For Parents Oak Keep Your Promises Vs Small Jammie cloizud jarras with his clutched 11 one arm is 1131 point of climbing ltlii ilt iflln suddenly ti lit il ilt Ills iflll iniii rut inllg mil to luznny Y1 will vill be ligBILt here mill Mother is gong an to and she doesnt want to be him It is true that Iiriiiiie lariias ti ie11hbo who tutti illlt il lil linttIiiltiiil1lrll littei Itii if his nether is he Iiktnez illtl make icli HIlttpti igtt ti IIl ion the likelihood that lli milieu tiil morning lItl us Why in Jimmie llzz not gain oil lint the Limits itlt not up lt Soiiiviiuv not tlis lit It it tilslillxz sun1 boy lo tl an id hail mini to iici il53llillti kwgn limit IIIIJIJMS talus Ill limit luh til llltf to tell liei rtilllll to iig ol uizli Daddy but that tlis Blank Will sizijv in tin Eliim all UK Ifllf3 tiiiu Mummy iiitl llaililj air gtiin ml and when lit tiielgdlm iiioinliut ll Itiitei lit ift lni may tlll Illlili iiiciiieiit llltllt ilctii but fiisiii llli HItIJilill tiippiiil ings of evtiydaj lift that Illltll learns fioiii Ins parents tlllllltl Il11lllilliiolistitllr IiliJiiili tirciiz tllilIlI lIIt paietil ili liiziiiiie tamiis ll iie hliiiiiiiif lll tn IllIt than iillilllcl tlllitl the family Illititil that Iilils iialtl oi up IIiivstti affection IIIIIIIllI Ittl llldt it oi Ililli appreciated uid promises ltlt Iiipl small ciiiltl IlUlllx or ialhii iiilcuI needs sense of ltlillif What out Illit lliltl pit This is Ittllli11 of sifty is lilllt lit llliiiilll tmlay lo ago IltIl the olltl bounded by the walls of old man Jacob clii his Iltllftf promisi and keeps it and the next unwed hiiii iii coat of many col day she breaks piiiiiiisc lo him because it will cause her trouble or discomfort to fulfill it Yes in decd one of the rules of being good parent hes in the realm of wins Ilov lllt older brothers icsint iii his of favuiitisiii re tlldtl it iliiiost to the point of iiiuiiliriiig the little biotlicr It is lit kindness to child to give him special lltJIIIlllllI By keeping cv lwiiie if one day iiiotlur makes uni Ioaph as lm tavoiitc iiid fiI faithfulness GOOD IItlil KEEPS IIIS PROMISE cry pioiiiise made and playing no Another essential characteristh iavoritm parents prove to their Ill achieving satisfactory parciit children that they are dependable Canadian Troops Everywhere Have Big Christmas FORT LEWIS WASHA littl wistfully Special Force soldiers based at Fort Lewis Wash are dreaming of white Christmas as they celebrated the Yuletide this past weekend at this huge sprawlingand still greenAmeri can camp For many it was their first Christ mas away from home For others it is no new experience Theyre missing some of the things that go with Christmas at home but nothing so much as good Christ mas fall of new They have most everything else turkey dinner parcels and gaily wrapped presents from home pro viding of course they were prop erly addressed and mailed in time and total of 30 Christmas trees provided by US authorities at tiie camp Many accepted and on liristiiias Day all ranks participated in or listened to spe cial Yuletide broadcasts arranged by the CBC Also planned were numerous parties in the various service clubs in camp Most of these clubs are American but in the true spirit of Christmas American soldiers extended invitations to the Cana dians to attend the parties The first paint pigment plant in Canada was built on the St Lawr ence River in 1887 LAFF DAY invitations of $3 THE BARRIE CGE WORKS rang in the New Year on its fifth year of operation with the feeling that they had rolled through 12 good months with an air of pride and teamwork and enthusiasm about plant changes Glimpses of the years highlights are pictured above In January they welcomed new member to the stores staffthe lift truck which has since become famil iar sight toeveryone Each week found new uses for the truck as more and more it lightened the burden of hand ling materials The newly elected Social and AthleticClub execu tive for the year sprang into action in Februar and start ed along the 1950 road of successful social even First of these was the Valentine Dance held at Club chess snorfla of Fort Lews and at Tacoma andl Seattle to Christmas dinner Others have completed extensive plans for unit or regimental parties in Most hm attended special Cnristmas services conducted by their own padres in the various camp chapels In addition to the old and cherished message of peace on earth and good will toward men their prayers will include the wish that they will be home for next Christmas bring some of Vancouvers top tal out down to the American camp Wonderful Now lets seehow it to entertain them Christmas week ooks from the OUTSIDE l3 snapinto place 14 December news along the assembly lines wasthat production of the new K42 kettle was starting to hit its stride Kettle assembly girls lent their skill and coopra tion to the new design and proudly turned out another quality product 15 Biggest plant improvement ofthe year of course was the new extensloirwith its additional 25000 square feet of floor space Barrie Works stood resplendent in its new look when 1950 came to an end 479 One ofthe highlightsof tiiatTunpacked evening was the balloon blowing contest Eileen Murphy was the best puffer March came in like lion and the brand new kettle conveyor came in like lamb Gentle and smoothit was and is joy to everyone down the line from the buffing section to the packing room After much worthwhile tinkering by the Toolroom boys during April the new air compressor went into oper ation in May and Barrie Works swelled with pride at its uptodate boiler room 1108lg up the bowling season Trophies were presented to the winning team the Crackers and individual winners Murry there won dance prizes too Iron line girls took bow in Jilly when they held Winter Passes heir nobbrau winter gaining both bytorcingnpwers into athm too The gardener sees at close haudthe progress 01th initiate and learns how gratefully doors are the trail bulbs both the hardyjkinds which are grown in Quickly Window Garden Hobbyists Amateur gardeners may practice test of your Iv gardening skill tO bring into ower those Which rec b100 10 Most bulbs can be growrf In soil smaller number in bre and still fewer in water withrpebbles of moss To begin with the latter they include the tender narcisst known as Paper Whites white So lielt dOr yellow and Chinese sacred lilies the larger size hya cinthshand liliesofithevalley In bulbbre which is mixture of peat and plant food it is possible to grow in bowls without drainage all the above together withdaffo tilts early tulips crocuses treesics cailllla lilies grape hyacinth and so as In pots with soil all the above can be grown togetherwith all gar den tulips and narcissi amaryllis land hyacinths anomgtbls list one may select pleasing assortment of colors and shapes to decorate the winter gar den 13y starting bulbs in succession boird may be replaced sowers fade and display maintained the season window garden great variety of owers may be fenced into bloom indoorswith little trouble Arranged on shelves near satiny windmv they will keep iresh throughout winter the memory of simmerdays Experience in growing ower indoors is or value in outdoor oper the tointelligent care out plants to grow in airdeinn anti undermines Barrie Couple Celebrate 40th AnniVersaify and John Trinkwbn at their orne at Wranees Streetinhonor of their recent 40th Wedding annis versary celebration Sixteen mem bers of their friends were entertained at dihner on the occasion and tea was served during the after reception MrsTrinkwon is the former Ber thauForrester and is the youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Walter Forrester of Nevis in Oro Townshipu Her husbands parents the late Mr randers Charles lrithon of ley were pion eerfamily of They were married by the Rev Archibald MacVicarwho now re sides in Orillia The couple have two children Mrs CGrah rie and Mrs Earley Laur ino ofNlagara Falls Ontario and two Irandahltdven David Earleyl and MaryDawn Graham Among the guests at the anni versary dinner were Simian Miller 01 limit their groomsman at the wedding 40 years ago and his hen me since iron production started in Barrie Works in 1946 In August while Earle Williams lay in hospital bed his Barrie works friends got together at his partlycon structed new home and finished the job The annual picnic held at the end of August was success with young and old 10 Victory in September The Senior Ball Teamaft er an up and down seasoncame through when it counted to win the league championship 11 In Octoberthe plant welcomed 5000 visitors to its Open House Among other things they saw conveyors in operation and demonstration of the new steam iron 12 On Thanksgiving weekend Barrie Works House builders were at it again In record time they construct ed new house for Art Fulford after fire destroyed his home daughter Mrs WarrenDarley alohgwith two brothers of Mrs Trinkwon and their wives Mr and Mrs Forrester and Mr and Mrs Forrester of Oro Receiving the guests during the afternoon and Evening of their an Over 1100 guests called to see Mr family and close obn and evning edonte Township ean of Bar Addrcsses will be given by BOAKE platinum Liberal Rally ANNuALMEETINGaCQNVENTION ThenRidinglof DfierinSimcd transmittal pin +GUESTSPEAKER+ Walter Thomson KC EWLY arrowmo ONTARIQ pronunciations Ladies In November Carl Greenough did some serious thinking and came up with suggestion that netted him $40640 As result of his idea floor poiisher shrouds now ngenl cll of he was caught to la sizial satin crown and she car pact of red roses Her llle Edwards Fifth Wedding In SOYearOld iEdenvale Church The iiiarziage of Miss Duiothv iflortnce Doiigall daughter cf Iaml Mrs liiill of Ililuilll lu Herbert Eric Ball son of vlr and Mrs Fitdermis Ball of Pr tang luuk place in Edcitvale fin drd Liiuich on Saturday Dec 23 I930 at three oclock in the after noon Itev It leiriciits per Joiiiird the ceremony beneath an loverng ii arch The Wedding was only the lit lie flcltl iii the Edenvale iii the 30 years of its history Wedding music as pluVlthl by Mrs Jack McNabb and James Iii bert liven in marriage by her father the lilltlt wore gown of egg slitll SAIIII viih iiisets of lace Iiir Wore match it headdress sample of yellow lliilitlti Ball of Peartang was the guests with the it the reception which ii the gtflwil room of the tlzc iiil irzother wore rey fttlllt oms iiiiither was bionii Lic tiiiliiiie the bizde wore with iron vein iriss rith liiYl litttfhtlllt llifltfilll Iltl UR cunt Guts it the xriltliitg included Ali and llis Doiigzill Mr and Illr It all Iloiigzill tiiid lzelglm Ilzlillllt fair and Mrs Ktllil and daughter and Rolf iii If lozoiito and Tell IIeIclitr Mr iiii Iis II Hall Mrs Ward itriimjds Mrs Slaiiuii Miss II Ingiani liigiaiii and Mrs Ill grain Ethel Chapman Cdn Club Dinner Speaker Jan Id The Speaker at tile Womens Can adian tliib animal dinner lllttlill Lixt Iiicsua Miss Iilllkl Chaps man has for the past several years been womens editor of the Far lltlS Magazine graduate in home economics of Ivlitttlvlltiltl Institute sht spent oiiic time iii exteiision work With the Womens Institutes of Ontario and has published three iiovcls lods lltCll oiiiitiy liw Iioiiiesteailers and With Flame of Iireedoiii Miss hapiiian says that she is ispeciaily interested in adult edit cation At present she is iiieiii lei of 11 Ontario Board of Adult IItlillltll and of the Ontario Folk School ouiicil Iler subject on Tuesday evening are brought to you from Friendly Neighbors will be IInjoyiiienl of Poetry The dinner meeting is to be held Civic Social Welfare Leaders at Trinity Parish Ilallatjttl piii through Members may obtain dinner tickets WELCOME WAGON up until Wednesday this Week January It from any member of the executive or at Craig Mens Wear Membership cards are not transferable 0n the occasion of The Birth of Baby Sixteenth Birthday EngagementAnnouncomento Change of residence 05 Arrivals of Newcomers to OMMON SENSE DRIVING The other day we watched large truck attempt to turn at speed far in excess of what coni inon sense and safety demanded There must be great many such charactcis loose The answer to this problem seems to be one ar City rived at by number of states in the country south of us They be Phone Erlal McNabb 2759 lieve the proper place to correct bad driving habits is in the school N0 05 Oblftam mi in Alice blue to keep Your hair lAfter flying the equivalent of 52 miier turned stewardess recently to earth With close to eight years service to her credit Dorothy Gilmore 31 who has flown longer and further than any other of TCAs stewardesses re tired with healthy total of 648 hours and 1297400 miles fiown She will be married soon to Montreal project engineer won were assisted by their daugh ter Mrs Earley Tea was served with Mrs WarrenDarley presiding at the tea table and Mrs Graham attending The table was centred with crystal bowl of American Beauty roses flanked on either side by white tapers On thebuffet was wedding cake made by the bride of 40 years ago The couple received congratulas tionsandflowers frorri Erie Pa Dunkirk NY the HobartCarley niveisary dayMr arid Mrs Trink WI and many friends and relatives other wonunent rats ocean wannsmn Alliston Secretory times around the globe million handsome all day long NEW COIGAIE GermOil HAIR Tomi MADE or tn FINEST INGREDIENTS incluomo muons ro KEEP YOUR HAIR so WELLsnow FREE or Loos onuonurr norm for aiiiiypss hair nacuwl oNOALKALIES not oIrEAsv Nontcpnot Nor suck nannews IUIGAIE ll hAI