ROXY HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST lN BARRIE Large Agdience WED THURS FRI SAT Hear Talk on CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm EVE SHOWS 650 pm pANOTHER BIG PICTURE mam wammequee 6hr Music Ecliication1 An enthusiastic and responsive audience heard Reginald Gecn an examiner of the Royal Comrva tory of Music speak on the tepic The Art of Practice at an open meeting in the auditorium of Cod m1 WWW evening Visitors from local home and school ZLSSOClaLlOIlS and parents ofi music students were among the aul dicricc which filled the school audil torium and there wore about 40 young children present The meeting was sponsored by the Codrington Home and School Association and the Ontario Regisi tered Music Teachers Association iBarric Branch Mr Gecn rt resident of Oshawa who is widelyknown as festival adjudicator applied his hints on practice methods to all teaching and all branches of education not music alone Throughout his talk he stressed the importance of choosing teacher who is really interested in the whole child Mr Gccns subject was The Art of Practice and his talk proved that correct practice is an art The quality of practice means more he said than the amount of time spent at an instrument The playl ing of the piano requires COnCClll rington Public School on Thursday arrir Examiner Rem ssv $3 WEDNESDAYl JANUARY 30 195 ikabe Coroners Jury Say Negligence TOMMY pct black cat of Mr and Mrs Ira Flemingof chroy SinicoeCounty has extra toes on his front feet is pictured here by Examiner photographer Eric Wil son Tommy is remarkable feline and chroy folk describe how he performs by walking around on tration practice without thoughtghis hind feet and sitting bolt upl is useless In Mr Gecns cxpeli once it was generally found that igood music students were good school students There is nothingi finer than the study of music for right this usually when hungry He is four years old and was raised as kitten from litter of four the others having died The Flem ing owned the mother cat and developing concentration He stress lommy has responded well to cd coopcration between the musicl teachers and the school chers The parents were ask waning Wmm ANNA mommawashoume PMS COLOR CARTOON FOX NEWS THUR FRI SAT 00 and to realize that the study of scales and technical exercises arcl as important to the development Ofi the pianist as the physical cxcrcil scs are to the athlete serum N0 snow MONDAY EVE THEATRE RENTED 031 lffmi$iiii 031333 FOR HOSPITAL CONCERT athletic ability such as hockey BY BARRIE COLLEGIATE BAND He told the children in the audiencci mwwm that they must practise correctly or they would not improve over per iod of years Speaking from very human approach his advice was applicable to any branch of educal lion He tried to impress on the children the maxim You must think before you can do musician of skill and ability Mr Gccn played two selections at the piano at the close of the meet ing one for his adult audienceand one especially for his young listen erst Mr Geen gave ademonstrationi of how he would practise thei Waltz in sharp Minor by Cho pinand showed some of the mTSL takes made by pupils in the per formance of this piece at the Royal Conservatory examinations lHe concluded the lecture by play ing Nocturne by Chopin the Wedding Day at Troldhaugen by l00u WWI1100 STARTING TUESDAY FOR DAS MATOWED 230 parr EVE snows 650 and pm Grieg and the playing of Can ada President George Holloway of the COdrington Home and School Asso elation presided at the meeting and the speaker was intrOduced by Mrs FA WWW NIGHT WED TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DA Music Teachers Association George and MY TRUE STORY Caldwell thanked the speaker mumwommmgiTWi THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm THRILLPACKED HITS of the Ontario sRegistered Music Teachers and the past vicepreside ent of the Canadiari Federation of Music Teachers AssiiciatiOn He is the director of the General Motors Choir of Oshaw Rev Grant Muir mw Mr Geen is the mast prsident Mr Flemings training This information Snowshoes each from foot of Guelph 10 drew our attention to this strange coincidence Might Have Cast Deciding Vote But Not Needed Orillia Packet and Times James Hart would have been hard pressed to lose Tuesdays election for the war demith of the County of Slm coc Prior to inchaunting at the County Council chamber in Barrie Clerk Fred Hunter an nounced that in the event of tie vote the reeve of the mim icipality having the largest equalized assessment would cast the deciding ballot He further announced that the municipality with the largest assessment was Barrie The annbuncement brought ripple of laughter to the crowded chamber Mr Hart is move of Barrie ROTARY AT BRADFORD charter to form ii local club They Rotary Club of Aurora 35 Promptcdiprising locomotiVe and caboose to eniby recent issue of Ripleys 86 was to pull into the siding at courage their childrens practicelievc It or Not feature in which Knhshc The southbound was to Yas plClUILdv Lo have stopped clear of the track to Angcles cat With an extra paw on be Sm by the other am That is exactly the said mat lsame as Tommy or mm and bound trains are so crior to north we are indebted to Beattlc and westbound group of 20 BradfOrd men have had lien applied to Rotary International for will be spdnsored by neighboring for lThe locomotive ST JOHN AMBULANCE would do but the Bible proves it very con Series of Twelve CLASSES in none nunsmo In thi crush Huston 46 coke and lautomobile He said he did not NEWFRM 16 52 2eeese Responsible lor freight Collision Thai Killed Near Severn Bridge Gruvcnhursi Banner Couldnt Believe Overpass Nrgiigcnce on the part of the Fireman on lip southbound crew of southbound CNR train No trout Vcnnrr Lambert said lac 5W in not carrying out the ord had thttl been in the rule cont er they received prior to leaving but hurl ciiznpicicd his nine preliml Cravenhurst resulted headonlinziry runs train collision last November bcl had 4233631 mayo WV 557 Bridge and Gmlrccailed iii shovelliiig ttlflli wriiurs in which John Brown yrirv Eu on Hwy Gravenhurs and two Oliwrigciklulxlnta zlktjtlilcuilrlic rziilwaymcn fatally iniurvd overgonc our meet couldnt ticl This was the verdict of cor how we had gone that for lie oners jury at an inquest hold in said he had not forgotten the muchi 10 TOW all here ieSlerday and Victor Baker rear brrikemnn oni Chili HOWlHE Widmc b1 13 the southbound sznd he did not icl iigt5t5i Who mowed lamb ceirc train orders is the conduc ililtllc Emmi and Sim dcliur had not taken them to him liberation by the liveman jury The WC bum me comprised of Gravcnhurst citizensmlum he awry John Brown brakcman was one of ihrcc CNR employees killed in Others were Clarence MIGHT of many 34 llnkcr said he made no attempt to see the orders in answer to ill ii ucstion he said he was more of conductor of EiObljl Rowe Hawk 04 thc foe he 15 to stop inc train of Timmo Brown =if he did not see therdcrs Ili Conductor of the northbound Huston were in the engine of the southbound train and Rccvie wasJ0wph bum mm maimed his orders at Washago and all his ve 100m crew read them He was in tllcl llcaboosc when the crush occurred le has been railway employee 1916 on the northbound Each train had crew of five Had Forgotten in my case had forgotten on lLllt through Kalishe siding rc ThOught it Was Cur lotcd Kenneth Mann engineer on irwna the southbound and one of the lllnmddv 3mm the northbound said he and the key Witnesses Frank Lowe mks inctrucmrircman tvcrc the only persons ini Ellie cnine cub The lOlClllnl at North Bay had prevrously stat pl itrain was only 75 yards away when ed that the northbound eYtr co the Saw He thought It was car at first and had just finished blowing the whistle When he real sincc He southbound and east remember the crash and had for gotten the meet before arriving at Kahshc He said he is quite familiar with this run Mann has years railway service counting his time overseas Mann told the juryit is quite in Order four men to be in thei cab of lizcd it was train he applied the come to he went up the cmbiinkE Edit Fit the train orders and remind con would bnmmm ml MEW are to be read as soon as is praclc Using cane and still limping the orders to Huston and handed MTG 11 bed k1edge Crusade for Christ held in Bar lmd 0t dually 59 mm readlhugc congregation packed into anqvquusc program such my C059 had forgone andtheir way into the hall to hear uc Chilen He Will Remember W2 miles past llleSIdmg He saw to hear the Ehrreka Jubilee Singers go Marching my and concluded The crowd was just another rel Even Hcdlcy reported briefly on the week They had previously and churches throughout the cities bars The church could not accom zgelist pointed out without doubt emergency brakes lie said llCl rolled out livilte cal and when llCl lment lOtHlilpl steam He thcnl went to the caboose rind instructcdl All crew members are to read du tor and engineers if ncccss p05 warning Turf 41gt ary Mr Lowe said The orders page Km mm tical sun leps From Crush as ii result of the crash Engineer Kenneth Mann said he received orders in Gravcnhurst from Con ductor Huston He said he readl them to the reman Venneran bert JlohnBroum the fronbend brake riu all last week came to aciose manv had read the orders but hSunday evening Jan 27 before them The train lctt Gravenhurst Oddfdhms between 915 and 920 pm lMore Lllill pchrgrrins Oilihimiii ble as Gum1 to hem All 0v Gods Heub Git on Bod Lit Wcm through KahShe MW Said speaker Don Lonie of Detroit et He stated the train went about mud on Foul Blockade to Helin Hand MeD 1m 01 lm Born Again When the Saints fellatio and thought it was an mid EVO Healeyi ViceDrede Ofwith the bass solo The Great Youth for Christ International lyudgment Mommy minder of the attendance which featured the meetings throughout been moved fromCollier St Baptist and towns 0f Omar 10 Church because of unexpected num modate the crowds Mr Lonie dynamic young evan from the Bible that such place as Hell is reality Modern theol clusively stated Mr Lonie He held his audience as he stated that al God of love would never send man to hell that place created for ithe Devil and his angels However he said if manfturned his back on God there was noalternative He would gO there of his own LLOYD intunn BRIDGES WINDSOR lifl Himill lliiS Tun Milli until Written and Drums by CHARLES moors wmm num the work being done in high schoolsl OEsceinB cuerR RBCUE ATTEMPT mmnammmm rherummmimmmmuammmma GemraleeCuauL FIRST BARRlE SHOWING They were too few but they fought with the SHOWING 0N SAME PROGRAM Friday 315 pm Loyal True Ripe Hall Rich st 15 Games 25c cc AA CLEARANCE OUR COMPLETE STOCK 0F WlTER UNDERWEAR discount WlLF 11 noon Melisa ears wear 55 Dunlap St Barrie Speaks at Kiwanis Burns Program Burns Night was Observed at Barrie Kiwanis meeting Monday night with Scotch songsllighland dancing anda fine address on the Scottish poerY Grant Moire of Allandale MacLarcn encounter the Scottish waschairrnan and made sure that every Kiwanian wore plaid tie thetbiykvlellim the sec retarys fund by nearly $20 Two little girls Patsy Hurst and1 Elspeth Currie delightd With their danc ing with Angus Russ at the piano Robert Burns said thespeaker Was born in 1759 of good honest parents though poor Hereceived good education to his time but he seems to beveralways been ham pered by hard toil and ill fortune Burns was smart 9t strongpasc sioris and couidrise togreat herghts Hehad to contend with allthe temptations of hisgday and yet he was Wigcpinmon man rnrnrrr Danton am at Span Lecturer Mrs Astridge Reg Nurse For flnformation RoeRegistration Dial 2316 choice The singers were wellreceived and highly enjoyed by everyone as they concluded the week with an BINGO Every Thursday Market Hall Emmeted CITIZENS BAND onA Buriieiem4 830nm Tfiss 35335le FIRE INSURANCE OVDOWN if The average fire trite in Canada in 19003was $160 in 1919 $110 in 1939 $s65 and in 1948 $58 c1943 ratehas been quoted at$49 What othercommodity can show such startling reduction pricesrto the 77 rerpublichWTi M4lt THE EiRsT Or SERIES SllndalNight Show SUNDAYJEBRUARYB Re dic Master of Ccremoniesand Magician JACVK MclEAN YVONNE singing swee cheats and entertainer MalcOmsonSlnsuranceAge 41DunlopSt reR MOviEMERRfeaROuNo TONE TN gm cm EACH AFTERNOON AT 540 VaMM WW TuETTEXAMtnsR reinstating guess ETGHTHCfANRUKL 777 He wrote about thecommotnjthings ggorcigzgflithsysigcer 1139830133 of your favourite and Wrotehe foundlite Thatis radio and screen stars Whyhisunameishonordvry6r ried something and that will livechi WWW WWW Barrie notteaipresse yep re and hum tensile er MuSIcvand Entertainment FREE nurrsrtunbnuou to new games is 359 Pmi continuum 16Pellm3FzrmofGameSs0 BARRIER ARENAE