available for the coming summer Material ion hand for fencing this new rec ireation ground completely lreceived included request from the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce for park site on Kem Spenfelt Street on which toplacel the hull of the Emily May which they are having raised from thel lwater at Belle Ewart This wasI granted permission to display car at thei Recreation Committee asked for as iBaurie WILLIAM GARNER cSties in 1939 IN iFour Barrie Boy Scouts became King Scouts at an investiture in Est Andrews Presbyterian Churchand Union Jack to the chaplain Saturday evening Feb HardiRev vadous Communications Eplugging and untiring effort representation of minor badges pror andtown council to purchase portion cf the southeastgtube in aceiling atthe Can3 Barrie LionsClub wasgranted corner of Queens Parkifor that purpose worded patrol leaders of Second Troop Lawrence French Jack Kenning ton and Howard Steckley with the Hospitalization Costs Rising Councillors Urge Federal Aid Grant requests asked of Barrie Town Council at its Monday night meeting totalled 592387 Last date for submission of re quests was Friday Feb 15 10101110 1le SPEAKER nous HUB fRIDAY Mrs Helen Tucker BA ARCI Toronto will be the speaker at ithe Barrie Lions Club dinner meeting Friday evening Feb at 630oclock She will be speakv ing in connection with Tolerance Week for the promotion of ZOlCP vancc between the Chlixtlun and Jewish races Mrs Tucker is widely veracd izl lworld matters having travelled Largest request was from Royal Victoria Hospital which asked for capital grant request of $60000 maid of new cone struction and in addition $500 of indigent patients in 1951 Other grants regucsted were Bar rio Library Board $10787 Barrie Parks Board $9400 Barrie Cham ber of Commerce $3000 Barrie Recreation Committee $3000 Bar rie Agricultural Society $1200 Opposes of Request to mist in defraylng the cost over period by promotion and bringing of new businm into town vThe Chamber is making your house worth more every He also said that each basilica man pays his yearly membership dues and council grant applies on top of this Womens Section United Nations brought from Scotland to Toronto EoultscoUlsor moorTWO WmmtINVEerD AS KING scouts sr ANDREWS CEREMONY Ronald Butler and studied extensively Born in The library request is made 011 iTcxas USA she lived her Cililyvlilc basis of 81 cents per capita live on grain farm in Oklahoma lt was pointed out that in 1951 which her grandfather started inithcy received grant of 71 centsg did in is an early land rush She attendcdpcr capita When the of Ill$1985 than may lligh school and college in Michiqucst was presented Aid FrankimM gm yum Mayor Marjorie Hamilton com planted on the recreation request Im glad to see someone asking gun and attained Bachelor of Arts lJohnson asked What does it do 33401510 givereggign degree atrthc University of Michqlhe Chamberdis composed of busirhe did good job last year igan ness men an if they cant run it Later she took post graduatcgwithout coming to the town then2fare 8th many hm med work at University of Bordeauuisomethings wrong Last fall Francc and is an Asaociate of the icouncii gave $350 towards the San migsmgrmeawsi gRoyal Conservatory Toronto inta Claus parade If the chamber1md VicePresidem an Speech Arts She taught Latin and cant have its Santa Claus parade mn appeamd on behalf the Ag gFrencb in high school and college without extra help from council griwnml Society lm Grand Rapids Mich where she itilcn it shouldnt have it did considerable acting She was Aid Clarence Corbett replied galso with Sterndale Bennetts ch The Chamber benets each and ertory Theatre Toronto and hasicveryone in the town especially delivered many addresses over both Canadian and US radio stations 1T Ask unwise Grant The hospital request for $60000 Turn to page three please Tucker has lectured exten sively in oral expression and dict Department TherapyiSimcoe School to the Purchasing AgentS esociation tan nsitue zAlllston Convention Saturday ity work gatherings church groups etc She is VicePresident Professional Engineers commun ternoon meeting will consist of to ports of activities of junior farmer clubs in the county election of the 1952 executive an agricultural quiz of the Association cochairman Canadian Councils of Christians and Jews program coordinator of Altrusa Speaker for the afternoon wiil Club Toronto and president of Hilliard and recreation Port Credit Clowrleaf Community mansion or the Association HEI Ontario Junior Famers Assetcm lion no Hilliard bwas coach of the Ontario junior farmerLfmlnz team which was in competition in Great Britain last Mr Hilliard will show pictures taken in Great Britain and his address 1will be centred on the theme IKeeping Rural Youth on the Farm The evenmg session will start with banquet at 030 oclock in St Johns United Chugch with the newlyelected president as listv master The banquet with JACK MGPHERSON be Jack McPherson publicityiNdir Saturday Feb 23 South gimme fECtOI for the Ontario department of Junior Farmers Association walgzgriculture and editor of Junior liloldits annual conference at the rmer News James Ferguson hrttcolnmunity hall Alliston Thecon Following the banquet there will lierence theme will be Keeping the dance in the community can gRural Youth on the Farm Presi 1tre The executive atticJunior The eStm lemony began dent of South Simcoe Junior Farm iFarmers Assdciation ask all junior iVih Mn Ferguson repeating theirs JohnFennell will act as chair ifarmer members in South Simone hushan dreslgnerii store in 1938 to design the Royal suites for the tour of Their Maj Two boys of Second Proop pre seated the colors the Troop Flag ceded the inVestiture King Scout Prayer as the new man Of the conference Regmnon to attend ns conference and Km3 Sew knelt hem the am will commence at 115 p111 The 31 part illthis instructive day council Monday night to approv renand adults We are gradualbmlstortune to fall from stepT siStance with equipment etc Ashmm Triton leader Jeff Cunningham and the Sale 35 requgsted by the givmg away 0111 Park areas 11 ladder distance of 14 feet lletter was received from Helen To become King Scout Parks Board but emotion amend were going to be the big city He landed on hB feet but the Newton zregardingdencing of thelScout mustib First Class scoutDISmCt Mlgt510 Ian W915 lment to concur with the Parks Board decision to sell was passed by afstrong majority delegation of two reprsexit ingCentral United Church appear ed before council with Pick lesas spokesmdn Stated that the decision to build was made becauSe of the water conditions in the springcn Toronto streetadaa cent to the present churcbjaiid eda becauae of creek runnillg under ground at the east side017th ple sent church causing sinkage and repairs that were prohibitive in price Th6 church citieials have $3500 Pluilling creek for 165 nfeet lt corner Pickles niovinil to thingsitewo were talking about we must rejjarmf the fan caused mm mm these areas Aid Corbett COrrected Our park areas have increased Aid don Greer said Churches are necessity to thecommunityl Central United Church is in great need ofpriew accommdation and servesn large area Aid McCarroll requested pres ence of the Parks Board chairman but an amendment to concur mov ed by Aid Greer carried pri vafe hill in theJegislature is now needed to approve comeyance of the lamb lure to his left heel He was taken to the Royal Vic toria Hospital for emation and the fracture Was set by Dr Seymour Mr Noble isa widower and makes his home withgavson William 3159 on the CGgstarWCharlotte St It is expected tbatjlle be fore ed togremain othisfeet for pbssiblef six wqeklibut will be all owed to Ireturnhonm inn few days He nautical with the cor for two years as plant electrician Soroptimist playground on Sophia St King Edward Home and School Assam titm vaisked for lrink at Shear Park flfhe band stand in St Vincent Park is to be repaired andjolling twill be done on Shear Park and iqueens Park Provost CorpsRequest Lt Watson of Canadian Provost Corps School Camp Bor den wrote regardmg assistance on the project bfsocuring atollsized statue of horSe to be placed upon the school groundsiwith view to maintaining 3112 Corps ties with honorable traditian of the past Iiiexplanation he Quoted quaint extract horothe of War Tum topage three please and hold four prociency badges Sounds easy but itis not eagy Marks of 1007sz must begainedwin airliners Who stick to thline with no slipping through You elther make it or you dont and these four boys made it At the begmum of the cerem ony member of Second Troop broke the ag at the afront of the church He raised it to full staff and lowered it to half staff as prayer was said by Rev James Ecrguson for the late King George VI Atlhe conclusion the ag was returned toilqu staff turd We said for Queen Elizabeth 11 iman took part in the ceremonyiSla twhich saw beach Scout tapped onE ithcshoulder was in knightipg to Three Speakers ipresentcdnwith badge and certi magi Scoutt Buster Walton Barrie reported on the World zscout Jamboree which he attendl Stance mm nube held tied in Austria close to tileIronilemry Hall mmght alialPOS fCurtain last summer Bugle was gponemcnt caused through the death lane of the Scouts representing3f the late K1118 6901 VL T1391 lemma L11 forum is sponsofed by the Bamel Prior to conclusion and refreshle District Walt 001mm and intents winter camp display of public 12 fhkh 33 cm iequipment etc and running com lzens are minted mentary was set and presented At the forum they Willheaz out lby Scouts afne troop standing speakers present the facts commas at the investme were and views on the dread Scouts of Midlmrst Scout Troop slate of three outstanding speak ers willle on handwitlronly one the previous slate gearemonyfubiohlch the ine gfiaizgdthgybggggg gm mm 132in at Forum Recognition Concejr7 the Society n29SCOUSTMStedinBorei hassecuredzhirsnaub