Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1952, p. 5

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mum MM BBC EYE By MOW GROAT ukle On Friday afternoon ipcctzwui iar program of basketball games was presented in the gym The first event of the afternoon com menced at thrco oclock With the with girls playing agotnst tin jun ior boys Many Of thciboys ap peared at loss capeclal because they wore playing girls uiezt the end of the first qulrter the score W115 something like 144 for the boy surprise was then presented VcrlOl Whitman and Dave Frld appropriately gamed masked and equipped with boxing glove The fighters could not see each other therefore Jim Laltlng and Jim Ag new angered them by means of glove on the 0nd of long pole until they found each other Then came THE event the staff playing basketball with the sew tor boys Staff players were Mr ockbum coach who was equip ped with his own basket Mix Tay lor Miss Kisslck Miss Coleridge Mr Watt Mr Farr Mr Mitchell and Mr Nesbitt with his sarong of towels and western chapeau The senior team well dressed group consisted of Jim Agnew in long uhitc evening dress Leon Garrick in sun dress and gray hat Jim Laking in multicoiorLd dress Harold Taylor in along gown Dave Frld in flowing skirt Vic An drews fashionably dressed Carl Chisholm kimono Tom laciuk in t1 rose swim suit Louis Dunn wear mg dress and bloomers Grant Wal lace John Cutler and Lawrence Bury in girls blue rompers At intervals in the game when member of the staff became ex hausted Mr Synnott and his am bulance corps would take over Jtm Agnew perched above thefar basket directed the path of the bankeiball The final score was given to the staff The game between the girls and boys was resumed and the total score was 22 to or the bovs Referees were Mr Cullcr and Both McLean All the proceeds went to the Student Councils Hospital Fund bus load of Library Club mem bers English students and other BDClies went to Toronto on Sat UlCllly At 1030 am group toured The Telegram building The stud onts were introduced to the manner lll which newspaper is produced They visited few of the nine do partmoms one of which was the Editorial This department is re oponsrblc for selecting and prepar mg all the material appearing in the nowspapcr except that of ad vorttmng This responsibility is llVidCd into desks all under the direction of managing edito news editor These incl city desk Where all do octed and edited suburban desk the telegraph desk where Canadian and United States news is dealt with cable desk dealing withworld news the womens financial and sport desks the picture ideskgand the copy desk where the feature copy is finally edited and headlines written But the reporter is still the basic essential getting his story by tip on his editors direction or on his own Millions of words tray01 the pneumatic tube daily from the editorial to thc composing room In th Compostng room the copy is set up by linecasting machines and assembled into pages with the cuts from the engraving department The linecasting machines ar called lin otypes and Ludiows Lintoypes are for body type and LuleWS set all display types Approximately four and half tonsgo through the com pOsing room each day In the siereoiypedeportment the matrix is roasted dryarnd locked in thecasting box which pumps molt on metal against the mat To run out edition requires 16 tons of met at Plates are then placed into Jcircular shaver cooled brushed off and carriedio thepgssj9megg performance of Hart HouSe Theatre This was the 215i alluniversity production Those the plates are placed with the paper and ink distributed over the surface of the plates Six conveyersdeliver th completed papers togthe mailing room Thanks are extended to Theyflel ogram for allowing our students the privilegeof touring thebullding Al 230 we enjOyed imntlnee Pygmalion at who sawgtthe play should have no cation to forget it on the one exams We Would all like to thank Chisholm and Mr Farr forrrmaking thigtrip possible Elli the Leap Year new preferenci maddidto the adet training this yeariAs well as the training in first aihdplatoon drill there Will be classes in luSmg maps and weapon trainings Heresyour chance girls you mayask man tog donoggptthopt any embarrassment Qethm to Dance which syhedoled for Friday Ieb Don Louie spoke toithelISCE on lednesday This younggspeo15 mono is ingreat dmnnd speaking churChes youth rallies high schools andxstate tramingsch091is lanauveornetrolt with Mr Louie yvero the Eurokn who sangNogro jsplritualo Thedlnnstu Djinna ireloss of 1Ij spirits inffAraputn igiielvel 191 Also appearing Singersp mythOlog taro le boenf 5superstl ttons lOnabeforSolomOns time nil CENTRE Chief port if the historic Am erlan eastfcoast EherosgiBQSton one largest Vastshume twin infilluminansntesif mum BLD FOR two mLEs BANTAM PEEWEE GROUPS CHURCH LEAGUE NIGHT Dourog The evening that is foremost it the lives of our youthful punkstcula Thursday night as the annual playoff gothertng presents itself for the Church Hockey League championships Usually for this roaring affair large crowd attends as all proceeds are to provide banquet for the youngsters as sen sons climax President Jim Feitls states lite larger the at tendance the bigger the banquet and We have lots of boys One aspect about the Churchship tor St Mary and has 13th Hockey leht the boys lltvcr mustnt play on cfllilllun tom and appoint you With two champion Aliandule Wind up tm evening ship games and four preliminary agony Coilth at 1030 contents fans can never go wmugi Offtcmis for the in flnding thrilling cntertuinment Epccted ho nan 221M not lilo One playoff game Of twogarlic Culiuugh Hurry Partridge Ralph totalgoals series has been played er Farmll and George Storey Trinity taking fourgool lead on Pcewcc St Marys for the petwee title 730Burun Aw v1 Colin and the George Wright Trophy St 750 St Andrews St Marys ll liarys will face fourgoal deficit 810wCEntznl St Gwrgc for the second game scheduled for 831Squlrts pm Intermission Ihe other playoff till involves 9M Trinity vs St Marys fastrunning Central and undufent ipiuyuif 2d loopleaders Trinity for the ban Bantam nm title Centrnl started slow and 93ilrinity vs Contzdl Iplnyolll rcpt to second place However l010St Marys vs Flrul Buplbt Fi Baptist staged late rally and i030limdalc v5 Collitl forced suddcndeath playoff for 52mm Lilt LV Breakfast Following Narrow Escape THREE LLTE CHILDREN John Billy the pfesent Court the final playoff position Central mm 70 and are keyed up to hand lrinity their only defeat of the season and mighty important one The nights fun begins at 730 with three peewec games Burton Ave and Collier lift the curtain with St Andrews and St Marys taking the ice at 750 Central and St Georges perform at 31C and then follows the Squirts prior to intermhsion The peewoe final follows the re cess and then three bantam games the first being the hectic champion Court of Revision Hearing of appeals against assess ment of some 200 appellants is pro ceeding slowly The crowd decreased on the third day Tuesday and spectators were not nearly as numerous as on the first two days The court opened at Churchill Saturday with 18 appeals heard during the day Appeals were heard by members ofcouncii sworn into the Court by Clerk Allan Assessor William Knowles defended assessments and assessor Wilfred Stewart handled records Reeve Clifford Lockhart was chairman of the Court Also pres vent looking on was County Assessor Eric Simpson Considerable credit is given Walker resident of Innlsfil and part owner of the Walker Estziic Mr Walker remained most of Sat urday and his comments and assist ance with various appeals kept the Court running smoothly and Patsy contentedly eat om of ilth which officials of the Department had litll for sillltplu assessment vilcn thoy WLli in the township Although Mr Knowles had not known their findings he had come Vllllin $30 of the snmv assessment and that in the owners favor The Court will continue to sit while there are appeals still in to heard The courtly assessor stated that in his opinion no one should be denied the right to appeal even it they have not already entered one Spectators who have bean following the proceedings are to quote one person learning many things they never know before Belle Ewart Lady Killed Mrs Bessie Frost was killed at Churchill Monday night when she passed behind bus from which she had alighicd and was struck by second bus which was pzrssim from behind She was almost in stantly killed The bus which is Foot Orillia Rinks in Toronto Today Curling Playdowns Wnnuus of this district in the Tunkurtt and District Cup sotiusi our Orillin curling rinks are in Toronto today where they are slated to compete in pluydowns for the provincial championship Personnel of the Tankard rinks show two changes from the OriIi iln rinks which competed last year Stun Satjcnnt has the same now Walter Louiv Ted Thoringl ton and Roy Hewitt while Andy Que Barrie Shortly ant1 Pm Anderson will have George Fitzl 35 V0 00 makin pnillck Dr Baillie and Bevg or driver in the bus that struck errl BUd Lalnm md Mtl cmmmng ix Frost there was no opportunity to 1930 rlnks skipped by Reg avoid hmng the woman as Shelilllllor and SinmSarydunt won they was hurrying across the highwuyanknrd Brock Curse Frank 95 with her head in bowed position llama and mid Lambe were Wm The bus driver sounded his horn and veered to try to avoid her but lik she was struck and thrown to the Oiillid killed Barrie pavement Dr Frank Shztnnonin Olillia 0011910 01 weeks 1130 when he arrived short time aficr l0 qualify 01 the Tankard P13 mrds pronounced the woman dead idowns There was no other opposi Boyd Melkicy and Bill Stephch Nearby residents had broughtltion in this district blankets and covered Mrs Frost Proparer Meal After Fire On Monday at Stroudspeciators far outnumbered those with ap peals Only one farm appeal was among those heard at Stroud Leon ard Mztnin claimed that piece of swamp farm would not bring in more than $25 yearly in rental was assessed at $500 He also claimed thathis farm and buildings were raised in comparison with lands of much better quality with better buildings Majority of persons making ap peals were unable to show that their assessment was higher rthan any other property similar in size and construction Business places are among those showing greater raises Much of this is because of added business assessment About 35appeals had been heard by noon sday About p60 are listed and if all appearthen the Court may be in session for some time Pets ons entering appeals may decide to appear only at hearing before the County fudge They have this right even if they fall to appear at No decisions are being made thus far It is tiresumedthat from ii formation received members of the Court will go over each cfse later decision During morning session when asked for an opinion on the method of assessing Mr Simpson said do feel that considerable depends on the method of applica tion note that the replacement factor used tvould make it folly for the County to dispute those costs until it can be shown that replace Invent values are not sunllar throughout the townshipThesare only half the values the remainder being the rental figure This leaves the assessor to determine this The only attackthat can be made is to prove that asSessments are unfair system is newand in my opin ion has been Very fairly and com petently applied It hasnot thus far been prdven to be wrong Mr Knowles thanked Mr Simp son fot his remarksstating that he honeyed he had used very fair rental value Which in the Village of Benny was alloverage Of$800 per month Lamawhen Questioned the pse Mil Kndtniles referred to the reassess merit of ENE properties through Out theiownship aments have boen raised Ivery con these withthou experts whoare dealinginassessmen Gil Whole 0f Cam13 NOW mybrif Letter weird yOnd 3Mbt thatcomtit sens stated Kev wen MRS KEN CLUTE left heIpsyher inOtherlnlawMrs Clute prepare meal followings fireIWhich yesterday left her and her husband and their three children homeless The family were taken in by Mr Elmos parentstwho also live on Essa Road Aflre victlmS fund hajaeen started OUR FlRSTBIGlWEEKLY EYENT THURS 31JAN183O SEMI tum swam51 LBanAGNEB4f vuszontmvfruurnnuon MAN JIMIr BULL WRIGHT gvs muttonnos Special Event 420 Minutes or one Fall sor nun 61316151115160 on 31 mm Ammonium vs LCPL1DANN1 optimum in lbs Gtizthovostcorps ADMISSION gt 09 rst at their grandparents home not real zlng the llilllOW oscnpe which they had nude only short time earlierilrom their flaming home on Essa Road The children llmpltni Beuverlou and Burriu in ltv group Sclivs mixed that Britain ml the 43 to mid mm their break will are gtklp3 of tho district cup znk which won from the Ontario With Boyd are Km Bloke Al Ptrrymnn and Bill Brown while Bill has Burt Rum blonlltus Sanderson and Archlv Thompmn PROLONGED HARDSHIP Since l939 the pcopic of Britain 111w been living under rigid sys Mn of food rationing It is recl is an overL populntcd country and there any food shortages in many other ports world Nevertheless it isi alarming and regrettable that nui tion so productive and so highlyl industrialized should have to underi go such long period of privatlon Elmwood Gian Heraldd LAND OF TEMPLES Bhuvaneshwur in india has noi fewer than temples built bcl tween the ninth and 13th centuriesi billion while Sarjoant had his us 91946 CHEV Deluxe Sedan Radio all new tires 1947 OLDMOBllE COACH Hventevr radio nevi motor l946 1947 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN 131942 DODGE Sedan radio new tires life guard tubes One own er Alcondition lidulpped with heater itllis car is in good con dlon and at Bar Price 50 95 DOWN RAYMENT 71 8L HS PAY ACCESSORIES ILook forour Advertisement on pager15 of paper see the listlngyofeneml Motors provedAcOessorles PRICED were coming down to breakfast Tuesday morning with their mother when Patsy dis covered the kitchen on fire The quartet had time only to escape the raging inferno 15 flames spread rapidly GC John Syme To Command Coleman early next month 550 mama R055 Skips Foursome TO Local Wm Inuitml Bayes ismmes 3le Wt was held Latin 5931 lucck at the Barrie Curling Club mil loud rink shipped by Mn Rossl Houly captured 10p laurels withgcmby gthrec traigixt wmo Mrs Davegliealy ilSmtilt With two wins and totalismilh pomts of walked Off with seconugMchll place Third place wound up in tleyv luaurm Mn 31le amt Mrsiltii iMln SitWillt as each showed rmelumn8 itvrn with total of l9 points The Stewarl isklpe played tw rxim ends to 112 itlgln writng and Mrs McNeil emerged ctortous COLUNGWOOD 039E Mrs PXMLLean has been re clvctud preaidtnl of Collingwnod branch of the Victorian Order of lNllfbLeS total of 1783 visits was imported made by the nurse Miss Doris Arrund in the past year Mrs MON11 and the tlVlLii shows steady ex skip skip 73pnnsion Andrtw Cum Built Adams thing SHORT TERM Mrs Burbidgu Mrs Art Boyd William Harrison ninth President Gcorgc Colcs it Rlchnnlwn1 of tin US caughipncumonla at Mrs Min Mm Wib his inauguration in 1841 and died Stewart ship Harris skip limits and rum Cluro Print Mrs Joe Moon Vui Hoigiwn Mtx llughcg Harry Adams Mrs Thompson Neil Young after gorvlng only 31 days 73 WW 01 ARTISTS ART TEACHERS ART STUDENTS Borden RCAF Announcement um made to day by AFHQ Ottawa of the appointment of Group Captain John Syme as commanding officer of RCAF Station Camp Botden Age 48 he began his career as an aircraftman 35 years ago and received his rst training at the station which he will command Group Captain Syme succeeds Group Captain Sheldon Group Captain Coleman who succeeded Wing Commander Dons PAiNl and WAiPiiPER in ofcer two years 380 8005 Capperton St Phone to Air Force lleadqnaricrs 11 MAKES ALL Mounts PRICED FOR QUICK SALE WANT TO SAVE MONEY then look at the Price Tags on this group of atH ter Used Cars 49 Chevrolet FLEETLINE COACH 11395 48 Chevrolet mewnew airconditioning coAcu 11695 Exeriscufbl 1948 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan tiful gray finish Beautiful door sedan has radio 19 heatcr olip covers Blue finish 11946 CHEVROLET DARK BLUE SEDAN Chevrolet 333315p995 4ClubCoupe um is ndandy littl car AND AT WONDER tun PRICE 50 PONTIAC COACH Heaters seat covers 131 Speclalveo Offenngl ProowarjModels 1936 to monodrs and auatsrnontnir REDUCE PRICES ELEAWWIAML

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