comm Ii lt mums 30mm Johnston Tora gm mm mm mm with MR FEE WA cm may Md we WY gm WED and Mn Cur at he Hollows school We are glad to sceRoy MCClaCklfgb Wm in mg en home from Royal Victoria HosThe prize winners were pm Burk um 10 know he In An shower in honor of Hit George is feeling better 5mm romantic lee mm 3W The Institute card party held atiGenu so Maitau gmer gt couplc months ago the sink home ursday was we Hambyy conwauon Wee hint Them were about 35 iresent The tended ind yea Keep wrigm Wain was spent plum bmso mind the card party on Feb 19 in Mrs New Moore rendered new aid of the Barrie and Dmrm mm M74 and Mrs wright may 19 lnstr is nd Phil Wright Margaret d5 menu um um 1405de Fund Sce tiny lnI In new Ho couple 01 amusing smme member for pammmrs lDon Kneeshaw on Sunday visited readings The presentation card was read by Vivian Rodgers and Miss Elna McCutcheon presented the bride with floor lamp Louise Houzhton presented her with Oldfashioned Mother bedspread and Eleanor Maw pre presented to packed seated her with fancy ash tray Am Wednesday evening Mrs Oreto in few well chosen Wm saw the play enjoyed words thanked those present and digital the community at largefor the Herb Morrison of Sudbury visited beautiful gifts Refreshments were HI mi Mrs Morrison last served by committee in charge Jmk By strange coincidence the occa sion was also GJamicsons birth Chm Meal day the brides father He was 011 Thway afmoml loml present for the shower and all join meeting of the offline board of Eg ed in wishing him happy binh bert and Thornton Congregations day was held in the basement of Thorn ton United Church There was fair representation of all depart merits of the church prcseiIt Fran cis Crane was appointed rccording FEB 450113 l0 TODD Mrs Fred glewmd to succeed Mr McKenzie Stott on the sick list also Mrs who resigned because of ill health 15 Nerpin and Hall Several items of business pcrtain Mr and Mrs GOrge White and in to the welfare of the charge Bruce of Dundns spent the week were discussed and the pastor was end with Mrs Whites parents Mr given substantial increase in 331 and Mrs Slott ary Sincere sympathy is extended to Recent visitors included Arm 10 family 01 MW Dyer With strong of Toronto at Mrs Arm passed away on Friday at the strongs Mr and Mrs Riley home of her son Gerald Funeral of Cookstown at RileysMr service was held on Monday at and Mrs Don Monroe and children Joseph Dycrs with interment in of Oshawa and Barbara lurngr of Elmvnlc Ccmclcry Hilisdale at Mrs Halbcrts Mr and mo Mrs George Spencer of Midland Mr and Mrs James Spencer and iamy maple at cunning FEB 4Mr and Mrs Pear hams Mr and Mrs Cousins Spent the son have moved to their new home weekend in Barrie menly bum Mr and Mrs Spencer and Mr and Mrs Angus Leslie left Merna and Mrs wnns Smith were England on Jan 29 Or home and in Mealord Saturday attending the ex93Ct be hem samldal thls funeral of their uncle Mr Currie week Congratulations to Mrnnnd Mrs Wham for Recent Bride Edward Lntimer on the arrival of Mr ahd Mrs Mccutcltcon op baby boy cncd their home Friday evening for Mrs returned home from Barrie ho pilal feeling much improved Miss Lynn Wagner left on Mon day for Slmcoc whch she is tak FEB 41hts week number of ing nursing course the ladie went MIS Parsons Mrs A1 Hillier is spending few Jr for afternoon cards It was de days with her son and daughter cided that club members would visit Haw at Kingston older ladies of the community who m3 Lila Clarke is pending art Bid or Fablet be Tl few days in Toronto with her bro week they wrll VISIt Mrs Dawes they We thank lhe Township for sand ing the beach rand gt It is certainly appreciated George Weatherill has put in hisl ice in one week Good weather has Suffers lniuredLeg Sorry to report Wilmot Clarke had the misfortune to injuf one leg last week and we all wish him Monday for Toronto where he will spend few days Rev Willtam Newman 1ch on Toronto General Hospital Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider and name and 0160 WWW Bill were in Pcterboro for the week HOPE end attending the funeral of Mrs Mrs Bert Caston Mrs Ediidrds Sniders aunt The village extends Mrs Baldwin and Caxton were its sympathy in Toronto on Tuesday Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Pedllngham were Miss Helen TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Pcdlingham and ll Peacock of yum PHONE 2414 CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING WE WILL PAY FOR COMPLETE CARE 10 LB DENVERED DOMINION AUTO WRECKERS MAPLE AVE BARBIE SEE OUR SANITONE CLEANED sums com HAVE THAT DRY OLEANING SMELL Meow cleaner am told prays flower AMCOVID IVICI No more clothes that reek of dry cleaning lumes Sanitonc leaves no odors And youre in for treat when you scehow much more dirt is removed Stilts THE WEEBLES HAVENT LIVED lN THlS Hows Fellgt OVER TWENTY IEARS lMAGthz MY BEET meK MOVWS WlTH 001m in WALD PREEBLES BATHTUS ers Rox who is patient inthp itwm norm Sll OF muttth WHY THE cow or no courses H15 moon IA Iii due W514 ANYWAIin THE 70 really look like new again spotless brighter xn vlmlltumwullsilllllulmummmmmnu cmou JUNIOR DONTSHLIKE LETQtHAVEA wow JUNIOR wILLoTOUT The Euchre Club is mm er Congratulations Mn and Mrs softer wuha press that stays How Aeom TAKING sous 6TA1UETH15+$ gunposso LITTLE ACT lON 6RAMPS CHAIR sorAsr mouse OF JUNIOR To BEA MOVING PICTURE In JUNIOR CHASE ABLE RAPH Ith Bob Hillier Kin ston on tn an the me Last week Six tables THE BALLHCIMON of baby boy were in la Prizes were won Mtg Pygmwgnda Rowth RQbell Wilkinson and Betty Hy 3r with consogmonpzym my and Toronto spent theweekend IV VI prevailed making it possible spew remvery Lewis with Mr and Mrs Cecil Wilkinson Many summer coltagers were Sony report Mrs Julius tothe Beach Sunday Several wen COlmev Slaw Who has ben shing but by all reports shing staying With her son is not very was verypoon well and we all wish her speedy We aregladto see Mrs Gandon WOW feling better and able to visil M13 and MTS Sib HOW Alliston neighbors again spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs to report Mrs Parsons Sn Emerald LUdIOW has been on the sicknst Mr and Mrs Morris Hoeyand Mr and Mrs George palsons Joan Hoey and her ance of To Jr motored to Kesyvick with Bruce ronto spent Sunday with Mrs Kellys Sinday Ludlow Your Home Made ShOWplacet do your own interior decorating and well help you choose thelatest decorator colors shades particularly suitedto solving your decor ating problem FLOGLAZE PAINTS COLORIZER conomznu with 1322 different shades REMTONE ollrpaintthat mixeswith water and has 56 tinting colors Gytex Alatint Charm Bondex and mnnymnnyo2 otherstochoo from WAILIIAIIERsi Compliant sorrows with mm paneling fungi today 100 by our Ityiem youllth Millie FOR BETTER KIND or DRY CLEANlN HONE 5531 SupcraLastic MomMaster TIRES TUBES OILS GREASES MarPower MomMaster BATTERIES IGNITION AND LIGHTING EQUIPMENT MomMaster ACCESSORIES PARTS Home Sporting Equipment SuperCycle ELECTRICAL BICYCLESBARTS APPLIANCES AND MasterCraft SUPPLIES JIOBBY TOOLS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIES Misteraft National FlSlleG AND MILKING annans SPORTING GOODS CustomMade 5119 COVERS SERVICE minimum in connection with attire It sUnEAuouerdrdi rvmvavrulng 1530 pm when your Canadian The Associate Store Barrie pre sents summary of District and Local News InIIII Moumaemmmonr mu mvommesvou mow soon Anoiweum wanna vow man mrscrma ova HOUSE MM BURGLARS wml av WR 6014 pied forthat problem room gt AA or every room lgjour home IR LWMVM Tf 411 yr 950110270 mum FREE ELEV 15 Ito macaw Ru mm IWIIlI Htl