AN 15 DEPENDLNT NEWSPAPEI Serving 87th YeorNo 96 Hamilton EIecteillwotoOne Yes on Recreation Question lum Down Arena Expenditure Surprises were the order its over 50 per cent of Barrie voters largest turnout in the towns history cast their ballots in the municipal elections Monday Although many people thought nouncenieiit by Mayor Edwin the mayorally race would be close Wilson who did not stand for re Ald Mrs Mercer Hamilton was election that the arena would have swept into office by more than to close its doors if the repairs lwotoone majority over her op are not made poneiit Deputy Reeve Griffin An overwhelming vote was cast She polch 2474 votes against Mrin favor of continuance of the Griffins 10011 linuiiieipal recreation program 1n the deputy reevc contest Ald There were 2008 Votes for and only ll Iaddisoii achieved majority 7218 against of only 37 vote over Frank The ward race sgiw two new Juhnson recently retired CNR en Corners to council defeat two alder giiieer who was running for court men who received acclamatioiis last ril for the first time since 1934tyear The tally was Ileber 123 when he served as alderman The Smith 378 Thomas Alctilllull score was Iaddison 1719 John 263 Aid It It Tuck 1114 Aid son 10152 The ratepayers voted against the McBride 126 lhis in the face of recent 2111 149 Harold Ayerst Ald Osborn drew Reeve of Stayner 261 votes Mr Ayerst 243 Four newcomers vied for two seats in ward Elected were Nor With the issue of provmcml pol icing or not for the town Stayner Girdwoud 456 Harry Young nu OWL Fons Mon ceivcd 311 votes with Smith Kain day and elected new recvc drawing 37 ROCW Clarence Pew w9d Said Three trustees were ieelected to for WOVlnClal POllCt 35 the public school board The twu tlttllttl COUnClllUI Allblcy women who sought office for the ltllyi The vote W051 Perry 314 first time were defeated but poll WUUd 203 cd large votes The standing for MAW p951l qohhotullwuasbaslulum 35223115 mmuitClimbimitmmmlm 19 ec Peter Sinclair 1906 Trustee term 11 Harris 1698 Trustee Eleven contested six council Dobson 1522 Mrs Eleanor Sum seats with those elected art 1403 Mrs Edythe Redmond Brown 1575 Banncrman 326 1108 Cranston 243 George Clemenec Elected by acclamation at the 228 It Soinervillc 222 Ochm nominations were Reeve 209 Hart Aid Williams in ward Unsuccessful council candidates Ald James Boornian in ward were Riscbrough 207 Finn Aid Harry Norton and Roy Smith 172 Charles Stone 169 Cocklin in ward 5Erncst Alexander and 158 Warden 55 lJ Williams in ward Lengthy Waiting lurks Elec ors As Voting Heaviest Since 1944 SOYPallihdiyli Indequat Barrio residents expecting elcc In 1945 the comparable percen tion returns to be broadcast shortly tagc was 20 1946 30 1947 20 and after pm Monday wcrc disap 1948 27 However in those years pointed But there was good cause there was no mayoralty contest The turnout of voters was one of The heavy Vote caused lengthy the largest in the towns history waiting by voters and long queues and workers at the polling stations were the order at the polling sta werc hard pressed to get the re lions Considerable criticism of the sults out system in use at the polling sta Thc result was that the stream lions was voiced although all had of returns did not get under way praise for the efforts of the people until about pm At that time incharge last year the returns were nearly Opinion was they were at great completed disadvantage because of pondcrous Ancording to records of Town methods they had to use Clerk Burton 5478 per cent Forced to wait in line tip to half of the eligible voters cast ballots an hour many people were of thc in thc mayoralty contest There opinion the system under which the were 6468 eligible tovote for returning offier must initial and mayor and 3543 voted Last year fold each ballot was too cumber the figure was 2322 and the per some Some said town council centage was 3726 should investigate possibility of in According to Examiner records stituting more streamlined the vote for mayor this year was System They felt that in order to only exceeded in the past 10 years do this not only the balloting by the vote in 1944 when the race would have to be changed but was between Peter Sinclair premises larger than priVate homes MacLaren and Buchanan In would have to be used that year 2500 out of 4500 voted frequent complaint was that for an approximate percentage of there was not enough priVaCl for 5555 those marking ballots due to make shift booths in use and because in several instances voters had to Two marlFimthe open NC at Orillia Oni New Deputy iReeve Biggest upset of the Orillia mun icipal elections Monday was not the unseatng of Austin Cook by Wilbur Cramp for the mayor alty but the defeat of longtime members Herbert Caswell and Stanley Sarjeant native of Barrie frorrith public utilities commission Caswell and Sarjeant were defeated by large major ity by two new men Stuart Keyes and Harry Thiess Othermembrs or the commiss Ion are thrmymitanleyCoates additions and the ratepayers must outin record numbers total vote man and Nice reeves in Oriliia 61 tation 09011 and Frank Tisslngton Jr who were elected last year on twoyear terms Caswell and Sarjeant have done much good work on the Orillia PUC including the build ing of two new power plants but reports have it that considerable money has been expended on these have decided in an economymove The Orillia electorate turned being4367 which was about 70 per centhighestlin ovena decade ALD HQPADDISON who WaS The mayoralty was continua elected deputy reeve of Barrie tion of therCent liquor store and Withai margin of 40 votes over brewers warehouse vote in Oril Frank Johnson He will re lia Cramp 44 supported the place Deputy Reeve Griffin W615 and Mayor Cook was for who wasrdefeatd in the mayoralty the drys Cramp iS the young contest intend to see that all est mayor in Orillia in over 25 citizens are treated fairly he years merchant be reclaimed said after rhismlection And 2348 votes against 2019 for Mayor feel that members of this and fut Cook lumber company directOr ur councils should guard against Cramp has beenve times alder costiymistakes One thing Iwill support is cleaningup of the bay Coupon But think cautionaeshould be ex only two 1950 councillors Were erclsed in expanding our disposal returned Lawrence Whitney and plant facilities We should pro Ross Sanderson Newcomers are need with anleye toeconomy as Mrs Nell Carter rst woman in well as the pliesent on future Orlllia municipal office Bill needs of the town Clarke John Mclsaac anduGordon mithmunermanngg 01 rag Tint AN ember Clan Well 00 Canton CWNA and Audit Bureau of circulations In ward Albert Empke tic arena bylaw calling for expenditure leafed John Elliott for the one of $23500 on repairs to the arena seat open with 310 votes attains Aid if Osborn was electedto the one seat open 111 ward with majority of only 13 votes over man Dougherty 517 and It results Here are some impres sions of behind the air an05 ifour wards and two extra ques Eiiniilfeffriiliy Julianwfliir day Dec 16 in LTB Hall High Street auspices Blue Haven LOBA 1129 815 pm sharp 15 games 25cion 50 cents Lunch capnter 96p Allandale Orange H311 every Fri revery Wdncsdaybfrlday arid Sat urday night alt club 79 Admission Dammg Saturday 13 50c on Friday Dec 29 Bell and Roberts Orchestra Admission $0 PHONEMM cents Lunchprovldedi 96 counter XAMINEit WANT All Chief Magistrate in l951 BAltltlES FIRST woman mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton is also the first woman to hold the office in the history of BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DEC Uh illarrir Examinrr To Serve iBarrie In 1951 ounell MayorMrs Mcrecr Hamil tun llecvcJumcsl Hart Deputy Reeve Harvey laddison Ward llcbcr Smith Thomas McCarroll Ward 2Otto Williams Al liert Empire Ward 3llerm2n Osborn James Boorman Ward 4Normun Dough crty Arthur 11 ilrdwood Ward sRoy Smith Harry Norton Ward GErncst Alexander Earle Williams Public School Board John Gable Charles Newton Peter Sinclair Al fred Harris John Dob son Gladstone lurrlc Public Utilities Commission The Mayor Herbert Rob ertson Charles Stewart KC Ontario The 51yearold widow received municipal ovation Rec Chairman befitting her unique position in the province when her sweep ing victory became apparent as returns came in Monday evening She was escorted to the town hall in ahorscdrawn cutter followed by band and Radio Newsroom Busy Spot Examiner Election Broadcast Monday evening saw the council they would phone or take them by chambers of the Barrie municipal car to the newsroom for tabulation building turned into combined Last year we had broadcasting newspaper officcradio broadcasting facilities for the first time In studio The Barrie Examiner at other years we used to set up tempted to provide over the facil battery of telephones in our own itics of CKBB complete upto office and provide the information theminute report of the election in that manner Returns Phoncd which listeners could not visualize HOWEVCIv it Conference With Dung the afternoon CKBB teem Returning Officer Ernest Bur Arnicians set up broadcast mike mnrth lelkvtt wadecmed in small room just off the council thatnwe woud can our 193 chambers with direct wire the men this year and he would Scc comm room of the studio Am that the rcturns from each sub Othe mike was set up in the division on each ballot were phon chambcrs with attachment to tape ed dnCCUV t0 the munltlpal OmCCl recorder At the same time Exam immediately after the Count iricr staff members were pounding This worked fine except in it out pages of background material to couple of cases which held up the introduce the broadcast and fill in broadcast and in one case the poll should the early returns be late clerk did not phone after the first Such happened to be the case record vote about twice that of We had 14 of the 15 subdivisions in last year plus candidates for mayor long before that but it was so close the last booth held up the result deputy school board aldermen in Turn to page eight please tions the deputy returning officers lt andthcir assistants were just about swamped when thcyfaced the job Removes of sorting counting and recording the results Old Verandah In previous years The Examiner planted reporters at the polling booths to get the returns hot froml thedeputy returning officers Lastweek Barries one remain then type which lined the business sec tion before the days of the can vas awning was removed from the front of the Clarkson Hotel This was part of the extensive improvements effected by the proprietors James McElro Roland Calipeau which include rebuildingthe entrance and re Site Selected For New Govt Building Here According to advice to The llining in inaturalbiirghwplywogd The building is one of the dis trict landmarks dating back to trans t0 the Crown of Dr pioneer days Just how far back crty selected for new 50 would be difficult to ascertain eminent building at Barrie IS but it is believedthe verandah nearly completed was 100 years old Mr Ferguson stated sketch Most of the verandahs lumber plans of the building have been was still sound Nails were of the prepared and it is the intention old type but they had been re of the government to provide inforced by wire nails where space for post office agricul needed ture and customs departments and National Employment Ser guson MP for Simcoe North more modern and clean cut ap vice pearance to the block oo eeo0io cVVVVo COMIMNGENTS Friday December 15 Music Tom Pattendens Mountaineers Admiss 949tle Modern and Old Tymc dancing Pance afiBaxternFridayft Dec at the OddfelloWs Temple every 15 to the mm of Paxtops Or Thursday and Saturday night ichestravDancmg from 980 to 130 MusiCVby gimme Ramblers Ad 865be mission 50c 96p CNRAAv fawn Bowling Club bro and social evening Orange day night Admission 506 Good we musicLugch caunter 9699br HallAllandale Wednesday Dec OldesTymei and modern dance Old TymFand Modern Dance 20a at 315 Pm Admislogsggcl 86tfb Masonic Temple 17 Owen Street The annual Christmas church sponsoredby Barrie Boxing Club service of the cum Willi Junior under mam5 0W Dash Farmers will beheld at Church ill United Church on Sunday even wheggyhegeqlzndgchoglec 3396 ing at 730 Dec 17 Special guest yr 96 speaker Music by Simcoeaires Everyone 415 welcome 95961 Edenvale Christmas concert 96trb Minstrel ShowSt Leos Dram Tuesday Dec 19 at 845 pm Ad atic Club Mimico present Har miSSio 35 and 2007 96 1cm Minstrels in Phelpston Hall Saturday Dec 16 at 830 pm Grenfel Community Centre sale of homemade baking and bazaar at Barrie Market Saturday Dec 16 9596 The annual New Years eugchre Jan at Newton Robinson Orange Hall Admission 50 cents Luncht WLSBPT report on the mayoralty Thatwas and for time we did not have why we could not figure out the enough fillin material With deputy move until nearly midnight ing oldtime verandah of the The change of front gives aI Thanks Voters Harrie Recreation Committee made The Barrie Examiner election pro gram last Monday Mr Harrison spoke near the end of the broad cast after returns showed voters had given strong support to the recreation program am very happy to learn of the results of todays polling for all the offices and the bylaw and of course the Recreation question The tremendous response to our question Arc you in favor of the continuance of the municipal rcc rcation program is indeed grati fying We in your Recreation Committee fccliiow that bui work over the past five years has been accepted by the citizens of our town Your recreation pro gram will not only continue lad lmd to cover each and every one you would like to thank the vot ers of Barrie for your condence in us To those of you who voted no to the recreation question may direct few words feel that there is some phase of our pro gram which is not completely sat isfactory to you If such is thei case please write to the Chairl man of the Barrie Recreation Com mittec in care of CKBB telling us of your suggestions and can as sure you thcy will receive seri ous consideration by your Com mittee and will be treated in con dence Again thank you for your support today on behalf of Miss Ethel Crossland Dr Laurie William Craig Sandy Coutts Jack Gable James Mc Bride your recreation counsellor Ken Robinson and Mrs Phyllis Moody assistant counsellor MIDNIGHT CALL Barrie fire department had hurryup call to 73 Tiffin Streetat small chimney blaze VNo water was used for fear of crackingthc chimney but the department wait ed to make sure the blaze did not spread from within LONG ISLAND Java one of the larger islands in t3 Deputy Reeve Griffin 18 Aid MrsMercer Hamilton 52 Bingo and turkey draw Satury Dance Guthrie Community Hallga Frank Johnson Aid Paddison Aid McBride McCarroll gHeber Smith AldR struck John Ellipttf VAlbert Empke HaroldvAyerst Aid Osborn Norman Daugherty Girdwood 96p and dance auspices Gilford Hall Dance to Beattys Orchestra on Smith Kain Harry DYoung Public School Boards TrusteeJohn Dobson 55 115 73 1071 75 111 92 68 113 107 35 128 EMBER 1950 lForm ltdiucuofnutonmhiless was rover Radio Station CKBB duringi 105 and gentlemen but will ex fire hazards with their Christmas idays before Christmas and to get it outside afterwards as soon as midnightwMondaywtoicxtinguishAa theIndonesian republic has an 61 Autocrixed as Second Cm Nut By the P051 OHcc Doplnmnl OttoA Mrs Mercer Hamilton has been swamped with telegrams and messages of congratulations since her Monday election to the niayoralty scat litBarrie Phone calls are still coming in said Mrs Hamilton today Her mailbox was full of let ters from outoftown friends and telegrams were still ar rivlng Tlltrtlii evening the mayoi mkmh Hr cun elect afni long busy day at up plans of whet no war ttndid it stlitlhl Ullltltlltttt Mt as mayor promisnig iier support Us Ut lllt WWW mm for the l1iillltlill assessment man ltllllLigt tllhl lllfl EUIH Ht lull ual which will mean more enun Clylt limex lilo IIU Ht lbw able tiistiilititioii of lasts Folk The litiWlhlllillltl Sllllltdt owing the defeat of the arena which 1hr lady candidate rtemsmuney by law Monday slit is or Lltttlm till llim mild llkl itll the opinion that the recommenda Vttl lmmblt in her own wold tion of the Harrie Arena Coin ll 115 21th illlllllllttd llllssltlll regarding repairs to the tillmll Nil HlSVlt ml lltb Mlt arena building should be thorough us all very Very happy about the SCHHHHZUL confidence that was placed in me Mm Next years mayor who lll1 take office eain in January ieai igzes that she is facing big under taking am prepared to do my very very best and to be at the municipal building five days week as promised in my cani Ilainilton feels that it is the duty of every eitirentoin some way be of servtce to their Ctlllllt mainly This is my aim she states In looking around at the good sliotving women made in municipal elections across Ontario pmgn tion is one more indication of the M1011 0th will acceptance of women for their However Mrs Ilainilton feels llUL worth that once the new council gets its work organized it will become eas Thanks supporter icy Wu will ml as mum The attractive grandmother whb everyone having job to do Willi tll WYUI 0t Billlit 101 1951 15 elected pcuplu ml the counciL is very grateful to her supporters she feels that we should all work till camimiuners Who helped her together That is way it win the election had greatl have to be to make the councd 111110 lllLHdS Kl some hard weklnsxdcrhelnmfrrnywmiplg Antigenstrashould She adds that she will seek and Bully ward was manned Ftillowing is the address by Aid Vlcblnp Mat and that Monday iiiglit her wellwishcrs llarrlson chairman of the not bow consumptive 61inch got up an impromptu parade and it Mrs Hamilton is looking for 51 Ody will ha at ward to taking office in January ionowed by band and me that we have and mum long line of cars An unprecedent hjs warg good move and ed ovation was given her as she dcputyreeve and 12 good 1ll1adlmr followers Moer mom have We condent immuniCipal chambers where the rc thcm and their ability to do lloodlsum Yew bcmg tablllutedi and job for the Town of 8mm her supporters came tip to her No that the shouting is over home at 61 High Street to wish he may is beginning her well right up until four am lax and give the whole thingTlmSday anngratulations Pour in To Ho First Woman Mayor in Ontario she suggests feel that our elecl MONDAY AND THURSDAY 5c Copy $300 Year 32 PagesFour Sections me Plans To Seek Wardenship Of County lteih Janas has aniiouluel that le ill be cailtiuiatw to la of the but of Slamm all Hi Bullll lllil artienship lilll lla lii tn four tilts in County CtilJlLli in 1931 lie chaiiiiiaii o1 lllialltt for 1930 and has been claiiriiain of finance the loui of Barrie the past two tllgt In tutti ruinous reeogiiiett lztlyilli done line Jul REEVIZ JAMES HART James Ilart is native of Oro born near Edgar 111 1904 son of the late Isaac Hart and liar riet Chappel to Barrie when he was nine and The family moved received his education here and in Oro schools He was motor mechanic with Bryson Morley for several years but when some thought realize that it is Mls Hamilton alderman nfilUSt 20 311 0t 1120 Opened his big undertaking Turn to page eight please Turn Off Christmas Tree Lights When Leaving House Warnings own business which he has car ried on successfully on Street in motortruck and auto mobilc sales and service Mr Hart is married to the form cr Bernice Wiscman of Barrie and they have two sons and two daugh ters Unitcd Church former chairman Bradford He is member dfCcntral warning to residents to avoid chief and suggests that householdEM Board Stewards has trees has been issued by Barrieitlicy need Fire Chief Roly Irwin ors do not buy larger one than bch one of the main workers for thc Barrie Standing the tree in water is one lHUSpual Since the Start For 50 and District Memorial precautions suggested by the me way of avoiding re The tree icral years he was president of tho department are not to bring yogl Should also be placed 50 that it will 6Garage Operators Association of tree in the house until fewnot block exits either standing or fallen warnin is issued to lace the possible The larger the tree thcChIistmas gee as asppossiblc greater the hazard warns the firelimm radiators and fireplaces It is iimpcrativc to have strings of lights chccked and to watch that too many strings arc noticonnected to one circuit Do not allow electricbulbs to touch tree branches says Chief Irwin and use only fireproof dec orations Do not allow children to play near thetree with electri which spark Residents are askcd to turn off the tree lights when1eaving the room and the warning continues never to leave tree lights on when out Jiist to check the records 564 fires the second largest number at caused last year by electricity The iotaLlosysuffcredbywthestire was $326374 only $300911 of which cause was smoking which caused over 1500 fires months of 1950 totalled $15664169 time period of 1949 of $15447970 he total number of fires during FIRE CHIEF IRWIN this period has been 112759 iSimcoc County and then tcial director Reeve politics and was an alderman for Ward Four for several years has been board of works In 1948 he suc cessfulchontcstcd the deputy reeveship and was acclaimed as reevc in 1949 He ivon contest for rcevc last year and this year was unopposed There has not been warden from Barrie since 1937 cal toys or with clockwork toys DStemrti Kc tributed to single factor were was insured The greatest fire Fire lossfor the first nine as contrasted with loss during the 89 61 266 51 80 72 73 73 79 58 provin Hart entered munictpal He two years chairman of when occupied the chair Bring Fairm Help From Overseas Farmers requiring help for the Spring of 1951 will be in tcrcsted in learning that some will be available from over4 seas Viwm eDominionlmmigratiopffi5 cials will be in Barrie tomor row Friday Dec 15 at Room 11 of the American Hotel to take applications from farmers and others interested in over seas farm help for Spring 1951 At the same time applica tion may be made for friends or relatives who wish to come area of 50777 square miles to Canada Official Results of Barrie Voting Council Adva Wards my nce mm Poll 16 113 2A 28 3A 313 4W3 4C 4D 5A 5B 611 GB Total 80 65 110 93 1068 222 115 133 159 189 l10116 175177169196 159 193166 2474 149 105 93 86 72 61 36 111 107 96 165 122 192 169 1682 67 57 141 125 132 126 7194144 90117238 124 102 93 104 80 158 103 222 153 71 61 32 67 162 154 136116 114115 i7 99 142 043 133 in 92 123 129 108 ii 39 45343 58 1719 126 263 149 316 261 78 97 69 677 7311 91 164 144 15221 Trustee Harris 23 132 97 110 105 129 95 93 120 125 ms 147 120 145 133 169 Mrs Edythe RedmOnd Trustee Peter Sinclair 37 Mrs Eleanor Stewart 27 Arend Bylaw For 17 Against 41 Recreation Referendum For 59 Against 67 59 33 42 45 41 air 55 52 36 52 57 68 119 81 33 60 34 65 60 a86893 105 77 109 218 30 177 167 214 159 129 174184 177 214 mitigfzgagygsj 79 51 41 50 147 44644766 56 53 29 54 60 13 140 102 83 83 T79 71 38 32 31 61 68 66 81 60 51106 163 1130 124 115 gt 158126 104 159 61540 143 150 123 163 131 1966 111 61 106 96 104 84 71 125 71135105 96 89 116 299 1403 45 707 101 1248 ii for N373 134a 248 517 18va