an IMMJVe Fergmwubtstfoerlth winerys fight for rst place ms Tmmblcy for Webbs with Learning was high scorer for 11131 with 591W top man was mm piSchcll with 573 The name fixl amine swamped the Brothers 70 23 Bob Chilch led me calamari 25 squad with am Top man for the Bell redial 10 24 Ben Telephone mm uIBarbers was Ted Barker with 510 you Division Lakeview Dairy 21 ncrc 31 iToronto Telegram 12 0m 5510 3W Nina Bokars 1o Copaco 13 icmcks mns we Mm Cliff Brown mxz NIP mums Perry mam rm ziiLoiidry 91 Webb Brothers pat Ban 192 Brass and Glenn 14 Second Division High three Stew Harris 859 Montgomerys High single Verne Sharpe 362 13X Barrie 08015 anomalies Auto Wreckers handed II Haskell 838 Hich averages Jack was me In Whitewash Barbers 15 Haskell 213 6011 Bain 201 8111 drubbidlhem High hm Bob Chimck 559 Knox 1w inurlow helped the mnmg cause High single Len Pledger 277 with games of 24126361 for TOWN A011 Inifly 808 Gohcensonly had four Ladies Bowling League Gunny Imun but they made battl of it The are only six pmms mm until the third game whi theylGolfers had high single of 331 Hence in an the teams in me in defaulted Tony Gravclle shot agihc best of the season defeating divNon 01 group The mu Bel 513 double for them ltIVcr1 Tcrsignis former high single Telephone teams have game in Farrells 11115th CNR farmer lluf 303 and 315 me high mm hand so when they roll it off itle the USUill With 513 triumphlth evening 72a The prize for me could make differencu as to wimlThty 1051 I1 C1058 TSl game buiimh mgb mm 35 Vide be is in first place Barrie Tanninglcame back to take the next twoliwcen Alma Babb of Lenos Lin No loam took 311 from can mgCurne had the high three withigtflc and Agnes Ferguson of Coutts take over the load in the division2692952iil for 825 for FarrollsRcal Estate with 600 Sid Woodward is back in formiwliilc Lawrence topped the losers FK Machinery 001 three Am again after being in slump for with 648 Monarch Refrigeration had to splitf week or two to lead the Tanneryi Smiths Dairy dOVmd Fllinasitofal pins Best for PK was Mae boys with 728 Murdy CampbellgiiL to drop Farinas into tourihlnaskou with 614 and best for led CGE with 707 Dodgers tpokplacc Smith led the victorSMomrcn was Betty King with 604 over second place by defeatinggwiih his 636 triple inculde Lakevicw Dairy 52 Verne Sbarpcigmc Frank Carl150 Filmed 571 Hgidif 1135Lfr3121 was right in there rolling 75 lofor Fatias Qucens 1215 Dot Kna with 574 lead the scaling for Dodgers Harl In the second division Barricfand best for Armstrongi was Mar ry Glcnn led Lakcvicw with 1317 manning No are showing clean Mie Wan Wm 47 Foggy Ben Bell Telephone No handed outlpair of heels This week theyd 531 on took five from Lakeside whitewashmg io Bell No tcam1d0wncd RCA for all POIMS Cabins Best for Peagys was No team was in first place laSLPGeorge LvGea Shot 773 and Jim lpeny itth 599 and his or Lake week and the No team are now EOrr hit 712 for the winners while Ride was Gums Hovanh with tied with them for third placeEMikc Kowcimak tried hard for Robillard led the scoring for Benncar with his 701 was Rea Efae Wk No lwith 641 Lowcs was best The Spaltboys were Gt hishnlms 98 But 10 com for the No learn with 581 iwcek downing Penguin Fish and Fergus 1th 500 and Dixies Smoke Shop have pulled IChips 70 Cook rolled nice 497 Finlay as gene cargo wnh 11 the last two weeks faking sev ldoublc for the Sparebys while Alf l526 Barrie Tannin Dodgers Cardinals Mes High single Doris Denny 268 high three Dom Den ny 604 Seasons high single Mary Marricr 328 Seasons high three Pat Barth 792 High averages Ha zel Rayner 192 Doris Denny 182 21 211 11 Men High single Elli Knox 282 High three George DAmbnr 510 706 Seasons high single Goro Bain 355 Seasons high three Jack on each week This week it was Bloomfield shot 591 for losingl Icumgans watcI 50mm 100 from Perry Electric Stew Harrislcnusc from Adams Huihereifei hado good chance of taking the Smiths moved up the lud for 311111831 was Skip Mouton high three of the alley havingldcr with 52 victory from the With 610 and 195 for Adams was over 650 for his rst two games but lUnion Carpcriters The furniture 30 M0 1m 539 sandy CW fell down in the third Best manlmcn were all in the upper 5003 0112 too ve from Lem um IwImd 1e the Carpenters with algone Best for Sandy Cow wasl Gen Pcdlingham with 729 and best mm 663 lple for Lcnas was Alma Bebb with 600 First Division prs FIS FK Machinery as Goheous 16 38 Dominion Auto 16 37 Queens Hotel Wonens 11 13 21 Monarch Refrigeration Gen Pedlingbam of Sandy Cove lliarinas 11 lSmiths Dairy 10 lCNR Tclcgrophs 2nd DivBlon 19 13 14 16 sLPl 25 23 17 45 Armstrongs Hardware Coutis Real Estate Adams Butcherettcs Peggys Beauty Salon SI Sandy Cove Golfers Lenos Lingerie Lakeside Cabins Barrie Tanning No iRCAF Spareboys 12 Carpenters 10 1A Smiths 10 14 21 tPenguins 15 21 High singleBobThurlow 304 High threeHughICurrie 825 GROUP The Hydro took two games from but Adz tool total the points 43 in Hydro Vincer was the best for Hydro with 603 Meredith was top man for AP mth 617 Toronto Telegram took an easy ve points from Plymoutbs Phi mouths edged the Telegram on the last game by narrow margin to lkeep the Telegram from getting icieah sweep Lou Morrow was best for Telegram with 625 Best for Plymouths was Jack Manol with 573 Landry Motors are making rsirofigf Eomebackilakingcwoegames from Chicks but Chicks had the Laterng on pins to take the fig mew 12 Clarence Wingrove was appy Iums II my ML igrLondrys with 590 L811 Pledger Lucky Strikes 13 oner Pmosuo Ella 558 mm om fled Chicks W111 649 HlIgh hIreeI wan mg Fillings BA deeated Montgom High Single Ethel Marsha 24L oaqu 11 Prize Isobell Petbick 146 MmeMmmn mhuto Parts oz If they W55wbrwmm taken all it would have meant rst Milne heme mumbmudmmrmym zMontgomerysI were out weekorcmn strmImErumc sure im iplace but they needed the two Crackers are having vet much their own way as they head lpoints to stay ahead of 13X who the pack by nine points The captured fheirdourth sevenpoint sweep last week blanking Co Op Odorsbehind 11192708 triple rolled by Vern Sharpe Mel Wylie Iwitl 524 was tops for the Oilexs CoopHoisliots foundglittlefire for the first flute in series as they defeated secondplace zom bios 52 EYerltExuinsIroned neat 721 triple 26152753129 in poo 30 23 23 12 12 14 Finlays 98 Ladies Afternoon Leaqu The Red Hots swamped the Hap py Mediums 10 to take over first place again in the league Ethel Marshall was best for the winners with 545 while Grace Broiley was the best the 1005ch had with 386 The Puddlers took all seven from the Abes to put them just points behind the Aces who are in second place Ella Swain was tops for the Puddlch with 558 Marge Partridge was high for the Aces with 471 The FLycrs took games from the Lucky Strikes but the Lucky Strik es took the extra point 01 total pins to give them Helen 3Webb led the scoring for the Flyers with 454 Lillian Pledger was best for the Lucky Strikes with 520 Borrow from Household Finance on your signature No endorsers orbankable security needed We special in prompt cash loans for good purpose out of4 preferHousehold Finance for fast friendly service Phone or stop in todayl lupus and lost locoodd muu Flacc illumination 15 14 12 KEN McKiNZlE LEWIS meanw manneredave ooosonwm zombies without which fair total in itself LDominion Storeleapcom Veneer on an Radio Stilton cm given the attack Russell beaded place witha52v1ctorifronzi oooo er chalked 111p 21590 121 one The marker tied up theggmm 1m semy citizens held on rim early in the Llizrd and sewnmax you was varied and de fault 1000 at Barrie Arena Straight Goals Dump Boy Si lrisli Flye captarn Chock oculhl in 1713 goal of the season Ilvrlficedl and mighty importg By storm 31 WON The first of the film library pro 11 zixklfk OF 10031331 Onimillighfful There was music for every his mates as Barrle came fromirasm 111 Listen to the Prairies mind In defeat Toronto Sf Build mm about in Winnipeg Festival rclo College Majors 64 before Music was played against back ground of secnos from the city was the Secmld Wm 11 Veending with Each Chorale tuned 3211611 10535 germ Barrieiiirb 3831 me B313 Sue Irmato the vast and waving wheat fields Colts centre star was rushed from his home in Gruvunhurst to Western Hespiial Toronto where he is prey unify undo observation after suf ferng suvcm pains in the back and head clti 10 be ready to deprive the vet Sk coward wogoal mark Chuck still Club By HOWARD LIVINGSTON Skiing last weekend was very good small amount of ice was visible on the main hill and in the bush but the crowd of skiers scorned to be enjoying themselves very much There was noted absence of local people on the bill guess personal invitation will have to go out to skiers informing them that the snow is soft and fluffy Maybe theyll turn out then As for this column it has to go it before the weekend so snow conditions can hardly be predict ed for Sunday If in doubt pack the skis up anyway and take run out If the low is not run ning dont be discouraged Just climb on over the mount and head for some faraway hills Cross country skiing can be lot or fun and after all the fresh air will not do you any harm 53 Shirley Shaw the losers with SevenUp remained in the run ning by toppling Ruff Cookies 52 as Terry Pearson rolled 622 triple Harry Hadden was terrific for the losers with 725 high triple but didnt have the support Bills Aces tookIa little steam out of Ioop Truckers as they sped to 52 triumph Bubs Parquhzu with 593 headed the Aces Ted El liotson the losers with 516 notched the winner Crackers Zombies Dominion Store CKBB Ramblers SevenUp Coop Truckers Coop Oilers Bills Aces Ruff Cookies Coop Hotshots Ladlcsvhigh single Bubs Far quhar 285 High three Terry Pear son 622 Mensingh single Gerry Brown 296 High three Harry lHadden 725 Hidden Score Bill Fullerton Mixed League Week ofieb 18 High single and high three in the ladies was Iiazel wright with 283 and 646 Mens higb singles wasGeorge Greer with 262 and mens high three was George Shav er with 650 Crackers took five from the Zom bies Best for Crackers was Hazel Wright with 646 Best for Zombies w1Fom 35 Emma mshmmm The distaff side of the Armoure Ramblers took seven from Rough Cookies Best for Ramblers was Murdie Campbell with 609 and best for Rough Cookies was Harry Had denwith 541 Dominion Store took five from CKBB Best for Dominion was lGeorge Shaver with 650 and best for CKBB was Gwen Lowe with 525 Coop Truckers took five from 411 one more rrieeting in take 111 The Majors moved in front ear in the first period as the Fly lcrs played some of their worst hockcy of the schedule Bill Din of the prairies In High over the Border we The Iiifd nIVIESEIownsifollowcd the ungrating birds with II IIIIIIIIITI III Emma hIIme closeup Views of the nesting and III IIIK feeding habits and the banding of product hen Rltifi01l cash birch Land mm the was IIIItUtiIhe 33 color picture showing how land is IIIi IILI III woods being reclaimed to make rich pas lore and farm land the Mari n11o1 ended famme that seem macs The Loons Necklace color was film of fantasy around the masks made by primitive Indians In the last f1lm Teddy Bears at Play the soft Koala boars disport ed themselves to die 111111 of The Teddy Bears Picnic Everyone in the audience prom ised to spread the news to their friends that these programs are very pleasant and worthwhile or ternoons entertainment The next showing will be held at the Library Hall on Feb at 230 p111 Adult Skating On Tuesday night Feb 13 the Adult Skating Club held its elec tion You have no doubt hoard the results by now because everyone is talking about this most success ful and happy enterprise This club is now on its own and the re creation commiticc is proudro have sponsored on the suggestion of Wes Allsopp recreational ac tivity which has undoubtedly fillcd community nccd Good luck and bcsbwishcs for the future Figure Skating The figure skating classes are all agog with excitement over the forthcoming lcc Carnival to be held on March 21 under the span sorship of the newlyformed dirpc iorale and ladies committee of the Barrie Skating Club Draw circle around that daicon your social cal cndar The beginnings of anything be lit puppies or enterprises are ex Iigm blinked signalling woodS citing to watch and to those of us ngI hats owned by Emms and who have followed this activity mumng Howapd Norris new to from its initial steps 1n 1951 there the ice jubilant has been ne1lhcr dull nor dis This was the me for me rush couruging moment The interest and following penalties to Ron keeps gmwmg There have been Stewart and Bill Dineen Stewart new member added if the 3559 Don McKen at every skating period and thel Maple Leaf Gardens 111 if ci sml also in built the el1 leftwinger from billing the 11 51x games to go and three to colllct con uultzcd 11 to score as de fonccman Marc Bcuumc broke up cicnring pass 111 the Flycrs end Dun McKenncy missed good chance to even the score on breakaway but fired into goalie Ell Chadwicks pads The Double Blue Collegians 1n crcascd their margin to 20 in the Kccond while teammate Marc Ro aumc served an elbow penalty Thu Flycrs were pressing on the pcllalf when Schiller trapped the puck and relayed to Bob Sabourin who deposited behind Lorne Howcs Flych finally did connect dur mg man advantage Jacobi serv 1111 holding penalty scramble around the not saw the puck rc lnycd to Robertson at the blue linc by Doug Mohns and the stocky bluclincr made no mistake aslo its whereabouts Following this counter Emms boys poured the pressure on the Majors and when Paul Knox was asscsscd minor for interference it became more torrid around Chadwicks domain However it wasnt until Chuck Wood tallied in the third on pass cs from Paul Emms and Johnny Marian that the Flyers appeared to be on their way When the ncy with two and Marian polished the scoring and the Majors who others than their captain Bill Din cen dropped from the picture com pletely after the gave up the lead The presume Flyers poured at Chadwick in the nal 20 min impmvemcnl in the skill of these young skaters is joy to watch The program for the carnival is taking shape rapidly The costumes are all planned and not minute is wasted in the practise periods This carnival promises to be an EVENT Utes is evident in Shot cutshoot Watch this paper for further newsn ing the Majors 187 in the chap ter and 3427 in the game Feb 16 Homiindmhcme gamesl xi with goals to count will be played The local coach is holding out lfor closed rink for the game ml Ithe north Last year when semil In nal was played at Nobel open air rink there was snowstorm and Ernie Godfrey mentor of Cold spectators pelted ColgyaffplayU water boys hockey teams has re ers with snowballs arry Sound ceived word that Coldwater Midget and MacTier have closed arenas team will meet the winner of NobelMacTier series in the sec NORTHERN CAPITAL Juneau was the capital of Alaska until 1906 when it was superseded by Sitka ond round of the semifinals of the OMHA The northern teams must have winner decided by Miss loiti Prevosi Wins Honors at Peierborough The Camp Bordenlmlaco ll Corps School ski team travelled to Peterborough over the weekend and competed in the Southern IOn ratio Ski Zone ladies champion The meet was held on the Bethany Hills north of Peterbor ough and saw the elite Iof feminine ll ski enthusiasts from the bottom part of tbeprovincematcblng their on the slippery slats Provost 15yearold mem Up Best for the Truckers was Ted Elliotson with 549 and best for Up was Mary Harrison with 610 Coop Hotshots took seven from Aces Best for the Hotshots with 643 and best for the Aces was Bill Farqu Everett har Willi5021 pf Oilers took five from Co Best for the IOiIerSwas Mel Wiley Willy 437 and best for Co op op was Leila Cottrcll with 38 27 27 23 log her debut in Ontario com petition won the Eileen Jaimieson Trophy emblematic of the junior title for the South Ski Zone Patti 7637pOints to edge out Liz Perkins of the Toronto Ski Club who placedsecond with Charlotte Proctor frontHamiltons Cedar Spring Ski Club third iaI Prevost the little sister also competed and celebrated her birthday by placing in ftlre Slalom well ahead of many old competitors Marcia drew big the spectators for her Ipices of thesudbury Ski Chili 1nd Showing winng the various zone champions Having wonthc Southern on II II urio title mu now goesarteo tori stops sufce game SheI leovsrndoymgm whilstmsltdhurr our PM will Where she com be the guest or Meadows Ellis the provincial Bazaar Mr llaaenIrsthe chairman held under the Natiouauumorcommlttceg mg to home party and social evening at Guth rie on Friday Feb Presbyterian young people attend ed from Barrie Allandallc Orb and Guthrie anneal READY AND wamxo for the 1952 Canadian National Show to be held 1n the Coliseum Toronto March 14 to in 11yc21roold twins Joan and Beverley Tumbull with Wanda Little the Six Nations lndians reservation near Brantfotd With more ex nilmurs than ever before new attractionsand features and 11 com pletely different stage and wafer revue indications are that the gtporismcns Show will be bigger and better than ever Show is spam Itop lady in OlIlIr Mg sored by the Toronto Anglers and Hunters Association in the interests of conservation INVEST cents AND SAVE A$200 TIE WAGGS w1LL SANITONE CLEAN ALL roux TIES roa ONLY CENTS EACH Iv During February Woggs will clean your mind and spoiled lies like new bring out than sparkling colors bright and clear AND REMEMBER Send your suits coats and classes along at tho sometime Youll find Soniione Cleaning finest dry cleaning available The Best Yell The Prestoir Memorial Arena Membership llB 311511703 YOU cm mambo Get your certicates