Bond Head Couple at Home to Frlendss Arid Neighborson Golden Wedding Dar gt lt Maurice Park and son law of Vlclorza BC have visited for the week With his timer Park 50 William Street Mr and Mrs Fred Norris returnl ed mowalirugla 3111 feywiia holnlligmig Treasure Island off mt mum cow an pm Marrch attended the lhmeral of her brotherinluw Rob ME AND MRS JAMES SMITH on Saturday Jan 26 the golden anniversary of their wedding day Mr and Mrs James Smith of Bond Head were at home to some 150 friends and neighbors at the heme of their son and daughterlnlnw Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith RR Bradford The couple received greetings from number of friends who were unable to be present for the occa sxon and were personally congrat ulated by visitors from Toronto Barrie Stioud Cookstown Alliston Quecnsvllle Newmarket Elmwood and the surrounding district The congregation of Bland Head United Church presented them with lovely basket of yellow Chrysan themums roses and daffodils lMlNESING On behalf of Mrs Verna Scott we wish to thank the Womens In stltutc and friends of the Mincsing community for gifts and donations at Christmas time MRS WARDLE cnoslANB JAN 27Mr and M115 Don Mc Donald Edenvale Sundayed with Mr and Mrs Joe Strath Burns Night was held at Knox Presbyterian Church Friday evgu ing with Rev Peter Reid Colllng wood as speaker very enjoyable evening was spent by all Sunday visitors vmh Mrs Potts and Mrs Allen were Mnand Mrs Del Reynolds Wyevale Mr and Mrs Smith and Henry Smith Elmvale Mr and Mrs George smith spent Sunday at the Pilkey homeHNew Flos WYEVALE JAN 28MIT1EFS Richard Florida There is quite bit of flu and colds in the community Sandra Marcellus has been patient in Midland hospital fadthe past week We hope to see her home agalnbe fore too long Mr and Mrs Doug Adams Tor onto speut the weekendwitb Mrs Adams parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Marcellus Mrs Smith and Doreen and Mabel Wattle Mldhurst called on Houghton are enjoying vaczltion in Married in Essa Township by the Rev Large of Alliston Mr and Mrs Smith have two sons Har old of Toronto and Alvin on the farm near Bond Head They also have two granddaughters Alice and Velma Mr Smith has brother and two sisters still living Lesslcy Smith of Victoria BC Miss Ida Smith of Bond Head and Miss Alice Smith of Cookstown and Mrs Smith the former Hattie Morris has two brothers and three sisters Rev Morris of Elmwood nea Owen Sound Charles Morris of Angelcs Cal and Mrs Adams Mrs Glrvin and Miss Edith Morris all of Toronto The bride of 50 years ago is life long resident of Simcoe county Sev entyeight years of age she was born in Essa Township Oct I873 and taught school in Tossorontio Township before her marriage Mr Smith who is 79 years of age was born at Queensville on Jan 10 1872 and moved to Innisfll Township with his parents when he was quite young He lived lnlnulsfil until 1920 when he and his wife moved to Bond Head to reside on Elle Jeffs farm Pouring tea at the Saturday re ception were Mrs Glass Mrs Morris Mrs Adams Mrs Girrvin Miss Edith Mur ris Mrs Landerkin and Mrs Ed gar Whitesidc Assistants in the dining room were Alice and Velma Smith Violet Donaldson Maidie Davidson Bar bara Walker Ena Brown Joyce Reynolds Milde Reynolds and Margaret Sutherland lcrt Robinson in Cookxlowrl on iSurlday Mr and Mrs Johns and Valerie ill be leaving Harris on Thurs day They are making their new home in Ottawa ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Ernest Chees man announce the cngagcmen of their daughter Evelyn Gwendolyn to Cpl John David Odlsllzlw 5011 of Mr and Mrs Odlshaw North Battleford Soskutchcwun the marriage to take place ou February at oclock in llll RCAF Chapel Camp Borden 12p NEWLOWELL JAN 28Allan Legato lmd uw nisfortunc to cut one fooif while in the bush and he had to have three stitches to close the wound Sorry 10 upon Pollard and Stcvc Rawn arc in the Barrie hos pital We hope for speedy recov iery for both of them CLOWES JAN 28Mrs Harry Stevenson gRevclstoke BC is spending some Etimc with her sister Mrs George lRugman and her brother 1ch iKerrldge Mr and Mrs Vincent Toronto iwcrc rcccnt visitors at Frasers WI to Meet Feb The Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Palfridges on Wed nesday Feb at 830 pm Roll call Valentine verse Motto 1Mrs Peacock CurrenfTIcnts Mrs Madden Miss Joyce Huntem East Simcoe District Pljcsident will be the special speaker vl CARlEY JAN 28bit and Mrs Wallace Douglas and boys spent the first of the week with Mr and Mrs Vic tor Douglas Hobart Pic Clifford Beard Kingston has returned to camp after spending few days with his parents Mr and Mrs Beard Mrs Frank Dehart who under went another operation in the 501 diels Memorial Hospital OrilllnwgtI time of writinggs doing as well as Cn be expected HobartCarley W1 held eucprc party at Mr andiMrs Rix Boards last Thursday evening with Mrs iAb Johnstone and Gordon Booth being the prize winners Glen Johnstone spent the week lend with Mr and Mrs Roy Hill iOrillia Miss Joan Hutchlngs Midland land Miss Sylvia Buckingdale Or illia spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rix Beard MnMagarrIOPIICE BAKING lnMolem Colorful Plastic 1qu wound to say the party ICE grand Ruthm IBM your zone was wonderful Wish could aorl caHe like that Afford it Why lintrholl Pridc of Arabia the blot colic you can buy and only 96 pound No really Ill get lama today John raved about its smooth rich avour hcsh and lrogmnl Ir IS freshground for you light of the on Do ityoull never go back to culinary co but youve tried Loblaws Pride of Arabia LOILAWS FRESHLY GROUND HIGH Pm COFFEE Pom 99c LDILAWS FRESHLY GROUND TWO cop conm STORE MON TUES THUR am to pm WED mm to 12 Noon HOURS FRI 830 mm pm SAT830 am pm SPECIAL WESTDNS FRUIT C00 TEE DISK ammo lucr UEBYS EVAPUEETEII MILK llYlMEE 305W BROWN BEANS mm mum noun DOMESTIC SEWER 9mm SWEET MIXED PIBlLES CW MUSE MINUTE Tlll GillBEE BllllEESE IEILSIINS Elm COCOA MERE VITAll CEREAL Sims mimo mum REGULAR PIPER 1501 PKG viFL OZ TINS PLAIN 0R PIMENTO PURE SEVlLlE 25c 15c wax TlNS FOOD SAVER Flinn wnllrs Pl mun smalls lulu CEREAL mm mm or Jillllllll mus WESlllllS millermu mulls lulu comma norm chxsolls Plains sums cllolcl me airman ulrlrlulu mm srollllllsm mm nulls EULVEBIIWSE llSlllEllEllSTlPSrucv mans lllosru nllssm nun sum CHEESE mm iJllllCIl cull sum mull mum NICE chumms GENUINE Swiss ME mm as room 92 29 IIJL OZ TINS 25c 31 543 44 cnnrou 16 that l4 13 19 MI canon 39 no un cnroN 2441 oz JAR 2001 15FL oz nus 25 vouno oz MR 32 LI am max 25 loon mace 20m in 51 Lll thk 15 5mm Sun 11m conclude 65 LEMON EETENED DATMU IAI 1m to ML 01 TlN OZ JAR 801 1m OI TIN 021 CI IND TIN anon mm mm cum 31th READY CUT NONI 0R SPAMETII Eu tOBlAWs mos owl 29 cnolccrnlcn mu 60 AN imam SlllllllEBEllllsT BUTTllullsr mm clam llillLlllE rm NO HEAD FEET 0K INSIDE WASTE IN WHATYOU IUY PMan fowlcosts no men than Ila foul cooking ell waste parts hing removed brailan and CHOICE BONELESS AND ROLLED Vlilll 51111111111211 lump $15179 minim WENSQRJS oznnu 36cilzf 965 gt mun moldinmanl 13 WWSM mm 14 MrJandMISSVictor Hall and form on Sunday ltrllolellsu uncommon crumcrmm 49 EEME MEMBE 31153y columnists Hour mm JAN 28Mr and Mrs Roy 77 CI Martin Thistletown Mr and Mrs Gordon Jermey Mitchell Ragnar and their children visite an MrsLSlessor on pbeu Mr and MrsHVCam ye vale visited at Charles Campbells Vmcen Mnjand Ray Slcscor and Mcanflvurflnilsesgr 51931 812523 slsergwm gudugsw 236132 tgsfporfgheisisywell as can be expected 3511155179 gt SEND FORl vouagcrroonv Won nllan Michaelamraudithofviic 2toriut BC were recent visitors With Malawi Mahrkley Emailm Leslie joinedthesitcltmoud gt Wqunmhi iS to be statione jay cm lonwfllls Allan and children are Imaklhgaheir home in Brle ML Mr and MrsvLomeGollaugher spnjt theweekendwitb Mr and MtstRod Gpllatlgher Mos Raymond Memorize included FrankAndrewS and llyn otLakevic 15Mr cud ts Herman McMasterg Toronto Mrs Charles Stone puny an Carol Grousevillo ubnmopeland 124L 01 on mess EEEMM Nun wjr and Mrs Leslie 71511le ANo rcsictantplutlcl An AT 267 to mononowan