and la Oiila tt time illamp iii Mr tta Presbyterian ladics lva The ii in ilrixwrn LlXLLILl Yule Greetings That Will Be Remembered lost tt LlttllllJ cards from till eoflectron will ltltittlititi tierri ll well as trieir illlltl long after llit hulaniy are over Come see outstanding cards now le selection is WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 30 ELIZABETH Phone 4055 Barrie aftercare li ii 311 lij tlzt 11 inttight truth tiytcriiil mu iiai nrai saiti tier piece1 to tlthtr lr 1lli1itl not 0121 part U1 arrttia slated ll ltl eminence Sin ktl all tor liars and to this gtthrtflll hail sinienilcti Wisdom ln erulizi ti iitei noun ha ltlltlliitlt Alli her would pzm for all fairing people and that itd llllttsl pleasing may be with them for 11 routing ear 5o Adam and live did not lirists suggestion and took tliil Mich Simml illoblllSOll No lZl Crcernotc RR fruit from the torbidderi tree Since mm ml WW hm Six Clclriiie Giahziiii bio ritil gt its were awarded to persons com1 pletini their studies in Cliristiari obeyed him mugm waltziniiii ecu53 THE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 1950 lriique Senicc lfl taih in ytlJrl ll Eran iil 112K llgtr tziolit in ilui isketi that God that time the way mankind along is glowing expression what the My ileadeiship Among the successr1082 GM dmd and rpmMom fut studcnts were Mae Ferguson Abraham believed trusted and Velma lltibbert and llazel Booth After tune the Law was given to Moses new coven ses the Rev Grant Mtilr Mrs ant rebellious hearts were takeri=JtiIitcs Carder and Ross llLIbbcrt away New little groups sprangiwre presented with small tokeristg tip and here was great kingdom Hf appreciation by the school The Messiah created it and King came in disguise many be iMorris also received gift One es of the results of the course on pccially the twelve disciples Then Childrens Worship taught by came the Crucifixion the apostles Mrs Carder is the recent division now of St James Church School into here are thousands Christ lieclgtwo departments The staff wishes for the Whole World and JCSUSIto announce that the attendance LCilast Sunday topped the 100 tit 10 pan to love and worship him went out to proclaim and should reign in our hearts Christ rule arid direct our lives Let llirn have pieeminence Learn fellowship of llim and give rip allt ruling and let llirn rule grid effective Christians Iunbcam Mission Band answered by presenting their mile boxes The theme of the program threads as result of the promin twas the beautiful CllllSliriLls storyl lshowing that the celebrationof Jesus birthday is just as precious Electrical Gifts are for the whole family Practical Gifts GE AUTOMATK Blankets Warmth without weight all night long regardless of tem perature changes For double beds twin bcds One and two control models Wasliablc From $4750 to $5950 raGE Clock Radio you are awakened gently by the strains of your favorite morning muSic $4650 to $54 iEMKKIEBCKKKKKKK=2KKKKWKCKKKKKZKKKKlKZXmKKKKKKKKKKXKV WWWEWQQL margaritas record for dependability ring warmth and comfort with handy heat control $950 brushes do all the polishing You just guide this polisher 364503 GE interchanged 300000 GE Refrigeratorsrin rGE RANGES Fast and use ten years or more iieat hispeedCalrod Ere $429oo n1cnts $193 to $369 lETS ELECTRIC can AUTHORIZED GENERALEmcrEiGZQPEALEE 439 niopisr BARRlE Phqhazzr home $1450 GE FEATIIERWEIGIITTEon Balanced handle larger sole plate lighter Cuts ironing time by as much as third $1450 GE POLISHER Takes the drudgery out of polishing floors Two counterrotating thrifty GE Rangeshave five Ilt fail ti pii tllliilii urss llaikei said she stating in the ltilltlw ul EIErtait 21313431 WiithitmamMEIHWWEEWSWEGVZERQEEBIEQEI31233138233532222y24 WWRWWHEWWRWMWEWmMREHRM yvrrrv Orillia Reeve Candidate for Warden lltlMAN lllIleL i1 IllillTY 111213 of Uriilia here ietuiiieti nclaiization tlt ittll Lotttlflullttlls Rech llt 121111 of rerun for Warden of Slllllk1lllll ltlil was the tint ILLtfllltlt for reeve iri Oiillia ltt Ctlltltll Isllllt lJll lit on the lll Lil to people of the yellow broer and black races as to the white llLtl 1n thanking Miss llarker the tier All WW 5ltt1il Clitlbltllllrr caiols the children prepared al mm and yumm pwppt gtcene depicting the wise men folltlhll L01 held lance and luck and 1m mmwmm wmds and iltl the star for the worshipilltuh The wnmers of the prizes le Illkllllllt of llllng pm Hulk eentre llia election of officersrere as follows Turkeys Mrs congrvgdm mp will he held at the next rrieetirigltoliert Coe No lozti New Low Mirn took his Text front Jeremiah Jim 13 3133 and lllitkitl beginning lod created Heaven and earth place that all could enjoy Leadership Training School The teachers of the various cour and the Dean the Rev Presentation to NewlyWeds l1= spent Friday evening Dec1i tilliam Boyehoff on the occasion of their recent marriage and to lohizstor inlay lil announced ll Ur illia NewsLetter Alderman Truman lumber dealer sitc things tirit pit tttiltll Farmer 1issingtoii as deputy iceic uhcn the latter titlidrew ttrlllltl duties to that of news tlllltlt of The Urillia Packet and init 31 TI uian is ltllllltl iceve of tlriilra will not he stranger Elrl count mailer opens in January lell George Cornartiii No 1146 thv Lowell Kenneth Noble No 7011 Avenin Geese the lrirustrl lownsliip Leader131115 N0 39 but iriutrny on boats and rebels Sh lrylmmg wholl 5Cl1ddNtr 333 Lisle Milford Carter No last lliursday evening in Shim til Stayncr box social was also held and prize given tol the lady whose box sold for the most money Mary hlotrtgoniery lprize famin Orarrgeville spent the weekend with Rev and Mrs Newman ntrk ind Judy Barrie Visited Mr and tMrs Mowforth at the weekend Ill Stroud Community Hall to offisundav er contrutulations to Mr and Mist The Sunbeam Mission Baird had an attendance of 19 at their meet ing on Dec it The roll call was Dale of Toronto spent the weekend in with Mr and Mrs George Slicf 32115236KEKKZKZKCCZI 4KY1ltKYCKQKWfCCTTXKCI QKYKCQKW llGll JOHNSTON NEW LOWELL Decerribcr it in lruiay evening Dec Tori recniore Ducks Keith Everett Ferguson No 1187 Ceiling SJ is if if lwood Chickens Carr Noiu Barrie Bert Baverstock it No 1697 Stayncr Curran No it arrie was the winner of this CYRCAIGHURST Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and ztzazazzeezwzrezrczxzic Mix and Mrs slhomas Brolley are rm Mr and Mrs Clarence Weeks ti smmd m1 Nam ommuniillll children Orillia were visiton 51 with Mr and Mrs Henry Oades on Miss Ornia Sheffield and Mr WMWW Mm Buychon the field Miss Orma has been trans ti tttlllllltllllv 1iiil has won man en place he has taken in hockey land softball in this vicinity dur ini the East five years Jack Fta ser read an address of welcome itarrl Bill Watson and Elmer Gibbons presented bean tilttl studio eottcli richly tip liollertl in wine velour Both Mr and MrsBoyclioff expressed and Mrs Emerson Curtis Danc Eiiiicdo threepiece orchestra forl two hours concluded very cri joyable evening It Webb and Marion Honored About 30 neighbors gathered in the Community Hall Stroud on Tuesday evening Dec to pay tribute to Russell Webb and Mar 10D and to wish them many years Foyle lClCll1lltill visited Ml and Mrs Arthur Snider at the weekend lM Flos visited Mr and Mrs George llltll thanks and appreciation Bidwell at the wcokcnd ilEthlllt prizes were won by Mr Thank You letters ccipts of the WA autograph krililt just completed amounted to $134 splendid contr ing was recciv bale also for the Halifax Before conducting thegt clecti of officers Rev Morris was presented with lhef lierrcd to the head office of the if Bank of Commerce in Toronto Mrs Robert Vanatter Buffalo and Fred Oadcs Toronto liavo it been visiting their mother Mrs is Oadcs it 55 Don Charlton Ottawa and Mrs Mr and Mrs Wcs Johnston of Total icZ fition of cloth for the overseas rgc number of toysl nmigraliorr worker atlg tCVEKKKKK ZZK if of good health and happiness autographed quilt as token of their new home in StroudVfrlg00d wishes from the cliurehig Webbhas lived all his ife in Stroud and has just terminated 40 years farming andfarm rela tltsllingh his neighbors Her bcrt New hisoldest neighbor read an address expressing apprev ciation to good neighbor and rcgrctthat we will no longer jfchang works Dwight Nelson andHarold Robertson presented iOungc chair for their new home as tangible token of esteem Both guests of honor fittineg re plied Euchre was participated in by all with Mrs WWamp bell and Bert Mulholland receiv 1951 are as follows president Mrs Beelby rst vicepresident Mrs Goodfcllow 2nd viceEu president Mrs Constable sec 59 rotary Mrs Wright treasurer Mrs Hughes Convencrs 33 Christian Stewardship Mrs 05 lRobcrtson Community Friendlg women The WMS officers fordg lt ship Mrs SrlrReynolds associ ate membersL Mrs Small Tem perance Mrs Cummingg sup ply Miss Wicklum press Mrs Black Literature Mrs Con stable Missionary Monthly Miss ing gifts for the highestscores tion officers for 1951 are Presid Asocial hour was enjoyed United WMS and WA nesday afternoon Dec large attendance The beautiful Christmasrrprogram as printed in theMissionary Monthly was used Withthe lighting oftheve can dies symbolizing Joy Love nght Peace and Hope Business includi ed several committee reports and QELIZABETH Sr nd Sick Mrs jEdward Webb Mrs Black Mrs Constable Mrs Beelby JeanWice Mrs ABlack Lunch Mrs Gib bons Mrs Black Mrs Good fellow Mrs Black Parsonage IMrs Hughes Mrs Black Mrs Palmer =======ammmw eenanis Music Store Everyihingi Musid RECORD BAR Victor Decca Pcter Pan RCA Victor 82 Rogers Malstic Radios and New and Used Pianos Hotpoint Electrical Appliances srovus rWASHERSTREFEIGERATORS TOASTERS +EASY WASHERSLa Opposite Wellington Hotel ent Mrs Fred Mulholland first vrcepresidentMrs Gib bons 2nd vicepresident Mrs it The United WMS and WA met Wri ht in me church school room meg secretary Mrs Hughes it it lWicklum The Womans Associa it Mrs Palmer Flow Combinations DIAL 3294 THISYETXR TRY BEAUTIFUL HOUSE COAT VS GIFT THATS SURE TO PLEASE GIVING are catamarans WW THIS lb let GARMENT mm IN CANADA Bo W1 REGD Gil tilltlllttixitiilii1Ciiiti1lilllli IIIKIKIKKIIII ttlbifiliifCECZ53522KlZKIll6653fatlliiltill KKKKKKKMKKKKKKKEMEE ANOTHER WALKER srorqus FEATURE VALUE Colleen Bawn SPtiNRAYON DRESSES SIZES rzio ELL TsizEs rel2 to 2412 695 Fer Christmas giltsor your citnsrnortwear theselovely newdresses are perfect Cleverly styled from permanent finish ATC spun rciybnIin charmingnew Hawaiian design print5= Thereare button frontsbuttonto4WOistj short slaves roll ornotclhedcollars reveres Flour styles inhalfsizes styles in misesEx ceptionul value at our verylow price ITS WALKER STORES FOR REALLY BEAUTIFUL LINGERIE talker Stores have been in Barrie many years but ncv er has there been such host of pretty lingerie front to choose pyjamas pantie sets and such variety to select front which Gowns Each item in pretty gift box if you desire ALWAYS PLEASE NonuNG wuhh PLEASE innimonu THAN NYLONS FEOLI WALKER sronus Its familiar these our sight lays hosiery Dept men nylons a3131313323131313053131333333thNiihibilllhllKKK NIKKatKKKRCKKKKKKBCKK KKRNKKKKIRWKKlKKKKKElllKQR 211k t0 buying five to dozen pair atra time Many men sol ve their prOblem at our hosiery Each see gift 3fmamwamxaamammxaammummzlzmwmzaxuxnxanamammaaznmaaamamwaamaaaaaaamammmzmmz Nylon counter pair in separ ate gift box if desire at extra you 11 charge PRICED $135 to$225 Per Pair am vs C335 idllllxlx Satin Cushions Second Floor GIFT ITEM Walker Stores are featur ing very pretty new satin They make pleasing gift items They are beauties Priced $249 to $419 cushions BEDSPREADS SECOND FLOOR GIFT ITEM Beautiful Bates home spun and rich fluffy chenille spreads This is asuretosplease item Walkers have wide group fromiwhientov select anEipriced mod estly KQKKKKMKQZKKHZKJEKK 1in MKZEZEEKKKKZKKKK Ks harem 14 gift getawame V3031 1T0WEL SETS WONDERFUL ASSOBTMENTSAT wiiLKEn STORES No need to let the gift vproblembcitherfyou just visitt Walker stores towel section The mostattrac 5ltlveashowing we have ever made Beautiful towels in pretty packagi CSJSO km in price