Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1950, p. 5

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VV VV VimI MWww nw wwwww Vii Nh Dry 1950 iiii 111mm EXAMINER IHLRSDA mnifriiii 1lirill 12 inauy AblltAL itefzigcialirf iiABliDlih Canopy Removed mm mm was 621 51111 1511 listirelixoric 37cc 399 rm with EFFECTIVE JULY 31 1959 lilxnt luaxig 12mm of in Our 15 inn rxilfrlwce 111 klalhlnl lrrilitiili VVV Imhh l9 Man gm 31scliliiii3 cunning that gtorts Eli3 55 Wlltkv 513 31 81 ashLt 11J sun Lieu iii offices factories residences 736 Va V111 HS CASH RATE ordt minimum 50 12X IVE IL VV VVVVVVVVVV IVVJ by IVle Phone Barrie i1li ADYS rtlillll llelillt skaiisl1li$ 1JV11111si an 11 mini MUST BE PAID WITH 0RDLR Ititrd 311 1112 11 I17 11 1111 Llae tit11 1111 season 111 ir itorxr minor 1144035 111 1101 llt up 1II VIII IL In MI Jl cllilll condition 311133 bit1111911 All Unsecuuve mbenfonb 1rd mlmfnym 350 it 131 fliul rt 11 lt 31 1513 14 I1111 cannot 111133 gum XDYS GURFVVSKAHSI i1VV1V 11111 mich ptuc HauntTVA OVER THE TELEPHONE OH ARth IVVlVVIVVjV 11 VIVXVV AV AVVV VVVVVVVVLVVHVVV VWV 11111 leilll lxhl V11 Vlll lbllk llbllt illH 9LU Sc word minimun LV Vl VV VVV VV LVrEU by GiuliKSLhl Ir 11 1v1 50 2st VV VV 111r vim 11l II IIvtI gt llhillit ETIlililllil 11951 AMERICAN OPUSSU my mm IrlgMA Mia mb hidlw Ally consecuuve 159nm 2L 01d mlmmum 50C Cubpound szgn in 211 1211111141 and 90b NW 2th piwnp 3018 7446 nunuw 111 V51 irecte to ofce 250 extra VVRV hf MAN WANT wrbmhr Mk MN phi 535 5121 BOX ALMBIARD 01 replies VVV11VilV1ltViVVV VVAVV Vle VVVVV VI wigIV lVVVmVV Hymn 111111141 11le llitlgalrlllt and llllii SUNBEAM smwnXfswr DUIFlt hm lumniggir COMING EVENTS LOCALS 313 word minimum 750 1511 l1zH 11 MUN WMi Ural MM hm3112mm Film llclyulb flu tidi Mldmuu mm Ml W30 Any consecutive insertions 2c word minimum 50c 37 Cold 11 nitgl wqu fl nd 11 iridium Helan in= villi luv gt tlilra 48 i311 Hfblw KLEUEm lrklivlirhhllbkflidi trill IN MEMORIALL CARD OF THANKSJZC word nnnlmun 75C 1w Md MIVMIK mm 33 HM MM aloud 111 lllbhtllly 135 Wrmli one icr WV WI III VIM III mu IN II II large or unikslzop ll hub it Engagement NOLth 70L II II WWW II WI II Nd mid um Hm sale bu rI lllAt lOllth cvoiliil lllbt sire Son 04 Illslititl St lliullt MM 11 tilllr 11 inc 1214 11111111 condition blllulit 4191 74th Note F118 Barrie Examiner V11 110 ilbbume responsmmlyuim Owncr did not 41111611 61411 ijUIIlr 11111 111 how 101 MUURL flush USEKKEPER 111 ancui 96p IV II or an error in advertisements taken over the telephone nor lll purchaser Conwizuiaily litill rIIV BARR dumb munmmuhy mm ILRQUOlbl lAthA 111111111 VI yr me Int on 11111 ltplisllttl at 111w town 3111 15 rum hip MANS HEAVY Overcoat for SilanlllrpKS 5111 1410 also 113113 inn or errors 111 cop unless 110 ledrl V18 113 bet dump VHVVV VLVV mm mm VIVVV VVVMIVVMIVVIV liltrtil worn 10 Phone 2805111101111dt and suit size insult VV frwow II VVV VVV iVV lVI hm Vv mums HBHL Vmm ll YwSp ziblc Itit quick saith llumc 403 ildlmeb for COPY WEdnedel 13 00 tor ThurdeVy issue NHIile lI3V1 by Emu variable 1111 public accounting iii gml saturday unl fOr Aionday ibbue leilfn U11 5le Id muff cloning irormkwmrg iitiililitlll and GhNhIlAL illtllll winning Adlets will be received but not classified until 530 pm Wed 91 Homo 11 MlVllt 1111ch and machine good condition illoiic SILVult 10k 111111 1939 MODEL Him $1511 llruin small scts laaiitlirtl Weekly inon 2970 791gtb ivoin gt1lc1 foxiiiilemVti 101 nesday and baturday 319 11701311 Vol1 ln ltrlll llltllltll in lk my mun WWW Buxl millhuiriltisviohlk 1111 mllumlElblllluplhcttlmllllilih 111 itlml r11i tllt tlio 111141 will licVDlelafdf lump culls llzriilt ithrrrrrrr 2411311 or =1 5W 211 lliJV cimcii 11 1111 scrim 11 111111 1111111 or cripin Ir iiics size 0701110 $754 lll deluxu 113mm Hing 1341111 we 1er 3111 ihrrlmiiitl itiillni Ills and pay nightsit prtJValtl Ann 111 iil Wit in prices For mmc in WANTED VV VV s1ii1 AllVAlhli oiitbnliiilwiiuii VI FURNISHED mmmm WM 39 mm PM VIM 00 VVIVI Li MIMI IV rvicewicmum wumVBw ytllivulb Vth 041 brown or 11 hp inctlianitally ptifttt 1000 llUtrV 011th Vol sat VppVy NW Nib imi VVV MVOVHV ImVVV VVVVV VVVVV Vukm in VV WV1 Tm 3313 rm now Phonbipair 70020 heavy duty truck 1111 lccl hi Phone 1900 lbvJtlp VI no 1017 DAD fm hU mm l111lil 11 111 vr1 lol l1llil 111111 ici lllonc 0711 111illllib imp 11191 74 025 UW AI iiiitxisiirn BEDROOM Illonu iii111 Gmdon You Ltd lt 511 no 1101151 Rooms brink uni1 mm mm MW um Mm 5V rIImI AT It 4042 gUUd Huh Phone 403+ lbI9bp 1V VV VV WHHI JUH puhmm 11 MAhb OVI ATyywnQN iuw ic ialnlit mm and 1111111111111 11111 11tz l11 11111 in 111 Lull hoary 11111 11112111 slow llluiit also Windbreaker same 511123110110 PARME lb VV VI EVVVVV FURNISHED BEDROOM mI an mm 3qu UV YUHVIV VIVID mm mm mm illiil ailcr ti 11111 39tip 4440 14 mm liilillnbhfilli 1lllllllt IllDllll Rglgpllilcnga llh ilcty mm 97 gs96 LUVHZKIV Hinmnhuwl VV VVV VV llVllllltl 1V1L VV VVVVV 471 34 Cum Law 1qu so UNIV dunqu mmhy VTMZImIlu WOULD V11 151 children MAN5 001 Winter overcoat DctV VSVl Yillatili Gdliltguhlgllh PililtitulllxllltllgllTMgilnlgllft4833 SINGLE MAN 10 Shun mum Ap or Undo MI 01 mm Hume mVIXV mi Krmnkhlmu mm good honit Ill 1111 ttilllllryI VApplyirpractically new llionc 41111 aftci slug 111111 wwNUB pl 50 Map AWI 15915p 1913 IIljnvillt lit 49519111 013 Olly 11m 111 11111111 Examiner 901 pm 7901gtVimmIFT UVIdVVVV 1th on Vpuniwl Hike VI courourxnm 111111111 11 room 1137 BUICK 11 cylinder 111 Ilt 1111 mm 11m ism mumurc Hill CASH hltltltl 01 13x14 SllthGrrILLljl AMthlrggi BailldiblllllmSS V111 fxcruUVVl3lrlh fbwgnfxgxguSeyigigltc03183 for 10111 Phone 5217 l5V795951til1h and new lizltlci iii goodV 1hlsctl hitay Duo 13 1349 h0 is no fully gt1 iiw rat ucon at us It 19 11 1r rimi lllinilfkillillsuVllllll lltlsulii Ililaitrlt 7901GF ilooi polishcr Phone 1432 1y More rcasonablc than ILlll JFmNISED 0R hmnmhm 51m MM 133lnwmlm that 5Ihw htmg 1riihinor 90971 Roy Tracy Easy terms 7969151 C0005 R0111 5511110 1310le l5 mums 60 Age 19111111 Afioin 11H vililill FIRESTQNE 5mm Grip llitS RKIHT 01 51 109 2377 190 k1549611 1931 OLDSMORILE Couch 1110d cl Miniv CHILDS lllNl 1111151 ill good 710x15 iicarly iicw Phone 37411 llANO Ul IllWUUP If II lilim 11 box in 11 tor sale 1111 ll ltllliil icst condition liiiys hockey tqliipincnt evenings 7901 in real good condition lVlVll BlllltVl lilVOVUItVllll gtiiiiVlmiVVtVVIVniViiV UN FL hlmsckcwmg limit All GHQSV BLVther AWV 2143311 iVVVNVVd and WE Vmmm Hm Nah 5111 11 VIMviii skate ADI 132ix FOR SAI Fl 0d and DEHSOOIlltlllllSpilllgllgg RENllilll lot1ilvl disy Ltglrliiis mm 15 bodrm Phouc 480 P555 134 0111 mm mm lid Eliggl llill3llgtllY SUIID l7 Bun1 EmumlmI Lc 1110 VV VV V1 VV V11 1596p V50 DUUNNUV PHDVF 2188 BARR lcv Wcll blizabctli St lllb 00111111 bptiicc 11111 hstntt 104 3131111 VUlll hlVl Alllll lull VVJ IVA 1J4 101 bLl tundnmu POULTRY mmle hmhcst mums mum Dull gum 101 st phonl 1748 anytime lb J01 SMALLV HATED ml furnishedVwimcrdeV hVVVmVVV mow VHVVVVV CULIV In IVMHVV mVImVHIVI Ur IndI pde vim INC 155 weng Mum LIUVrV who hm DVICV 12V me VV Jill Allistoii phonc l5211pT Will litillCi in 1400d COYldllltH portablcs adding machines cash tifullv dccorltcd modcrii all con bm 15961 1359 lit901 Calm and lltiittllll 111 is slvtiliiiii Illionc mCZl11rregistori a11dmsowic11sllc1w veniences hot air heating low butitist r1 lllt Our truck will call Mclralitili CREAM AND BROWN VOOd 91 IYPEWRIIERS Office ncicssogo 190R COMPACT 11mm beau allillllllilll AdllllS A111in 211 Hil Bargain for 11111111 salt ftllltlltsrplillt Maw AllUlI 00M Siillilblc 01 lill MODEL FORD Coupe also 192901 lvliii ltitl liim sadly miss him mn=cwrv vii Bailic taxes Oiitts 111311 Estrit 1F TOW lTXVEiIHi 00ml lillillll G05U rm St Chen and bedroom Phone 0201 Model car Ailill Bluct bim Bu llust int1111 to inttt again llttl WW 0011 MIMI ik33leIlfLindwllfrhat 87 Sllutgrvil glrku buck 1441imcs St 15A961J turd Con lniiisiil West 11 1111111eg itnlcnibticd by as phone 58111 11200114 01 79b lllngVily 13411511 1111 Pnonr 1488 VV IW btalts 1111 No lltlllgl1ill9b CHILDS 41lEClS Wintcr mum in SELECTION OF scvcral subslun fillllmlxtlf1btlglmltrillli Wilollllswln loving memory of lGOOD CHEER Circulation 110511 hdI good condition owncr too tially built family dwellings idczil 23 146 Vl Sl Mm ohm who path11 away 101511I in 1151 91155 commit $1150 it also drCSSOSV 1V located attractively priced lo 11m VV 111111 111V1VVc l1 VV VHVV VV WANIInD llolslciii 11111115 ODUL 91 Ha WV tradein Apph 117 Lssri Road Dtc 11 nn rehsurt rngjgtcrcd and lillllltl 10 10 23 Hume 3004 Id lcmlunly meld gzcyd lgslgell walSIluuRglilgigmigibaml LARGE FRONT btdiUUlil illld Phone 1403 1114154101lTllll Sllilll 1W ms hm v1 110 00 ous 11 11 months Old 11111111101 itcitditi 11 II kittliiiitttu tciitial lllont 1189 0115511 AW lm mm ingaitlilN20pfiiliillbiogzll 0M 77 20 Charlotte St 15961 1910 lLYMOUl11V radio liclitcibll 111W 141W Laitcr Ionstruction Gmmm BrundEwalvmn dggmlro Ame 796 MOFFAT ELECTRIC Range ONE TO FOUR LOTS sewers al FOR RENT unfurnished rooms 331331335 133Pml3719lobbvghlml iuhiiilour honic wllcii1111591711011 in closet Th r0 crt in new LIVLmUrI KITCHEN CABINET in 129 30ll3mSU 1th czduoxllcio unfor iilslglctmsurrodlldtcdpbvSOIIIC lovc Emmi llg1 Apply LCh blah in liilit 10m him 260 imp lemtlmmh llldwllhub 1imsldition May be see evenings 189 Clgiriiglcubf 611m bv IllClluSCI 1y homes Mercury lton 1950 homc Phone all IAEmp 0R Oxl Illd Wklllllmliitlitdondllvdr $111 okswwn 76 lair ca icrs VililIIilIN 796 10461 21 truct new liitl Vc miss 1V IV VV paidV MVPiislikVoffV to 31V ggpbm4 agiji plfygldglg 113 33 Selshgojfdigggiigggjy g3 vrnv CENTRAL warm attractV iator aiid batlciV vtnn iiccnsclHn ywum 111W time Pk me 298 BmgLigTIBLACK AND WHITE 6picco ql SL 796p Barrie Examine 1695I96p ichlVIv furnished room Btisiricgh Best ofrVor OVvtrV tM100 l1VEVco1Vgc ti VVVV NV mum mu not mi Slalom Iill Ibreaktasl sumI Irkc new 511330 poison lllonc 347 15 901 1111 No no station L1 171IouViViViVViH AGENIS NTED ma pm GellehgibdrgiPigigmilririmlgiilll llrftls 54R1Elgc1lgthl 31311311711913115 ROOM FURNISIiFiD Willis 49 mDSMOBHh hm mllhlm up mm SINGER SEWING machine 101 nlcnt vacant Dec 22 lOIIC tion tinish insidc ant out 11c again VV WANT MORE MON chewing cod 125 ihir 1121 tlllilii2 their 9113911301 rightward new St ivcv Malland Oril 2933 an pm xl 1h lnc BI AI VV RilllYLll is on onti li 1199115112gm ilfili19ifziiilii3rli mustn n0 re tiliiwr2112251r33ShSh92oniy ewe 51 34 961 42 51 mo rommc COACH ducts Sinnllczibiiul lCiiuilel Fm eluded mm 2632 796fo IDEAL CHRISTMAS grit install ROOM STOREY modern in 133 JQG 89 CS 309 CCQ31COI iiwllniScrctinri is is slowingj 10 Montreall sever oil umwe air dlllob N0 leabunilbk 0H9 2I an worn one car Prone FOCCV II ate witi or witiout iousctecp llUllt 5517 llti Wio 11 En Ll dig 074 Town ery 7961 choose from VA siiViniiiniViVlilChliVanlll logeiitadginglllnfielgigsc8315810 iill privileges Central Aiillly But trust 111 10d to meet again GUS PAccommOdahon ante wm 0f mom WI to go on the BALED HAY fol sale also tiovcl with the eqiiipinenV SMALL HEATED unfurnished and gm mnbmhoneyvApp1y stan air Phone Russ Lowan at 4521 apartment dcsircd by business 10y RI ngI phone 2115 BarriCIlVBarric VE3AMD 79098bT 13 no later than Jan 1951 796b I32 l9 Barrie Examiner 11901 NEW ELECTRch Scwmg VMVdCig CHRISTMAS TREES priced from les scvlil balclkizvedrdz 1231118 11131de easona IR13panppfiizggl e1ls of parts for all makes of machines COMFORTABLE room suitable for 79698p including motors sew lights belts bobbins shuttles and needles two men Board optional Phonot WATCH lady s1 watch Machines cleaned and Vrepaiie 4022 lzwprglhllic iron All in good condition Work guaranteed Iglnley3rl5s cooo ROOM AND board for twolphone 4391 between 69 pm Emabeth Hauler tone or honc 2852 1596 sedan for Lovingly rcmcmbcrcd by MomrV FARM STOCK AND COthlSEal Malina Blklcag wonky IlYciONbctitititlalll condition Dad Sisters and Brothers 961 Owen St Phone 2377 UPSTAIRS llpartmcntV 11102ch scat CUV1IIVSI visorV 5W lighti IMP llilldWOOd 0015 fUIlllSlC Oniiass lifc uard tubes Will sci ovmg HOUSE OF THE EEAR punk 100 if dCSllCd Share bath QUlCL for $2200 P150110 4224 139590b lcai husband and father Edward Phone Bar low wnh sue rfmikas 311s reliable COUPIC dCSllCd PhOlC Garnet Rtld who passed away tal Qe Mg 4834 1596b 1941 MONARCH Sedan Al 0011 December 1947 nqw Pcr13tqmp fnancin dition low mileage i930 Rockne page in the book of mLmOUr mbpecmm dn elsloxlgl 111 Brag HEATED OFFICE Spacer 12 X34 Sedan new tires and battcry ls Silently turned today VV can couus ca phs 23177 Centrally 10981011 for renl 1A1$ good running order Owner lcav Ever remembered by his ng kcr owe St mew95 Red Pepper 31110103110 $10k mg province Will acceptany rca Bea son 1000 daughters June midi good condition for sale Applyzrlg sonablc offer Phone 3471221346 Marcie 91111 VERY LARGE brick ironic square canollla CO lone Business Opportunities Properties For Sale Hr lllSUliilCd 1596p 41 DODGE 1T0N Stat 31SHARPEln lovmg mme of House 1VroonisVtVii IV 7969 79 plan gOOd rgpdll lllilldilico ll Chev 2ton hydraulic brakes 35 Fledka Jam thawc Who will1121Irmlliguglidld Tread Ca 00 wmlgy $10111 Silliatzglc Sfdreemarfy purposes $60 PER MONTH SWCWS Chcv pickup 36 Plymouth scdan passed away Dec 111 1944 03 OFFICE DESK an sWivc Clair lclcphonc lot 511x250 situated ROOM AND BOARD large dOUblC sond dark oak drawels $40 dismet age cy for Elna the rSt list outside town limits taxes lcomplctc Phone Barric 4445 and only a1 new Sewing Machine Very easy terms Full price $6000 Contained apartmem5 we decor rebuilt motor and transmission happy hours We once enjoych room heated and hot watcr Conl OBoylc Real Estitc Essa med Barrie also $4250 moms 31 Buick Sedan 29 Model 28 How sweet their memory still lf cash bal Allandale couusv All tru ks wm But death has left loneliness 11 Piicc 33000 ha 7961 in 50 years Liberal tradein 311 Road Bame Phone 4849 anytmfljc Rial state Broken 15 Owen SL Used eggstgnheamchV an The wrld can never HV mcc mmmdm tral Phone 5211 12901 owaRicsefofmyoggmcggsgdgl 169 Phone 2377 1596P freeze glass alndwtirei Wcsilend EVDI remembered by Wife 551813 19 TURNIP PULPER goo w0r mg 0l Used Car51an rccung lone ami Hotel so id bric 01V 1021 ROOM AND BOARD f01 working order $5 pair tirchhains $3 out 0131103110 U59 rmarcghgif RPOMED vhlgmselrillicoogp ROOMED HEATEP apartment 8llr15 139011 rooms with runnmg water men $10 weekly Phone 4707 pain Phone 2172 evenings after bought and sold Wisons locaion excc $1500 close to busmess section and buses TRIBBLE lovmg Vmemor 543000 3mm UmnverV mu 1296b 79613 maker SuppliesI Barrie one piece bath hotair ea mg No objection to one Mum Wan deal hwy Hmls Tnbbb Mice $28V000V half cashV 3030 7+93989 cash vIviIl hgngele ggggscignon 53f someone reliable to care tor school POULTRY who passed way Dec 18 1941 ers mmeia ggoVMvegyaogggoked ssuggtam GILSON SNOW BIRD Refrigera Bay age boy while parents are at tact Boyd Realtor 22 tors Masher Firestone radios Ever rcmem red by his 518 Garages and Stores Box 21 Ballle AND Cockcrels for 5211031018 961 HOPE II tial meals single r00mS $750 UP Mnesing Phone eld St Phone office 3288 after PPY 1596p HEVNSGmdonV Com Innis V101 sale rnVVBarilr and suiiound weekly Simwe Hbter Phone liglsons Garage 749096pT hours Gordon Dyeri654 V1496pVCARD mg Vcouilti 12 96 99 HOLSTEIN CALF FOR Vealmg SPRUCE AND PINE Christmas 3131 99p trees for sale delivered Reg one Phone 3627 14698 ANY KIND of used vacuumclean er from $1950 up Free trial for 30 days on any machine Phone 3482 7969813 TIRE CHAINS one set 50019 $5 Good building lots ranging in pllCC from $350 to $600 POSSESSION FOR Christmas 50 GEESE IVVORUtSAILE JOSIV BAKERMIIVWimam Ba and Brick home 10 rooms on two 50 CEDAR pOLEsV 25 long Cph JCmIC 0013 family Cookstown wish to express oors doube garage new oil and inch tops Phone 1511S 0920 Phone Ivy 14121 14 96p to their many friends relatives mu POULTRYWWANTEDlivc nested ahdmk Vigbbfs thcirrcariici than an appleCia ion or acs Jan Phone 94 Ivy q96p many tras new veneian yoUR COEDgOOD 1uzzedPtl0hn googtagarfg 111713 JwifliarSYE on1 kinddnesbs ntitisslagfels if tsygnza Idea location Must ave Manson arrie one an can oraV es FOR SALE weeks old balance e353 Illness forces 22F13 SerUd 69643ng 14 8898 extended to them in their recent 10 P11 GE Jennett Barrie RR 1e Apply owner 5209 between Appy war 99 am and pm IV 1696p Adams 29 McDonald 10 PIGS WEEKS OLD Harold HaunahmBEtQrQDLw 973513 bumerflov lyhgmundsrlargecmr TAMWORTH sow due to rfarrow come ooms of furniture and LOSTQ1129 ladysIgold ster MMDTD Fh Re irdlPhone 7909f mg wac goh LOSTChildTS silver bracelet Sat urday between High St and Zell crs Phone 5157 l796b SON who ickcd in one set of snapons 00016 $4 mgmgfs Bookstogiic by gnis Both sets in good cendition Phorcle FOR SALE12 mg seven take shopping bag containing box 4095 79 01d ApplfFVranCorner LefmeyI of Handkerchiefs and Bank of WVgmHI 4349 Commerce Calendar I4 kindly re USED 1941 MODEL Beatty was turn 1796b er porcelain tub in rst class 10 PIGSV SEVEN WEEKSQLDV working Omani $45 Phone Geoffrey Hope Ivy Corner Thorn MISCELLANEOUS 3664 796 ton 996p ADDING MACHINES and type REGISTERED ANGUS bulls writers for sale 0r rent at 33 months old Nicol Wilson Allis Business College 68 Toronto St an Ont Phone 72 996 Phone 4824 76911b REGISTERED Hereford bulls MEDIUM SIZE lvmg mom months old Art Wright Lot 11 tables oak with drawer oval Com 13V WestGwinlmbur 996b Walnut $7 mndeaci Phone Wc have many cthcrproperties km for sale C2111 our office Barrie 3926 HARVEY CO SPEERS AGENT FURSREPAIRED relined alter dfPlain sewing childrens clothes Mrs Bateman Collier St Phone 3325 59296pT TARPAULINSNew used rent Wm Prompt serVice guar 1Isad bereavement in the loss 0561 53 Collierstree1I BARR DRY STOVE WOOD aso woo dear daughter and sister blocks 12 long Mrs Harry Webb 2141 ACRESV hwa NOI 11 cut to order Phone igithuse 40 by $0 balrn good Thompson RR N0 Baffle HARDWOOD Hardwood slabs Ijhtogaoimsscalegf igteathgfi softwood Slabs sawed and dth As quoted by Flist oopeiaivc 1m THE BELLQTPELEPHONECO REQUIRES OPERATORS FOR PERMANENT WORK 11 VV Large WI scan areal Med ANARIESjorwaWMwAPPROHVMATEHEIitktonsofAl10171911110157 phone Stroud 10r4 69596p RMLQRE rich CORDwooo AS AT DEG GIRLS To LEARN state of repair driveway well 694971 II treed has excellent possibilities Ontario Barrie 15 Owen StrPhone 2377 896p ered Dennis VMoran phone 30615 Between 16 30V arching ha uare 42 11 Awning Co 34 ay dark redLIILi mont clean Timothy seed one CHICKENS 4314 1596b Bows TUBE SKATES black Jones Sons RR N0 Mid FEMALEBEAGLE houndV pue1vy 111915931 Con IN AND DISCUSS THE OPPORTUNITIES WITH CHIEF OPERATOR THE BELL TELEPHONEV co 121 ELIZABETH sr BARRIE land 99596p Special Grade gt CHICKS Grade 31 Grade ORDER YOUR Hunter chicks now for we Apply 12 IClhe Strirst hatch January lst 3300 Special Bame 38961 Canada accredited Breeders all 011 Grade our own far Barred IRocIks Grade 53R ggIgSSTMgrEgggrlihggr Light Sussex r2nd Cross breeds Grade Stroud Phone 50 mews Hunters VPoultry FVarm Special ICTAN CONVERT your oldtreadle 3ng lzyhgliisiegbwggl Vigfjzg sewingmachine into an up to date Phohe 2367 796p portable electric All makes of sewing machinescleaned and rc SKISV complete with paired promptly iLleey 45A Eggsgid harness pair of mens Elizabeth StBarrie Phone 3361 size oh 115 5969 hilt 31355 796b MIMEOGRAPmNG Lt Miss Jane PIECE BreakfkastSuite lhatural with red trim in very good con Faclmje attend to your duplicatin ed ears old Phone 4059 3896b MANCHESTER TOY Terrier pups TWO SOWS BREDV months old Massey Harris cutting box hand or power good as new VPhonc 843r23 996b ll CHUNKsVOR PIGS Holstein cow due Dec 20 also calf for vealin Apply Ernest Pratt 493 99 5v 0H 111111009 90 ecretarai problems She wil ft ktchen cup Stiou Phone 11r3 9961 Stage 33 iI VV II ton aso=w16 gt he g1 hem39 2112 glrd Phone We 7969 93933335411399991909221 gage GiLchgsgfmggngg Gisele 20 The Anstocrat the Schml tomce anPlstr uPhone SUFFOLK RA re tel 500 baUtieS 16ft Plume 2345 389697h hm prlge tlhs hickbred like CapomZcoverlhe above Prices iv gaggege as lorontor 5436th OIL SPACE HEATER largecize Years pldsalSOApalllVIVJrojloglaLgmox 1V Vlggalggg Hyc Linen Chicks FOWL VV IIVV iVV VV VLagrentian price V$51VVV51VVZAIEDIVluIEIIEhVV21ltllVishonepgrl1 IghspT6YTMA7NC1VIESTER Vpups well Only aIliumted numb available IV SERVICE AND REPAIRS to all Titonipstm1311Va 7466 bredlovely little Christmas Eres ion 1951V An approved andm Over leV 38 35 20 CV IV VV VV makesof sewing machines Singer 01100510 Jones 0151th COW Springer also ent Apply 167 Peel Strasp 3g spected hatchery Gilmores Poul to 511m 35 32 116 Sewing Machines Portables Elec gt If two also 3843 try Freeding Farm 60 Peneiang me Remar by the week or BARGAggwigfticgly paging lilgisgseliliiirebgowc Kg JohnI San PURE BRED Cobker spaniel St BarrieV Phone 2735 2496100pT Under lbs 30 AV month Free estimates on repairs we twest No 11 ==== nda chIeap used only ford 5th COIL Hills months old blender and white ltlarihncbomll Shier15137135 sheienfu Phone 4298 iscbrmghway 9969 also fancy kennel Roller canary FRUIT VEGETABLES phone 43135 Barrie Ontario Sales and 9339 Cmad make met 3nddisplayroom5VDun10pSiFINLEY compgyawersnght BARRIE iUBLICwAUCTIONwS $161 Oakiistr Ccllingwood 3896 APPLES Greemngs 1381101011ng over Eatons Order Office Mr 1y used warming closet and tune every Friday at the Barrie Cortland Bell Flower delivere IV Flint sales representative H9111 clock ivory enamel kziish oily groundsb Thisstolcsk youvlemgifhsg $31129R1Eadg1illers igggrsBorftg Ottaway 1311011351738 209615p1 Keen laymg 11 Im yU MCnght C00 spw 7961 therrl For particulars phone 4350 Vhens wcages and Vstands African APPLEyMCIntOSh RedVNorthemV Mana eris Martin gslggg WoletsA45 cololils 75c84eiicli spyI Delivered JinAtoganqn fe em 91 e1 gar one ee of or more 1e one 36 CHESS CORN SALYE For sure LIGHT Eggchggngegghgg 31191cspr 4154 20909613 lmcom 311gi51 Copaco presents daily Monday through Friday at am reliefa Your Druggists sell Cress leODBI ERED Vyorkshire bean 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