Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1952, p. 9

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Tm meters on exchange in Toronto from tile British isles will be guests of the Centre Sim cue branch of the Federated Woln en Teachers Association of On tario next weekend Miss Lorna Ferric from Angus Scotland and Miss Dorothy Rose from England will address Federation members al meeting in Hillcrest Schml on Saturday afternoon The presi duo of the Centre Simone EWTAO blissDisris Kcarns announces than their subject will be Various As peels of lklucatlon in Britain This In going to hurt The Burr rie Public Library has mixed its overdue line to TWO cents day instead of the former one centl penalty Theres still lllll to get your ovcrdue books buck wilhl only nominal payment because the new ruling does nol go inlol effect until March 13 Our rarian Jenn Knight points ougi the the new fine is not loo cub iffilthwayain Toronto you payl four cents day for overdue books Since postage has gone up thee lib after long discussion it was liel cide that those of us who kccpi And there arent many luxuricsl wanted to know firm for worried professors line An aptitude are wondering now how they could ind out definilcly what the ablii ties of the individual students are what he lacks and what he does ut lack All through his clemen tary and secondary education record is kept by his teacher froml grade 13 grade and passed on up to grade 13 Why should such oi carefully kept and valuable docui merit be wasted if and when the student goes on to uuivmsity hel Perhaps clogg er CUWJpclthliln between the highE or fluid of education and our highl SihUOli would solve many probl suggcsfed The teacher in queztlun proddcv ed one document that we felt would vaiuuble to onyone who ca contact with hisl young student their future lifel in limited eld it traced udcnls age in several types of ability and if nothing more was an invaluable vuczltlullnl guidance We heard that of Camp Burden day of mourning DALSTON WOMENS INSTITUTE toured The Examiner office and plant on Thursday in 0afternoon Above the visitors watch the Camp Borden Citizen come off the press Headed by the branch president library has had my mree m3 illlc cold weather was going to be Harry Wright the Institute delegation ton to send out overdue notices andisvmiwhl WOW lullsisth of Mrs Drury Mrs Murray Em 5IdlrlForbes Mrs Arnold Forbes Mrs James was to watch the ears of the soll the rear us if it were part of the to receive first books out over the allotted limedicr from him and if helHandy Sf Mrs would have to pay Come to think 53W mm lumlng While he 13 1L reading is about me onlylio give him two smart trips on lhing We can say hasnt gone up Ellie shoulder The soldier wouldl in mm owl the past few yearsthen break ranks and march to Evelyn Cheesman Becomes Bride of oldl Womens lnstituteisltorslSee Paper Come Off Press for Parents Only done is always wonflwhillr Continued from page signs lemurs lmpmvmg childs school labors But the drive to ZWIYYLLIR self must come from mlhin No lafrequantiy an allowssyn mutiny secs direct Connexion between 329 lt wk and fathers must not be WW corned about 2222 child ratio It school His low grades may just posing phase lie my find Sell lune Even if he in me promo success school is quite Ens he may grow into competent icuclnrr 35 sublet 1211 his paifll dci schnui 2m 5illu Cr Pmr by Diamond Wedding Celebrated by Elmvale Couple yiifrllls hi anal Elllivnlv fozzililljr uf Na LLltDflliLl llirzz iiiultlwml awfulth iiflfllvtilnilfl ilmmi if hrl and 31 Ell Tlli muniv lug Sunday Walter Forces Mrs Ross Bertram Mrl PUbll Health NUPSC Stanley Watson Mrs Lorne Handy Mrsi lll With Pneumonia happy successful adult WurltJ tile partculor type of won2 lies sufx Naw Lowwiwlcas KENWOO BKEIS Francis Williams Clurencu Brown Mrs Gilbert Buldwick Mrs Robert Handy and Miss Leona Perkins The twu children in life picture are young ll Slnlwl Steve Watson and Wayne Forbes who were hi just as interested ill the operation of the press as their mothers Mrs Ellhll Btiflfil publlc llklilill hum Willkllli sum lllr Ullllm of Mrs Churn Willill illll pneumonia Mm GWCIlGUiilC pubix hullll nursu who lliih ltCLllil mmud lu lllllln is able to supply for iln Ww Wm llilgtflllr itflVlCi ill Mrs Hunters air swim Am Wlt 1hr rie Mung Although Mrs isomer ulii be off 5l 3N for sumo lililc sin is reported to be lulu llill pills to keep the plumes progressing nicely sand buns at tho rlglit angle over all lliulldumc if hair dulli lrl lUll Mrs HAT PINS OF THE GAY 90s we can enjoy as cheaply as illc3mn5 luxury of keeping book longer Th my worry was bum the arle OdlShaW than regulation mm of the soldiers in the back of the ranks The suggestion was that Pink and One concrete suggestion camczperhsps the frostbitten victimslfolmd the svllink in 1118 Royal2 from local tcaohcrthe other dayafler receiving their rst aidCnnadian Air Force chapel at about the problem of lstyeultrcatlnent might keep on eye on 1Crimp Bordon for the marriage Oil students failing in our universillfhc cars of the back row Miss Evelyn GWCHdOUH Chees ics The universities he remnrkcd muu daughter of Mr and Mrs PM the nuErnest Chccsmunot Barrie and 3mm 10 Unoummgv PIQClaUHEJuim David Odishnw son of Mr for the Kings funeral Vulcanland Mm deshaw of North inc Day was cclcbmted ratherggumdmd Saskatchewan on Sat mullHy on Thursday The unnilalfurdmz mumy 195 at foul dance of the Business and Pruiddock in the afternoon licsslouul Womens Club schedulch The bumo Flight Lieutenant lfor the evening was postponed tolH Dwn maimed tit Linc following Thursday Feb 2L The bride given in marriage by lhll the anounccmcnt was made her father chose gown of lom of dale fumml Even ancc blue French chantilly lace Examiner EClllOl silvcr 16 the inky Junior Guild VillCHl over taffeta wilhn matching hat Addresses Crown tine bridge which was to havciand ostrich plumemd corsagc Hill institute tCloun Hill Correspondc lccl Walls president of The Barrie Examiner Limited gave talk on newspaper work to the members of Crown Hill Womens Institute branch at their February meelilig on Tuesday The speaker who was introduced by Mrs Cough public relations convcnel gave uninteresting and instructive address on the aspeclsof llcwspaper Hc extended an in vitation to the ladies to visit the plant and observe it in operation The members met at the homeof Mrs James Rix Roll call was an historical event and the motto Be good and let Iivho will be clever was taken by Mrs Partridge Tea hostesses Mrs Tuck and Mrs Thompson assisted Mrs Rik with the Serving of lunch At the meeting the ladies of the community presented Mrs Norton and Mrs Leach with pantry shower and the Institute gave each woman pair of blankets as tok on of sympathy in the loss of their belongings by fire The meeting closed with the slug ing of GodSave the Queen Clowesg institute Clowes Corrcspondcncc Mrs Partridge was host css to the regular mceing or Clowcs Womens institute on Feb donation will be given to memorialill memory of thelate Mrs Wait Some parties were planned tot assist the Womens Hospital Aidl or theRoyal Victoria Hospital Barrie to buy supplies treatsfor the sick decision was made to rnalntaiu the re and wind insuranceon Clows Churchl ThCroll call asrlanswcrcd by the 13 present Wllll valentine verse Mls NLPcacock gave the motto illiatcthcsin n91 the siu nerfa soft answer turnoff awayl wraklifl qucStionnaire sent out by the federation Agriculturel interesting discussion date way of losing one than sending along something like the follow quilt will be quiltedlroi re lief The sick committee reported ibccn held Monday had its date put ahead to Feb 25 The Valentines in the stores this your were as full of sentiment loving and insulting us ever but an abundance of oldfashioned lace and ribbon trimming was for the most part absent Looking over the array we found plenty of genuine sentimental cards and Leap Year had promoted dozens of comeon nlcssagcsin Valen tino form There also was no shortage of thc brief insulting mes sage for practical jokers But try to nd one for friendo custom that has apparently gone out of We cant think of faster ing sample of sentimental verse we saw Summer autumn win pier springyou leave me COLD Valentine gifts style however ladies wear shops enjoyed rush of business Thursday were still in LGNIFICEVT SPECIMEN one of the largest and most rich lycolored British butterflies the purple emperor has wing span of aboutihree inches Hospital Aukiliory Thai new Spring stock ing Co Ni Candy flower and vieshas iustorrived at the Barrie Tent and Awnr lot American beauty roses Miss Helen Cllccsman was her sisters only attendant gownW led in ashes of roses French chant tilly lace and wearing matching hat and cursage of jrapture roses Frank Shape was olld the ushers were Clark Sey mour and William Scabrook Receiving the brides mother groomsman chose navy crepe with flower trimmed matching straw but and corsagc of white carnations February Bride IFeld at Shower About 20 friends of Mrs David Odishaw the former Evelyn Chees man gathered at the home of Miss Editll Little 77 Mary Street before her Feb wedding to surprise her with shower of kitchen gifts The gifts were presented to the bride in gully decoratedrbasketq Aftervtards lunch was served by the hostess with Mrs Ernest Chees man and Mrs nLucas pouring ten and coffee MN Cheesmans marriage to Cpl John David Odishaw look place in the RCAF Chapelzlt Camp Borden beautiful Drapery Fob CEeoutiful Herold prints with quisitely blended coloringsf cyolorings you flove to live with he hostess some prayer forbe be cisthe lingandior obstroc patterns ito harmsst and this deceased relative composite miniature golf club head The silo pod pins like By Mm Robert Boyrs Gllford Miss Isabelle Neilly of GilfUlll While amingo given to the museum pair of are thud their dii llki pussys Claws ht Pins 13 inChCS Ions worn by have but pill lnll Lung llzlt pillbl silvcred and the ends of amber vilh lbll dangerous nt tunes lI iley visit the museum mny wong mmcouis These pins we worn when mu Llil vlly lllLll ancestors Willt such Rafinth blilnmcd huts with wealth of mm vnws psycho knots iC The umber hood hild on udvullE idlli over heavier material used ti 1115 onlburmsslng to the wearer to cm ICKS maximums VAPORUB The younger generation when NOW is THE TlME TO PURCHASE THESE BLANKETS AT REAL SAVING FAMOUS 1695 co fiAMCREST 1350 ea NORWAY CAMP 1250 on VICEROY $1995 buy RAMCREST WHITES 1450 ea Why deny yoursc fihe best ave sic ccnisawccli Heres good rule lo follow when you buy washer today Ask yourself Will it be serving rue faithfully many years from now An apparent saving of ten dollars or fteen dollarsJorcvcn fty dollars spread over fteen years isjustu few cents week Can you afford to gamblc when so mu mi Eucv donll sallyTour future short Dont allow yourself to bcihlkcd inlobuy ing socalled bargain Remember real does not depend only bulhpricer hgon have to consider quality the years oftroulrlefrce service the washer will give 9111 good lament the makerbefore you can decide whether or not its real 477w you lookrairit lbisywayfrCuneyou afford not to buy the best ncvcrbuy vi washer youve gunmen How old is your washer If the washer yqu are using now can no longer give you quickclean washing ovary vim you an wading money and energy every than you use if The 65 Washer has every knawn featureevery feature youve always would lo help you breeze through your wash WC say this to you Compare all the makes foam by feature and were condent youll chooso GEWhalever else gt you dosee the 35 Washer before you decide 55 unamtmms cm an Elton

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