um other for hls yoke Probably be can Inc has always stood as an example of stupidity it was to ride to town load of Sitting with the driver sometimes heldtbe reins filling chance of frozen cars or uain on getting the chllblains strum blowhtgvlnlyour face snow piled on your feet Later you discovered youd been frozen to the seat Hear the snow acrcaking as we sneak along Something kind of angellike in the runners song The steaming team are hurrying along the slippcrwad Without thought ut the cold or of their he Vy load Good old Mister Iglbslcd although youre out of tyle Still youve got those motor trucks beat thousand mile At least thats my opinion and think ought to know For you andI were partners some 70 years ago nan organic And the writer remembers that some of those loads of wood were hauled to our home by yoke of oxen and were owned by farm er named Caldwell think But am rather hazy about the details regardlng oxen as they were just dropping out of the fashionable activities of life about the time the Writer was begindlng to take an interest in life But do remember that the dri ver usually walked along Vbeside them carrying heavy sixfoot long pointed oak goad with whicb to prod them in the ank or ldng blackouake whip solid plaltcd leather affair ten or tweva feet long and tapering from twog inch butt or handle down to the stinging knotted end to inducc Whom to carry on as they rambled along with rhythmic swing of their bodies over the rough cor duroybridged road at perhaps two miles or so an hour rate of $pecd And in each owners yoke each succeeding offor nigh ox carried the same name as his predecessor and as would his successor so that it was always Gee Buck and Raw Ben orBright or whatever two nameshad been orir ginally chosen by that particular on first pet can remcmheris found necessary to associateits name with the direction to be turned each time Instead of the more Gec and Haw in the case of horses And anyone who ever acted as chief chauffeur to yoke of oxen and succeeded in having them per form their ordained duties satis Each Road Church lStarts Year gt The annual congregational meet ing of Essa Road Presbyterian Church washeld on Tuesday even ing Jan 29 in the school room with good attendance Presiding was Rev Grant Muir who has been minister for factorily through ascason or even through trip of any length and especially who had righted things after something had caused the oxen to become unmanageable must have developed rich col gorful and expressive vocabulary lwhlch would qualify hlmeven to hold down the job of overseeing gang of circus tentpole drivers and everyone willrcadlly remem ber just how forcibly any of those fellows could talk And in this connection the writ er wlll quote part of letter re cently received from one of the real old Barrie boys now living in Toronto who in sending to me some old pictures and clippings re ballot to the old town says in part am sending you some clip pings and group picture of 50 or 75 of us employees of the Henry Scwry Foundry in Barrie 44 now 75 years ago If the picture were larger guess you would recognize most of them but anyway thats your humble Servant marked with the oilcan in his hand as was engineer there at the time While walking in Queen Strcct West here last Saturday afternoon met one of those old boys of that group and while noting the speed of an aeroplane just passed overhead and the unbroken line of passing motor cars he asked me if remembered those days in Barrie those many years ago when we would step to the door of the foundry to gettout of the choking dust and heat and if it was Saturday you would see com lng along the dusty road from Kidds Creek yoke of oxen haul ing load to market from 10 or 12 miles out at speed of per haps two miles an hour with the driver walking beside them with his prodding stick in his hand while his wife and daughter or son sat on the hard plank seat of the big heavy wagonbox made of 2x10 planks and lled with farm produce But believe me those oxen days and horse and buggy days were the times we used to have the markets in Barrie when the vfhole market square would be occupied by wagons or sleighs loaded with hay wood pork beef produce and grain They dont have that kind of markets there any more Italso used to be common sight to see fifteen or twenty far mers wagons lled with barley standing at both Simpsons and la REV MUIR nearly three years succeeding Rev Dr Sinclair Grallfylng reports were receiv ed from every department of the church showing an increase both in activities and from nancial standpoint Considerable business was car plo and activities of the rut loos 3W organisations At the mill mm meeting Jan 28 Miss Smith made her first complete to and the years work of lamb Deaconcac makes lightening as well fate reading house it is here laced in full This report will cover The work of our Sunday School and the groups fur the boys and girls and young people Our Sunday School has operated this year with MacDonald as Superintendent and staff of 30 teachers and officers The total enrolment is 321 and the average attendance has been 182 an increase of 18 over previous year This in itself speaks for the quality of leadership being given by the Sun day School staff During the morning church ser vice the children up to nine years of age meet for Sunday School The Nursery Department is under the direction of Mrs Charles Mc Niven and includes children from to four years The Beginners Department un der Miss Annave West enrols chil dren four and five years of age and the Primary Department has its superintendent Mrs Coutts Iwho has 69 children The enrolment for these three Pied through or discussed Mem departments isalltle more than half bers of the Board of Managers who have scrvcd three years were all reclcctod for another term and the name of Wilfred Fraser was added During the absence of Dalton White Secretarytreasurer who Is in Florida his duties have been taken over by Clare Widdcs Some of thb members of the choir under cholrmastcr Frank Dutcher have been taking part in CKBBs evening devotional feat ure In the Chapel during the past year The present church was erected in 1901 but the original building on William Street was built In 1892 This year makes the 60 year the total Sunday School enrolment The Junior Intermediate and Senior departments meet at 945 anh have 10 classes five for boys and five for girls Then in the afternoonlhe Adult Bible Class meets under Walker Our Sunday School has had sev eral special activities that would like to mention The picnic which was held the end of June at Springwater Park was attended by over 300 children parents and friends of the Sunday School and was happy evnt for all Then at Christmas there were the Christmas suppers and parties mark with date sometime in June for the Sunday School pupils or At the conclusion of business ranged by WA groups This your film was shown by Harry Rookc three gatherings were held instead giving pictorially the effect that of two party was organizedrin life well lived has upon associates the afternoon forthe Nursery and Beginners departments and proved The gathering Concluded very to be real delight for the children pleasantly with social time and The Primary Department was alv with refreshments supplied and en supper as were the Children ichurch and community served by the ladies of the con gregation Speaks Kiwanis Andertons Breweries and whole string of grain wagons atDay mens McMillans and Wilkinsons Flour Mills and the whole freight yard at the Northern Railway sta tion lled with wagons waiting their turn to unload their grain fer the dealers there So with the passing of oxen as traffic bearers otherr worthwhile thingsalso have disappeared from the aegiities of Barrie to be re placed no doubt by something much better Continued on Wednesday gs mil Ilia can By Nancy ginger Una Wilden rank hlueliaylrJack Miner writes inlr wooden plank fastened firme fascinating autobiography Jack to form an extended Windowledge of Junior lntemediateland departments This arrangement proved to be quite successful Tbese suppers as always were the big events of the year for the children Our 914 year old boys have been participating in the church hockey league under the direction of John Dobson and George Longstaffe Viewlex Protector was thought this year for use Sunday School and midweek our membership in the AudioVisual Education Library wealth of ma terial istavailable for illustrating lessons missionary education and boys and girls work New uses are continually being made of the material New hymns are being learned un ups Through Minimum the Bit He was eag is often used Additional boards der the direction of Miss Edna The odore Words on slides for these have bcenbought for the new pro jector The Missionary education of the Sunday School has been conducted this year by the Unity Auxiliary who have sent member each month to give the commentary for the slides The White Gift service this year for Sunday School took on new orm Money wascontrlbuted DUSTER WALTON Kings Scout 61 Barrie one of EWSEEKG from Canada who attended the Jamboree in Austria last summer will tell of his trlp and impress sum of $111 was received which wasfar beyond our objective The Leadership Training course by each child to help buy bed for ission 505mg in WETTIN has been included in the regular or to keep his pet alive but unfor tullally he didnt follow the right diet Although be stuffed him with Jack Miner admitted that nextmoniing the BLUE there but the JAY was silent Countless boys and girls have can be placed to form shelter at one endfrorn the prevailing winds and slanting roof erected to keep the snow off the food branch or two of plneor spruce in front of the shelf also provides some shelter The birds like to light on alimb ions at tonights dinner meeting of the Kiwanis Club Members of the Barrie Boy Scout Association executive Will befguests pays and Girls Committee is in charge with FMaqLaren aschdirman make pit of Wild of them have had more ivlth feeding marrow and leaving the care of the in theiwindand can also he observed is swung by stoutyrires from sturdy battalions tree This can also be of lore eating thin glass cur taih prevents the birds flying away In alarmwhen cortisone comes to the wme watch rgeedlng box tbglfasiinllireibids so that he birds have shelter 3011 the placed on wooden post deep metalbandon the trunk of the WMEB Andorra republic of 191 square miles in theFranco panish Pyr enpes Mountains has been lode pendent since 1278 scrapings of peanut butter quickly consumed Like Water Birds like drinking water in the Winter It quickly freezes and so illswell to put warm water out in are wooden bowl In the summer 01 dishes if you lnvzgro weather ids will ease to the mesh 39 lei time the birds can forage for food But littlefood and water supplied ESPRIT at the station at tractsthe feathered folkTbe monthly meetings of the Sunday School Board of Management and 12 credifs weregivenin June tbj those completingdhe study on The Personal Religious Life new course Teachers of Religion Mandamubssau to be very practical while The teenage leadership traini group is usingthelinew audiovisual course This is for thenabridge vleaclersrlnpuaSundayaSchbol and midweek groups rate7 the Sunday School mumswill sometimesbeobserw ed their young oped if aftand as place inammation in the warmer months et SaboolM and Mrumr lived in Maple for MISS macanm SMITH fans and flowers and dolls were displayed play was tvrltten and produced by the girls Tlrcfnter cat and concern of the girls made this mission project live Another experience of the depart ment would like to share with you is our visit to the old adies home on Louisa St Plans for this visit began to take shape in the groups early in November One group made Christmas corsages to present to each of the ladios and another spent Saturday afternoon in the church kitchen making various kinds of cookies to take along Christmas tree and decorations were also procured On the special evening girls and leaders set out laden with Christmas tree decora tions cookies and corsages spec ial part of the evening was devoted to carol singing This year only two ladies were able to be up and greet us The other six were in bed but were waiting for our visit The joy and happiness of the ladies in visiting with the girls onre cciving the gifts and hearing the carols was something neither girls nor leaders will forget for while The girls experienced the real joy of giving To complete that averting the WMS scrvad lunch to the girls on thier return to the church The Senior CGIT of Barrie along with teenage leaders in our church are experiencing new type of leadership trainingsor teen agers The Board of Chri Edu lotion of UC report this has been used only once before with this age group The course is made up of eight film strips each followed by discussion In most cases the script is on records The subjects are How We Learn No Two Alike The Tachbr Prepares The Growing Teacher Thefllm strips are both practical and inspiring and appeal to the interests of the girls It will takeeight evenings to com plete the course Previous to this the girls were glvenopportunities of leadership in other CGII or Ex plorer groups The Cub Pack has an enrolment of 36 boys who have participated In several inter ing projects such as elementary tumbling making map of Barrie and naming the streets growing bulb and exam thing chemical fire extinguisher and seeing it in operation The Scouts also have an enrol ment of 36 and their special activ ities included salvage drives out doorhikes weekend camp and selling Christmas trees to make ex tra money for their patrols The Cubs and Scouts joincdvfor afatherandson banquet at the end of the season The YPU have had good sea son with 20 members the majority of whom are church members and lakean active part in the life of our church by teaching in the Sunday School singing in the choir and bakering at evening services The dentTrAlarrrmacDonaldfat jded Boys Parliament as Bar Nels representative athlnity Col ege Port Hope during the Christ lsolldays Someof the special projects of the Young Adult Group this year have been the making of pillow slips from sugar bags for the mis Duncan McCullough died at his bout in to on Monday Jan It 1952 in an year Hc cred frdm rheumatic heart con ditlon The late Mr McC gh had years Before that time he resid ed in Utopia for two years Born at chroy on May 23 1921 be was the non of Mr and Mrs William McCullough now of Toronto who survive him He lived at chroy until he was 13 years of age member of the United Church the deceased was very fond of hunting shing and hockey He had been member of the Maple fire brigade for 10 years and be longed to Maple Lions Club Besides his widow the former Marlon Robson and his parents he is survived by four sisters Mrs William Hamilton of Toronto Mrs Jamcs Gibb of Vancouver and Jean Mania and Mildred both of Toronto one br er Gordon of Toronto and two children Terry age seven and Nancy age five The funeral service on Thursday Jan 17 at three pm at his late tesidence was conducted by Rev Lambert of Maple and Rev Douglas Davis of Stouffville Pall bearers were Dr Lemflccds Allan Moore Lloyd Palmer George Cal der Jack Lawn and Hadwen Kyle Interment was at Maple Cemetery Beatltiful oral tributes were sent by various organizations Flower bearers were Harold Mab ley John Snigeon Harry Chapman 18nd Harry Couper Relatives and friends from dis tance attending the vfunerpl in cluded Mrs James Gibbs of Van couver BC and Mrs ObIeman of Calgary Waverley Resident Many Years Lofonville Passes In 79th Year resident of Waverley for many years Edward Latbnville 78 died in Penetang Hospital on Wednes day Jan 23 1952 of pneumonia aftera lengthy illness carpenter by trade the late Mr Latanville was native of Omemee Ont where he was born iTHE FIRST column Continued from page one On the subject of hockey it was reported that Mr Rocket Richard of Montreal Canadians highest paid professional had been forced to re main out of severalgamcsrccently drinking water consumed during an exhibition tour through the North This we can readily believe as one Winter while on route with the Fly ers in the Porcupine area we were laid up for day from what could have been th same reason accord thg to the club trainer andphysb clan Hells Bells William Leonard who recently accepted the post as organist of Durham Presbyterian Church was not given as warm reception as he received at an other church some 25 years ago He has two clippings relating to the occasion one from The London Free Press and the other from The Barrie Examiner It was in the Fall of 1926 on the rst Sundav Mr Leonard was to play the organ at Wesley United Church On the bulletin board outside the church was the sermon topic What Is Hell Like Then followed the line Come and hear our new organist Dur ham Chronicle Speaking there were two black squirrlsiirriiled on our verandahsyesterday morning for bite to eatfthai is while Rock well was cooped inside The one had the usual long bushy tall but the other so help us was bob past 15 because of an upset stomach from Serving You is Our Business Candless no VII dayTabbsolicitortechs up shun intermittent equally the but and the grounding both saw their re spectlve shadows if the mgr to throw one and warmMMWWWW finite menace that the winter is over Why Will Its be cause the melt of lady part of his was off in cabin way this year ml thats out Up to press time the winner seems to be Porky withrlut may showing high and Sunday with 37 Rain last mpenturcs were Jan 21 gs BERT HAG merChandlsinJ manager has been in tllcgfgirll lbusincss for 18 years Born in Bar in He and educated in ngEdwurd 3m 31 15 and Barrie Collcglale Institute Bcr 32 joined Chittick Motor Sales in 193i Fb 29 In 1940 he enlisted in the Royal nb 37 29 CanadianArmourcd Corps andup xhelowwenm on his discharge In 1946 TOJOllled Chittiqk Motor Sales and continued on with Corby Motors Ltd whoa the business changed hands ill 1949 Waverley as child and spent most Bert is member ofthe Barrio of his life there In DccemberIBranch Canadian Legion Married 1899 he marriedwAnne Moody at and with two children Bert livm Midland who is his only survlv on Peel Street ing relative Thegdeceased was member of Anglican ChuCh and nephews of the deceased Mr The funeral service on Friday aners Barlow of Unlonvillc Jam 25 Was conducted by the Edward Barlow of Novar Donald Rev Stubbs Pallbearers Barlow of TorontoMiss Gertrude were Allan Drinkill Royce French Bar10w of Mimlco Mrs Reid Donald Barlow Reginald Drinkill of Toronto Mr and Mrs Kenneth Berl French and Owen French Sheppcrson Mrs Lant of Mim Bclatlves and friends attending ico Mrs Andrew and Mrs the funeral included several nieces Jenkins of Toronto on Feb 28 1813 He moved to Advertlscmcnr wocmm FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Ste henson VRO owe 51 STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRst FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOI STREET room 3333 mans onumo bro SAVEYOU WORRY IF you are worrying about management of ova mm planning thoudispoairiou of your estate the building or purchase of shame or similar problems perhaps wecan relieve you of some of your worries and help you decide some of the perpleking points about your future plans We offer complete trust service some phass of which may be real help to you May we discuss your problems with you No obligation of course THE STERLING rausrs CORPORATION gum om Barrio Office l3 llllmlopI Siren PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL ACCOUNTANTS cg Iowa tailed This may have been unus valor not One of the local field naturalists couldlikelyjellus aion hospital inEtbelbext Mani the bhoppirlg of wood and helping to prepare Siniooe Presby for the IncomquEaTmp ltd participating in two series In the Chapel broadcasts Philatbea Group former Schoolclass kept up their withthe Sunday School by to the Sunday ll wolddlike to saythank you to use tsandfrlcndsof to increads year ago until all one fabbit sharing inthe Walls meal udget three also occupied the back hed Chris topher got along fine with Ruck well patient canine but the lth militagiamlthe gosJul over Thanksgiving eekcnd Chris comic up and left andwc havenl scan him since whether ghtihlbcrnated showcases lervor has been the all ject cone3 pic wcwouldnb know macadamia sows ri Manamammaco hottever no reward at