Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1952, p. 12

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jet1 Speaker Strsses us HER AMBlTlON TO MEET 15000 Miss nonstick immnm Himtm gage Maii impedance of lNDlANS OF ALERTA NORTHWEST Becomes Bride of Choose Production lam mimli 1mm mm Making Will lit3mm Leonard Robson Fisher ow in Alberta and the mm The the VM may mgix weather dongs mast gt tho ham or banld withnnmbenbt ritorlcs And there is mol am act mm ma been of poo quality mmug woweeh an hour My Chu eem me armed bun be ill the Prince of Wdes Home andgspolsen zrayhalred mutt ve les Ltd of Barrie Ch even to Maigret are miceIeImI All SChOOI mac their Janul wow by me name or wnam BOWMCk Rommorrn Otipxoperl 11 like motorcd the 20 miles m2 Dagnng afgglgiiu 32 hopes me every A6 gamma Janulfnmg Park Victoran gave entTachlkawa where they ltaw Chm theimportancc of makingawill While Broderick realizes at 0010 at me mam Blitsasdszzvery MagkIapmtmcjimVWHIW president Calms presided at tbc ambition is rather remote she lot the brides parents at Skincch mm cows being treated Wm pen R3 Charlie in welllflf guests from Trinity Goodlthe Wliug and 50d gamerlnglwm do Wally We With it in 8trcct The RevJA Muir cmin has stopped the growth of mung Concert executive Mala Evil depicting 1he righum for between 75 and 100 members way Daughter of Mr and Mun 01 Em Road Prebyterlan Church cheesestarter bacteria John DOW is Still lhe perSOnlplace of the church in their lives WM We ln attendance allowedgzlJhnI BFOderle 3935 Head performed the ceremony DISCUssed comm if you want tickets forlTth coming Sunday evening the general 51 mm dim SUMO CW 69 Ai Wedding music was played 53 found traces mg Outside concerts The change inlnmny club hm hem innedI Mr Fishers talkI Stattordlparlmcnt of Indian Aairs rst IV In Aubrey Alexanden who also PL111C1lllndlnIIllglk rtng herds bel Music Teachers gamma Orima and mdlandalon with several other church We p0 the New at walla work in perm accompanied the soloist Mrs 101ng ma Wnc WNW announced was thalirmips to meeting at St James exchange punsored bV lhc Home ermonw her job She Wm ence Smith Both are cousins olltfus pabttflrxzan had net greatly V1 hth 013m by Smllihurch in Stroud There the and schml Assocmmn WhiCh WW lhousallds mes maulU the bride Claim mammbxe we ll mm ml arm touch in glvm Mn Acket max so the ouwp young pwple of human mom he tccormnendul that the LVElll bevlblllllg largc reserves and smalll Given in marriage by her mm The remedy Factories are asking held Pflhilps momh earlier lgolatcd northcrn communities er me bride were ballerina tanner not to send milk from cows Sggmuzlggm OZEWSQR hotly how many VbliOIS to expect dual heritagcs of their churches lnem Nr 53m mm mm M35 BOdl Elength gown of white brocaded under web treamem lMusgc grumhms Ammng 13 Mm Demo lmwms that Ck The new club at lrlnl lli The Spvfmvr was lmmducw by vack was appmmed to her new 53 almmmr Miss M3110 Lw irie Brmch cts are almost cntircly spoken for been imizvd amn dc Norman bynnott and thanked bylposltlon and is presently review Gram Barrie was guwmd II mm this mm or me Aprd mtmih Ive as umgdel to mgIr Neil MacDonald IAmong thosopng known facts about weltare conAI pale blue not we The group me tho Iliomc or comer in 0mm of the Columbia lDliaLm lht mtmg was Trustditiom before setting out on her II II hlrs lngu Amson business pm lmnllar group lour trout arch 13 Newmn or the pubhc rst expedition 85 1A BRODFMCK ll or limit of Balrlu sasJOlNS rod and More Cloughleys talk anndlnn Trio with Bct Jinn 1ng gpecml tickIIII aszlIanpcmtmg undc lhr leadcrAlnp of School mam who as paymg In wax she is pioneering an thioomaman and the usth went WWW outmvd by musing uh town associations would know ex lmxtlozls will gtptait on the llldlvl imam captams two boys and two Vim mt association cm Indian welfare in Alberta on in individuals in uniilllcnry lwtt and Albert Shcwcl Esic mm by MISS ANY sblcbln lgtgr nulan to ocal UJIgm umng 51mm and mu ll lchuck Mulligan scri ers or he Fe 27 appearance Cult mg buy in Charge and UH allgt0lmmem 10 the 905l llltl UCHU Tunmu followed with my of Saprano Carblyn Long in Oril 1mm Mnmx an Fugugon mm mum um being mayor ofI therthnd been only 811 other perI But the idea is jammmgtmom the bride receivm ml lPicton Cazcttcl Dainty polycsllnipnu were stlvctl and the Feb 29 appearanw of IIII IgIIgI cwmm FICII Bung Isons Lanna mm similar job IIumwiHE down mt India mmmwlack corded mm mm puipkl Dr and Mrs AScolt of BarricA at lllo close of the coming mm mm mm Midland mt II II mun of IO membcw land none of than had ucr bccn Mm Broderick pm mm way lloxmcrly of Ptcwn have ichved The director of Barrch Childsi in Albam accessones Sth by grown word from their daughter MrsJf Aberdeen in Scotland was grunt There are mat many things mother who was woarin dce the Tcltschlks duo pianists inl On her Women Only page inlmllu bum Ml male ML Bmdwml cod uh in way of EC entirely unsuitdmauve Wm 18 Cm lBmy Annm mat She has Cd Charley FUN blllgll by Midland FCbnmyS Xe hem Margaret Thirds darted in Monday to pm as of teaching the Indians pm CCtSbOlle II arrived 5mm Hidc 5in1ilr senice one after uwh the mm people cm b1 10 lllt mm Md lmzbulfct luncheon was served at gum Iillm the lmxku COKWLS Barnes Mrs wigc to try llmkm illem aCCtPtiWhich Mrs Conley of Barl wo wcll as the March conccrt byl in lmdv Clliiguh MurJUric Hitllllllufl as the lint inlmo Wk for lresdwoylm the ll5 the White man tin50 And the lndizms have manylrie mm of the bride 1nd Mrs have formed new club which 18 echlldrtn the Mldlullst 111151250 they will tmd it caster to bc or Ode of II mun Wm In IHUI Illl0 lIoL Mm ChildS is in Charm of my gi Ham in Soe when thutllliltlIinIItlnu culturc th Du ill Tompkins ofIBarrle sister of Ll lldd mayozs Correcting atmc IX bl It Id pvmamm um groom 9105de the scioo mg opera in 10 350 bemuw wow 10 wor up MN Brodcnck 15 wewlrmnedimbm CW 011 Our Appreciation of Your Patronage plus club which tlulvcs undcr we mhdv couple of momm um namcotthc Jack andml Chlb 31140 l0 10 Olftcl that Dr Chilllum the Church 1m at Mldhluwmselws Throu hou The new mm or mill lotto Whilton mayor of Ottmvml 1le durmg the lcmwns or Thor mm VIS of EOinhw um 30b fulde She has bpemlonLJdiyfdldnliultl mid Lilmlzlltltltl gon $0 18t ae1 mREE DEALERS ONLY are time on Sunday owninguthc lm we 0M womw mayor ingucpartmcm of Agricultures home about this For instance Slle will Will 35 home Onomlcs 30 young people uttendnnr cvoxnougCumdzi the Tm nmmum v00dilll community meetings Whth organize homomakmg clubs disltltlltl ammb lndlnnaIln Oiltar10lll llmnllm ll slim zuul her last pogtt was in the Brit1 mdUH 5111 111 navy together and then plocccdlltg tolsh 1parcnts are off at the moclingsucuion mum at day and msid the lecture room at St Amlrcwsdcii 51111510 hCHEJIOSUhyfgnt they can leave their youngest oftan $5005 in fact we evmvyilhll Colutiiblzlcwclflirc departmentIaccezontb OnI thur return tlIWYl Ilcky Ckels to be Gwen only by FRED DOBSON twring in Mrs Childs cupnblcl resource at disposal to brim AI mink me job has great scopmarc making their home in Barrie HERB LANGE MRS IANGE With each purchase 01 Chm311 Where 05 Barri the tint Ontario cltv me pwxbytwinn young people forth woman 15 nnwr ah bands to cnjoy themselves limlihome to tho Indians how they czmland Im going to enjoy doing itjdiggtggfgogfcafjrjgwlllilgggi Potatoes Meats Eggs andPoultry nv II the tuning Tht bl ludicwnl anyva popular woman her lStIdlllh5JIllll nurstcry YIsctltoolIsltll tom Burks Fans and Ormm The More You Buy the More Tlckets you GEL vendors gmup had lllm shoumg toricomnmnm IM ammo is it must on pcuaI In 3v Not Englme POllticalmindcd with cmolmsis ouand mc smlcoc county cmcauonl St Peters C1thcdral in Rom is lSctvxcc which organized the play Vlllnel Jan Mrs James $00 32 Bradford bt rb lprovmcml polllle She hub lmd1 hI II It II ttho urge the worm OU UYIo la hm life in Ontarikin TorontOIl5C 100 at ltluu 0t 11 moul WWW fix the north country and now in Zgiiipimolso providing succmlI Barric with refreshing lrnnk Encss shc admits her greatest am UCVCH Chlldm turned UP 101 Dud 130 gbmon it to in the Ontario opening day Monday and the regl Women 1111th Tm rst mecting of the now Leglslzllurc Domcduy just grow istlallun is expected to increase Iymr of the Knights of Columbus CdA politically bays the brigmqbcloro the end of lot 51x wceky Wivcs Auxiliary was held on Jan lqycd brunette who was Ontarioslor agricultural Wellilgi SCllOOl 15 l5 at the home of MISAJamCS Kelly ans ey woman elected mamr land so open from 145 to AME pm Suunldnlc Road Mrs Joseph WALLS CEUNGS In Ive never done anything ny MRS ROBERT BOYES Gllford holun prmdch BOYS Sings Among the treasures inherited it was proposed at the meeting Illom gramlmothcrs zmd groutaunts that meetings continue to be hold For Mar 53 the palslcy gtthWl These aruguntllc lust and thud Thursdays of found HUImi awuv in many Cantench month the first meeting to be gt incllan homes A1 50 Wing and ll second The inanulucturc of those shawls ok mulmg Arrancvmcuts were made to look dates from the Napoleonic wars Fntlwr Cale bons choir avl 10 Inch MW confmng entertained the Sunhcn British soldius rctutmncof the rst and svcond degrees III members from Egvpt brought with tllcmA Mllrys ParcntTcachcrs AssocmAl tlllt Knight of Columbus on bum tlon at their January meeting holdilndfall am lufklbh gum or glen duy Jan 20 rcqucst was also Jew Cning in St lellYSUFUIC bgdm lltCtthd llUl Klllglls to 055m The Pamky wmvwswlways Clu ll the 511 was for Comm 10 mi dl ogWA Kim School lvcr craftsmenSet to work to bum tours Th0 Clio 51ml SlVCIHl numbCTSvlcopy thcm and from that ding meh was served by memos IA AI including Illllalldla wuh Tcdgtown thcrc began to come waxcs 35 Yu Lu hen Y0 Chanco Gutrlly as soloist YOllo for tliCLCh in Eastern beauty The mm mvmng or the auxiliary sHOP AT Ap FOR CANADAS FINEST Wm Bcul Such shawls were made to imiiwlu bchcld at thc home or Mrs BEEF RED AND BLUE BRANDS EVERY tllul Morning and An IllSlljmm me costly Kashmir ShawlsRuben Bibby on FCbI CUT SUPER RIGHT CLOSE TRIM To ASSURE Lullaby IA guitar solo was playIt whim were impormd from 1mm MIM You OF MORE MEAT WITH LEss WASTE id by PM Fmd md Jlhml 535 to Europe in the 18th century Froln ll CCUIde 501 about 1181 omvnrds Pulglcy ln1MrS Hayes Blade Bone Out Father Culcv was thanked on beA Scotland from which the SllanS II half of the association by Leo Mad dorivc llicu namc was tho greatelves On igtu centre of the shawl industry Boneless Should mdcs Seven and gm taught The No mam typoshofcpzmlcy ca we the 01 oncs wnh the by butt Rosc MallL ton tliL Poamealcd SIICOd lshicld or having the largcst num dfslgn VOVCI in Mll gauze llldrlill CUTllSlOlldClFe lb of parents present at themect51lk ones nth the design printed paper on ways of neighboring lb 55 lb mg The busines session closed The fashion for Paisley shawls was given by Mrs Hayes at mm the Mngmg or God Save we came and went Idutmg thc 19th the Janualy mcetlng of Edgar King CCMUTYA Th0 hell35 Of 110 quh Womens Instilue The bran 13 smith auntrnfrvzmte do eight closAod ii11 golf for lb 53 gt he mi 1e of tie cen the home of MrS au er Refreshments were served and 15 Am gt AN has enjoyed followmllt Miss Isabelle Neilly 0t Gll boxs and one visitor lb I23C Shamrock Rindleu Mn lordAAhas given her grentgrcut The meeting opened with the lb 5c Vb grandmothcrs shut to the mus Ode followedrby the Mary Stuart BUTTS 95 pkg 31c be eum It is of llnc gauze silk with Collect and The Lords Prayer cream centre and floral border Minutes of the last meeting were nn in colr hatmalty and over all lead and adopted and two lialters II cream satin stlipCSA It is three of thanks or boxes received II gt jyurds long and weighs half Christmas were read mm from about 1840 to 1870 with an attendance of eight mem SHOULDERS fresh lElliott Johnston is buried in St motto Citizens are made 110th ZJohns churchyard at York Mills born WHle OR IIBROWN LONG GRAIN bag 29 department of textiles of the Royal of the lncncting with Mrs Bld SLICED L24Lozl II II II 0nturlo Muscumiforgnto certied well zlnd Mrs Slcssor assisting the oa 240 the$111M 31051055 UNSLICED zipszl 1mg AM Specialslicod 24ozloaf18c A220oznns Fiv Donn LL gt AA during Mrs Brett curator of the Lunch was served at the close to cm k6r ciiiiz lRuho new BARKERSAAABISCUITSAJmag immoral mm run nus AUTOMOBILE enoc mu oachSc Premium In Mother Yorkers Radio Programme Saturday FobruILry Hnng llo Pkg 16th letter will beAplelted from ll the letter received up torhumtay nllht February 14th The sender or this letter so 527 lt mAmm Mums oed no limit Mmmh Watch in not tom Slim on Macnnom 25229 ttudlo It thtl contouth correctly ldentlllos the tune he AA Agp SpggiI ornhe will be awarded lmmd new dckuxe Meteor carIn Fm Well help you choose latest decorator colors shadesA IM mm AAA Azpkgs 19c pkgomozg cholc at any standard colour cora to em AA It you are called and do not plum phone In your PWFY med to sow your Jolly Powders An Page Boston style home to the neural phone booth or neighbor Mothrrarherapqysatzphombarmallegiance WWW om =9 353WSZWWHA IN ORDER 10 WIN Yr nail enclow with Your pkg35c IIII to it lllzl illilfvalila 1L Li th linde you wtth End oncec us 094 of tho CndNnmbn VMl mmal6zll gm vl Chew and on bottom or takes the guess work out 0t mummyPalms IIggngngca Mom rung AAL Finer LL LL 4AvnwAnsovwmu dis rWALLPAPERSVZ mimosaaleg II II II II ANY PARTDFTIIELABELFROMAJAR who Rig Icome lntour shop today 13zg23c 20otlins II AI II II gs Al omoruzn PAnltmscorraqus mcnug EYELET lmmos Hhcso lilttlc look over the n8W5tYe tonal ownrmol Yocnusowrte AA Lymr LMu Eh MMFr tyoletror list coollasll match to bOOkS for 15619 22095411113131 1WParhctaCfociTodayandMaIl Yourngry one ottheowercolura Forlow for cm the patternyou nee els scnrlsuor pillow cases VA EusyldSeautltnll Pattern 7195 yourhome gnntlynohouchdot tame motifs about II xx 83 we onsLLLA L4 liumlTylNTlleElyENTs LV 1L co cm mpscnn be momentum We BAArm Everything for the Decorator 94 aminenllousdhold Attereptu 00 CUSTOM GROUND Front8twst Toronto Ont mm Brushes Scrapers LDWIRMH Katon AlsotersAA plainly NAME ADDRESS must slicks 1mmth Wham lERNANL UMBER $52 Ledmonnt Mr likingwlgggmull Li my my VNNEWONE LY ZL VII III yA II II III

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