Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1950, p. 12

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12 THE BARRIE EXAMINER THLRSuAY DEC 1950 witinst lkziud and cutul singing iisii pisyei Umu Infludul istinas cheer iII party for young Heath and Mr duel lChristmas Setting WMS Meeting IVIissionary Guest Seen Signing the Register yWCTU Sing LOioI gAt Christmas Meeting usinrss fut Zguv fiulli Cumstung vcze Mix Gian and Eli Celia Fairs hit 3041 IFor LIL Harry accom Richaidson waltz AROUND TOWN By JANIE livl 11 ftcIt$itlefll ii iia sazaoe 11in WCTU was inocglit to the meet1 sq HA HUAI IRUHI rrn lstI My 1c12il ct Sgilltiilit Irtliixildflg KI ti tilt Uy er made optinnit acwunt of Blllil IIg literragt ufl the ItllIZ IIIIgt situation Epioiit on all its routes Itlis lieuiii at III for ll eziican Uf Cdvkownr IL 77 alli Itlrrls were warm Itolxeft than to Iiisldilizi playing t1ILI iziiwie liitfllttl itsCl his Hui II Illt XIIICIJI consensus till WLLUIIILII II gi ill thy ilzc Iiictt tt fi All cltclioii Lilk IRIIJIIIII dated but it all Lt imagine IIII lady if encouraged iir itpozt of the treasurer illItlllJl lhiiiiioffcrnzp lit iI towns Ilitie litftlli when you Youll find just the right gift for he shop in our store Dresses that Will Please Her For casual wear for that Special New Years Party youll find just the right dress among our group specially selected for Gift Givmg LOUNGING PYIAMAS NYLON SWEATERS WOOL GLOVES BLOUSES SCARFS SLIPS SKIRTS NYLONS HOUSECOATS GLOVES ANGORA WOOL STATION WAGON COATS JEAN CHRISTIE Next to the Imperial Theatre ias as iizteiesting ai elecizeiz tlll It has quite to ie the was in ciiaiJe and was assisted ii siizp ltt by Iis who read the Scriptur Robert it Mi yci fool Aiin llcatli saris duets llie lleatenly Song Mange ip the ielu ml ii the aflignit simulail iid llllrtllldltsl va parade of can tililblklfli intent ip third IliiIIiIllIIIIIIIgt ride into other IIIII the piiig It ti 11011 111111 town rep esri and led iii prayir lis twin ylis oloiftil and Mrs iiit Hair Iaaunc llltli ILI Iti riotzce that lII ific tioin lack oI circulation conic Iiie ltIIi weir itcoiiipaiiletl Ii Uld liiiiij istili gay lleceiiinei lli llli valiant Mittenii ltal li tradition Willi tieiis for iilt iiiipping glenize the Ilisll itill in the lilti 3le The Aarsi iii who also zttttlllltltlllttl singine ill the ii King 311 delightful fllldlliil on tlr Night toicii rs HI Silili tIIlttIl SIGNING lllE REGISTER following their reU Illlt iiie atrium was btllll ie cent wedding in High Park United Church Itl Nfilll Iliin Illne tiiplrdrvker aiiazigeiiieiif of tlllee ILIII IiiXIs is iiitictl trigiilliit IlII1 liioad 1old Ililitifl twi iiia ilitie gtiler would lie tasiri to pro score and look rust as nicer lWIilCIl hang itstWll foiictlietl and lilltlttl acorns jtor an ileuant and very iefoiiaii Ipackapc says Ilaii vclwfy wail papci bound with heavy red elvet knot one loi this treatziiciit any tex ftiiied wallpaper will serve admir lilily any sort of heavy or Iiiaidvd cord and of totitn any blossom Flair ltttlliillnlltIS paper cnvelopes wonderful for such presents haiidkeichiefs perinanenily yfastencd iiIlitili To make these square ofi WIilIf is lined with blue tissue and Maybe Sfmvspmte Maybe for Igglmg round touetliei with Scotch tape to And what about After Six Oclork I085 he have real nire pair Ollto make the gift permanently dran dressy bladr shoes to hange into It Remembersize is no problem what you give HIM shoes for Christmas Toronto are Mr and Mrs Irwin Walker Coone The bride is the former Rlltlli Mm Mum SLWMV Lanrine Mclaachcrn daughter of Mrs James Meliacherni my and the late Mr kitEIacliern of Iliornton Mr Coone is the llold of her life and work as mis son of Mr and Mrs Coone 01 Toronto inakfnu their home in that city Photograph By Macko Studio lorouto Ileatli introduced ttiiakct from popcoriii far in her own inimitable Iilllltlll The couple are siiitifi Slii inany painted yeais in China unforgettable pietipes of what Gospel can do ini iieiis Iieaifs when it is heeded llis llfltil thanked Miss Stan message truly Inspirational and enjoyed by all lliose taking part in the inect vmuplpp me were tsiaeiously Mls lIeatII ttev Ii Lewis conducch election of officrrs for the CJIlllllelnunlhg yeiir vord trope and iii the fresh IILI flier IIIItitgtI lllt group hopes to We be instrumental in Illlilllll1l three intensive llALLIijll TO YOU lail Knopf one of the pioneer ItltlillIS of this coiiiiiiunily struck the iieht chord when he said pion as mankind This statement coiiiiin from man who settled in this district aiouiirl tIie miiflicrn HUSBAND soii on SWEETHEARI it for which week ktflVllil tliroueli oininunity IIttv lllillkttl llt flllllllS Branch of the Department of IItltltfilltill to the county if it can arranged UlllSt tftlllrl was as old self All the men in your life love shoesr too BUT howmany of the dear bay lint never do get around to buying that SPECIAIIAIII theyve always wanted the duriiil They were all in favor of Workshop at arts and crafts veekciid Tm winter like and with ttlflfts Manitoba lteiiiiaiiip piaiiie land into one agricultural should who emerge and saw the report of the litlliilllfilIhynvmgi uwmv rum in committee Mrs Malyumyp coiiison Mrs Clarke and Mrs convener tepted by the meeting II richest lislei Ii areas prove The meeting ended with several small groups common social Allen was ac fashion an envelope then fastened with ribbon and lavender sachet Canada challenge to the younger citizens looms available Alltilf tMnnJ IItllti to discuss Muc foriinnc problems Iougall had two for deinonstiation purposes Mrs llook and Iicr MISS committee servtd tea at the close itlttiiioiill had arranged an attractive and tillI propriatc Lewis and Mrs isoii poured tea Mrs Itccvc One of the first iiursmc sisters to him the IttAI when special force Ivolunteers were called for the Kor Siinply durrhose Christmas Gilli ean War was Miss Roberta Bobbie litIcQuadc daughter of Mr and Mrsl If McQuade of fit Burton Ave ilot Officer McQuade is now sta of ne tinned at Trenton where she should feel right at home because her Sis Mrs William Eunice llcQuadei nearby town while leader husband is on the station graduate of Hamilton General flos pital the nursing sister was on the staff at Hamilton when she enlist cd in the Air Force at the begin ning of November Refreshments were served by the lIMIiostess at the close Mulcom inn VIlttmllllhl fund adininisti red by of the CVtllIIIL federal liidiaii affairs branch LitiUilIll to more than $lfltltttftltl table and Mrs ortifirote for any amount you wish Ilell use it later to make his own selection from our footwear Illflllltttl the centrcpiccca large Christmas candle candles or with choir boyl conducted stark Contests were by sorority president Bea McQuadc ind supper arrangements were un der the coiivenership of Mrs WitI of the social coml Macleod is living in ttie tier squadron nee Iiain Lallantc Pair of miniature niittcc shoes in miniature box with eoih gift tertirote g5 Cl ERIIFIIAIES AND MINIAIURES AIWAYS AVAILABLE Fumi SHOE STORE II POST OFFICE PHONE 2397 Weavers ke Progress Over FiveYear Period talk For the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority annual Christmas party their spon sor Mrs Cameron decorated dogwood with Christmas bells and gifts exchanged were placed in order on when had takenl Miss Jaiiei Weaving Monday evening number of those weaving lessons Hall at the Prince of Wales Schooll night classes in Barrie nearly fivel report on their new goals was Dec who from the members around abouf party was held at Mrs Camerons home at 107 Collier Street and 21 members were present where the buffet supper was served was covered with red Yuletide cloth and red and green tapers QUALITY SERVICE UNEXCELLED AT Hs tRIiW Gifts for Father Mother Sister and Brother are all to be found at Oughs Hardware the One stop shopping centre for your complete Christmas list Youll enjoy the court eous manner of the clerks that Serve you the high grade quality of the products sold and most certainly the prices are sure to meet your fcrvor Shop today at Oughs Hard ware AIIMIRAI Radio Ih0nographs This fine tube radio has five inch speaker dautomatic volume control and builtin an tenna Plays up to 14 records automatically including 10 and 12 at 3313 45 01 gt$lt995 adios $3195 The The table years ago met progress and to set few newa interested weavers were also at the gathering Mrs Miss Etth Mrs Ferguson Mrs Palmer Mrs Dobson Mrs Monkman and MacDougall all of Barrie Stroud Mrs Cuppagc Mrs Wil Mawdslcy Mrs Hughes and Miss Cooper of Orillia and Coldwatcr and Miss Louise Colley of the Simcoc County recreation service Miss MacDougall Was the hostess and Miss Culley was asked to act as chairman She found her job diffi cult since everyone was SO enthus iastic and had so much to say Some of the articles whichthc in the last few upholstery husband or shop Those present were Bell Miss Shopoff Crossland Nicest Way to Bring Pleasure 18th the Family Mrs Simpkin liam Ritchie Miss Whether its the traditional poinscttias iii ribbon tied container or magnificent bouquet of lovely cut flowers make this very special they add beauty and grace to Christmas shne Bcycles and cles Style dependability and economy spellunshine when you refeestorubicycles This Christmas give your boy or girl Sunshine product Whether it be bicycle tricycle oraa kiddy car you know they will get years of happiness SUNSHINE TRICYCLES $1450 $1895 $2295 SUNSHINE JUNIOR BICYCLES $325 SUNSHINE BICYCLES $4995 SUNSHINE KIDDY CARS $895 CARVING SETS or stag andlivory handles $615 $885L$925 $1025 $1075 $1175 $17350 ladies had made years Were covering self towels drapes coat for luncheon sets ping bags material for skirts etc Miss Barbara wore stunning Outfit which She had woven and tailored herselfa lovely yellow skirt and bolero over Mrs Ritchie from she had done good deal of inkleloom weaving and showed gay belt which had been woven from raffia on one small looms The groupewasenthused teethink that the dream five years ago of people wejyfng articles to wear and home had actually becOme reality Thcnmeeting served to stimulateeVeryones fur right gift send flowers Choose from our lovely anallas poinset tias cyclamens and mixed potted plants or fresh cut roses car nations and Snapdragons See our fresh RC Holly and Mistle tOe Cooper Of Orillia 2395 green blouse Bass Lake said genuine Sheffield steel with 78 RPMS of these Toysjor BOYsand Girls Admiral Mantel beautify their 77777777 mgtWAEELE78PSANDWICIL TOASTERS MIXMAST ERS ELECTRIC PER Toboggans 78ft Sleighs with High or Low KETTLES TOASTERS Runners $175 up VACCUM CLEANERS Hockey Sticks 500 up We havcaiwide sblection Don prams $495 $335 of all electrical applianc For those confined to their room with illness fruit bas ketsarc the ideal gift Therythln The beautiful new ypolisher which not only polishes but applies the wax as well time and labor save that will enhance the appearance of your floors See them on dis $6950 in ii it Kl fMassey Harris Tractors $199 with trailer$285 Mickey Mouse AToys lockey Games $675 $895 Crckinolc $44u Blackboands $110 $1 $210 $239 $3298 Childrens Plastic Alu1nI inum Dishes PlasticrFurniture Doll Trunks $4257 nigh Chairs $169 Doll Bathinettes $389 IF COLATORS CLOCKS PERFE FORT CT GIFT AR owNE Rubber SE playj today $1795 Rockinglorsesz $269 Meccgino Sets $225S325 $425 $325 $1275 AWide iAssortmentiof thc Dinkeroys by Meccano Mechanical Trains $195 $210 $375 $415 $575 tifortlhristmas Dinner AND AFTERITOOI ii VI After dinner treats scandyyrfreshfruitrr Christmas English chestnuts 69 F9rjhe Man bf the Hon HOMEUTILIIIYJz IN DRILL $4850 HOME UTILITY 14 INA DRILL $2325 SANDER 86 POLISH $3795 nahristihhs gift that will make any man happy umuuoUGni 5e nuts CHRYCO SEAT COVERS Add to the appearance and comfort of your car by protecting the upholstery withperfectt care fullyvtailored Chryco Seat covers With them youll hesitate to keep your seats looking new Ch co seat covers are easily midi Theyre made of dur able attractive practical mate rials fit any Chryslerbuilt passenger car They my be in stalled in matter of minutes DANGERFIEID MOTORS Fresh vegetables cranberries Christmas Cakes and puddings fresh oysters groceries cold meats every for the trimmingsnn your Christmas Dinner table 7Deivery Caruso that arcane Clapperton SIS in aw Wna RNNe mv WWW memmmmgwaaweewem small deposit will hold your till it is required WAR Clea LAYAWAYMN FREE DELIVERY IJGHTS STANDARDS DECORATIONS PIIOIIB 21556 mzmammnemmwmrmmmewa is

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