Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1950, p. 30

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Mrs lt an 12 It laUzirt Mrs friend Bill 1iifllt rcccil lr ii tom ili for part of 34 Angus lit foundiiiiui his uncle iii if 51 spcii to Mrs Nor is ils lie file fiti luicv Iv llllil iiy lt illtlil Illlt ii unlit ii six in turn the limit mime no Hr 15 311 the snap 219 mortal following an riu vipers back row Len iattersoii Benn Strau hun MVlllCitttlticIil iw lino downstairs my am iI oii btraiighaii lroiit row Marg Patterson Chris Spams Rosa La Mllttl Ii hark mitlrr fl in veiiiieie FROM GE NEWS uni iractincd unit mm IiI ltIttiiI sII 31 iI JI IJIh Mm III hits le weird by an iiim imii scriotis accident AlIinII aiol iiach no in lIt lltlgtiiIlLs It oiltIrc blIissIIIlialtcrI iWhili llllltliilili litilic 1n the nun cm of uiiztlx iol il HINDU III Dos We in fault it llt trick hitinp him over HUI II II IIII lt patsin uin illiil14gt to thi in home tow ii for wtciiil years Dccwnber lilthc left eye and nose and break Molly if 23 tiIlI III iziiitxs oi the totinty litillit tit ilce lV WNW tlllllloytc of Office Mrs loinen and children arclinit his glasses JIII II II tlI IIIitIIi II IIIII HIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIfIIIIIII IIIIIIWI CEMHMEI IIk1 y1pmgImII admin 10 annual Edwmd mum MM IIIIHIVI Tm IM will lid ii in t=lilll lls illiffy ll ltxlll ldlltlv 5h thristnias coiiccrt which will be ionto spent Sunday nitii his inov II II II hi Im Li jpic tiz ilitijs lt itlllWl lil51il lltlf Sh llitl 3liltl til tllt Stlltltll Filil llltli III III IIIm II 52 plpflcI cuiainiii home with lltl father for etlilli Dec 22 um Pam II IIi III kl II WWI lIIi gt1 II II Us I11 up Iv tlit il nine tIs Miss linker Mam Copeland 5mm II wnh IIIIIII IIHIIIIIiIIIIIIII III IIImI IIf IIII IIII II is mino Il tili For an active Ilitiiilltl ill the Aiigii wwkvnd Suwnm mm muvrvvqhh Tum IIIIIIImiIIIIg ti ii IlLLlWEHifi li 27 lIIIIII IIII II III II IIIIIIIII II III MI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII Illtl II iii haul and tyoiiuiis institute mugmmI HI charm Shmumu weekly IIIIQhIII IIIIHIII WIIII IIaIII IIIIII II III III II III II II III II NIIIE II IIIII 31 Tm 1mm WWW was mm in II IIIIII MIII II qIIIIIbII SII III rim II Mummy WIIIIm WIUI vii it iLii III III III III III IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII III SIIIII Mins ttlili tItillZillilttt Mrs John Anglican lunch on Dec AHHHI 3pm 1m Wkad Mrs Robinson in llW son al it cortmt mi illicitl in Midil ii hilt HM HM Till RH quilt llioinc of the foriiicrs brotiicr Wit ll 01 10 llillltli Whiting il ll li lilIii it gt ln 31l ltl lllllillmil llklmllll 35 ticoiie Squibb and Mrs Sqnihly lht lHiIc lIdith irnax held p21 ff qilIIIiITI II II II II ll ioiv lo utiritics of the year Ill St Johns tcinctcry Pallbearers WWII II III ladies inch score and Donald IIID IIlI Ir rg NH llllltltli cl ilillt and card party were Bert Coleman ilandoipii ilar um 51 iVchastcr niciis lilll score numb ltttlilj ti dour lllt were won with Mr and Mrs Rodgers xv gt 15 BIIIIII II ltI II WI month llt pot incli suppci ris Doug iioppci iulnicr iraham CIT Cth 1mm MM In wcok Zch ioodricli won high IIIAMIHIL IIHIMI II II II II iiul lltllt The work done by lllc Don Monkniiin and ilcrt MillWOOd md Dqlm 51 score also lone liand prize and helm i1 to ttli lll All 11M Illll mi aoiip one all quilts litillttl Floral tributes of sympathy were Mrs llctaiin iidics high Hume unmet ii iv ii loi lt lt llllI llllit1 do diapers Al iiihy sent from the Woniciis tiiiiltl of St Hll tnmidi md score With stripe Ill illiV standard COIOI of used good Tlltfl ionic place tll inciu II Lorne Visited on Sunday in Siicl III II II ti ioiiipii nutt olins Lliiiith loiniiis lustitiia ig WNW rum Ind ItI Immi Infill aiul prs hunters for the litti Canadian laugion 437 Liberty lituit Wino with ML and MM UMme Hr illmill fir I1ihlltltisgtL us of overalls ti prs of lnb iilradfordi iradc 10A Bant iwnghvr VIII iI nII Ill 1py ianizis for diapers wool iiig Memorial School Miss Colicys Mimi Hum fmm ms mml December ii Maroon ulutiful mm pullover sweaters for the Childrens Recreational Class Village of mm milk mo 5m It has been necessary to cancel Writ liftdill lillilv lillmll School Christmas concert on Fri 01 11 IL twotone fmish III IIII III II III IIIIIIIII Hot tin txptiidittiits tooltstou ii Dominion Lutat and II II the iiiistnias conceit at Sb lNo 17 if in ii uni ii lii iii ll ill hire as follows iloorinzin tamil $3 Dominion Carbon Brush Survivng liq Egllng NL Cthmw VCSPW ilimlll l0 DPCtmbtt 15 it il IIIIIIIIIII niaicu iiidunes hill Barrie bill are her father Vin linker three 1m IIIlIlIIII ll HI bk htltl ill it future date ill Clnl Your Car from Days Hick luldrcus llospitai Sltlztan brothers iaclt George and Nor INC TRIP Mi and Mrs ROSS Hubbard and VIHI Nmm IIIIiYIINIIIY tt ilcscarcli Fund Sit Siincoclinan all of Cookstown and four lson Stmud visited Sunday Wm If otinty tliildrcns Aid $10 Mani sisters Kathleen at home Made mill mlmc lbtmci tWMi and Mrs George Cotitts ll NMJW Ml world is 12190 miles from the olii llirtlsltl iptil bit and him and iiaiicts of ioioiito and Ti and llls lillis oiiigan ttltlllltl AMIM Melbourne Ammlm lomdh ll0 hlb Ittlirlltd IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III mt memms bml hum $10 Dummy of Barrm home IIIIIIII Spending SCVLIIIIII weeks their lioiuc on Entiiino inmsffl at munw midof$2l1il lllIllllll Relatives and friends attending with his daughter Mrs Wilton dinner party ilnrtvdour rola iiiut Hwnflil lullI Illllld the funeral came from Aurora lircs and religion The open Bible Allilildillt tires were Pltlll Many of these 11gt mumd by luvci lunCh NLWmmkM Brildfmd Boom Tm Which one or their leaders carried The LOL had turkey supplr hIId lIIIIIII IIIINIIII WIIImIIII WIIH iscrvr by lluI itostcss tiSSlSltflMli mm Alum Bunil and Gilford in their parade was really the Mag for its members on Thursday cven Mrs Wincs rs Johnson and rs Cart it liberlv it British ing 1Q1111 II nii no it it li ilfkm If Him lm Morris llic next meeting will be Rm LMllts Night No lc cnoed He said he for one Work is loliCSsinx on he hl Bradford St Bdrrle Phone giitci of Mi and Mis Joseph on ll gt heldat the horntoflils iilroy lliC Rmllllrttk prCtDtorY Vlr ljoyod the SOChbilitbf tcveii near the school The road is being we on Complete Utock 0f ladies Health Supports and gt lwishes Mi happy occasion Supporting Brassieres Experienced Lady Fitter To Serve You WHITTYS Drug Store Essa Rd Dial 2823 Goon WE PARKING DELIVER The Pres Mrs Mrs Adair PEit Email when sanith late John CtllllLlllll Air and Mrs iiiis Coiiigaii hcld December Frank NEWS OF COOKSTOWN lllt Cor cousin THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 14 1950 ii lSnozt llv iiid lite 51 liifs belt Essa iownship and Willis Cor rigaii son of Mrs Corrigan and the in the ttllilit la reception for theirfricnds and neighbors and over 00 were present to extend congratulations and good and Mrs were recipients of gifts of silver Itwo Chesterfield cushions from their mmva neighbors anti numerous incssagcsI of congratulation Dunn of Russell Manitoba and sister and brothcriniaw Mr and Mrs Richard Elliott of Lucknow were among those present for this riuaii Mr Presbyterian WA Meeting meeting of IWA was held at Mrs Smiths iiiomc with 18 ladies present the opening hymn prayer and scrip ture reading and discussion of bus iness the election of officers for 1951 took place the result being as follaws Pres Mrs Reed Vicc 1950 at her home in Cookstown Mumbcrson She was born in Cookstown Nov 13 Sccy Mrs Lloyd Hughes Treas daughter of William Baker and This was followed itiic late Mrs Edith Baker and at by the program It was opened by itcnded both Cookstown publicand singing Christmas carols The Roll Cookstown high school From there Call was answered with favorite she furthered her education at Bar the After lililE plant Excise Iaxlncludiid Piushouedaiiisitf Camid CW use vivmum 2446111 as Iiiio iii ti ll id ili iziiizal it im dammit pi niil iv cut tii Brit for ll Iit iitillti 1i iiiiilexil at Public school Pupils lintrruinmr 439 ll iv pictl lloss Social iroup Ill Enum of mi iiiursday lan it 1951 This little group should be for the worthwhile iwork they are doing during the year on energetic ucoinmcnded Presbyterian YPS Meeting The lrtsbjxtcrian YPS met at oclock on Monday evening in the Joyce Miller occupied the chair and iylargarct Vausc acting as secretary Erie Reynolds gave the address from tiic study book theme The Church in the Work of Jesus in the business part of the meeting was decided to have Robert Burns program on Wednesday Jan 24 1951 iii the Townall Cooks town Rev Reynolds closed the meeting with the benediction iI it Elizabeth Mac Betty Baker This community was shocked to learn of ltiic sudden death Iof Miss Elizabeth Mac Bettyi Baker on Tuesday morning December iliozi rig tii =iioi arid drills iitrofl ii iiatic 111 TV at iic thJltriltil1llh story II TillI iF LEAGIE at the Barrie Bowling Academy has pro lduced sonic keen competition between the first three team 11in Lodge No4 109 of Cookstown held their Ladies Night Banquet iii the sciiooiroom of the United Church on December at 030 pm Tlic Womens Association of the Church provided asplcndid turkey dinner with the usual trimmings which was greatly appreciated by the members and their wives etc Immediately following the ban quet with the Rev Bro Knight Lewis acting as toastmastCr and chairman toasts t0 the King and the Commonwealth of Nations were coupled by the chairman He said that in this world of chaos it was well that the freedom loving na tions of the Commonwealth stood togetherfor religious freedom and peace and made the statement that it was rather Significant that in these nations Communism had made little headway and only in nations that had been exploited either by nations or their rulers had Com munism made progress He believ ed the best antidote for Common ism was satisfied people both spir itually and economically and this to large degree had been main tained amongst the British people The National Anthem was then sung The toast to the Orange Lodges throughout the world including the REF and their Grand Lodges was given byRev Bro Knight Doggett of Thornton Bro DoggctIt stressed the need of religious liberty in Can ada and the rest of the world stat ing that theChristian way of life ism had made great contribution to Britishvfreedom andiiibcrty but we must remember that the Orange day as never beforemcn and wo mheed to be on their guard against the inroads that are being made into our way of life The desecration of the Sabbath and the increasing liquor consumption by our Canadian people with its at tending evils are evils that must be WM if our wav of life is to be preserved he concluded responded to thi$thStHABlOIBlaCIii is well versed in the history of the origin and develdpment of the Or ange Order and gave rapid re SOI iieiiimliiiatoiigediesfgiiaiiigwiizeigii 191an 30916 slatka If 2m 39 MEMPHiSnELLsswsersuzo matinfgrwtmenacecouches eeriaigTiiiiileiiifaidnri Batkersca 539 18 TANGERINEJUICE fill19c it wfayuof life egalsethertirdilfl Doug Jebb and Mr andMIS George LAmGsaitowut 22v eneoaou La they Protestahtp pgopipVIto their 95JYI Annie 133 uChuFChiand the Word of GOd Corrigan TheaddreSSes were read IRIBHTS IIsFSWEEI The chairman in proposing the byI Doris Mapes and Betty Gilroy II toast vto the Lady guests said that respectively Doug and GEOIge IlaIdol 31 he always admired seeing the ladies thanked the Young People for 150 gt doressgd lin IphitemItrthZiIrIiIg tlhe lthgir its TlIiIebmeetlinngas osed WI ITIII geiAREN sEBAiIiNILtA BIO rane ar Von conu so lIiIoiIJedItha tIiIieir whiteness wgs isfiilthgourialiiiloysgd lltgnch being III IJgr II symcica purity of their served bye social comm ttee IUMAS IMRMFIIIWIEEIT II air0070rgpo BtiqbwbowEI arm tr LUBRICAIIO iaMFemhcems PICKLES FRUIT CAKE rEachSOC Your memory and theistlcker on the door of your car can Cream 753 Ir and 5C bring you many miles of DANGERFIE 65 COLLIERsg oboooo avasAtiie ronlyAway thatiledito peace and securityHe said that Orang Ordcr is not only the watchdog of Protqstantlsm but for freedom andi liberty to all men of goodwill to Rivt to the conference at Bcllevrile fl om 12isuKmngDIackamyfSimcoe CountyziBothMr and Mrs TAKE YOURCARTO For ifspcdalizdLubriCGtiOnI way SudtleillyI Sunday evening UH Gum Mm IIHI Gm Dciph symlmm lht Cilllt ltion Dtinsiiiurc VMS officiis iiclt WNW extended to Mrs ll lsidcnt Alis happiii secre UOUtlh UllUWng th dIcatii of lierltaiytriasnicr Mis Smith UTOPIA Dccciiibcr ill Mis ii Bkll Mrs Allen Mill gci Dorothy Miller Robert Brolcy iJack llirons and Elwood spcii sSunday ziftciiioon with Mrs iHlli ltiitilito who returned 15 has widened and the hill cut down The cliildrcn are busy practising for the Christmas concert township hail December 20 ing which the ladies had brought to this splendid banquet Sister McDonald responded and thanked the brethren for their invi tation to be present saying they had enjoyed the wonderful banquet pro vided by the ladies of the church and the social time they had all spent together She iiopcd that there would be more of these social times spent together to create enthusiasm for the liberty and freedom which was the rightful heritage of the Canadian people Bro Knight Lewisthanked the ladies of the church for their splen did supper and all the brethren 19 Years Experience at Auto Renishing in the appreciated the way in which the banquet had been served Mrs Hunter president of WA thanked the Lodge for giving the opportun ity to provide the banquetand if theyall were satisfied that they ater would have the priViicge of ing to them again Bro Doggett proposed vote of thanks to the officials of the church for the use of their spacious school room for the banquet Mr Wood supervising principal of ESSa Larger School Area pro vided an hour of splendid entertain ment of moving sound pictures These were largely educational and instructive and were greatly appre aw benFANCIYrGOLDEN N0 CAPE coo sticsowJlgfsgc LIBBYSFANCY Tomato Juice 2=I23I This RICHMELLOCANADIANTAN GY OLD CHEESE and Mrs Wesley Hindle Mrs Sellers sang solo Fatrest Lord Jesus The special speakers for the evening wereMr and Mrs 113 55 lb 49 IBREAK BACON your SPARERIBS cLARKSPLUM PUDDIN Goorge Farts who ably spoke on National Week They were two of Faris brought full report of the work done during the week by the Young People who attended the the three delegates who were sent 29c 599MAPLEVLEAF MINCEMEAT CHRISTIESPLAIN 0R SKLTED PREMIUM SODA it Glr onbehalf conference Be 0y Bun WAFIEIIS STQRE HOURS MondayTuesdIay Thursday WI payII highest playful Friday 8451 spm pricu for Ungrldd Eggs Wednesday 845 311 to llz noon Su manugor for dotiils Grading solicit 029 Saturday 84 am to9 pmV arefree driving Ea us morons 2m t2l21llf WALNUT 7ttiftrq49i VALUES EFFECTIIVE THURSDAY EiiiiiAv I5AruiioAv osmium mi Tull IOOO0OI dated byau the members present 150 1b 19C Thanks were dilly lecmaei am the SWEET JUICY veverIiing closed With the National STOKELYSFANCYCREAM smIE 2W5 doz 29C Antiem in United YPU Make Presentations 151 IFmM GOLDEN PE APDFOXimaiEIYw Y01gPep VGREENGIANTUNGRADED 774 VII iattended the National Week IIpro In ICI EXTI FANCY th Church on lElitllltilvemeber2173 1950 The sing ltm IIIIIIS for mg of hymn 513 065m She iIiIIaeIet GLENWOODCHOICEI ing The Drama or op emg held in Barrie from NrtIiIvcmichrI 27 is 27 ROAST 30 was discussed ose aung ptiart in the worship service were SWE is FNCY lb see Eleanor Corrigan Audrey Mapes EONELESS Iwmrw ICilildlcn with friends in toioizto or nda one ii mo thugm some Don 4ch IL sciiircl ttHikffl bratlfihll lfrvy Monarch car Dr Tm WA hide mm mm my Assucmy Hatght returned icn after our and afternoon lcd in the school 11 ThVda month will fiicnds if tiant room of the church on Finlay af tuba ills DLtillltl Brute tuizletcizwzi Dre 51th 5de fi ht TliS ilmi mm At3 lirlicgt Lsilciidttl and iizucii tlljt is ll aio LLV of iaiu tum was had over lllc lisiccl 111 ltOJzJir if mks of ioiztti he iosi sale We would like to thank ill iit lim iur New Link Huh mt rear of itiltluli Jeff fnongis and Dougg Mb IimhdI la Jtllt all left lusl $ch it pr pry Yum fruimuo if MN It III T314 If IIIIgh in gun IIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII the Milltil ctgclizc club uRl sflil it rd dnd Ml ThUmIS hImnV nd ii ti ginenciil their caid games for the ammo and GLHM kIIx1yTtick treasurer tits Switzer 5II II mid mm it Such Snoopy With friends Lind mum will nd Ml home of ir and Mrs Leo Mc 53y Tuck ilowcr committee Mrs Lisliylillll tl litr ttlillly Ktliin Mrs Smith and Mrs Du e31 IHI iwm enjoycd 1mm is jxtigijyi of TL Im tbwitZtr Parsonage oiiinitttrc Mrs and IIIIIII IMIII IIIIII If IIIII IIIII trif t0 tc faimly ng AtkmSHn and Chm iI mm IIIJIIIIII IIIGInIUmlI Riluifll poll carnalting ctiiiimiltn Mrs pLWd Elvaant and dis Kenny andl

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