Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1952, p. 13

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mmmvmmcAmAWW CKBB mo ON YOUR DIAL ENCOURAGING REPORTS AT Ale 5mm COLLIER CHURCH ANNUAL $5509 MW I20 MIIIIIIIIII he Emmi cm mom To be inrm In Im MIMI em meet mg of Coum 5396 United gamut Church was he 01 wailde AL DrnmimdRznttcns with 33 22 13ij buts or the WA 9m gilllglcm rri lcnczoux mom to near III TIMI my SI HI In g3 EJIIW Lawn led in of dcvolional in New licngflu if gig pcnod thcn with Coulis as im III P03 chairman ixlluttg or tlm years acL DISH LL Morning Mutton tivrttcs Wtlc prlsgcntul by Charges am On INN Crease Mrs Phillip and iElii mu Mm MmAghum 51mm Deanan it In II 059 These mumts tmwd that 11 fm Lazzmcon 1mm tLl dcpdllttlctil land on activc maul unttt and cnmurnging year total of Ram Hutu Cinch New hm WM West Nun ham Elan Sport W33 this audit my arm Neil autumn Tutu fibula Jun 301 MSL Snuwa that Lmlmd who at 3388 AAr orbsch tLSJK TWWDmDmlJAta New Snort Roundup Anti Durst News ttcmtince me 2000 as rdlcd and org wont to Missions EMS $5750 Mr Crcubc lcpolllll tor tuc lul cal church nowcd tntit the Bond SILIWIIIIIIII mde In swath local plztw and coded the url bI1I Wm 51 Th Clmh lmumunnnt tuna no Numb at lmliludns in Clinics Jul Bu lAlIlugrnw 30 Musical Sbowcur hill Ht 45 llsdlo MommaJ by Alan l0 00 New guildla ut wcrl III II 1006 Morning Malian 10 15 You Wvre Anmg Aufmal Eerwldt tlns to Barium Wheeler 1103 Morning Malillrc Sun 1330 PRO AGAIN HA $2400 donation and bequests of 21011 rim TO BUY $300 bung cccnod during the touch PM 540 Mum MerylHummus EtlOU Lunclltuu Emmy on Sign On 530 lllUtlr io Dinner Tl Wu AI III III in Inlay fzocflaon lax Us gt t1 is mr REV LEWSI Ncmcn With mcmbcrsmp or 900 mde 51 by auouhmormng church scrvrcc children projects such as catering for din hers tons etc Considcmblc was rm for Chi 50 spent on decorating and rclurnisltllle Mm Departman Chums l0 YOU The lnltnmdillle and r1ln hmpxlScmov Dc artmcnts meet at 945 tal room Many lSllS vcrc made mt Sick and Pewme an 441 th tcn ClbSLb Thc picnic in Junc nas attcndtd by our 300 murch children parents and friends and SHEEREST OF SHEER Racmm 35 mm the Splm wds happy event Before Christ tlld Nulllbllllo 0f lhk CllOlF 10 plus tlucc supper parties were new Ihmcmukh MumlJLL ml and Oran Marmalade ylA Iy tho StlVlLtS unuct lhc lcndcrshipl em for the different age gmupsI tenant of llAull thI it twi ll MllllmblAtd LWL Ur Lloyd Tufde hich proved to be vcrv enjoyable smpcndvd lghlly clnvu hlilllgtx lt II Llmmb Vicwlcx projector was putclii AlrnlcghIlIF AlritIiIqud grated lllltl med and tailorch Sher LQi used which helps greatly in lllus gt Cxliirshnjiid EIsglsgimIL 51 mung Sundav Schuul lessons and gantrynot cums r3126 nul1lyA tumor sleeves only llltt blue Cr UQL ll UlJlZLS illl lllllllgt Fund by WHOM umoum2mI nuwlonot ILdutdthll Illc White The Cums HMS mg 1m Nu md my mum pink malzc bllts 1320 cd to $5100 an increase of 63 GW WWW Demb Wk Clear avorful mayka mul luuic as lllllo water as OVCL 1950 TllC WOIIWHS MESH different mm former years thumb you be lturc of nud 551Ll LLPWlEW and Cl Owls when monc was contributed 01 my bocicty and alltcd otgamza product ule such cotnluuzitu no mmllldl MIX ions contributh $1630 making the Children to help pumhase cocked apliculs and cumwd pm Vlml WHSWU llll CilnLUls leld lrunv mm of 5mm for missions TheIAIQgpjtal bed for 315510 in India JPN or mmn and II III Mm mi as much sugar stand Lace trimmcd and tail Afternoon Auxiliary of me WMSl 111 being raised Ilmmn jumI Th 0251 ILch out hours Boll lltu minturc rap has membership of 78 of Whom It cost $536 Operutc the Sunls made from chillc oranges which HA V313 5001 ll SlilSilS Rd 1356 99 51 an In monmmSl Them amid School during19mI and of appum 0m Hrkd Um mt wul label and 520112 White and maltLs ulso 27 wosz members Ton mi 3343 was munqu by the first part of Fcbruur so 11 cums Armando mcctings were lxcld during lllelchndlgn mo Board of Stewards mnko the favorite of lLHUlZL inapllmu ycar with wcll planncd programs donating $200 The Yoqu Wor Orangu Mdlmuladv Fm hmde md 46 calls were hi ppub League was it orbaulzcd lumum made on the sick and bereavedlm Septemcr and 35 boys and ghlsl itgiIgfaifcslffl 100 MIRACLE NYLON mcmbcrs and nuwcomcrs comin far have attcndcd church 80 humth Ml 701 Seeds plum 111th 11ml quill valued uttJl morc of the time it qmm um Llll 51m mm Small DlLCLS ark mm5 owe Isdl and 15 cotton of uscdl The Expmmm Group and CGITI Sum IIciI1Il ln llllll and 111ch and she sleeves clothmg was sent 01 ovwscas humid 8mm war and mum Amd thLL tmus thc amount of Mb llcl mvmhwhno projectsI Not the lea watch and 51m mange an mm dbl Lt wilt tlu nut for hours but Miss Marginct buntli Dcaconcsslwas the joy they brought to thelpobblbll To oath quart of bllCtd 28 mmms mm ll lf dd 11A Stand again for l2 hours For cvcry cotclcd tllt vmk of thc huxchlold ladies in the home on Louisaz kn L1 3A lLt stand ovorni in Cook sum1y mm dd up school md tlrc gioupgt fol thcSuect at Clutstmzb by proudmgl lug Cook the ingredients in bovx and air and youn people luutil lLlldUl 12 ll hour UDC Christmas tin and vino electric clement turncd to SlilllltLll lmm mm to cup II The Chumh SCIIOOI has an cnmlI mcnt til md the cmyc ThQCUD Pad has fmmme Measure cooked fruit and add 33 mmml WA 111 new 18 AIM boys and pamcpmed as much sugar th the lmxturu 3011 hV Lusmd PW no 59 am gt um lmuny interesting projects The cd glxsscsI Makes about 20 jam pa 5m cs clnncsc crcpc Lice Mn omngcs lustcls ll rapn until it Jtlll lion spoon acutth abo how an Lnrolmcnt of mi and their Special activities have mm to mmm Pm mt Apricotand Pineapple Marmalade lincludcd salvage drivm outdoor MM and Hm 9mm Ml ammo II hikes weekend cumpSI cm The cling Marmath Soak them for 12 hours in water lYPU and Young Adult groups lmdl Add cups chopped lIlllcltl ml FlfVfP living thcm slowly to thI 101111 point Stmm thcm Reacne good year catch quart of prcpurcd fruit Add It 233 as much sugar combined fruitlIIlIicIluuc Put Ithcm lluough aIEl arcane col Buds of 314699 pulp id mevlmgf all in $10 salmrdmw lJHRdgCLS hem OIA the HAM MM lpciafagpfe cm r5 SIyls Sum Board of Stewards presented the P48 lbudrttl lgliI11953A I110 llllIegkmCIIfabygmtd and WW mud Hugely flllpLwclp Ind mg 399 r95 Mia vLL lbmcpoons ltmon Jlllcv 10 mort than in 1901 Estimated Mthonild Lxlcndcd norm BU me marmalade for 15 min itcs or until it thickenx Stir it ncwc pr who pndmm 19 mom tlm 15 0A lsugu The objective for the came to Comer Church during the LA trcqucntly Makes 11 glzmcs idMI bund 15 $0300 Iljhtfegwerd ytar abnrdims laCCLPled by lhl mCLlUIDA 14 Dull in well chosen xoldslI lAKL TIP gt About min Marmalade sizes 1213 ed QXPFijCd applecflmpo all 01 no The tcgogof SOLOficial Boardiamztalgqsd tflndlvgduals Whillfbdec 520 kSklgned mnl con ie urch W01l rec 10 cnis es an rus ton nominations was pmsentcd by during 1951 ZAvoid fruit which has vax ranged 113540110in treatedIor coloraddedu Smmp it or to ssxon yea on the skins lcunllllfng mctkhixgEFs cl TUhp wrapOVer l3Scrub all fruit thoroughly CHIS 20 cream IILIelv JA sari IC HyIIl oNWSugky Amm For yeah traces of scale Clem no tr and crapc oft lll Beautiful spring 2393115 Chismlm lymscmd nice from the cm Maids and Checks mmnt For the Board of Smwards IIOYI endIII II Sizes 1218 II mam Charles Alexander orduroys and 1Ct VA en ey ruce mean cut side dawn on boam and HAND LOTON Auditors Warren Wilgar and 51 as thinly as possible with Forsammmmn These nominations were susL Ll iUiCCS Wcigh 01 meanxrc the Slivered AA pelt carefully Allow cups of TL rm or with mud or pint gt gII of pool er VAlays cover tightly to stand II overnight There should be II BOTTLE SPECIAL Georgq Scott Sharp knit9 mking care to retain 3321lggigaigrfafhggt of rg 7AAV AA edate warm men LL SBlmg Sugar um and juices AND BLUE quickly to bell usingIclectric mm on mm 5ng ML SIZES 3242 quentLv lBeJm to an 3A Tlf QLESTION no Mrs asks Ream or Satin at Gabardine Cr ned processed fm WW lm mum II II I13 cup procest Shmpcheese II $123er mingle AAA CLEARANCE 1Nmmlottoocc It taman salt LL LL LL All Fewgmms mwa pame II tnlxtiiicilineWIeIc mac 1874 1220 3042 the we blyplml it together in piece of waxed papcruand chill several hours Roll 67 10 Inch thickness folding them crumbs over and mewmm the 77777 7773130313Handledcnmnlrtgularb500 Wrttpocerl Willy 3gIIImelu $25 giof mg plum uni lightly grascd buhiltg yourself tor seam thist come sheetZ inches apart Bake in busyraISprhtgimorningsJost slipit II 0n wrap tic and0u1c dreSsed Vvltlltssgoglftiilgegggegrhs83ir LL scwn to andso smart 33 to my anagrams slslcm No wonder millions of women annoust own this grcntonceoyear 131 WP on aviamst 50c Helm Rubinsteingfamous Pattctn 4374 51ch 712 14 I10 lt ntee fish llets beauty cunt ousI gt Im Imam 30 31 34 36 38 41 Small 901mm dene xer What beauty preparationscontaining hlmgelztcllornlonesfnafure I0 515 takes 45 yards 33mm lth youth substances Use themto ltclp rtardclgns of drymgnnd T1153 mamaIcny ts LN Simpye 3lmren These mods aging Skim SWde mucllyo1ngcr fresher titmgr ydur faceIncckIAII to scwzligtested 017 Illa comlaggwoked at the sam II LL L7 rloat whanSLuusclrlclcuo Rublngtdnllqnnouc Twinsrddib 91 slllilziidnmitIIEtZENIIIIgalgglgejftigliliimr Quantities II IA VI In II II II th LAP DA re corn lSmr nouns MW Limo muons SendLMe lANNEADAM53 Among many yaxietie ct Wild IA care 01 The Barrie Examlner Patgf1owetsinmeyukn3masionmw Huts I3514Iteru Dept 60 Front IStIWestI Tommi mm whiteAQIlchid with onto0nt ltAdeligtcateragranccly alectricweit 375 degs for 20 mm GOODS LA

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