15 TI MIMI EXAMINER THURSDAY IL 1950 crossrANo BafiLtv 11 ueekcm 11 3x Kiio hunli IAdIrs Aid 129 11 1111111 1111 11 I1 11 11114111 1111E 111111i Iiiil K111 1111111 i1 EVEIIEii 111111111111 11111 win111111 11111 rih l1111 Jillii 111111 1111 11 litli initiii 11 1111111 211 iiison 151 11111111111 I1z1 11 5111 p11eiitai iii MI 11i 1111 111111111111 111111 3111mm 121311 111111 11111 11l 11L11 iiiiiill mi gt11 1511141 111111111111 1111111111 11 My 1113111 111111111 1111111111111 as seen 1111111114 11111 the new llydiol 11111 1ll1i 111111111 llllil Weg Icrrilii inii 11111 111111 storm 1111gttIltl 1111111illt 11 looking 111111111 the 111w 111 swipi 11 11111111 111111 have left 1111 l1111l11 11111111 11111 lItiielt for lliiigw The 1111zi1 11 11111111 11111 lIli 111111 camps A1 1111 11111 1111 11 11111111111 has 1119111 lcf 111 chargeE Cirgt11 1111111111111 1111 I1111 11111 l11llilll tip 11 113 still gt111 ilogt tl1 was 11111111 111111 114 121 enjoys 11111111 12s1111 IL 1i11 crew Hulillo put ihi wins 1111 the opposite llllH ibltiw 111 1311 1119511 line c111 111 1111 iii 111110111 11111 was held in the litil41311111141 111111 here 1111 Jack Shep iillkf ihul who 1111111111 ill the hos 111111111 11113111 111 an accident 11 MI 11111 1s Miller of Sheridan HI few days llll Mr and allv111 kNoCK Aiis ll 1IIIiIt mulief Inwhminr 111 it 11111 The annual hIIsiinas concert 15 11111111111 IIVIilllHt1 No 13 will 11 held T1105 ltl laidl Eloy evening 1113 oclock lmul Mrs Joseph Simpson floss aiitl leegy 111 Toronto spent Sunday at 111 112 11 11111 111 1111 WWW DECISION is SAFE 11111111111 nl 111t1l lIIL 11111 111111iinilircater li Gibiiitiis uptually 11 hiin Charles Wile 511111111 spent few iiki days 111s ecl Visiting relatives WWW gand friends in this district Mr and hirs George Dunn 111 iIlnierovi visited with Mr and His Bruce Wire 1111 Sunday Mr and Mrs lIrl Shannon aiiiii licnncth spent lliursday in linth ner visItInd with Mr Shannons jtistor Mrs McDonald 11in with iiVIr McDonald at Fretport Sanitar iiiim who is doing nicely Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Oscar Bowman on the arrival of ilitllc brother for Kathryn and Kenneth Mr and Mrs Bruce Wiec cnter SEE 3tziined the Young Adult Club of lames United Church at heir home on Sunday cvcnin llicre SEIBERLING HeatVented was good attendance id after an enjoyable social evening lunch Was served by the committee Mrs Andrews of Elmvale is spending some time with her daughter Mrs Frank Cowan Mr and Mrs Cowanliave the sym pathy of the community in the loss of their infant son Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen at tended thc funeral of the late Miss Baker at Cookstown on Thursday Miss Edna Allen spent Sunday at her home this past week She is still enjoying her training as nurse at the Toronto General Hos pital 65 Omcr5L Mr and Mrsi Ggorge Piinlfedanu Miss Smiti arrie v151e DIAL 348 BARRIL lHerbert Shannons one evening lashweek 0111 tire in thc world their airy conditions its own treadExpeis dangerous internal tire heat draws in cooler Iiir auto malimly while you ride Runs COOLER SAFER FARTHER PREMIUM QUALITY AT STANDARD PRICE DANGERFIELD MOTORS erecracklesiczzickiciakidiisiciaickzicizizrmmetw HURRY HURRY HURRY There are but few ShoppingDays 1011 before Christmas WEBBS JEWELLERY have still good selection of gifts for those on your Christmas list so drop in and see the display of Rhinestone Jewellery Watches in Bulova El gin Gruen etc and Special Feature of Watches that Wind Tlieniiselyesi 303 Gift Worth While HIV ilggbzlzbzfakiPlSZZbdWZEZCZLZISZKZ EIStPImmgtEttitztiEmatm Outstanding 24 Irv Values For Christmas Shappers floods SATISFACTORY or Money hecrfully Refunded TRIPLESTRAND SIMULATED PEARLS IIER FAVOURITE NECKLACE to wear with FestiveSeason frocks Lovely simulated pearls in soft cream shade strand with dainty clasp $1 in 2V3113121EIEQJQI9001213127121E13131EIZGISIPIQI31919131212121513123121213121313121 Mens Shirts $35 40 On 98c IIIE MOSTWANTED GIFT 0N MANS LIST Goodlook iiig Shirts to wear with iinpomiiitfocasion suits Sanfor izcd White Cotton Broadcloth Attached fusedcollar style Sizes 1113 to 17 Cellophane wrapped Giftright lb5 EnNL an if It 151 it in Eu 3995313 CHESTERFIELD CUSHION quilted at front terns Set ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE one year English ribh m1 cream background 10 discount on purchases of pieces or more CREAMERS SUGARS FRUIT NABEYfruit bowls covered vegetable bowls E2 you Orchids to Youl White iceblue tearose Small CREPE SLIPS Sizes 32 to 34 and 36 to tiful Slips shell love to wear eE1amwere111eczeicklcmcizacmErasersz Ices1cm WeCccizzl IIASSOCKS Round or Square shapes Proxyliicoated co 89c and $149 19c to $229 in2pmnanmanamziaam2121211roazianaaaaaaammmimmagmaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanannaaaianananaaaaaa7m 30 CfCMK1CKKKKCKKKKtCCTi CE 13CCtCCCCidki Zftlf 3121 9131331515191 31 11 Practical Gifts For ELECTRIC IRONS Indicatortype with bean thumbrest Gleaming chromefinish Metal clad element 2year guarantee ELECTRIC TOASTERS TwoSlice turnover type Chrome finish Some black with nickelfinish springsnap doors vering Red wine green blue with twotone top c0vered with Rayon Satin in rose blue green wine gold Shirred BOXED PILLOW SETS His Hers Mr and Mrs Hemstitched coloured embroidery BATHROOM SETS lBby30in Mat with matching Seat cover Paloma Chenille featuring Bulrush or Sailboat Porcela ROYAL DRONFIELD Open Stock flowered design CUPS SAUCERS490 Cups sold individually35c BOWLS sizesICoupe Soups Cereals 490 25c PLATES 4sizes bread butter breakfast tea plate dinner plate 11 290 to 550 ILATTERS sizes 750 $119 and $198 11707 402 55 11 7577 1M Ties GRAND STYLENEW VARIETY SANTA SAYS TIE UP YOUR MAN FOR CHRISTMAS with these beauties ltayon tic fabrics handsomelypatteriied in colours sure to I7 brighten up his winter attire Outstanding Value at socks HELL WEAR WITH PRIDE REIIENISII IIIS SOCK SUIILY with these handsome favourites Pure Wool Nylon reinforced Nonshrinking and colourfast Choose from Diamon patterns Grand colours Sizes 1012 to 11112 CAPESKIN GLOVES FOR BEST YOUR BEST MENwill welcome pair of these handsomelymade Gloves ireiii Zellcrs Good quality Capeskin Lined Slip011 or domefastener styl Brown Sizes to 11 51s55mlmlzmistsPakarmicsicEectzicecrozeccIcemaxemm MENS SCARFS $100 Size about II by 50 his Gbod quality all wool vith rayon thread Open stitch pattern Fringed nds White only $489 $379 $489 Ivory trim $329 at front or hedge some $198 $198 pat MENSIVPVYJAMAS $389 WARM NEATFITTING Good qualityI lilan nelette striped in wine green blue brown origley Coatstyle with notched lapel collar Pocket $1250 nnerware 2121$31312i3c2121E1212137213i131323121352113137 313 312133 31313127 waaaaaaaaaaamaaaa awaaaaanaaaaz WKIIk11sacramentalxzclazmiaisiczzcgkmasckmckme 52 anth owns IELASUEDE PANTIES with prettin embroidered wordings including Garde 111215 for My Lady Roses love mediumlarge 40 Straightcut Lavishly trimmed with lace at top and bottom White Beau SURE 1011111511 ANGORA sErs For dashing Young Ladies neat head hugging Beret with pair of matching Gloves Many lovely 293 29s1 4591 0791 colours In giftready boxet From Smart New Stock of LUGGAGE andHANDBAGS $395 WOOLltNYLON GLOVES warm and practical Flamingo red1white coffeeblaek aqua pearl beige and others Ladies sizessmallmedirum $100 NIGHTGOWN lovely celasuede tricot kni blue maize and white Medium and large IIOSIEJRYICASE Handy Goodlooking Printed Plastic Wineblue Lace and net trim on neck and sleevesi Frilled bottom tie belt Pink 315W mmmwaaam 11a green greyWith opaque pockets SIQIPPERS osy favourites for your Fax001110 Lady Fur mmnm emeOidQFEd Some qugtiltedWineblue black pink Sizes to WWW $198 to $2115 swam WEBst JEWELLERY stoma OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL gt FDR ONE WEEK BEFORE CHBISTMAS PHONE 2267 GOOD PARKING ii ALLANDALE KHWSEEEW 39036699739 aama waammwmamaamamaamsqah ELoiIsEs Sizes 710 12 0011011 13101111010111 Tuckin style Short sleeves Laceedged in front Rounded collar White PtAlvcillESS Sizes to 14 Lovely Celasuede with lace inserts SI es ome with netelastic at leg openinrs Double usset White pink pastel b1ue HANDBAGS sure to please Plastic in patent grained or allig ator finishes Grand collection of styles Lovely colours 98 1311 zzwxmxwem ATRONijthnghtfuT Gifts ir Homemakers Plastics and Coltton Prints in the group Bibfront style crhalfapron Grand co ours 29c89c IIANHIES grand gifts for Little Ladies Three prettily embmidered Hankies in git ight box Set fI 590 napkin 11011 novel pleasing gift consisting 0E thre daintilyembroidered Hankies draped around dolls head Set 89c 490 513 801 It gt miamaaaail BAREIE PHONE 2439 ILDREssESHQ7 $395 SIZES T0112 Rayon Taffeta Plaid Combined With Bengaline Faille for best appearance on Christmas Day See these charming Dresses and select one for your favourite Young Miss MW BOXED CARDS 21 in box assorted SEALS ANDTAGS CHRISTMAS 111133011 feet hanks rayon tinsel Beautifully detailed