Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1950, p. 9

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mmuwwnms mmmm 1i Miiiliii Minis Eatmwt WOOCf HOUSE OF les FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ONIINLOIS SHOW SAT 230 pm Eve Shows 655 and 9pm wonderful itll make you feel LANCASTER GWENN 20 ILIS tOLOIt CARTOON FOX MOVIETONE NEWS GERALDINE EROUKS woman ntlurr ADULT ENTERTAINMENT HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN SOMEONE GIVE THEATRE GIFT TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT THE BOXOFFICE GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONIINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm Eve Shows 650Ond9pm HING ovI In lieCARLO Milli DUFF gwai DOROTHYHARI WILLARD PARER PLUS THESE ADDED TREATS THE STOOGES IN CVEUEIIN AROUND ALL COLOR CARTOONS AND WARNERS NEWS ILL mi TUNE IN CKBB EACH MORNING AT 1030am NUILII SliflCOe JLIXILWLIILIIII banquet Dec at PlllECRESl4 iiliiiv 0922 1oR MOVIE Humanism In most cases Insurance is the only answer aha what you have saved MalcornsonsflhsuronceiAgency The Home of 319011insujangcince1isaa 41Dunlop7St BARBIE Dioil 37 Prichiittmawan Dancing 930 11111 to 100 am to Tom Pattendens Mountaineers AdmISSIon 500 MA YOUR PLAN NOWTO ATTENDTHE NewYeors Eve Dance $011911 MIDNIGHT DEO431V VEMLjiIclmughry agilcultulal re pzesLntatiye for laterlw County was the spt=il speaker at the Junior Partners WantHe The desert only gt1X inches away warned Mr Mc lougliry in uddlc511g the North Saneoe Junior Farmers on the topic Sell and Land UstI The speaker went on to puint out the urgency inch demands we put our Still to its proper usenrefoiesi tle aieas that are suitable only for iforest production employ lnipruv e11 rotations on the areas that are lolllltiblt for cultivation and seed to limproved pasture mixtures those 111215 which Are not soltable for Scultivation yet are too productive fto be turned back to forest Eel Education Another gem of advice offered the young farmers by MrMc Ioughry was Get all the educatioli you possibly can to prepare you for yoiir lifes work The speaker pointed out that farm income iii creases rapidly as the level of edii gLIlllOll of the operator is increased North Simcoe Junior Farlners Soils and Land Use Iroject group jhas been carrying on threesided tprojeet which required each niein 1her to make map of the home ifarm alld identify each field take fvoil samples from each field have illim tested and record the results their soils record wrtte summary of the soil prob leiils discovered on the home farin Fiftynine juniors entered the com petition in its first year and there book aild were 42 completions Distribute Prize Money Following Mr Mc1oughrys ad dress over $300 was distributed in prize money Harold Jones Wye bridge stood first iii the section on mapping the home farm with score of 96 First prize in the soil testing and recording section went to Russell Carter Orillia with score If 90 and Dale Miller lIills dale was the winner in the third section analyzing the soil problems on the holiie farm with score of 93 Dale also won the general award scoring 283 out of possible 300 The prize money was generously provided by the following organiza tions North Simcoe Junior Farin ers Association Simcoe County Soils Committee Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture iNorth Simcoe Crop Improvement Association Barrie Chamber of Commerce Mid land Chamber of Commerce Representatives of each Of these organizations attended the banquet and offered congratulations to the juniors on their outstanding achievement Commend Stewart Page RJfBrydentcxtensiorspecialisf from the Soils Department of the Ontario Agricultural College in introducing Mr McLoughry stress ed the importance of soil study even to those farmers who are chiefly interested In livestock pro duction Mr Dryden pointed out lthc fact that an understanding of line Ways of the soil is basic to all endeavor He felt agricultural representative for North Simcoe was to be particular 1y commended for his foresight and Horcl Times Potty Wincls Up Training Course Thursday December throughout all hats rags patches ken glassowers in tin cans signs on the blackboard etc Orr of Gie contest tl all 20 or more years of age Hard Times was the theme which the Avening and district people chose for the party to wind up their series ofsix recreation leadership training evenings last Perhaps because timesare not really so hard this party was gay affair and hard times and depression were laughedpt and caricatured Everyone came Mostumeold newspaper frills and potato sacking were con sidered highly fashionable and very comfortable Decorations also added to the atmosphere of the occasiOncandles on bits of bro Games dances and skifs all tted into the themeDepress ion Poorhouse Get Rich Quick Mixer and play party games about lack bf money beg ging for abone etcwere allton tirepTOgrams Most of the games and dancerwere Oledi bymembers of the groTIp Eunice Whitley of lUnique Soils Project Feature North Simcoe Junior Farmers Annual Achievement Banquet Dr Stothers To Speak in Barrie Top Junior Inns William Miller of an Hills lale and student at Midland Dis trict High School captured top hon irs in the 1939 ediIIoii of the North Siincoe liinior IlllllltiS Soils pro ject liewon his honors by plac iing math in the map drawing con test only three points back of the iwinner second in the whitest surl eey one point back of the WillIlCll land topping the elitiants in the prol ject statement and award conlpctiI lion The three contestants coming immediately behind Dale iii the initiative in developing such at worthwhile Junior Farmer project burn in welcoming to Stayner Fri Approxunately 30 of those vllotda llIlllltlllliiillt first 193051 ex ecllive iiieetiiig of the IIilronia Historic Sitesland Tourist Associ1 atioii competed in the competition this year will attend spetlal soils short course at the Ontario Agri cultural ollege during the first week of January The project will next year when the members will undertake ltmlllltlii or correct some specific trouble spot on the Home farm Prize winners were as follows Section IIhllnl Maps First Prize iroupAHarold Jones Wycbridge Jack Dyer Elmvalc Joseph II Montgomery Wycbridge Dale Miller Ilillsdale John Moore Hawkestone Graydon Gif fen Minesing Harry Adams Mille sing Gray Thomson Orillia Sheldon Ego Orillia Allan Mc Nabb Minesing Bob Archer Orr Lake Russell Carter Oiillia Gor don It MacDonald Hillsdalc John Hawke Orillia Bill Clark Shanty EBay WJOhn Smith Hawkestoneg Marjorie Gough Shanty Bay Bill Winchester Orillia William Hodg Son Barrie Arthur Spence Elin valc Paul Bertram Elmvalc Second Prize GroupMiles Hick ling Barrie Bert Maw Minc sing Donald Robertson Phelpston Thomas Ross Oro Station Walter Couttsl11dhurst Joseph Mc Lean Barrie Orval Edwards Vic toria Harbor Third Prize GroupKen Dicker Shanty Bay Warren French Wav erley Robert Wright Kilworthy Glen Brown Victoria Harbor Wil liam Gowanlock Orillia Allen Quinlan Barrie Diane Jones Mid land Maurice Baldwick Utopia Alfred Watson Severn Bridge Bob Goodfeliow Minesing Remi Gignac Penetang Harry Rumney Midland Martin Walsh Coldwater Eugene Varga New Lowell Cline Rawn Stayner Willard Robitaille Mid land Farm Soil Test Survey First Prize GroupRussell Car ter Dale Miller Ken Dicker Bob Goodfellow Allen Quinlan Sheldon Ego John Moore Bill Winches ter Art Spence Gray FThomp son William Hodgson Walter MacDonald Paul Bertram Second Prize GroupMiles Hick ling William Gowanlock Alfiled Watson Thomas Ross John Hawke Marjorie Gough Third Prize GroupHarry Adams Jack Dyer Martin Walsh Joseph McLean Robert Wright Note This list will be added to as number of the members have not yet receivedtheir reports from the soils department Project Statement and Reports First Prize GroupDale Miller Sheldon Ego John Moore Gray Thomson recondrPrize GroupvJohn Hawke Walter Coutts Russell Carter Id PrizlegGrDupmGcod fellow Donald Robertson Tom Ross Miles chkling Ken Dicker Bewiseand spentiajflitevof what you make protect Stromirleade get their ceres Thr6e skitsadded greatly to the hilarity of the evening Cant Pay the Rent11m unrehearsedr drama in seven acts in which the whole audience participated was led by Miss Louise Colley county recreation directoirf TMiSff OIiV carries and Carla Woodward took part in skit entitled 2f$398 and Eunice Whitley and Bob Carriith ers played in The Lovers Er rand drama Of mistaken inten tions cardboard boxes with napkins made from newspapers At the close ofthe evening fold covering many of the games and activities which had been taken part in during the course were distributed It is hoped that through the participation of peo ple in the course number cairn and Mrs Lennox of Aven ing bad games and singing games Bob Carruthers and Mrs Dug gan of Avening jcalled forsquare dancing Miss Fern Hampel of the county recreation service led the singing of songs toovercome difficulties and make people for Refreshments of decidedly hearty nature were served out of ers containing recreation material Complete Project Based on total aggregatdscore on all three sectionSDf the pro ject Possible score 300 1Dale Miller 283 2Sheldon Ego 267 2John Moore 267 Gray Thomson 261 4Russell Carter 258 5John Hawkef240 64WalterG COUtts 234 IlaKen Dicker W225 SLBOb Goodfellow 223 9Miies Hickling 221 10 TomRoss 217 Robbeiry Foiled gBy WibirPalicgff Ed BeachWeston businessman could havedone with Some help at the weekend from his burly brother Police Chief William Beach of Goldwater if the latter had been available However Weston constables ar rived in the nick of time Friday night to rescue Mr Beach 3601 his family from serious injury and robbery at the hands of gunmen Two men were caughtloading $5000 worthbf tobacco from the Beach warehouse during rou tine patrol by police and were captured atgunpoint after chase Three armed men who had been grodps in the area will benefit standing guard over the Beach Lion rshipwinisocialrecrear familyand two friends escaped over roof tops They had bound 3111 Chianti children Lil Hi from Clarksbiirg Stayner Barrie Coldwatcr Oril lia Holley Harbor Wasaga Beach arid Midland Newly elected pres be continued THURSDAY DECEMBER 14719597 iictl Elaine invited There are great Present were ideni Garfield Case presided Succeeding the late II Bush iiell of Midland Midland publislig or II Cranslon was elected Coriesponditlg Secretary of the was killed in an accident two years agol when the car which he was driving crashed into stream bed nearl Victoria Harbor Passenger in thcl front seat was Mr Cranston vhol Association Mr Bushnell suffered broken neck biit covered In the interval the have been located in Barrie Municipal membership fees for 195051 veitescton11410111021001 basis as follows under 1000 $25 10002500 $50 2500 to 5000 Wasaga Beaclivitli yearround p0pula lion if only 250 bill 6week Summer population of over 50000I was put in the Stilt class Grants from Simcoe and Grey County Councils will be sought this year by committee comprised of Clarke and Nettleton of Barrie and Garfield Case of Clarks $100 over 5000 $200 burg An extensive program of search and publicity for the Hur onia area was discussed Oro Nominations On December 22 Oro Council met at the iTOwn Hall on Monday Dec 11 with all members present bylaw was brought in returning officers etc Clerk Tudhope reported lhe had advertised for tenders for Coutts Donald Robertson GOIdon sale of kegs on road and pre sented 15 tenders Tendcr of Gra ham Sommers was ordered accept ed The clerk presented registered copy of the new subdivision Con trol bylaw which had been reg istered in the Registry Office Barrie on Nov 23 and is now in The bylaw provides that areas of less than ten acres in the township cannot be trans ferred unless they are on reg istered plan of subdivision or un less they are the whole of any parcel already on registered effect deed The clerk was iIiStructed t6 write to Bayne Orillia Dis trict Collegiate Institute that Oro requests from Mara andmfggpga lilowDShips for Eliethil reduction Sin their equal Council approve ized assessments for 1951 bylawwas broilght in and passed to pvide for the guarantee ing of prbortion of the deben tures to be issued for an addition to Barrie District Collegiate Insti tute Claims of waiter Livingston and Duncan Moore for sheep killed by dogs were orderei dpaid at value1 tors valuations Report of Road Supt Besse was presented and accepted as satj isfactory and passedfor payment TStuart Keyeswas present and presented plans and speci cations for bridges on roads 1c and 11A which were accepted subject to approval of Department of Highwaysand will be consid ered by 1951 Council The Clerk was instruCted Mto Victoria Hospital Trustees with regard to account write Royal paid by Oroi On their decits The various again on Dec 15 and gagged Mr Beach his family and the visitors after robbing them of $300 See The Examiner For Printing PHONE 2414 The Emir Examiner Section 2PO ges to 16 10 rell UliLillu LIIUULS Ilul 111 for leadership ard training of the lzieiitally Ic =laziltd as Well as pilblthii handl Slotheis Illrprttoz of aiisiiialy classes for the liovinee of Ontario has been instionalital in the organization of tilt ploject He routes to Bairze on Monday 15 to speak at inptlbllt gothk ellzzg in the Library Hall at illfi Dr Stothers 1s graduate of Qiieeiis University teacher and fiiiizlerly ll public school inspector well known to many inthe ifields of education and niedicine 101 yliis work with hard of hearing and islghbsaving classes in Ontaiio llisi flopie of the evening Jlll be Hard Qof Hearing lasscs in the Schools juf Ontario It is hoped the public will take advantage of this opportunity to DALI MILLILii SOI of an and Im CIm sponsored by the Simcoe County iconhllttee of Social cveiyone is cordially silver collection defray eNpenSes HURONIATEES SET FOR 1951 GARY COOPER IIIIIIIL GODDARD PRESTON FOSTER ILOBEILI IIIIJSION II1 IAMIILOI LYNNE VIIIIMAN GEORGE IlNtItIIION tlIILY Jr WALTER IIAMIIHIN MADELEINE CARROLL Cecil Dellillcs NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE Color Cartoon Starts Today it BY MOIIIA GROAI Services and will be taken to llli to thnstnan ilrs singing Diri llili and the populai White tiiiii Announcement Prices for Flyer Home Games iiiioliiieeinent seali hockey Arena was made rie Ilyers veek hristinas Exams liiii lie beginning of Illlsllllih studeiits busy with full timetable of view li1l and elassstudy tile pit ii weeks the study hall has bun lull in capacity through the noon hour lII1 all of is work piss mark on that possibilities Xmi tier tile future of the liiironia As SLtilitll and we in Slayner bel licve we have part to play in tits developinillt So declared Mayor BlackI new Junior at Harrie Bar this Fridays otla games price The students attended very in tiiisilll collttll lilgtl afternoon when the Davie family IE 111ml appeared at iIhc Davies welt velomed to the introduced took president oi the Glee Club Mrs Vera liendeison Dayle direc the student pnllnted Willi the Ilances Noble Davie liasso The first numbersung Lllil was Vheieel You Walk by LIH Vednesday Hockey lilli effective with llllllll School game when St Michaels ull ege Majors play here ital lepoit LA WORLDS IiIfiGIISI llll INIHHV and John of reserved seat tick cents Iriei els is now $125 depending on location lre1 gt1ligjlt sheet of glass iixade has izs been piit into Um position on the Festival of Britain 40 feet iiid mole than it feet high 1L than and representatives Collingwood body family mezzo tor niade arrangement Iiow hockey available to those who lieretir fore possibly liave been unable to afford this form of recrea tion and pleasure This new makes Dav lixhiblzion site iii London Davie baritone and sopiano Nelle tll1gt Yum trim spe junior mm It will hit in its own iii ely covering NW one bill of an IIshibitlon restatlrlt spiritual asaii encore Nelles Dayle pang an arm from The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart and pleas ing song Dont Wanna about little boy who said he could do great many things great in varied branches of life but whose reply always was it ton as iet ilandel followed Midget WorkOUts Called for 700 Monday Morning Jack Dyle director of the Barriedidnt wanna Flycrs lloekey liib iiiinor systeinl announced this week that playerssojig about three young girls at 30111 carnival and how they wanted the BINGO Loyal True Blue Hall High St Friday 815 pm WSZSC MIXED DANCING Modern Old Tyme EVERY Thursday AND Saturday Music by SIMCOE RAMBLERS Oddlellows Temple Admission 50c under the management of Dempster Norm Burling and His Kings Men Every Saturday Night MAsONlc TEMPLE LL ITOWENSTREETrBARRIE Sponsbred by the Barrie BoxingClub Under the Migpafement of Orv Dash DOOR PRiZEgepaiis Oi Nylons giggled through the courtesy of Stransmans Ladies Wear and become that sec retarial offices of the Association Frances Davie sang gay French in the midget ranks would inciicing Monday practiCe at am boys to leiiiiLLucl1e unlined OILJINLI01lli$gtlltlcCliuil was farewelln first morning workout are Hershey known and Barrie the arena by no later than 645 any as the doors will close and none al gave us some idea of Floral Dance and sang musical setting be recorded Ito French Canadian poem EIan and His Soul duct from grand opera sung by dance with them Her Smoke be injcyes by Jerome Kern Following his sisters songs Noble gets your Players must towed to enter after that time players absence will and must be accounted for On Tuesday morning players onlt the Tulsa and Boston rosters will iFItiIICtSirld Noble Davie told of boring maiden whose lover was in heard report at 615 Dyte stated that teams are nowltmver and how and human drcary chords of death divisions lecwec ranks are throng lvlOmiSCd that She would ever 01 ed with 90 players and it appears that five or Six teams will make up this group made up in liiidget still get him For contrast duet from light opera Ah Sweet Mystery of Naughty Marietta selection Life from was their second filial number wasan Italian song The Davies ended the afternoon The Receives MSW Degree Alumni Scholarship He served in Canadian Officers Corps from November 1946 to Sep iernber 1948and in December 1948 received his Commission the past year while continuing his studies at the School Work Lieut OBrien wasSignalsE Officer with the reserveunit of the Irish Regiment of Canada month he received the degree ofi Master of Social Work he accepted charge of the Barrie Branch Of the Childrens Aid Soci ety of Simcoe County and is tioned at Barrie Training During and passed setting the Town Hall Oro on Friday Dec 22 at oclock as the time and place for the nom ination meeting appointing deputy of Social Last In August my Albert TERRY OBRIEN social worker witlithe Barriebranch of theSimi coe County Childrens Aid Society received the degree of Master of SOcial Work from the Universitv ofriToronto The follow ing article about MrOBrien ap peered recently in his hometown paper The Eganville Leader Among those recently admitted by the University of Toronto to the degree of Master of Social work was Michael Terrence Terry Brien son of Mr and Mrs Thomas JOBrien of Eganville Ont graduate of the Eganville Separate and Continuition Schools Terry having completedhis Senior Matric ulationcourse joined the Army in Apiil11945 andserved in the Can adian infantry Corps until October 519457fwhenfheireceivd 111551115 eharge He then enrolled as stu dentin St Patrickfs College Otta wa whencehe graduated in June 4948 with aBachelor ofrArtsDe gree and the Medal in Political Sci In the Fall 51 1948 be en rolled in the School of Social Work University of Toronto and gradu ated in June 1949 with the Degree of Bzichelor of Social Work and the BINGu Every Thursday Market Hall Barrio Citizens Band recently lBARRIE BRANCIij gt2Wish to express their gratitude and appreciation Iiito all people who in anyway contributed to thesuccess of the recent campaign 9282526 This money IheVicloiiaii orderiileSes ene accounts before Council Were passed for payment and Council adjourned to meet Was realized from this campaign will help provide nursing services to the people of Barrie Sponsored

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