TRlNlTY RECTOR Service for Canon Spncerllmmuibn llibmit glidifsff St lPloglam curtailed to some exteotimoom and ii chest clinics we Eof visiting durlng the Chmmms some of tuberculle during 1hr lm number of home visits madeheld With total attendance of lb me Wang dumg Decim my lBowmanville Shannan cmber This was especially truci 35113ng name guns were mde rccfor of SL Following completion of the im urch Bowman munlzado program as planned in the rural areas when lb 31 durmg December 33525 or con ville until hls etircment in 1914 lior the all school term by illegal1 eightMme ms we made munch On mired em as dam bu lmcu gfiufgc Vim iMalor the Canon Clarence 351mm County Hahn Unit memxpectani mothers mothers aftermush page em wgll the Mr M81113 SWC VD 70 gve largetowus of the county oxalate baby was be wish andlnurscs made visas to brmg on and mm um 28 the mu at war mommy mm mm away at Sunnybrook Hos ital lo lbeing menacing of Januarygorwhocl children lpammv Rump me new fo owner at the mutual vestry inn They lop raised $1000 you b233 ha been iFebruary and March program During December the nursing having theu children immunized hf Pclnlty Anglican The Rector expressed sincere We minis 10 nearly MI TwentyW0 child welfare con staff visited 2schools in the agaiml diphtheria nthng Suite large think to the organist Mrs towns and also hcmghr loch an Ema 90 to the choir for their In recognition of his rcciorslup Six hundred and 79 home and former belov Johns Anglican harmony The athletic marked the close Roberta of the most successful years history of the church which was fotmded in 1835 when Rev 11 Bartlett preached the rst sermon in the newlyerected build ing that stood on the property east of the county court house1 loyal support and to all organize lions which contributed so much to the success of 1951 number of memorials were given during the year including four beautiful brass vases by Mr and Mrs Frank Bennett six well Following the opening prayer byldcsigned aims plates by Mr and the Rector Rev dePcncier Wright the minutes of last years meeting were read by Vestry Clerk John Stevenson Thomas McCarroli Pcoples Warden stated that the parish is inbetier condition than ever be fore The membership represents 500 families and is growlnglslcadily allobligatlonc have been met and healthy nancial situation exists jwilh $24000 raised llist your for all purposes MAGISTRATE FOSTER Rectors Warden All departments have worked in throughout factor which makes for success The Womans Auxilia was praised especially by the ecior fortheir missionary spirit and for the support given in the interests of the Kingdom of God throughout Canada The futur of the church isjvery bright when aSSurcd of such cooperalion Also active were the Evening WA th Junior WA and the Lit lie Helpers WA Charles Seaglam Rectors War den rcportd on the Missionary brhch of theCRiircliAll allot mohts were met and tdtalbf over $4000 raised for the support of missions outside of the parish The Junior Guild helped in no smallnway with over $1300 raised toward Work in the sanctuary im proving the fabrics of the church They also financed the refurn lshing of room in the Royal Vic toria Hospital The 1Parish Aid supported thc Wardens by raising Over $3000 to be applied to church equipment The Mens Club had very suc First lumnh Continued from page one vgixljon of Canada This paper car lesiust about on average on sports considering area and population as canywothercrms the nation As matter of facbuwc do not intend to decreasethe clSportsgnd re creation pfovfpgelpmxption andfun7 lesiWc on this continent can pro vldc at proper times release of tension and keep some common sense then the first thing we know nationalrbverogewmightbe40rc7 odon usgsuch as vodka Mrs Lalng lovely altar fron tal by Miss Theo chson and prayer desk frontals by MlSS Isabel Bird These and all other vessels etc of the Sanctuary are faithfully cared for by the Sanctuary Guild bequest by the late Mrs Charles Coleman of $500 to the Sunday School was very fitting gift The Rectors Warden appointed by Rev chenclcr Wright was Maglstrutc Gordon FosterKC JOHN MITCRINSON Peoples Warden and the members drum Advisory Board also appointedlby the Rec tor are Mrs Mchven John Dyck Harry Young Fergu son William Warnica Ralph Snel grove and Drake The Peoples Warden elected by the congregatidn is John Mltchin son and the convenernof the sides men is William Baker Members of the Peoples Advisory Board are 11 Simpson Charles Seagram Col SA1ce Climb1C volnon Bury John Butler and JamesPop pletorl Harry Hancock was elected Treas urer and Mylill Dean Envelope iSecretary Lay delegates to the Synod are AMcCarrollcher Smith Col Lee Ralph Snelgrove and John Mitchinson Before the close it was announc edthan an increase in salary had been made to the rector organist envelope secretary and sexton The meeting closed with prayer by the rector 325 Camp Workers Request Improved Roadhlo Allislon Alliston Herald At special meeting Monday ev ening Alliston town council passed archongjrccommendatlon towcounty council that theAllisionCamp Bor den road be improvd In discuss hcrc from Nov l5 1930 to April 30 1946 memorial communion mu vlcc will be held in St Johns Church Sunday Feb at ll am World War fighting captain and us padre the First going overseas 33 ill later serving During the Second He was veteran of World War he was chaplain for the German prisoners who were intern ed at the BTS in Bowmanville missionary Major Spencer who was born at Elam was tho sonof an Anglican who came to Canada from England Nine of the family of 10 children entered the service REV DEFENCE WEIGHTmf the church He was one of the who has almost completed hls illlld lowest gmdumes of Trinity College year as rector of Trinity Anglican Church Barrie During that limo the church has shown steady dc vclopmcnl with increased mem bership which mcnns increased parochial duties lcilvc organiza tions working together and 511 Lsfactory financial condition unmw Barrie Fair To Be Earlier This Year Continued from page one It is hoped by the Society to have onccollnty and four regional shows on hand for the fair this year Al tcmpls will be made to obtain the Simcoe County Jclscy Parish Show Regional Sliorihorn Yorkshire Swing and Guernsey shows and the Holstein Black and White Day It was pointed out at the meet irig that of 15 suggested improve ments made at the 1951 annual meeting 11 had been enforced and two partinlly Posslblc improve ments for 1952 were listed such as banquet for juniors when it was pointed out that the junior fair was almost becoming regional fair accommodation attempt to ob tain more junior farmer achieve Port Hope in 1900 he graduated from Trlnv lty College where hcrecelved his MA degree He served chargcspin Essonvillc Youngs Point Mill brook Shanty my and Bowman ville After his rcliicmcnt be hidden request to rccntcr the ministry and for several years was rector at Hastings He had been ill for some months Formerly prominent in tho Masonic Order Major Spcncer was Past Grand Master of Ontario As student at Trinity College he joined Col Pcllctts Queens Rifles of Toronto as private He later joined the 46111 Midland Regi mcntland became lieutenant in 1912 He was awarded the Veter nns Decoration for his service in World War as well as several other medals In this war he chose to revert from therank of major to captain to be chaplain of the Second Midland Regiment He leaves his wife Ethel Maude Holmes Spencer and 11 children with the hope to singing some type of show each fair night undecthc lights Brown said thmihc shccp show was one of the best held for mcnt days improvement in PA sys some time although entries were torn by placing of permanent lines down Highlight of Mr Hamblys Imd hookup more prize money for hackqeys and for heavy horse team classes chorts Good light horse rcpdri was the pony division They were worthwhile seeing and best ever he stated Hereford regional show numbers Various reports were presented were down but shorihorns were and in almost on cases were very best yet stated William New Poll good Improvqmcnt was callcd for ed Angus show is in need of build in promptncss of starting ShOWS ing it was pointed out The regional which last year helped to force swine Show was better than ex cnpcellation of llVestock parade cted but still down in numbers Page stated that forage crop plots New also stated had proved highly satisfactory and Dunsmore reported on the would be continued with new plans high calibre saddle and hunter for 1952 being developed Mr Ham Show in which two members of the My Sttedthat faces had been 150in Canadian Equestrian tcam and all but that trouble was evidenced in bat one of the team horses per obtaininghorscs to race Our track 15 too goodExThegood horss wont come becausethe prizemoney is not high enough and the poor hors es wont come expecting the good horses to be there he said Brown spoke of need for an exhibit building to house fruit and veget able displays Bell stated that the fair had had the largest prize list yet in 1951 of about $7000with over $5000 taken He stated that the 1952 prize list would feature th fair through the use olvsome very good photos submitted from the 1951 show Major Rodgers pointed out the value gained from employ ing apaid solicitor for advertising Heavy horse show was good stated Lorne Scolgnnd Mlijor Rodgers not ed the necdfor special attractions llig themotion it was saldthat about 500 cots go in and but of Camp Borden not lhcludingrtholev that turnoff to Everett This means feigned He lipoke of the excellent judging provided by Col Bates and other good officials Len Cumm ing stated thattop notch Guernsey breeders of the CNE and Royal Winter Fair were present He felt that the Jersey shew could be brought back Ayreshlres were about nil and the Holsteins very weak he stated Eugene smith pointed out the handicap caused by lack of facil ities for showing of grain and field crops However very good hay show was eVidcrlced and ahfine to bacco display lAllan Cook stated that all avallablespace on the dis play midwayhad been taken with one exception that where an ex hibltor didnt show up Final report Was by Allan Brown on the juplorfalr and hinged maili fair lifercuces were held during lhe last smaller place of one of the conferences in lPenctang land Barrio This cut down the 10lt tests ml number of conferences heldlces were held and 123 home visits llle fwcre made regarding the health of erS CANON SPENCER Mrs Roy Melville Sidney BC Mrs Lockhart TorontoyMrs Oliver Shantyo Bay Selby Spencer Hamilton FinLL Thomas SpenCer Toronto Mrs Ellis Montreal George Spencer New Westminster BC Capt Charles Spencer Camp Bordon Mrs George Halo Winnipeg Mrs John Brook cs Toronto and Mrs Ross Muck lcm Fcnclla He also leaves two brothers Rcv Emcst Spencer Rochester NY and Lancelot Spencer Port Arthur and five sisters Deaconess Ethel Spencer Victoria Texas Mrs liowcll Washington DC Mrs Maxwell Brnntford Mrs Cyril Goodier Hamilton and Mrs Hollis Corey Honolulu TH The late Rev Victor Spencer was brother The funeral scvrlce was held Jan 26 from St Johns Anglican Church Port Hope which was very largely attended Many of his former parishioners here as well as other citizens oltBowmanvillc nt tcndcd the funeral interment was in lort Hope Ccm ctcry 1y ohce more on lack of accommo dation for display of smalbgoods Livestock he said had been vcry good He also stated that judges and rings separate from senior divis ions hud been great improve mcnl Delegates Appointed Delegates verc1ppointcd to at tend the Ontario Fairs ConvdnA lion in Toronto On Feb Mr Mal comson will attend the Class Managers convention and on the following days tw0 of four appoint ccs will attend Delegates named were Eugene Smith Verne Hambly William Malcomson and Lorne Scott Board of Senior Directors all re lected were MzJ Brcnhoh Eu gene Smith Nettlelom Wi1 liam New Allan Cook Emerson Swain Owen Coates DunsmoreVernc Hambly Crawford Bell Art Dyer Brown Lorne Scott and Lee Banting Board of Junior Directors 3150 reuelected were Cleave PattonMur Pray Walfnica Allan Brown and Leonard Cumming Advisory Dir ectors retained were Judge Harvie Page Keith McRuer Arthur Walt Major Rodgers and Warnica Arthur Powell was appointed auditor to replace FrankSpry auditor for many years who is lnilL health Judge Harvic commented that the hunters and jumpers wouldretum to lhisj ycars during thwmomh by four The slormy weather which prelthe schoolage child womb of 195 by the nunlngural areas as well as the 241 staff with on attendance of Illscbools in the towns of Barrie glnfanls and proschool chlldrenCollingwood Midland 3A3 in the preceding three months Midland WINTER wclollr MENS Underwear Stanflelds Turnbulls 85 Penmans in Combina tions Shirts dz Drawers There is still good se leciion PARKAS CRUISER cons WNDBREAKERS the SELECT GROUP American revolution 212m tibial in yo STATON WAGON COATS JACKETS 20w MENS DRESS Dress SHIRTS REGULAR Ed $495 good assortmeht of better quality arc shirts Sizes 14 17 MENSAND sol Various shades styles in the group allat savings IIE7VY WINTER WEIGHT RK TROUSERSJ20 on LINED AND UNLINED Mens DRESS GLOVES i3 on annclee PYJAMAS 20 OFF TROUSERS Youll find Gabardines Pie Pics Sharkskins and many others in wonderful range of colors and styles BETTER HURRY IN FOR THIS ONE OFF 32315 12 PRICE Work Shirts rugs All BigReduclions Heavy PlaidShirt SPECIAL DESSVM MddllurliWelgiht Doeskin SPECIAL fBY THE YARD Printed Striped Reg Prints Broadeloth Reg cumulus warm POPLIN Youll find gran savings in pulse brokcn lines mumsx Anonc Avmos law SAVE UP TO ElANNELETTE BLANKETS tr Decoratorstrlpo Size 70x soy oke visits were made during pemmliDccembcr by and Ofmla Durin these VlSiarlwilh 179 new families contacted ian immunization clinic took themls children were given health inspectous 594 children had vision Collingwoodtcsis 274 children had hearing 192 tcachcnnurse conferenl nursing staff First head of the daughters of was aroline Harrison who died and tannerr regfBllc ya nluouotmg5oc yd Red Dot Re 75o Horns1931 skein PolishLinen imam IAQ lnrymmj TERTOWEBLING green orbluc 65c skem borderlflCIAL 55c Yd Regularl$339 yd thatihe roadsls relatively busy all the time situation lwhlchcouncll Knilng felt merited the ultimate paving of the road Councils recommendation to the condition of the road 13v deplorable that it has at times been impassable for days during the spring breakup At such times Alliston residents of whom about 10 per cent are employedmt Camp Borden have to travel 80 miles round trip to and from their employment The move by the council Was in Now heresanother We dont like your shady jokes Tbats puzgling Nothing in here that wasnt previously written or stat ed in public at some place Well maybe we sbould gcfT lcorn Heres one we heard some where the other afternoon Two tramps met along countryglane lst llamp 79HlloBilliklng 2nd trampziYus in cycryJimbi MWWWVOD to other thoughts do tax ratcsgicounclls and so Unllnlmwg Division It happen Bmls 959 skem FACTORY YARN 49c1kein 0T nelgc Mix RBK $395 yd$2 54 ply nylon reinforced TIJBULAR JERSEY cg UNSBRINKAerym answer to petition circulated Supervaluymimrmnj 37 the Camp Bordon Civil ServiceAs WWW ii Itiwas preparedby committee appointed by the association con SlotlngoflLGFolkncr Rsliollond ondWlt3 Ross Amy In additionto endorcement by the PM allWNRYr Alllstoucouncllitlsrbelng support lg woo ed by tllciownshlp councils of Essa cables to brmg andTossorontloL iyougthlsgroud mlityum 11he pcdtlonhon been signed by Every Sp mocertjhn 25Wonkorszlnicomp gt uretesldents of Booth Simon appeals to countycounx 0113 to improve who townllne road fromlilllsion Burns Chmjchvthl sxnlullWAVAmT owniuo Speciol Purchase KEEP gpecli plug year hcsbcen occur1 Essa an 613+ MM cow ml Wick es foriibldbl luluSilk