Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1950, p. 8

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BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY one 11 1950 For Parents Only ltllleIIHW Miss Jessie Bryson To Head Music Teachers Il ltic Illltli ttll lli=l ratsatin of ii branch of the litgive ifllxlllll lisi IL liner inctubers of ie ic ii tllt air Iigt iiiii llii lllll4lv ll Iliiltii lnill lsll1iltii Evy treasurer and Sister flitair of SI nilt st cittar lowpirs toiztizi lhi liiisiam month is the rite nirteriou secret activi Etits iiu Tiv1i at turn projects wircii iai ii earned out openly gin tzie tanni lii production of itllll lllt tltwlailttlts and tile de irii of tliitriii cards are tari iiy iZfii ll tlill lump tile lzrisunas fivviiciilo fltill the lower tiaiih should lie in pail of wat llltili sand lwo or three ililill uirw ilttached to the wall ifroni ball war up Illt trunk are in lltlitl help in preventing it from tiltiiit or failure our With these preiautions the tree can be put lup gtttlll days before Christmas ifhiii the tIllltlltll can lille all the joy of trimming it with their own literorations as they make them fer or We Carry Complete UIOCk 0f liiisi may supplement the pre cioiis heirlooms which are put away lin boyes in the attic flut per Health Supports and lhaps even these could be lixed up bit The angel at the top of lthc tree might look lot nicer lwith some fresh tinsel on her wings importing Slassieres Experienced Lady Fitter To Serve You WWHITTYS Drug Store Essa Rd Dial 2823 GOOD WE PARKING DELIVER ntr Wiidiiew still covered with and bells might nirike their ap pearance Popcorn and macaroni strings can intermingle with the red or green tissue paper ropes Rosettes Jlnd cardboard bells can all be made by small fingers Mother and Dad must watch how ever that there is no danger from fire from defective wiring of lights or tissue paper too near hot bulb The centre piece for the lining room table may be arranged Youcon rely on A1ons snonino SERVICE fogchooeeyour Christine Gifts end Entertaining Needcl The cure convenient Way to solve the problems of Christine and Wintersseuson shopping is to enlist the help of Eotons Sliopping Service Justvmuil us your list and our experienced Shoppers will follow your instructions to the letter with their knowledge of Entonchude escortments may will endeovourjocelect for you the very things you would hove chosen if you had been dropping in person condfthereflr no extra charge for thirrervicer Just write intimacy crevice Immunities ONTO CANADA QKIHQOQlEEKIKKKXXYKYWQECKffilEOCQTnttil Christmas Plans tinfoil and thick of little stars mhkhm things with mug hnmie around small mirror which soili charter members Healey McDonald whomade the cake ing was enjoyed in the auditorium coness talked about Jesqu hopes 6f the church when Crossland In His kingdom and our part in it stitute had as theirguelsts members December Bride ai iVa By Nancy Cleaver AlllalUll liclitcl oclock art rircr and tree Wilson of 1je the wedding pixir ii iriarririge by Littler traditional isiiti klkl organza The desirriid Willi net yoke gtflitllltl iiiitltii neckline ani 1Liit Ilci lulllength red Holt halo of HIVCI se talIlKtl cascade oi iiwl llriaieliffe rdsus and white feathers irlzatilerit was strand of lltil clitiu ii Sllc 2hi the ltlltlc was maid of bone 11 itiiltul llic slipper satin The ittltl ltiilitlcil i1 lLlIlltl trimmed lal shoulders and full skir fill ttl heart she wore circlet of iivl and cairn bouquet of Johanna llill roses silver initr and pink feathers lief lllai ot Iliillit was grooms Illll hollow 1111 the ciLcnioiiy recep tion um lltltl The brides inolhe to her daughters wedding Krill lnairi anti black buttons from from poiiii makes excellent iisii ltrlli ll it fts and ever tlltll llt gc1 tiilltili titty till rows The grooms mother tlltut light blue wool crepe adorn ttl urth small pearl buttons Toasts eii eri by the minister groom and 11a brides father 1iti the couple left on ed twos Ill conic miniature ttlltil little child tlill Just small inotrrit ill flt7illlti can construct titt 121 lttl cardboard lioirw iiliitllllll trip to Niagara Falls and oiliI choirii Ilasiriiiir 1itllt ii itnisi itl eiiitierii points in their return caiird tron strap may be maiotlr and Mrs lfcatherington Willi ii quill muclp cll m1lttle lll AIIISIUII lil llllllll ithe bride chose fashionable navy blue suit dress white blouse navy vith his cardboard iliiiuh lIii construction papt or card 31mm and WW hmwn CURL board forms the base for many childrens hristinas cards The very little folk can use blunt scissors and cut out and pastel scenes from last years cards older child may want to draw his ii Nuptials Held own design using crayons or 32 paints Silhouette cards in two colors can be most attractive lll St Boniface ltomaii Catholicl Block printing with potato or linoleum block is card project an older boy or girl will enjoy who has flare for art Wise parents proride materials for home activities nut oiin at the end of the year but in other sea land the late Mrs linsky became thc bride of James Walker soul Victoria Harbour The tilirii xtoiil tlttit dress enhancedi Ineck io 1illlillt llcr corsagc was Mini lllllitl Uttllttl iii yellow taf tat yellow roses jttitllll of the sirooni was groom iritllti On This Day and 0h llcau itilril Mother were ushers llllltlh 31411L It Siillltdil Nth home of Frank Olinsky brother of veiiibcr 33 1930 Miss Marie llelen qur itinsky daughter of Frank Oliiisky ammo iElenor Cfawford Where in the World Medecnls FAMOUS STATESMAi OF WHAT COUNTRV iNVENTED iiiA5 THE HAW HANDKERC ltEF FtRST ADOPTED FOR USE WHERE 15 THE OCATION OF MOUNT ETNA THE HIGHEST VOLCANO 1N EUROPE llii Answers rncici litlljitlillll Franklin licrited in 1702 the haiiiioiiica 11 made of lgtlliiipid which held water and produced iiirisicab notes llttl the 1lll mic touched with dariipcncri tunar Mount liltirl is on tzic easier coast of Sicily It is cone about 10750 feet lllll and lit lltllt around the base li future the lirnlian lira it has come to be re garded in the liiiicsi and Japanese as unsanitary and has been iiuatcs of soft rice paper llltll are used once and IIS um HP in the replaced li illtltti tita tlltl lis Loretta lliiiskyd Mr and Mrs hcstci Carson a1 ttlAllttl in pink taffeta llolh wore Lindsay and formerly of Barrio matching veils and livaddresses and thtll with their gt01 and daughtch ttllll tlttlt prayer books with spent the weekend in town and blue caiiiatious and streamers llotii llk in IVtlittls 101 1111 ittttlltLISill lilltlltlliltts are sisters of the bruit Mrs arsoii received with her par cuts Mr and Mrs William lloorl oi lliaiiipton were also lltStllti Mr florid was thr groomsman at the wedding 30 years ago ew llaufl Kenneth llodgrns Kcswick iiiaii Sister liailottc was lngaiiist znd the Misses Rosemary Belchcy lliyllis llelchey and Mabel Emery adeau and ivan linsky The reception was held at the bytcrian Young lcoplcs SOCttty incl at the home of Mrs Norris The meeting was taken by the fel lowsliip converter Bot Bates With twelve present the evening was opened by gt The couple will live in ivsrcfnmli iiyiiEv Fltlllei Iiiemcrt Given in iiiiirriage by her father sc+ns===toorehi3mlcnmyh Tinli satisfaction can be derived from hristiiias means so much to the child who has had creative share in the familys preparations for this joyous festival Be sure you her feta fashioned with nylon yoke shoulderlength veil fell from headdress and she carried and your childrendnncit miss ttlllfllltjxllt bookwith white carnatipns iriheirhomo on St George Street in on this December fun Copyrightt and streamers Crossland Womens Institute Branch Celebrates Fortieth Anniversary Knox Church Crossland was the and families of the Van Vlack New scene of happy gathering on Fri F105 and Allenwood Institutes Mrs day cycning Decmnber when McElwain as chairlady wel members and their families and icomed the guests and the meeting guests gathered for turkey dinner was opened by the singing of be ill the occasion of the fortieth an Institute Ode Mrs Locke iiiversary of the Crossland Wo read the Mary Stewart Collect and mens Institute all repeated the Lords Prayer in Tables were set for eightyfive 11150 and were decorated in the WI col Miss Healey read short his ors of blue and gold with bowls of tory of the Crossland Womens Ins golden daffodils and threestorey mule which gave present cake candles summary of the work accomplish The head table was occupied bylcd inihe last forty years as well Rev and Mrs Burgess Mr as the names of the past officials and Mrs Newson Mr and Mrs Miss Lewis Directm of Dusto M1 and Mls Martm Home Economic Services Toronto Miss Lewis Mrs McEl showed slides and gave talk on waln Mrs LOCIC MKS Jher trip to Copenha last stim Lougheed Mrs rnes and five men This was grea enjoyed esp ecially the slit of her trip through Scotlarr and Denmark as Lyons Mps wallace and the pictures were all in color At James Sham the conclu ion she was thanked by Rev Burgess rendered grace the pre ent and Mrs Locke and the assembly enjoyed the tur pres ted her with small gift ky dinner and countless other good Loni the Cross1and womens In ITiodWhiEhwent to make up fhc titute Sumptuous meal The memorable event was closed One very important moment 91 by the singing or God Save the ing the banquet was the cutting of King the threestorey cake Rev Burg ess acting as chairmamcalled on Mrs Borthwick M1S7A of Mr mid Mrs lidliIJIIId Walker of 51me ner ic sc UILLD1LilergUS AlklllSOll led in prayer the bride was gowned In blue taf Her bridesmaids weieMrs Willi venlng November 28 in the oc casion of their golden wedding an period followed The topic was ably givenand Golden Wedding the benediction pronounced by Mrs lack Fergus NchRermd Mr and Mrs Codling form hr crly of Barrie held reception at NEW CAR and Drive It Yourself Ca112772 Fergus on Friday afternoon and niversary Groups from Melville Church WA WMS and Willing Workers kst On November 20 the Zion lies business WILL PAY TOP PRICE FOR OATS Testing 36 pounds per bu or better Please Submit Sample To BARRIE FLOUR MILL SIEIIIIINSONS JEWELLERS and ITOMETIIISTS FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 3338 sssvssl csssT DLNLOI STREET BARBIE ONTARIO CQ 3TYceCss se CQCQC 31 con COMPETENT i3 EYE CARE consum Noel Stephenson RO OPTOMETRIST at ks Bible Class called and offered their BARRIK congratulations Melville presented them with beair lamp Many other friends nd neighbors also dropped in to offer Commn leued congratulations BERTZ DRWUBSELI Many gifts and cards were re LICENSEE ceived by the happy couple Collier 8t mong them berruiiful bouquet of BtithAttEtiUfWRKER initial Buss AFTER riii FRth SIGN Iucien Renaud of Quebec City accomplishes amazing feet as he breaks mans fall on top of truckccihin lCollier St CGIT Conduct Service of lOOF Home At the service conducted recent Iy at the Oddfellows Home by the CGIT of Collier Street United Church there was about an equal number of active young people on Miss Healey to lig the candles They were extinguis ed by Mrs Borthwick James Strath put the knife incthe cake The cake was removedand cut by Mrs Jos eph Strain and daughter Mrs Everyone received small piece JIev Burgess in few well hosen words proposed the toast to the Kig everyone rising to sing the National Anthem The toast to the local Institutewas proposed by Mrs Newson district president chairs and of elderly men and women in the audience Marian VeitchECGlT president took charge of the service and Catharine Colerhbii played th piano quartette consisting of Joan Smith Patsy Wilgar Shirley Rup ert and Myrna Synnott sang Un to The Hills and Glenda Robin son read the scripture Mrs Rob ert Sarjeant led in prayer and MissMargaret Smith church dea and responded to by Mrs Lyons The toast to the pioneers of 1910 was proposed by Mrs Loug heed and responded to by Mrs Wallace The toast to the guests was given by Mrs McElwain and was responded to by Miss Lewis The remaining part of the even All joined in the hymns revenues or Mother you know how effective Vicks Vapbnub is whenyou rub it on Now heres special way to use VapoRub that mothers everywhere ll find brings almost instant relief it their child hasa bad cold or congested bronchial tubes Just put spoonful of VapoRub in bowl of boiling water or vaporizer Then let your child breathe in the soothingVupoRub in Steam Medicated vapors instantly penetrate deep into the chtlrl sleeps rub on the platform and the rst row of cold4congestedbronchial tubes to bring belief it with evenbreath Then 1017 continuedrreliefwhile Mono sign on Quebecs St Jean Streetwas being taken down for repair superintendent Wallace Hanson was at the top of ladder about 30 feet from the ground Lucien Renaud was at the footnof the ladder on platform above thecabin of their truck Themen were not new to their job but an accident can happen even to experts And happen it didtsuddenlyl Reneudresolved to save the man life if he could possibly do so Bracing himself for the impact he bircled his arms and caught Mr Hansonpre39inghim to hischest to break the fall Although the pliers struck his head causing 4inch gash brave Lucien Renaud didnt lose his hpldHe had saved wallace Hanson from serious injury and possibly fromdeath We are proud to present himyvithTheDow Award WDOWMBREWERY For rm bookiqirsrery or he COMPANY favor CANADIAN GENERKFEchrRic The ladder somehow turned without warning causing Mr Hansontolose his footng at the top Although he instinctively clutched fog something to hang onto his hands grasped nothing but air and he hurtled down head rst stillholding pair of heavy 24inch pliers in one hand At the bottom of the ladder Lucien Renaud had fraction of second in which to decide what his course of action wOuld be outstanding heroism and includes as tangibleexpression of appreciation $100 Carurda Savings BondThe Bow Award Committee group of editors of lending Canadian THE DOW AWARD is citation presentedfor acts of daily newspapers selects Award winners freniLrecommem dations made by nationally known necustorzanization MONTREAL 2000 if Icy Street Toronto earsari

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