wwowvro Ww Muw mmgr Poll For PolandMarksman Crippler Hammers Three in Spearhead Ochctic Triumph By KEN Toronto Marlboros came to town Wednesday night but if WALLS they hadnt brought Barrie boy With them they might as well have stayed at the corner of Church and Carlton The puck mm Chmk Luwdm mg utr llt 51111thqu llLl at the 21113 you threw ilililtllty right of the Century Paul humus was battling for the OHA Junior leaders ripe from losing two weekend games mm 41 jog wands who to amazed Rudy PllOllSS St Kitts leepees beat the Fiyers 42 they in 11 can llil play mmur but it took hat trick by Daniel Poland to do the job if mm Mt it hadnt been for his sniping Stafford Smytlies Dukes would have had their losses extended As it um tiiv llytrs tllilplfltl lite Marltcs tcriiturm lhc saun old story of fun dozen guincs this pourlucked nth01 only to lim tin nlarblrs in the end Actually that 42 count tfnlrtt matter lolund got his third score uitli on sucund to play on brtnknuu as the liltitir 111 was 1th flap Educ had yanked burnt bowl with lllllllill in go 111 lznl desperate attempt to gain the equalizer Best of Sckson was the best hockey match of the 51115011 At least if was by far the best this pinclvlutting corre pondcnt has sewn smec llic liycis xlUlllltfd Qucbhc Cllndtl last April to three straight lhv itkill ptgttlcd the Duke tiic first tun goal but ilgtitil uf initi mg tunic back lo 111 it up Mummy llnouull 11n lnst pcrlud ihcu Dan at pushing filliizii llamas ttilliultllli yearn goalie Donald fiend start This sliuxc on Anyway vluinctl and Elixl thing you know nuns and Lunasdcn on 3illt tug Olin people on Skates 111 eluding mm Kllllv gt11lt1 no gun crowding 11 it nnlcc as was Wild Pill 11 Vuuti Willis 8211 111 sumnn lULnd NM our and llliutlS players moved in usitiiizcc is Charlotte Street had to gel 111 the not again and llllll tlir Kmnprnfrlt Rt til in the mount Sornt started uut as pacifisLi and uound up wmmongcrs iiuwmcr the main not look pint be game produced also tin brat off to one hitlt ltunald Stewart an fight of tlu Stilluolr accused Barrie llycrs of being pur 11211 to Toronto from Hamilton officials Hugh McLean 11nd Hugh Barlow let things get out Si vlicn Twimt was going on No on ctr1 cxpulriztlvd Marlboro came up thc icc frum his defence position to wc only to have Ullili lieud meet llilll push him ind greet him With sumo remark of liamd in the first DLilUt it up hiCll llcud later regretted Slewl inevitable that cztrlv in the Illlflfllt xrt tltupptd slick and cliffs and an11 fitvwnrkx would break forth promptly right behind main with Hill 11 the pig llicy lid and how tNPERIAL Essa pEAlER Your Star Imperial Esso Dealers KEN McKENZiE so BAYFIELD sr WILLIAM LITTLE 19 unanronn ST trims PEACHMAN I47 BURTON AVIT oMER CHARLEBOIS JOHNSTON Sl Pick the three Barri Flyers Stars of Wednesdays Goute with Morlboros Hurtic fiattcnvd the iuronio Penalty llox Full Order was lLSltlltIti without C11 mg the Kendalinc or having the player licnclirs emptied At 1015le sound victory on flu vliuiu in 1111 assorted scuffling ullh 1151 and russlc will 90 103 f111111111111lsccondperiod brawl which had players on both sides ex E115 if he started the whole thing but D011 Head after the in any case he sure 101th 0151 of Duke goalie with powerpacked right to the heat Alter some delay the penalty box had SLLlll occupants and it was announced that Einms and Lumsdcn ind fiV for fighting Sicwnrt got five minutes for fighting and Head minor for roughing It looked it and Teddy llcitl sat it out in thci box for him The pace was Very fast right from the opening vhisllc Both goalics were tested but Flycrs had tliicc good chnnccs before Parker Maci Donald fcd Danny Poland pass in front of the not at 404 for the first Ioronto scure Head Stands Under Fire Tlie game could have been won midway through the first period when Lumsdcn got the gate for crosschccking Emms put on five Hugh McLean is trying to ban Motorboat as MarlboroFlynn Feud Continues ONE HIGHLIGHT Of 11 game exMarlbo Wood Marian 15 and Chuck BLUELINE BITS You cant 11pr but like Danny Poland even though he plays for the opposisli itf you know he played that tire game with his left arm iiii cast from wrist to shoulder bcnt around in curve because of an injury And he still scored three goals Hes the best player weve got by city block commented Stafford Smytlic in the press Flycrs Ron Stewart off goalie FREDNORR1S 1952 PRESIDEN glocAL COUNTRY CLUB MEET ifAPPOJNT NEW DIRECTORS yr rv ndm that had everything was the of Marlboros place stranglehold r0 defenccman watch big Chuck Lumsdqn at the arena this season Fred Norris succeeded George Dangerfield as president of the Barrie Country Club for 1952 as result of large shares on Flyers Paul Emma whilc Danny Poland the Marlie sparkpiug is glancing around N131 changing at least words if not fists 1n the foreground rcfereejtan to see how Head is making out Rod McElroy of lMarlboros screens goalie Lorne Howes also watching the had iced the LumsdenEmms outcome Marlboros went on to break 22 Johnny deadlock and win 42 in the most thrillpacked junior game Milder Today Following Zero Weather Start Following three days of well bclowzcro weather change to mild came on Thrusdsy and continues with possibility of ltox catcd Fm Smack into Pte Fred Hall RCAKC C2339 Borden ran into the side of out driven by Herbert horny it John St Barrie about 1131 pm last night and was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie where he was limited by Dr lherson The soldier was lam 1hr moved to Camp Borden by ambulm once but believed not seriously injured Police stated that Hall was in and was trying to run from Provost officers when lit darted onto the roadway into the side of Thompsons car emitbotmd on Elizabeth St at the Five Points summation It Huton Iono 535 4I00 vlrluvtv tunv Illliilor11 IF debts are piling up dont wait see your Niagara Counsellor right away Hell help you select the friendly loan best suited to your needs without delay or red lope Four loan plum to choose from loom up to $l000 are lifeinsured at no extra cost Rules on moderate repayment plum are geared to your budget private friendly interview lforwards and they gave Head plen b0 holdersmectlng at Barrie Library Tuesday Jan 29 Ily of trouble Never could undcr directorsi island why some observers say he isi President Harold Ballard also Jam OUgh and 011 Balm Kite 39p01teddaectois Ra me an average goalie He made UCCUDM mm the journal and Will take their place atoncs remain mg 11 y3 plenty of hot saves but also on this iszs Asked about Ncslcrcnkos fam Livingston George Dangerfield and Roy Merrick record high today is your for the asking Come in today However there is fresh west wind and as usual Barrie and district may receive the full Vivian sous LIIIMJII IOAAI liolbltllttlllttlJaLl1 OIUINOOLIOAIIL 5L5Ltuoorse Although held off bon orcttsxxcv Ployed fensive the scoresliccl Don led the Flycrs attack and instituted seven 11 good plays RON STEWART game had his moments on the offensive HILLARY MENARD Scored Flycrs first goal and was one of the best forwards on the ice strong dc and Economy Through Regular Thorough Lubrication You get the correct grade of the correct lubricant at the correct point when you bring your car to us We use the imperial Specialized Lubrication Method which means every lubrication point is carefully serviced by chart according to your our manufacturers specifications Todays column could be entitled What Price Glory an old ironic sports themes This is the story of Jim Thorpe great uma manuals tun winner of the 191201ymplc decathlon and pemthlon though yojLtheven know it by scanning official amateur brandbooks and Twioe in the last two years imetthe real Indson athlete the story of Whose phenomenal Olympic cats were ruthlessly swept from the rocordbooks as if their presence there would constitute an abomination This bit pf forfetched inquisitorialwintoleronce and smallminded bigotry was inspired deubtless by churlish thought that wlth no SPRIS intuit After again it was itight ccnsion he was lucky Twice the puck flipped over the top of an empty net carrying the play for around six minutes the Flycrs tired and got trapped in their own end They couldnt get it out and finally Eric Nestcrcnko grabbed it behind IHowcs cage and laid direct pass out to Wally laxwoll who scorned 11 1430 That gave the Marlics 20 in the first session The shots on goal were recorded as eight for each team but Barrie had two thirds of the play The Dukes opened the second period with both Karrys and Bal four in the penalty box and here terrific scramble around Head Never has so much lbad luck been encountered by so few leers in two minutes it was enough to break anybodys heart but instead it broke out into the big Fight Put More Fight It seemed as if the Flyers took more licdrt after the brawl tainly they turned on extra steam and skated pace for pace with thef big boys At 1055 the first Barrie score was one of the prettiest playsT ever seen here Howes rightly got an assist as he laid out diresti pass to the blueline which Danny MacDonald and Hilliary Menard converted without mistake into the Toronto net as the passing andi shooting were precision Ccr ous grapecalinglcpisodc he re marked Thnt was great publicity wasnt iti That Duke defence averages close to 200 pounds 0011 Pearl is an exVnrsity first string quarterback His partner Gus Karrys is no relation to Steve and Byron KarrysyAgro hall bucks This was great effort by flic Flycrs There were no vcuk sisters out there Wednesday night chcrui of them came through with their best of the season from what we have seen That includes Kcn Col lins Ralph Willis Hillary Mcnard and Ron Stewart Our threestar sc lcctors sccclsowlicre on this page culled Don McKenney Menard and Stewart for the nights honors If this wasnt confined to hometoer decision you would have to piucel Poland and chd in the group There was very little time that someone wasnt in the penalty box See comprehensive list in sumiuary 0n the basis of this game there is no sense to Morlboros heingin first place and Ban1c in eighth They tv looked very evenly matched in fact the Flycrs looked bit bet tcr if you count out Poland Homebrew Poland get greatly razzmg from the fans forhis frcl qucnt vocalcfforts at the officials1 ing in the future to establish com mittces which will be announced lieved to be the largest response of shareholders leicrc were also few mombcrsi present who are nonshareholders mostly the wives of some of the clubs voters Secrelarytrcusurcr of the 1951 season Hollis Robinson reported ithul the clubs financial report Eshowcd small loss over the season falthougn over 510000 gross rcvenuc gwns received He indicated new ipro shop was built the clubhouse skllchen remodelled the vcrandn iwas screened and improvement made on numbers two and six fair ways There wore many other smal ler expenditures The clubjs looking forward to an increased membership this season especially in the junior class Rc tiring president George Danger field stated in his closing speech that junior membership should be encouraged They areunesenior members of tomorrow he said FRED NORRIS It was also revealed at the meet ing that the contract for golf pro Charlie Kearsey been renewed for the 1952 season The president will call meet The meeting brought what is be in recent hiStory benefit of Georgian Bay chills Temperatures were Jan 27 Below zero 28 23 15x 25x 12x coirrisrlolc Illlllvlonb IAGARA FINANLE LOMiAN 371 The Wilson spqu PHONE 553 nous scams Garments left at Our plant before am will be expertly cleaned and pressed ready for you to pick up of pm on the some day insulin Rapid Pickup Delivery Service 14 HIGH ST BARRIE PHONE 2471 printed record Thorpes grean would soon be monem that in shots on Generally even tempered be how later generations would be unaware such an atliletlcgrent ever elxistcd met Thorpe one night in Montreal He was trying then to eke out living as manager fessional promoters who owed lowly estate were morekrind hounded him from the ranks of an Indian wrestler and pro him nothing except pity for his to Thorpe than were those who of amateurism For hiswwiestler Was not very good wrestler anddidntlast very long But for year he got employment at his trade for the sake of Jim Thorpe and his memories asked Jim Thorpe if he thought he had ben dealt with unfairly when his records were expunged from the official books It doesnt matter now he answeredquieily But you could sense that here was an embittered man And that was all he would say about the loss of his trophies sent back to the menhe had defeated fairly on Swedens Olympic field and thegarrotting of his records It oesntmatternow met him ageing only few weeks 13x0 in Jack Dompseys New York restaurant He was butueently luster covered his lower lip hi and great ut 92kosultal the marks of an operation or skin cancer He was shabbily teasedva hair unkempt as if he no long menus modem rts world wnsse mo Thorpe hadnt been oration someyoungsters who had been dining his autograph doubt about him butthe parents hind said Whats tered round 111m seeking much if anythin en cared even though at that very to prove that Jim And he uredup osmile as with theirser clus they knew Jim Thorpe and that younger generation wusinterested enough to get his autograph made Jim Thorpe happy Jim bitter his wife said ffhifels that his own genera tion forgot him He feels he won the Olympic honors an amateur truly an amateur when he in spirit He was indeed jgst as reservation who had played was hardly dealt wth was an orant Indian 120 off the eball ccausohe loved game saw no harm in accepting few dollars ayment for his Services He was an amateurin the Olympics ichhad nothing to do with baseball He feels bitter trophies hitter that his redo it late wont face pollerty swim price mom Its rim about beln forced to return his werede eted from the books himas if heghad never lived Butan Thorpe hadnt been forggtten after all Funds were Dollar donations poured Fer the present Jim athlete of the first hulocnlury should In Win mdm days todepenrl Hugger still or is tthst poll Jtiorolly to should of toblovod in ery hero sutureth all 18 lm oharity professional sport short 1m emu tour Theres some to the very of life of mook washmm man Jim mle 3163 rims tbiuk would hate have Ci his YourrcoIninoahlondsuguostfwuf co culvert Hour 431 tonic 51 didnt dell the tecri lotal shots or edthesweatervup over Bendos and was on up Heads pads elicit sideAs faceoff came in the endElnmS yanked Howesi Barrie had an edge goal of 11 to in the middle per 10d buthad more possession of the way over the boards after hecklcr Marlboros wncn the refs hauled him backGalt at 1115 with Dan was even calling for constiGuelph don went able at this moment We have to St Michaels puck The equalizer came the fans in frenzy Lums off forslashlng and Barri took the challenge which finally paid off 35 starde thcplay fed the rubber to Collins at left wing at the blueline Big Gus Karrys had Collins blocks cd but the Barrie winger slipped around and let drift with lovely shot which literally line through Poland Scores Another Two hiiites later great dain per went up vl1en Poland put Marlboro front again It was angling attack with Dannyi no more than couple of in front of the Borrienet as urker MacDonald and Bill Mac Farlandkcptifiring at Howes The Barrie cage custodian stopped four shorts but finally he went down and there Wash loose puck wing libero You guess whathappenedl Wedthat was Polands second He got thethird with arsecond to play Willis andBalfout1went off seconds apart fer tripping as the clock passed the 18minute mark Then Lou Bendo challenged Daniel OConnor at centredce both drop peel sticksancl glows and started swinging However OConnor pull hcad and hegpunehedaway 31 airii luntil the refs broke it up andthere twere twomoie in the box= One minute to play and um on Toronto Barrie Menard ever forgot once and was on his hand it to him though liclplaysg clean hockey and dont think BurfKitchener Ken Collins scored Ralph Willis lrie wont be happy to see him takel Danie the league scoring titlel Marlboro BorrieyZK 011A Junior Series Barrie Arena Janx30 Firzst Period Marlboros Poland lMacDonuld 404 Marlboros Maxwell Nesterenkoi 1430 Penalties Maxwell 134 Lums den 910Stewart 1116 Karl35 1812 Balfour 1951 Second Period Penalties Balfour 235 Head ll 30 63 28 12 57 27 11 57 23 15 49 23 17 47 22 18 16 14 25 29 Waterloo 14 2111 29 Windsor 32 17 Oshawa i2 31 16 Wednesdays Results Marlborosylt Barrie St Michaels Waterloo Quit Oshawa Future Games Tonight Maribel02 at Kitchener St Catharinesut Barrie Oshawa atGuelph Saturday Kitchener at St Cutltarlnes Guelph at Waterloo Windsor at Gall Baule alvOshuwa Sunday St icliaels at Marl Sf Catharines RIDGE TOP MAPLE 5K1 71091 ELUXE SKI sets 33s pee leather hub Skis Skates Toboggans stgand7t sews cnareuype senior bums com plete with poles regular $1295 chalet cant type honeymoon plete with poles regular $1985 KIDDiES HARDWOOD SKISwith Newest Junior chalet liar MacDonald flower 1955 bores served by Reid 357 Lumsdeu minor and major 357 Emms SS Regular $150 4lsdJunior clnlet bar ness Regular $695 minor and major 357 Stewart niajor 357 Third Period Band Collins Willisl 1115 Marlboros Poland 1MacDonald MacFarland 1330 11 Marlboros Poland 19581 Penalties OConnor 240 Molina 100 McEIroy 754 tumsden 9523 Nestoreuko 1504 Willis 1803 Bal four 1850 LN tenenkoy 1943 OConnor mtuo 1943 Mohns or 1943 WVasco do Balboa tlfevPortuguese discoverer eithePaciflc at Darien WllS put to death for disloyal tindftmutgdoueforwocdsmgai 1va Head two Duke reoruards Poland Three tunesBarrie gotta reasons but they were Wild and eventually Polar 43019 tthuck lee mthcveryq anal body too tired even to catch him Went vii fore deliberately pushing the pacing straiglrirfori thelnet bums and it for Barrie once again rial slott Home Mailboiros 24 periodshots of for manl is vital for yourfauto mo BtorDoes it need anew tilts We install them mm muons sanctum SERVICE om curly forthese low priced sporting 3995 tumours noes Begulur r$995 snows HOCKEY Giovrs siuu mus