clrllllllcl BESCIo 3551553 lawng ll We Offer you tremen ous savmgs in men readytowear surts and overcoats price reductions of 2535 mean money in your pocket Due to quantity buying for several stores we are able to buy for less and sell for less Here is your opportunity to get tap quality suit at topnotch saving Call into our store today and see the blg values we are offering mm 7mm 4V eg ow ou ave ou ave eg ow ou ave 1126 Reg $4995 now $3747 You Save $1248 Reg $6500 Now $4295 You Save $2205 wide assortment of English Elysians velours and fleece cloths Single or Thes it are named from ne EnglSh yam dyes gnbardmes pm and plcs Single or double breasted styles All sizes Blue grey brown taupe Excellently 63 bziegfgg 553352132 growngm your Opportunity to get an over every ing rom good looks and fine fit to per tailored by one of Canadas leading manllfacturcrs See these values today fect warmth and comfort RAYON GABARDINE REG $3235 MST if 00 Tailored from oil wool covert cloth Colors of Brown Blue Teal Double breasted styles only Boys Rayon Gabardine Suits two pairs of gents Regular to Spbciul LOW Price low riceHigh ingualityl IMO Osdbfdlne With full mouton furcollar dyed processed an reect styling swam quality excellent tailoring they ose coats are becoming more popular every day All wool qul red llnmg Belted Smartln oppeoronce yet worm and comI yours when your suit bears the label of SAVILLE ROW one of Can tortoble the station we on coat is be comm must no eve radas bestclothmg housesTo give you this schsational offer the rnons wardrobe manufacturer is contributing 15 and we are Slashinglour profits 10 Reg $2950 Ilregs3295 Reg$365 this Imeansua saving of 25 to yohwse your suitfrom one of the atly fnemateials OW on display in our Store now Reg our now $5625 we 18751 253 2635 You eg SAVE smug IIIII II Re 33 Now Penmansn cmlbmlm 7V reg mac Marcos gt II LMTED QUANTITY OF CLOTH BOYSr SKI PAN1S or Re Ldlte ON In III lt MENS OVERALLS gt 79 MENSWP ovum ma gt MEWSWORKISOXvt 79 Ifld ontliis pagerarson difcwoftlldmonyexcepgngliin hugging daring my Wh th nial Pgmg 31 QMINSTRVHW Yum 10530 durdblevrork liarsr to G= 994 in your MENSSHIRTS AND BRIEFS 69c II rowan lN our zcwmms rm