Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1950, p. 6

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1CLLllllicr ll Hardin2 l3 sumo WJCrop Group Has LEFROY lPay Raise Under Annual Bantiuet Consideration VV lb RV blllglll ti LIV lVJIVsiIIiin cal VV VVV VV VV VVV VV was Jllzwiilld lo llVVttd VVVM VHV Simcoe rV THE BARBIE EXAMINER THIRSDAY DEC 14 1950 ii in and minutes of the pro Ai gt ti gt 5i on irelsoln el Ll szl VV VV VV VV gigvuggmd 02wa 11it put 151 not At in ittlzhltfr gt lLlrll sscs scissors VV Iiirim 5W iiV mm Vi Pewii In VA iii o3 pipiimii yum Nimii mm Mi if ti gm TW LOR SK 9001 gt lV llie electron of otiiceis The ultr ilt4lii1t turf riiczcas and Vi VV VVVLVVVVVVVVVV Urb mi mm Vie iiiiiiiwi pimVViim xiii iiiAfAim VV ff3 15mm Himvii Mai pitstiltni crria Noble president Minister tiavtar nus been iiiics 255 uni Lusiia tityptlliic tiara Allan ieep dent riomd iluAtl on El rarwtrun by re 5L1 SMHl AHIIUHfr Klhiml ittAi and Atom personnel sta dticul iii Moziis ti colltliie mined for liLL The head llll LtilAAJ of lzr lrderatiun Meeting gth diiiii lipiiiiiii ViiVii Mi VV of liatiiv atrli be the speak out Mr llirb tarnpiiell Jer lriin liV glililkgfulinlliktp Skiff ll 3311l Fm VV ONE CNJNLTTLE ri iitiirtc tordralty lllitwl Murphy and Ken Alurpli of the fVVViVVVV iwtieie the Illili who ly taizadas Puck xlcuiiammi myViVEVVVAW QJVVTEAi 11 itrzV home iii3 Viiiiiiiiiiipiii iii iiiiiiiViiiAViiiV iiiiiiiiiVV iKorian aahft planes ari ouar iqj 0M55 5M5 VV Mi SVMGUJ GET REMARUVBLE ONE rt on filter the Ifiii mi Mi Aiivii iiViiiLiV rimthVVU1lkiil Vllb VllnlVVlVVVIUVV iitlitl Evym5 ARES ERR TUKLCN WEETTERDO EmiQJSSED THE IIii Swim iKVuVil litwnmmw irulli it Vail it TtlAani him mmidr nmmg prom 50 EWLmERES YOLHAE ANYCMLDREN VV iCLASSJCsWK5EBJ MU Ml lilitiliiiuii intAi lllt niragtl ir ltxlllr thaw beer rmntrur sinrm allow corn re ii tie rrieirrbiis be reading ol 525 OMES MR5 NQ5TKE5Cithr 40 554x 1ll 13 who iieetird no tittiriiltretion to the Hm NHhh HI timid mi viiii that our 1A prices ltltill the lltltlitl States iindwiihes given by Mrs Ware lllltllllllllii locally and followincl tl ti of lli llilAii iii AV eV It od ipp pra iimiiiig iii iiii Miiiiii Biiiiii tiiiinimmicrict was Sr 1H to Hbort Mrs Cook indienei was aniioiiziiiti by lliehr Hm Chump Tum and WH ml 8377 mks KrillBum mlde and was Jl inu riizgratitltiltolh to Tilt and Mrs Tim Uiiiiiii priiiiii iiiiidiidid VVVVl VVVlViVVHVV llotlarzo tieilttltri Marilyn Nobli giiiiiiiAii Vii uh him ships Aimi iilit rliriiih wiirtil lArtht ivii of Agixultuie zarid lit and li Rimlwy ol Jiiniwi iir int tlllV Liii ri toiiitrnirnty llall llorenaint ili iird Mrs Krttli All ii ii EV 51 or iiogi minim cc iii Vt it 11 lltltl fiLiletllilllttl ripitNiiii iii VVVVVVVVVV iVVfVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVAV GVVVVV llr itplaV innit llilllr iiispti hi Marianna Alliton tr arid iIilt is Mr limit of Ill Al fanatics and bri grill litulll to the bit St lrters Lllllit mall With in itoxal lictorm Hospital 13 iiiAeiiiiiii iii Ilm m0 etrrrrptritte lit the lllllttlllt 1H mortarice or increased production trad iron paid in It lillll on the lllllh or their son ii otti the lltli the demands ior tlu hinting along with lle 11 KVHHL iiw Bud iiuiiuiiimV prim iirpaitrai rAlA Mrs Legion NH ii tlitziuil euraiuctrtl the tlrction of Nun or purpose and the sinking of the Immd Hldlm Ilim the Ladiis Auxrliiiry lolloine the flllltgt itillttlllil fziiitrv ltl Sil li oodbye Song Sayonara iblitt llri itlllii in were tltClA it in pimp Neva tits Stur mi mm mil 113 llgtVHVlt Wadi to llli ierIillltlS of Anyone who has not yet brought bl VVVUVHV VhIVTVVt FM ti AA VV thi installation of officers for lUl the itlbuVshel wheat clubs And iii in Mm 130x iS iiskmi iii do SUV WIN ll IV lVh mm Hlmv Dlmmu from mm finwl Vmltitw IVWm Merribers are reminded to bruit high mm hilt VMdhl it ltuA vicepresident related at the ceremonies Iheltlre Stillbushel potato product Nii if mi iiii iiiiiiijiirint dill MW NVI kwl WW lrlAlVlr inil trllrld new oltieers lllttttl oere laek Ilie presentation of the wheat Mic tactord ritliQllIy wt president Evans lt vicA club prizes was made by Ken Mur WWmeVOLL 50 FORTHE LAST tls tirrsto ts1nt secretary president Brown 2nd ice illly on behalf of mo Maia Veiii iien in Halifax to the Christmas VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 23 was My iiiigiii iii iiiiidV iii Siiiii We are iirtimst tlit sort of WHAl lA M51 SLlARlNGi VVVAlVA IME EXPLAIN 1iaor liigtt5liiviz iii11 iiiiiiiiiiSV ivmidiii1 Miiiiiiii iiiVV who immiwi ii ViW lihiiiii during ii WI ii imam lam Dorias tcretu Mrs rreietary Cook eorrespondmgiA siiiigsong was then enjoyed fol ly remains to be seen whether GRAPEFRUIT lN MR PAN LTALK Tl lliairck corrrriattie Mrs eietaiy Collins treasurerlowed by demonsta oi HORACE Is Ti lliAi llr jra It rs re lt mcm iers of the executive ilanciniz eeem er tecerrt despatrhcs from Ottawa GONNA PLAYA fitianaA rhuuh LUlrinirtlee Mrs it ill lueker Smith Craig After this the ting went to the Damon Chi itmbtilS SIN lihaw said tlral of tap WY lilihml ilk it CWLET$ LlVENg pay increases for 0st fulfill lr aammn Mrs ravA Mlllllllll ltlltlltllll standard basement to hold their arririial lllilslml llllltt ill Ml 111M MIS lithe anadian LIll serviceAAand it iltiill lleiir llArvrs little helpersMuller omiade iilham meeting While no mini Sinclairs in Ilarrie mi mind iii3 VV are under eon irlif lt=47 when Very Silteessful bazaar not ruled lo show or motion Iiic MIS VBIUCVVVDINlVQIUl llrlUHlUsitlcrution by tho rubian lain Adams Mrs and bake sale was held in miiiirires thwMimSlllIlty Witlt0 HUHIS trained private in the srecial bri lWillILhS VNllllll CUIHIIHUN tiWS Vlrri at the Legion Hall by the 111 WW mm glide receives basic pay of $79 V1 1114 may xii5 1mm 14mm AimiiiiiiV Wiyiiiiiiii is In the first half of ltlot Canadas ml month and subsistence allowance iVi iiiiiiV 31mm Sieiwii lanai iiiiii by iiii Hid 0i iiii iii minim mm 572131 ms Ui Ixeep Decenibrr 30 for llltlVif $33 if iiiiiiiiiii iii wining iiii 71 114W WK 1h WWWTllhm 11d been bought WAlmk lltltilll eonrltared with HWMS WII additional $30 gait or the metuni with the blltlttmtf Ill 11 total of Salutei53tiiti tons in the similar tier Romcmbul Church servnAe at llll itlabtma theme The immortal Molly thanks to those who helped tiUtl of WW MalXV lnb1 17 SHOT ifllrliliN EAGLE 247 you tell lowl unity or liristsll make it such it Splendid Maids11W Osborn and MISS mmmv ST Thomas om iciowriic iiiiiiiV Mimi vim Win ui iviiiiiiiiui chiiViVVVVVVKV iVVVVVVVVVVVV at their homo from big hawk shot by Ruiz iaiiii aoiils lrayei Next meeting will party hih bu inmVVVVd llll in lltt Acton Hall on hold Mrs liirloniz and Willis lsitttl near Wallaeetown has been identi VV ViVVV VVVV ViiVnV iV iii MiVA3iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii Ali iiVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V2lVlltulVprVir Vreai VtIlVSthi Handy llidiLY fied as an lIIIlIIiltlthggultlcitmqglt Elralicks itanadian Iieizion Branch 40 to in iiiimi iili ill iufnidVlVIlLVvV imd 51 ROWELV LVtflV lV species exceedingly rare this VV VV VVV VVV tVIVVVVVtoi VitiViVVyVVi Vlood side of the Iloeky Mountains ew null omo =0=== HV VMWW mmth ii iimwiw ii iiiieiiiiiig inciiing of Mo =2 omo===o=m=o=lo===xouo==ono==ouo Mrs Jack Lemmy of lairiswiek Miss Lena Scliell loronto vis WWWHA 151ml 15 hill Spent Wednesday with her mother iled her parents over the veck iUioIA JUIHHUHIS lWHW Mr and mm mm Mottalto of for rnl VVV Vin VVV VVV1VVVVVVlVVVV iiVVViIVVVV Bradford were at Lloyd oboiiis osepi iueu am new riiotorer Saturday evening Ilap Iiiiims Ilyers are not home from Toronto for the veek llllil on earth goodwill to building an imerossiViV road VloiriVIV irieVrVr ltiVeV rolVl call tziiiirisirinSriii trip for the inouti etcm am Mrs Wright Mr and 1113111113 er Mr and Mrs Allen are visitiniI mndh mum rm lVlw her but they hope to snap ers Joseph Shaughnessy and fam ritnt parcel for European children i0 MP and Mrs Jm mlv NW victory in Girl Saturday night lily and this It Daley and Lionelilll5 MTV MtlALm 98 DIOlllilm Town and mm when they meet the Black iBarrie visited Mr and Mrs Geriltllllll HIUIS Were sung Wan ence Wood Seliomberii were FIi llgnvkg 1lyln Sunday ida Muir gave Christmas recitaio day 910 ml illi1drl AI Murrays squad have not ir mi ii 1tiion The Christmas story Waist the Orantteniens banquet rrday intrigued ii in ma OHM given also poth and windings mi shower in honor of Mr and thrrstmas in other lands and r7 1W it my The WMS ladies pill on ban Barrie into overtime before EM MN All him Hmtesl DUNN the DUSHICSS DC quaiimiviiVVVVVViVVeVViVVOViVVVVgVVmVVVVVVVVVViVVVVdroppiugVVnVVLqum VVmVVuaiiV illtllllt of Mr and Mi llat itt iQViVVn VViiiiig iviiii immV ii 7er 77777 V74 VVVVVVVVVV VV their friends Friday night After midway in November Thuhd mm iltoyat Vict in Hospital Aid tlrank speeches in the church basvment rigmini played tinpi mud ibmk md mum lull mg the ladies or their help last ents of many lovelyVand useful night starts this season but forced D==0=O= the Orangemcn invited the ladies games so far this month and year and asking if the would to enjoy the pictures displayed by haw lost all three The Gun lgms Shfwmp the hem Am WhCh help with sewing again Mrs the Constables of Churchill All venture is lust mad ii ml held by ti many Parker agreed to look after this nioycd mom WY 1le until January which may find ifffhj Llumnimllll Ar p110 wmk Cd CHM $0 asked1 WMS Meeting an me back in Wide by 2111 liltilloiiliiiytlfu zVgiuniwis iii1iV1de1lclitir if Mantel radios in eye catching cu ft DeLuxe Refrigerator with full width freezr The December mcmmg lbltitXTtlhltS IN scheduled for dainty thh VHS served Ad irriilriiiiliiilrirl mftiilbhrnerntlieits will owns or blue green rosehwory freezer drawer extra deep plastic criSpeIS and con WMS was held iroiiiisciiiiV D00 mth ilk VVdndeVy night dresses were mild Mrs Will ihnd moved aim and urmne and mahogany venicnt shelving at StankV 3113M ih cellardwelling Waterloo IIurriV mm Schcn lg 1h COmlments were made for Christmas members m1 wilds plvrml canes provide the opposition muml and Jusm MCBHdC r01 ibaskels for shutiris in the corn VI VCmO Comm 10 11 while Friday will likely see the 50th the Engmeers at camp munitv Mrs Wilson is con 95 scripture 19550 and NH Hough game of the season when the BWdcn presented and Kroner Rpmi on fowl supper ledin pmler Mrs Gmdm leagueleading Toronto Iarl Mrs Anon mm purse Oimmmy showed balance of $88 hobby WigginsV Mm wesiV Mm NobiCV bows trek VVomVV Giiiiiei iiiiiiiiiiy imide ziii OFVVVVVVVV VVVV be VVCVVV in JRVVVVVVVVVVV AV For VV or Her Mrs Brown and Mrs Andrews Emms their kindness on behalf of Mar announced yesterday ook the candlelighting service that righpwinger Rick noggV 10110 Md 1111113le Ourlng the business it was lCCid sidelined with broken wrist MT lunch Ntlt mectin ill be at II id to present 310 to Upper sz sustained during the latter art it tda Bible Society 325 to the ried MablllCA Glime Of last with iS ready for action the close of the meeting Mrs Johnson and Mrs Mayes served Victor Mission $15 to Overseas nogg may make his first an December 12 Officers Elected for L01 731 relief and $25 1h Salvrmm pcnrancc 0f the current cam MI 311d MISz Bert MCCiitheoni The annual election of officers Army Mrs Connell Sr conduct Wig against either Si Mikevs and Gloria and Miss Evelyn An of LOL 731 was held Wednesday Hand Saws Hack Sawsixey 2d the installation of officers for Friduy or Waterloo wednesdayV drews of Toronto visited MlA and lcvcning Dec 76 at Mincsing Or Hole Saws Hammers ChiS 1ext year Officers elected were Mrs Cecil Whitcsidc Sunday angc Hall The meeting was 34Pce SerVICQ 01 eis iii president Mrs Boughton ivsi MFSV BeyersV Miss Black and NIai OpCIlCd with the WOIShlprl MRSi II II eve anes vicepresident MrsA Rutledge 2nd caret Walkom of Baxter spent Sun Bmthel Percy Mllll in the 02nd quaresy Blow TorChes etc vicePresident MIS Chantler suc day with Mr and Mrs Clifford Chili Offices were lled as 11 retary Mrs Jackson treasurer December 11 Mooney ows Worsliipful Master Percy Complete Wllh cabmet Tam was Mrs Halbcrt assistant treasur MI 80d MIS MOIgan Edwards Mr and Mrs Alfred Thompson Mllil Deputy MaSter MCIVYn er Mrs NoblcV Missionary and Roy Edwards visited rela Frank and Jack spent Sunday with FlliCk Chaplain Re William Monthly secretary Mrs Cope tives in Stayner onVVSunday Mr and Mrs Tuck at Thompson Clements recording secretary land Christian stewardship Mrs Mix and Mrs Gmenlaw Mid Ville Harry MEWS nancml SEClelalY ii 7Wi VV Stafford assrstant Christian land vrsrtcd wrth Mr and Mrs MI arid MIS Bellamy Vlslt Gd Pam 119351191 JQCk PUCSL StewardshipV MVSVVDVV Brown my rHamid Cowden iVVsi TVVOSdayV ed MFSV Pegg in Mount AibertV Sum marshaiV Wiiiiam Graves lsi lee rcgprmdingsecremiyfMrsfcrrm 31Vaviiw it gTiday WW WWWmrcrrHarryFralickr2ndlccturer UN 653157 AAfSm4 bert supply secretary ls Milan Jaenfilingsovfiugg The pupils and teachers are all Lloyd Srigley On the committee BEAM MIXMAS at R5 at $4795 Halbeit temperance secretary VAid busy preparing for their Christmas are Thomas Campbell Bruce DORMEYER MIXE Mrs Wilcox press secretary on ELSE Mrs Ed concerts and all promise good Binnie Oliver Wilson Parker SUNBEAM TOASTMASTER at Specal $3230 Blade cuts up to Mrs Leeson friendship secrc program See posters for dates Priest Ewart Mayes The meet JOHNSON ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER at $4950 $7050 tary Mrs Wiggins organist Cecrl Brethet is home from RV ing was closed in due form wrth LE RIC FLOOR POLISHER at VVVVV meta0m Mrs Rowe assistant01ganistV famlly V131th ML and M15 1V3 Hospital recovering froman open the singing of God SavetheKing CT AA Mrs Andrews auditors Mrs vasey Omniaj sunday ation followed by an enjoyable lunch GE ELECTRIC KETTLE at $1450 Blade cuts up to afuu 2n Allen and Mrs Larson The Sunday vrsnors with Mr and was also decided at the meeting SUNBEAM IRONMASTER at $l495 meting closed with the usual so Mrs Oijval Edwards were Mr SMALL BEGINNINGS Iliat the card parties will be held SANDWICH GRILL at $875 Ciai hdim and Mrs Tripp Allenwood imThe 13 original states of the US in the Orange Hall every Tuesday and Mr ancLlVIrsRcyWhetlriamr nstitutedirplwohadanrarea of vening throughout the winter WWLQIge assottmenL OfiEleClriCClOCka TheseAgreihighquqlityisqSVahibothwri 892135 square miles monthsV STEVElESV CORNERS Lake Toasters Irons Etc depth and angle adjustment December lg51355Q523PIE55EZEEPEEIEIElELliKdglllzl ltg llallllll 9516 wiia rst sirauri MrIand Mrs Horace Vascy and atV$9500 It VV JLVV 29 Mrs Norman Davis spent sev eral days at the home of her idauzhter Mrs Douglas Ross Bral dens number from here attended the funeral of Touse Bateman on Friday of last week Mr and Mrs Bert MeCaren of Newmarket were Sunday guests of Mrs Porritt and boys Miss Florence Sturgeon spent the weekend at the home of her parents The sympathy ointhis communi itygoesout to the relatives of Touse Bateman of Toronto Ebenezer WIVES BUBBLE LIGHTS are mug CANDLE LIGHTS BOIYS 11 VVVVV TREE TOP at $595 ANGELS BOYS to at $750 STARS AND SANTAS Mens and up $795 $1125 VVV GIRLS White SV 1V Mt GLASS CHRIST3 1255 l0 MASTREE $695 AVORNAMENTSV LADIES WhiteV slot TsggoFsgliEs $895 859999 at 56 eascifiandu AVliithife wing met 03 513 0m We rs ErnestDa1esthsee bc iiirmrii wire choice or GAMES AND TOYS NOFALL KINDS HOCKEY suc rrstmniiikiiiiogrr linth law5 Pairiln CI0k1n019B0ardS Machines Table Ten V3HOCKEY STICKS to $275 to mth gs epro udons ms em nic Sweeping sets Chines Checke El EV TOBOGGANS 4ftto8ft$495 $1995 rs ecnc the president and members taking pati Mrs IL Stovold presided SLEIGHS $165 to 365 MeChamcal Trains ModelFarmImplements and SkiS Ski Boots Harness etc$ over the lection of officers Mrs CANADIAN YOUR CHOICE VV Er hat ml that TNHRGISRETMAiXSVARCIlgII BOXES Tractors Blackboards TeddY Bears Dolls 0Y Hock eY equipment shoulder present officers be returned for 53893an VV Talephonesrsewmq Knitting Sets ToyPionos fpads shm pctds gloves another year This was seconded byMrs Fred Archer and carricd2 ii TIuCkS Cranes Bulldozers etci ornkle Supports etc MrsV aneshaw rad chapter rmmth Std Bk Nextmcitjngutg hell atalllli APHONE AT 82 Wt Kneeshawtii Jam in The 3270 DUNLOP STV HNS ON HARDWARE SUN Thggme omo Glaze andcomma WORTHYSUNTESTEDWALLPAPERS AA tamarindmum nonhumanmaynunnannuunammnamummmmm 7JEEEZ mezmgzzmwczmzzzmwetzwz Vmmmza mummmmmw rollircallV will be answered by the VV

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